Chapter 13

Nami went to go change into her costume, in the locker room she saw a girl with dark blue hair and light blue skin.

"Welcome to the agency!" the girl cheered. "I'm one of Sir's sidekicks! Bubble Girl!"

"Nami Takeda!" Nami greeted waving her hands. "Wonderful to meet you!"

"Sir rarely sends an internship offer," said Bubble Girl. "He took an interest in you at the sports festival. Despite, the ending of your fighting with Endeavor's kid, you kept your composure without shame."

Nami smiled sheepishly putting her hand behind her head. "That's not the reason he---"

"No," denied Bubble Girl cutting her off. "Even in a bad situation, you remained humorous which is what the world needs."

"Oh good," said Nami with relief. "Though my mom is in large disagreement, chased me around with a  broom for having no shame." She laughed lightly; Bubble Girl did too. After Nami changed into her costume, she walked the streets with Sir.

"Heroes are meant to help keep crime down, and bring a sense of security and peace to civilians," explained Sir. "There are many hero agencies in cities; all with a specific area to overlook. Would you only have one hero agency in Tokyo?"

"No no," answered Nami making her arms into an 'x'. "That sounds like a disaster for civilians and heroes all together."

"Why would it be a disaster for the heroes when it's their job to protect?" asked Sir looking back at her.

Nami tilted her head. "Even though they are heroes; they are still human." Nami smiled. "Having All Might for a teacher made me see that more than before."

"How so?" asked Sir. "Are you ridiculing his teaching?"

"He's a great teacher!" assured Nami waving her hands around. "He is always looking at his notes in class, and I can tell he's secretly afraid of Recovery Girl." Sir smiled looking forward. While on patrol; Nami assisted Sir in recovering a stolen purse and stopping carjacking, he explained more of how the agencies work.

"Wow sir," breathed Nami as she skipped alongside him. "You are super strong."

"Some heroes have side jobs," said Sir putting his five-kilogram seal back into his pocket. "What would you do?"

"I already have a job," said Nami. "I work at my family's flower shop; so I'll just stay there."

"We are going back to the agency," said Sir. "We will do some training work."

"Sir!" responded Nami. Back at the agency in a room: Nami stood in a room facing Sir.

"During your fight, I noticed you relied heavily on your quirk; while it is a good thing; it is also a flaw," said Sir,

"Hm?" asked Nami tilting her head.

"It is as you said earlier; heroes are still human," said Sir pushing up his glasses. "Show me a punch!"

"Right!" responded Nami doing as instructed.

"Even when you are doing something wrong you are full of energy," said Sir. "You can come in now, Mirio!"

"Sir!" responded a voice sliding the door open. Nami recognized the boy from the hallways and a previous sports festival. He was tall and very muscular, with beady blue eyes and blonde which was in a cowlick. "I recognize you from the sports festival!"

"I recognize you from a previous one!" exclaimed Nami putting a hand on her cheek. "You lost your clothes!"

"Sorry if you saw my willy!" responded Miriro walking up to her. "It seems we both had that problem!"

"Normally not," said Nami shaking her head. "I just lost focus in the stellar teleportation move."

"So what's your hero name?" asked Mirio pumping his arms. "Mines Lemillion, because I want to help at least a million people."

"Mines The Constellation Hero: Aurora," answered Nami pumping her arms. "The first one in mind I had was Radiotor, Midnight was quick to deny it saying it was too violent." She laughed a bit.

"Mirio here is my work-study student," said Sir. "He will be helping in your physical skill training."

"Sir!" responded Mirio and Nami.

"With more feeling," ordered Sir.

"SIR!" they repeated. For the next few hours, Mirio and Sir worked on Nami's combat skills, shaping them. Nami a couple of times felt like she was slipping into a black hole due to the hits she received from Mirio.  

Night came around; Nami was sitting in the meeting room, and she was putting together a schedule to work on physical combat more after the internship. 

'Maybe I should chat up with Ojiro,' Nami thought to herself pulling out her phone. 'Or even Kirishima...or like Urakaka, she's with Gunhead the Battle hero.'

"You are not going to become a good hero if you don't get your sleep," said a voice; she looked up to see Centipede; another of Sir's sidekicks. He was tall with the face of a centipede and wore a black tuxedo. 

"I will be gone soon," assured Nami. "I don't think I could sleep without putting a training schedule together first. Feels like I'm doing a project the night before it's due." She laughed a bit.

