Dedicated to NoteDaSarcasm because they left an abundance of sweet comments <3
If you want the next chapter to be dedicated to you leave a comment about the chapter.
Louis huffed as he jogged out of the lift and to the ground floor towards his car. The two CEO's were being ridiculous... him? A spy? How stupid.
The caramel haired boy mumbled under his breath a chorus of curse words as he unlocked his Toyota Camry, his car was nothing special.
"Fuuuck." The small boy breathed out when he attempted to turn the keys In the ignition, only to hear a very worrying noise from the engine. Louis huffed, as he stepped outside, opening the bonnet, he doesn't have a single clue what to do.
His car isn't turning on. He isn't a mechanic.
He tries once more to turn the engine on, only to fail again. The short boy whined kicking at the concrete underneath his feet.
"Fucking hell."
Louis now understands why people have insurance. Which he very much doesn't.
With that, he is calling the one person he knows he can always rely on.
"Liammmmm come save me please. My car won't start."
And of course, his best friend is on his way.
"Come on Harry." Zayn ushered, the curly haired man raises his eyebrows in confusion.
"I am not getting my ass beat by Liam, if you hurry your ass up we might be able to catch Louis in time."
With a gasp the curly haired CEO is jogging after his lover and towards the lift.
The two walked towards the employee carpark, both sighing in relief when they saw the short boy sitting on the bonnet of his run down Camry, phone in his hand.
"Louis!" Zayn yelled, gaining the addressed's attention.
The caramel haired boy looked up, rolling his blue eyes at the two CEO's who were pacing towards him.
Harry and Zayn raised their eyebrows at the boy's sassy tone.
"We are sorry, we are just very invested in our business and overly protective of it. The idea of Luke, or any of our competition sabotaging our plans... it just, is our worst fear. We didn't mean to accuse you of something absurd."
Louis sighed, crossing his legs on the bonnet of his car as he stared at the two CEO's a pace away from him.
"Well thank you, I'm sorry I yelled too."
"No. Don't be... Is your car okay?" Zayn smiled softly, at the personal assistant.
It was strange, if this was any other employee Zayn and Harry would have never apologised... Louis was different.
"Oh, it won't start..."
Harry made a noise of understanding as he frowned, "umm you know you aren't fired right Lou... you don't have to go home now."
Zayn nodded in agreement.
Louis giggled, "I'm glad I'm not fired... but, I still would like to go home and cool off... if that's okay with you of course?" Louis quickly added.
The two CEO's nodded, happy to comply with Louis' request.
"We understand... how are you getting home?"
"Oh my friend is pick-" Louis paused to giggle as a car pulled up next to him, Liam stepping outside. "Here he is now."
The two CEO's eyes widened as they watch the Liam Payne step outside of a cheap car, Harry couldn't be more confused, because why was millionaire Liam Payne driving a crappy Honda?
Yet his stare was anything but cheap, he reeked power.
The man didn't acknowledge the two CEO's moving straight over to Louis, hand wrapping around his waist.
"Hey love, you okay?" Louis nodded at Liam.
"Yeah, just needed a ride, the car broke again."
The two CEO's stood up straighter, absolutely uncomfortable.
"Lou I told you, you really need a new car." Liam paused when Louis shrugged, finally acknowledging Harry and Zayn, the two CEO's clenched their jaw anxiously.
Did Louis really not know anything about Liam?
"Hello, and who are you two?" The brown eyed-lad asked, acting oblivious.
"This is Harry and Zayn, my bosses." Louis introduced, with a friendly smile.
Liam raised his eyebrows, nodding, holding out his hand. Zayn and Harry both accepted one by one shaking the man's hand. They internally cringed by how hard Liam squeezed.
"Anyway Louis... we better get going. I have to head out soon."
The small boy nodded, "Okie. Bye Harry, bye Zayn."
The two CEO's nodded, "yeah... bye."
With that they watched as Liam and Louis walked towards his car, the small boy hopping in happily, with Liam closing his door behind him.
Zayn gulped as Liam glared at the two.
What on earth was that?
What do you think is up with Liam?
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