Quiet day for a villain attack...
The year 2xxx. The world sure has changed since the advent of quirks, hm? Both good things and bad things had happened since that Chinese baby started glowing: villains and pro heroes now being a daily occurrence, hell, even schools were instituted to shape and create new generations of heroes. However... the unexpected happens sometimes. And a certain day... it did happen.
It was your average day in Mustafu, Japan. Birds were singing, the sun was shining, and in a small bookstore, someone was shopping.
"Ahhh, good choice, sir. One Piece is a very underrated manga these days, you're lucky I kept these old copies in mint condition!" Said the clerk, scanning a stack of mangas. In front of him stood the client... and despite the fact that, with quirks, people's appearances were becoming more and more peculiar... this man was in a league of his own.
The client had brown, slicked back hair, and was smiling happily as the clerk scanned the objects. His eyes were round, smaller than the usual, giving the man a foreign visage, and they were orange, like little fires encased in a chiseled face. What really struck the clerk were, however, two things: one, the man had a sort of... stone encased in his head. It was orange, and it shined in the light of the sun, like a polished jewel. The second thing was the man's size. The man was ridiculously tall, easily over 7 feet, maybe more than 7 feet and a half. And he wasn't just tall either: the hoodie he was wearing didn't cover the massive frame of the man, whose entire body was thick, from his fibrous neck down to his pair of tree trunk legs. The man looked, in the clerk's eyes, similar to a palace of flesh and bones, rather than a normal man.
"Oh I know, sir. I am so glad you did, because I've been looking for those since... forever!" The giant chirped, a smile on his face. "I'll soon finish my collection"
"... That's good, sir" Smiled the clerk, ringing up the items. The tall man's voice was deep and smooth, warm like a cup of tea with sugar. It put the shop owner at ease. "You know sir... your accent is different from what I'm used to. You speak good Japanese... But you aren't Japanese, am I wrong?"
"Oh, is it that noticeable?." The larger man blushed lightly, scratching the back of his head in slight embarrassment. "Hehehe, I Guess it can't be helped. No, I'm not Japanese, I'm American. Texan, to be precise."
"Those eyes are a dead giveaway, sir. You may fool a youngin', but I see too many people everyday to fall for that, mr...?"
"Maze. Philip J. Maze, sir." Said the giant with a large toothy smile.
"Hm. So, Mr Maze... what brings you to-"
Before the clerk could finish his question, the sound of a car crashing was heard, loud and clear, making the two's heads snap towards the outside.
"What the Hell was that?!" Shouted Philip, almost mashing his face against the shop window
"Must be a villain attack... damn it... Mr Maze, stay here, I'll call the-" When the clerk turned, Philip was already gone, the door closing. On the tray, exactly 2080 yen, the price of the manga. "... Damn it"
Just a few moments prior to the thundering sound... above the heads of the street walking civilians, standing and jumping from rooftop to rooftop...
"It's not an easy job, but it's my dream job, and I wouldn't change it for anything.". These were the thoughts that usually ran through Izuku Midoriya's, aka hero in training Deku's, head. He woke up every day full of work to do, but he felt blessed all the same. After all, he was studying to become a pro hero in the future, his dream since... forever! And even with the risks that came with it, he couldn't help but be happy and excited during his patrol. He jumped onto a tall building, and smiled at the city below, sighing. "Today's going to be good. I can feel it."
"Good like Hosu was, Brat?" Spoke a croaking voice in Izuku's earpiece.
"Don't you 'Sensei' me, boy. Last time we went on patrol Hosu city was almost flattened! You better not admire the sight too much and get back to work, if you want to even begin to compare to that big lug of a symbol of peace you admire so much!"
"Y-Yes, Gran Torino Sensei! Right on it, Gran Torino Sensei!". Izuku straightened up on the building's edge, like a soldier being scolded by a sergeant. Gran Torino, aka Sorahiko Torino, was Izuku's trainer during his weeks of stage. Old, wise... and definitely strict, Izuku had learned to respect and fear him during his training... even if he couldn't help finding him weird. Still, the old hero's authority was so strong, the greenette stiffened up every time he talked to him, even if only through a phone.
While the young greenette was thinking about all of this, he heard the crash of a car, followed by the screams of the people on the street. "Sensei! I heard a commotion in the streets of the South Musutafu area!"
"Reach the area and assess the situation, Deku. Also, no matter what your head tells you... Do NOT intervene. Not unless and until I authorize you to"
Izuku sighed. "Yes sir" he said, before dashing and jumping through buildings towards the location. He didn't like that, the fact he needed authorization to intervene, even for simple things. But... in the end, that's how the job worked, and he wasn't a pro or a licensed hero yet, so there was nothing to be done about it, short of doing his best while still within the rules.
After a bit of running and jumping, Izuku reached a building in the vicinity of the area he was hearing screams and crashing from, and crouched, looking downwards to the street below. He tapped his earpiece: "Gran Torino Sensei, I'm in the area."
"Good. Can you give details on the situation?"
"Seems whatever caused the crash might have been a villain. I see... multiple cars heavily damaged... a lot of damage in the street's concrete as well. No sign of injured people from my position."
"Hmmm... the absence of people might be a good sign, for now. Can you see the villain?"
Izuku moved on the palace's roof, closer to the area he could hear screams and roars from. He saw a man, laughing on a tower of smashed cars and objects, screaming words of challenge to the panicked people below him, who were trying their best to run off to safety. His arms, bulging with muscle tissue exposed to open air, were probably the result of a quirk.
"I see him. Man in his 30s, blonde, large and muscular build. Big scar on the side of his face. His arm's muscle tissue is exposed, probably the-"
"Muscle tissue out in the open and big scar. I know this one: Muscular, serial killer. Works alone, unaligned with any gang or similar. Unpredictable. Very dangerous thanks to his muscle growth quirk." Izuku could hear the alarmed tone of his old master, as if he was struggling to decide on what to do... "Sensei?"
"... I'm sending aid to the area. Do not intervene in any way, he's way out of your league, Deku."
Izuku sighed, and audibly so. He knew the rules, he couldn't intervene without getting in trouble. He already did in the past and... well, he was glad he and his friends came out alive and with only a few scars from that. Even then, it didn't make agreeing with their strictness any easier. He looked again below, deciding that at the very least describing what was happening could be useful without the need to intervene.
"I'm keeping my eyes on him... the civilians are trying to distance themselves. He has lifted... a car.." Izuku's eyes suddenly widened in fear. That car. He couldn't believe... but yet he knew that car... and worst of all, he knew who owned that car. "...M-Mom...?!".
It was true, horribly true. The villain, laughing and shouting, had taken hold of a small red car... the car that his mother drove... the car his mother was in, wearing an expression of horror and terror, knowing that that day could have been her last. Izuku could see it all... and he knew he couldn't just sit back and watch his mother being put in danger. Before even thinking to call his mentor, he screamed, loudly, a roar of anger and fear, moments before shooting like a missile towards the villain, uncaring of any consequence... and ready for battle.
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