"Just like in any training schedule you should not do the same thing every day," said Juzo looking down at her schedule. "You'll overuse your muscles and they will be no good. Do you mind if I put a schedule together for you with a workout with it?"

"Not at all!" smiled Nami. "Tips from anyone is nothing but help." She spent the next hour chatting with Juzo as he put a schedule together for her to follow.


The next day came around; Nami did more training with Sir and Bubble Girl.

"We are going a bit more toward Tokyo today," instructed Sir as they walked the streets with Juzo.

"Does it have to do will the Hero Killer?" asked Juzo, Nami thought back to Iida, he was in the Hosu district of Tokyo; she hoped he was not planning to do anything stupid. 

"Yes," answered Sir. "But do not engage with the man at all. He is highly dangerous, especially for a first year."

"Sir," responded Nami. Along the way there were a few skirmishes, Nami was able to lend a hand by using a stellar lasso to keep people from moving. 

"Don't be suspicious of everyone in a dark ally," instructed Sir. "Plans are evil can be planned in plain view." Nami nodded. Suddenly there was an explosion heard ahead along with lots of screaming.

"Stay close!" ordered Sir as he started running. 

"Sir!" responded Nami and Cenitpeder. Nami gasped at what they had run toward; a bunch of things that looked like the monster from the USJ incident. "Keep the civilian's face!"

"Sir!" responded Nami as they followed; suddenly Deku started to pass her, and she skidded to a stop.

"Deku," greeted Nami.

"Aurora," greeted Deku. "Come with me to locate Iida, I think he's in trouble." Nami nodded, she glanced back to see Sir and Centipeder were out of sight before going to Midoriya. He was bouncing from building to building as Nami created a stellar snowboard to keep up.

"You got a better use of your quirk," noted Nami. "Well done, Deku."

"Thanks!" said Deku looking at her. "What did you work on so far?"

"Physical combat and small skirmishes," answered Nami. 

Izuku looked forward. "Do you think they are connected? The hero killer and the League?"

"If they are it is a shaky alliance," answered Nami. "I heard about the hero killer from a cousin in Naruhata. He used to be a hired assassin, but after a fight he started to target people he doesn't see as worthy heroes."

They showed up in an alley just as the hero Killer was about to kill Iida; Izuku punched him with a smash as Nami checked on an injured hero along the wall. 

"Who's there?" asked Iida in a shaky voice. "Midoriya?"

"And Takeda!" Nami greeted.

"How?" asked Iida. 

Midoriya glanced back. "Don't you worry, Iida.  We're gonna save you. You two found him too? But how?"

"I was following Deku," answered Nami.

"I saw it on TV," answered Midoriya. "They had some stats about the Hero Killer. Most of his victims were found where there weren't many people. So, in order to find you, I needed to search away from the panic. In the back alleys of Hosu City." Stain straightened his stance. "Let's go. Back toward the street. We have to get help from the pros."

"Ugh, I can't move my body," groaned Iida. They looked at him. "It must be his quirk. Since he cut me, I've been paralyzed."

"That's the kind of quirk that people on TV said the Hero Killer might have," said Midoriya looking back at Stain. "So, cutting somehow activates his power, huh?"

"That's not it," said Nami looking forward. "According to my cousin, it's not the swords." Midoriyra looked at her, then gasped when he saw the injured hero.

"Midoriya, Takeda, please! Don't get involved," pleaded Iida. "This doesn't have anything to do with you!"

"You are our classmate, Iida," said Nami looking at him. "Our friend."

"What are you saying?" asked Midoriya looking at Iida.

"You both showed up to save your friend's life," said Stain. "You two even made an entrance. But I have a duty to kill him and this so-called pro. When your friend chose to fight me, it guaranteed that the weaker of us would be culled." Fear struck the other two students. "So, what will you do?"

"Protect them of course," answered Nami standing up. "You shouldn't go around killing because they don't live up to your standards. They can't improve on being a hero by severely injuring or killing them. Heroes are human after all and humans can be complicated. As for my friend, it's as you said he's my friend, so of course I'd come to his aid."

"Stand down," cried Iida. "Run away. I told you this has nothing to do with either of you."

"If you really believe that then why are you trying to become a hero in the first place?" asked Midoriya. "There are plenty of things I'd like to say, but they'll have to wait." Midoriya got in a fight position. "All Might was right though, meddling when you don't need to is the essence of being a hero!" He glanced back. "Takeda keep Iida and the hero safe."

