Chapter 1
The first incident was in Qingpin City, an extraordinary child was born who radiated light. After that, reports of people with superpowers popped up across the globe. No one knew what was causing these Quirks. Before long, the supernatural became the totally normal. Dreams a reality. The world became a superhuman society, with about 80% of the population possessing some uncanny ability. Our streets looked like scenes from comic books, As cities swirled with chaos and confusion, a new profession dominated our collectible consciousness. It was an age of heroes.
Nami Takeda is a girl of average height, with dark space blue hair that went down to her mid back with bangs that curved around her face, and silver eyes. Nami has a stellar quirk; she generates and manipulates stellar energy to her will. She was currently walking to school with a tall boy with messy indigo hair and purple eyes. Hitoshi Shinso: Brainwashing.
"Check this out," Shinso said as he held his phone in front of her. "A villain incident at Tatooin Station."
"I hope Dad made it to the office okay," Nami said. "He said there's a been a lot lately... specifically in that area." Nami's dad had a light projection quirk, and Ryo Takeda worked at the Endeavor Agency as a dispatcher.
"What are you doing after school?" Shinso asked as he put his phone away. "Want to head to the mall?"
"The mall?" Nami answered as they got closer to school.
"The place people go to hang out," Shinso answered looking at her.
Nami pulled out a piece of paper scanning it. "I'm not at the flower shop after school today. My schedule is free." She looked at him. "You want to check out the crime scene, don't you?" Nami's mom Sana Takeda worked and owned a flower shop; she has a pollen quirk. So, it was very surprising to everyone in her family when Nami's stellar quirk developed when she was three.
They were all in homeroom class; taking career aptitude tests; Nami looked up to see a poser of UA High. Nami was set on going there, she looked over at Shinso, he too was set on the school. People always told him that he'd make a rather good villain than a hero. Nami had faith in him in his dreams to be a hero; also told him he'd be perfect for stealth missions. At lunch, all that people could talk about was the fight from this morning at Tatooin station.
Nami was now at the mall with Shinso; they were talking about the career aptitude tests.
"I'm not sure about everyone else, but I am going to be at UA," Shinso determined. "I'm going to be a hero just as great at All Might."
"Your quirks are very different," Nami said as they stopped at a vending machine. Shinso glanced at her. "Your quirk lines more in line with Eraserhead."
"Who?" Shinso asked.
"Eraserhead," Nami answered. "He can nullify people's quirks by looking at the user, not in the press much." Shinso nodded as the can got stuck in the machine. "This always happens."
"You must pick the unlucky straw every morning," Shinso teased; Nami rolled her eyes as she breathed in. She generated a solid stellar hand; having it zip into the machine to grab her drink. "How villainous of you." She rolled her eyes again; the two made their way through the street more. "We should start training for the UA exam soon." Nami looked up at him. "It's going to be written and practical."
"Well, we can study at the flower shop," Nami answered. "But for the physical part."
"I'll come up with a regimen," Shinso offered. "If your stomach can handle it."
"I can handle it," Nami defended herself.
"And if you throw up?" Shinso asked. "I'm not cleaning it up."
"If I puke then I puke," Nami answered. "Just part of the progress." Before Shinso could respond, there was a huge explosion. They looked back to see a big cloud of smoke rising from the alley they just came from.
"It's a monster!" a woman cried as chaos developed around the area; windows got shattered. Shinso grabbed her wrist; dragging her back over to the alley where multiple people stood. Police and heroes were already on the scene; multiple fires all around; and a Sludge villain.
"He's taken someone, hostage!" Death Arms shouted as Shinso got them closer to the front; Nami could see it was a blonde boy around their age. The hero charged forward. "How dare you prey on a child!" He landed a powerful punch; his fist sank into the slide. "What the hell is this? Some kinda goo." Sludge slammed Death Arms into a wall.
"You okay death arms?" a hero asked as two ran over.
"Heads up!" Slugger shouted as Sludge attacked again.
"Ha!" Sludge smirked. "Stay back, or I'll snap his neck!"
The boy ripped free from the sludge letting out a yell. "You picked the wrong guy to mess with! I'm gonna send you back to whatever sewer you crawled out of! Let me go!" There was another explosion.
"You've got so much power," Sludge noted. "I really hit the jackpot. With a quirk like yours under my control, I can take All Might down with one punch." The sludge grew bigger.