"Okay," said Nami as Izuku and Stain started to fight each other. Nami placed a stellar barrier over Native then went and knelt next to Iida to check his injury, it was in his arm. 

"No!" cred Iida as Stain pulled out another weapon. "If you get cut--"

Izuku dodged the knife below, then appeared above Stain; red lines spread around his body. "A five-percent...Detroit...Smash!" Nami was surprised to see that Midoriya was unbroken after the hit. Stain licked the blade; Izuku was suddenly in the same state as the other two.

"Midoriya!" gasped Nami standing up.

Stain remained talking to Midoriya. "You're not powerful enough. It's not that you predicted my movements. You just left my field of vision and maneuvered so that you'd be able to get in a clean shot. But I saw through your plan." Stain started to walk forward. "There are countless false heroes around here who are all talk, but I think you're worthy of staying alive. You're different from these two."

Nami let out some stellar energy into her hands; she started to throw balls of stellar energy at Stain; he kept dodging him

"Takeda, please!" cried Iida. "This is nothing to do with you!"

"Your my friend classmate and friend," said Nami. "You are someone I care for." Nami had three-star points spin around Stain, they exploded; Stain used the explosions to his advantage propelling himself up, he was high above; ready to cut the blade through her in order to get to Iida.

"Move if you don't wanna end up like your friends!" shouted Stain. 

"Not a chance," answered Nami; she made sure to stand very still.

"Takeda!" cried Midoriya. "Wait! Get away from the both of them!" A tunnel of fire suddenly shot above her head; Stain was quick to dodge despite being in mid air, Nami glanced back to see the boy who begged her to come to Endeavor's agency with him.

"Someone else to get in my way," complained Stain. "Today's been full of distractions."

"Midoriya," said Shoto showing his phone screen. "You need to give more details in times like this. I was almost too late to top this guy."

"You, too, Todoroki?" asked Iida.

"Good aim," said Nami giving him a thumbs up.

"How'd you get here?" asked Midoriya. "Hold on you're using your left side?"

"How'd I get here?" repeated Shoto. "Good question. Your message took me a while to figure out. Next time, try to send more than just your specific location. But you're not really one to send cryptic messages without a reason, are you? Hearing Takeda's nova explosions helped." He used his left side to send out ice. Stain dodged it as well, he used the ice to lift Izuku, the pro up. He charged using his fire. "Everything's okay. The pro heroes will be here any minute!" Izuku and the pro slid down towards Nami; she caught them. "You are just what they said you were." He got in front of all four of them. "But you won't be taking any more lives, Hero Killer."

"Don't let that guy get your blood, Shoto," Nami advised. 

"I-I think he controls his enemy's actions by swallowing it," said Izuku. "It's just as you said earlier Takeda, it's not the blades. That's how he got us!"

"He injects blood to keep people from moving," gathered Shoto. "That explains the blades." He looked at his hands. "All I've gotta do is keep my distance." A blade shot by Shoto's cheek cutting him.

"Ya have good friends, Ingenium," said Stain getting close to Shoto.  "Or you did!" Shoto used a slab of ice to block; Nami used the opportunity to get around and slammed her fist into Stain's stomach he flew back. 

"Watch the sword!" shouted Shoto, Nami glanced up to see the sword spinning above her.

"Pay attention!" ordered Stain slamming his shoe into Nami's stomach; pushing her onto the ground, then attempting to lick Shoto's cheek. He used to flame push the foe back; Stain was quick to get his sword back. Nami groggily sat up in pain; she looked down to see she was bleeding from the front.

"Nami!" gasped Shoto kneeling beside her.

"I'm fine," said Nami as he sent out ice. 

"He's strong!" said Shoto as Stain slashed his ice. 

"Just stop it," ordered Iida as Shoto used more fire, Nami got back to her feet. Stain was dodging Nami's stellar attacks along with Shoto's fire and ice attacks. "Why are you doing this? His fight is with me? I inherited my brother's name. I'm the one that should stop him. The Hero Killer is mine!"

"You're Ingenium now?" questioned Shoto as Nami had three stars circling around Stain who was dodging Shoto's fire. "Strange." Stain used the explosions to his advantage again; to dodge the mountain of ice from Shoto. "The Ingenium I knew before never had that look on his face. You've got a dark side. Guess my family isn't the only one."

Nami looked back at Iida with a smile. "Don't be ashamed of your small dark side Iida, I think it's hot." She gave a thumbs up.

"Nami!" scolded Shoto glancing at her. "You truly have no shame!"

"Careful, Todoroki! Takeda!" shouted Izuku in pain.

Stain cut off the large mountain of ice. "You blocked your own field of vision against an opponent who's faster than you. Rookie mistake!"

"Come get me then!" demanded Shoto lighting up his fire side. Blades lodged into his arm.

"You're good, kid," complimented Stain. "Unlike him." He changed his trajectory toward the pro. Nami covered him with Stellar Shield again.

"Watch out!" urged Shoto as Stain turned toward her. Midoriya shot up, dragging Stain across the building. "Midoriya!"

"I'm not sure why, but I'm able to move now!" informed Izuku.

"So it has a time limit," said Shoto.

"No," breathed Native weakly. "That kid shoulda been the last one to be freed. I still can't move muscle." Stain and Midpirya landed. 

"Midoriya, dodge!" urged Shoto, Midorya quickly jolted as Shoto sent out ice. Nami knelt down by Izuku to check on him.

"He swallows a person's blood to freeze them, but I was the one freed first."

"So there is a time limit, but depends on the blood type," Nami gathered as Stain and Midoriya landed.

"That makes sense," nodded Midoriya. "My other two guesses were his quirk is less effective the more people he uses it on. The among ingested could play into how long it works."

"If it's the blood type one, my blood type is B," informed Native. 

"I'm type A," said Iida.

"So you figured it out," smiled Stain. "Bravo. Very impressive."

"It doesn't really help us that much to know how his Quirk works, though," said Midoriya. 

"I thought we could hurry and carry those two out of here, but it's no good," said Shoto.

"He'd catch up to us in no time," said Nami. "He can dodge my attacks."

"Ice and fire as well," said Shoto. "I'd have to leave myself unguarded."

"No quite," denied Nami looking at him. "Do you remember that game we used to play when we were younger?"

 "Our best option is to hold until the pros arrive and avoid close combat," said Shoto.

"No, you know you've already lost way too much blood," said Midoriya. "I'll distract him while you two support me from behind. Sound like a plan?"

"You want us to take a pretty big risk," said Shoto focusing back on Stain. "Okay." Midoriya got on his feet. "We can protect them."

"Three against one, huh?" asked Stain. "This fight won't be easy." Midoriya took out bouncing between the buildings as Shoto used a large ice attack, Nami covered both Iida and Native with the stellar barrier, then kept out 3 mini supernovas. Stain managed to dodge attacks, and cut Midoriya.

"Midoriya!" shouted Shoto.

"You have to run," pleaded Iida with tears. "I can't watch this."

Nami looked back at him. "Iida."

"You wanna make your brother proud?!" asked Shoto in anger as Midoriya became paralyzed again. Nami charged forward forming a stellar sword in her hands; she was using stellar energy to shape her hands and feet, she was at Taurus now. She clashed with Stain; his fighting style changed. Nami recalled the day before how Centipeder advised her to have two different fighting styles. It would fit with her unpredictable style if she switched between the two. "Then stand up and be Ingenium!" Stain dodges Shoto's ice attack. "Become the hero he wanted you to be!" He lit up his fireside. "DUCK NAMI!" She did as she was told to avoid fire, leaping over to Midoriya,

"Did he cut deep?" asked Nami.

"I don't think so," said Midoriya. "You're injured too."

"I'll be fine," Nami assured him before getting back into the fight with Stain conjuring two another stellar sword.

"You need more practice," snarled Stain as he went high to dodge fire and Nami went low to dodge it. She hates it to admit but she was making it difficult for Shoto.

"Don't worry about me, Shoto!" said Nami. 

"You'll get burned!" shouted Shoto. 

"It'll be fine!" Nami assured as she dodged the sword. 

"Dodge this!" shouted Shoto sending out ice, Stain ran between the walls of ice.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you to rely on your Quirk too much?" asked Stain running toward Shoto. "Makes you a careless fight."

"Shoto!" shouted Nami as Stain had his sword at Shoto's right arm.

"Todoroki!" cried Midoriya.

"Recipro burst!" shouted Iida; they looked to see that Iida was back on his feet. He kicked the sword away from Shoto's arm, and then struck Stain.

"Iida!" Mirdoriya smiled.

"You're free, too?" asked Shoto. "Guess his Quirk isn't as great as I thought it was."

"It's still pretty great," Nami disagreed turning her hand.

"Nami!" Shoto hissed at her. 

"What?" Nami asked lifting her arm. "It's the truth."

"Todoroki....Takeda...Midoriya...This has nothing to do with you," said Iida. " I apologize."

"Come on," groaned Midoriya. "Not this again."

"I'm okay," Iida assured standing up fully. "And I won't let you three shed any more blood for me!" Half of the sword landed a bit away from them.

"It's no use to pretend you're a hero now," said Stain. "A person's true nature doesn't change in just a few minutes. You'll never be anything but a fraud who prioritizes his own desires. You're the sickness that's infected society and ruined the name 'hero.' Someone must teach you a lesson."

"You're a fundamentalist lunatic," responded Shoto.

Yeah!" agreed Nami making a fist.

"Iida, don't listen to this murder's nonsense," advised Shoto. 

"No, he's completely correct," said Iida. "I have no right to call myself a all."

"You're a student for a reason," said Nami. "You are still learning." They gasped watching the blood drip from Iida's shoulder.

"Even so...there's no way I can back down," growled Iida. "If I give up now, then the name 'Ingenium' will die!"

"Pathetic," growled Stain, his eyes glowed red. Shoto pushed Iida back; to use more fire.

"IDIOTS!" cried Native. "The hero killer is only after me and that kid in the white armor. Stop fighting back--just get out of here!"

"I don't think he'd let me run even if I wanted to," said Shoto. "Something clearly changed in him just now," Stain was balancing on his sword that he lodged into the building. "He seemed rattled." He switched to using ice as Nami used stellar attacks; trying to make sure Stain doesn't get close to Iida or Native. Stain started growling. 

"Hey, Todoroki!" shouted Iida. "Can you regulate your temperatures?" 

"Not well with my left, but yes I can," answered Shoto. "You gotta freeze my leg for me without plugging the exhaust!"

"You're in the way!" growled Stain throwing more knives, iida took the hit,

"IIDA!" cried Midoriya and Nami. 

"Why won't you stay down?" demanded Stain throwing more knives. Nami got in front of Iida using a stellar barrier to block it accidentally Iida down.

"Iida--" began Shoto.

"Just do it! Hurry!" urged Iida as Nami took over the main fighting to keep Stain busy. 

"It's done," said Shoto; Iida used his teeth to remove the knives from his arm. He shot up at Stain with blue engine flames, as Izuku also shot toward Stain, Nami shot from behind. 

"Go guys," encouraged Shoto with a smile.

'We got this.'

 Izuku slammed a fist into Stain's face, Nami slammed her fist into Stain's stomach and Iida hit him in the back with his leg. Stain grabbed his sword; he swiped Nami's front then cut off some of Iida's hair,

"Nami!" shouted Shoto as he caught her.

"I will defeat you Stain!" Iida declared. "Because you are a criminal." He struck him with another kick as Shoto put Nami on the ground. Shoto then blasted him with fire; the guy went unconscious, he then caught Iida and Midoriya with his ice, and they yelped sliding down and hitting their heads. 

"Stand up! Keep fighting!" ordered Shoto. They saw Stain on the mountain of ice, but not moving. 

"He's gotta be knocked out after all that, right?" asked Izuku getting his feet.

"Yeah," answered Nami getting to her feet; the front of her costume was soaked with blood. 

"Then let's restrain him and get him to the street," said Shoto putting Nami on his back. "Maybe we can find some rope."

"Yeah," breathed Izuku, "And we should probably take all his weapons."

"Good idea," agreed Nami. They quickly got to work, they were able to find exactly what they were looking for. 

"You got hurt because of me," said Iida looking at Nami. "I am sorry."

"Don't apologize," said Nami putting her chin on Shoto's shoulder. "It was my choice and I'd do it all over again." Iida gasped. 

"Native, can you move?"

"Yeah, I think I'm good as new," answered Native. 

"You sure?" asked Izuku as Native put him on his back.

"I saw you hurt your leg back there," Native said. "At least let me do this for you."

"Thank you very much," smiled Izuku.

"I should be thanking you," Native smiled back,

Shoto stood up after finishing typing up Stain. "We're lucky someone threw this in the dumpster."

"Todoroki I can drag him from here," Iida offered.

"Are you forgetting your arms are messed up?" asked Todoroki; they made their way out of the alley

"I have to apologize," said Native. "I'm supposed to be a pro, but I was useless back there."

"No, I don't think any human could take the Hero Killer one," said Izuku. "Not with that weird quirk of his. He's too strong."

"The four of us barely won against him, and even then, it was because of his own mistakes," said Shoto. "He was getting riled up and desperate and forgot all about Midoriya's quick recovery time."

"It seems he has the same issues as everyone else, he lets anger get the best of him," said Nami looking back. "A bit hypocritical."

"He wasn't able to block Iida's last recipe burst or Nami and Midoriya's assault."

"Right, let's get him to the police as fast as we can," said Native.

They heard a gasp. "What are you doing here, boy?" Izuku looked up to see an old man.

"Grand Torino!"

The old man jumped up.

"I was only---"

Grand Torino slammed his foot in Izuku's face; Nami gasped backing her head away. 

"I told you to stay on the bullet train!" 

"Who's this?" asked Native.

"Grand Torino," Izuku answered. "The hero I'm interning with."

'Sir is so not letting me back for the work-study, I am so dead,' Nami thought to herself.

"How'd you find us?" asked Izuku.

"I was told to come here by someone else," Grand Torino steamed. " I have no idea what's going on, but I'm glad you're not dead, at least."

"Me, too, and I'm sorry," said Izuku.

"Around the corner!" a voice shouted; they looked to see more heroes heading toward them. "Endeavor told us that there was a request for help here, but--"

"Children," said a hero.

"Those injuries look bad," another said. "I'll call an ambulance right away,:

"Hey look!"

"Is that the Hero killer?" asked the blonde. 

"What?" asked Grand Torino.

"I'll get the police on the line." A few calls were made as the students got checked on.

"Can you walk?"

"If you prop me up, then I think so," answered Midoriya.

"How about you?"

"Well---" began Nami.

"She can, but shouldn't," said Shoto. "She should get to the hospital as soon as possible." 

"Okay, and you?"

"Only minor injuries," answered Shoto. "But, Iida..."

"You're bleeding badly," a hero said as Iida walked over to his classmates. "The ambulance will be here soon, but until then..."

"You guys," Iida breathed. They looked at him, and he bowed. "You three were hurt because of me. I'm truly sorry." There were tears in his eyes. "I was just so angry. I couldn't see anything else."

"We should apologize for not being better friends," said Nami.

"You were going through so much by yourself," said Izuku. "But I couldn't tell if anything was wrong. Even though I'm your friend."

"Hey, pull yourself together," Shoto ordered. "You're the class rep."

"A man that shows his feelings is a true man," said Nami.

Shoto glanced back at her. "You need to stop."

"He's right," Iida sniffed standing up. 

"GET DOWN!" shouted Grand Torino.

"Oh no!"

In a flash, a flying Nomu swapped in grabbing Midoruya.

"Hey, let go!" Midoriya cried out. 

"Midoriya!" shouted Iida, Shoto, and Nami.

"It's bleeding!" shouted a hero as she got blood on her face. "It must be trying to escape!" It happened fast; the Nomu started to descend and Stain free from the ropes charged.

"The word hero has lost all meaning in this society," Stain said. "This world is overrun by fakes and criminals like you who chase petty dreams." He grabbed the Nomu, putting Izuku in his armpit. "You must all be purged." They all gasped.

'Based on his words, Midoriya was right about Stain working with the league,' thought Nami,

"Everything I do---' Stain growled ripping the brain apart. "Is to create a stronger society."

"Did he just save the kid?"

"No, he took him hostage, idiot."

"He killed that guy with no hesitation."

"Everyone be on your guard, we got a fight on our hands!"

"Why are you all standing around like fools?" asked Endeavor; the sudden heat increase made sense. "The villain must have flown this way, right?"

"You took care of the rest?"

"Mostly, things got a little rough at the end," Endeavor answered. "Hold on. Don't tell me that man is---"

"Endeavor," Strain growled looking at him; Endeavor lit up. 

"Hero Killer!" exclaimed Endeavor. 

"Wait, Tdooroki!" exclaimed Grand Toriuno, Stain faced them.

"You false hero!" Stain growled. His mask fell and terror struck everyone in the hearts. "I'll make this right. These streets must run with the blood of hypocrites. Hero! I will reclaim that word Come on! Just try and stop me, you fakes! There is only one man I'll let kill me. He is a true hero. All Might is worthy!" Before he could any further; he stopped moving; his eyes rolled back, knife dropped. 

"I think," began Endeavor. "He's out cold." Todoroki and Iida fell to the ground out of shock. It wouldn't be till later that they learned Stain's rib punctured a lung, knocking him out cold. Though, at that moment, none of them could bring themselves to fight him. 

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