"The boy is causing the explosions," Shinso noted. "Impressive quirk."
"Whoa," a guy breathed. "Is that some kinda special move? Thus dude is a legit supervillain."
"It's her!" a girl cheered; they looked to see Mt. Lady running over. "That new hero, Mt. Lady will stop him!"
The hero came to a stop in horror. "My only weakness! I need at least a two-lane road if I'm gonna make my way through here." The two boys surrounded by the fire got pulled out by Kamui Wood. Nami looked up to see that Shinso was practically studying the scene in front of them.
"Fire and wood don't exactly make a good combination!" Kamui shouted as he ran out with multiple people. "I'll let someone else stop this guy."
"Don't look at me," Backdraft ordered as the fire in the buildings. "I've got my hands full here. Where are those fire trucks? Can you guys get to him?"
"Can't get a grip on his weird body," Death Arms said. "Plus that kid's quirk's causing explosions left and right."
"This is a shoutout," Slugger said. "We've gotta rally and knock him outta the park somehow."The sludge villain went to attack again.
"None of us have the right Quirks to stop a villain like this!" Death Arm shouted.
"We'll do damage control until someone with the right powers shows up," A hero said. There was another explosion inside the building.
"There are still plenty of people to save!" Backdraft instructed as he continued to hose down the buildings.
"Don't worry!" Kamui shouted as he rescued more people. "I bet every hero in the city's coming." The boy's mouth and nose completely.
"Damn!" Death Arms shouted. "If only I had more power, I could blow this guy away."
"This looks bad?"
"Maybe we should run!"
"Why aren't the heroes doing anything?"
"Looks like heroes met their match," another said. "Plus, the villain captured a kid."
"Things aren't looking good for him."
"Wait, I'm confused. Isn't that the villain All Might was chasing earlier today?"
"What? All Might!? No way he lost, where is he?"
"Well, can someone call him or something?"
"Seriously! Why hasn't he shown up to help the heroes?"
There was a gasp; Nami looked over to see a boy with unkempt green hair charging in; he had tears in his eyes.
"No, you idiot!" Death Arms shouted. "Stop! You're gonna get yourself killed!"
"Not this brat again!" Sludge groaned. "You're toast kid!"
"Take this!" the boy shouted; throwing his backpack; the hit got the captured boy's face completely free. Nami took this moment to use the sand to force the sludge from retracting back to him.
"Kacchan!" the green hair boy shouted as he started to tear at the sludge.
"What the hell?" Kacchan demanded. "Why are you here?"
"I dunno!" the other boy cried. "My legs...They just started...moving! Kacchan!" The boy continued to cry. "I couldn't just stand there and watch you die!
"Get the hell off me!" the boy screamed at the Sludge.
"Just a little bit longer kid!" the Sludge said. "And I'm done playing with you!"
"Save the boy!" Death Arm shouted as the heroes advanced. "This thing'll kill him!" There was a big explosion.
"I am really pathetic," a deep voice shouted.
"All Might," the boy breathed; Nami and Shinso gasped.
"I told you the traits that make a great champion, but I see now I wasn't living up to my own ideal!" He broke the Sludge; blood spilling out. "Pros are always risking their lives! That's the true test of a hero!"
"Damn, you, All Might!" the sludge villain shouted; getting ready to strike again.
"Detroit...Smash!" All Might countered. He blew the villain apart; grabbing hold of the two kids to prevent them from being blown away. Once the wind stopped; everyone stared at the scene.
"Huh?" a guy asked looking at the sky; it had started to rain. "It's raining."
"Don't tell me all that wind just now was..."
"Look at the clouds. They're moving!"
"Holy Crap," Death Arms breathed. "He changed the weather." All Might wiped the blood from his mouth as he stood up.
"Did that really just happen?" The crowd started to cheer.
"He changed the weather with a single punch like it was nothing! All Might saved the day again, he's amazing!" All Might held up a fist; the crowd cheered more and then looked back at the smaller boy. After, the remaining amount of sludge was collected before being taken into police custody; Nami watched the heroes chew out the green-haired boy.
"You moron!" Kamui scolded. "Do you two have a death wish?"
"You had absolutely no reason to put yourselves in danger like that!" The Kacchan kid was praised for his bravery.
"Man, you're tough, kid! And that Quirk is somethin' else! When you wanna go pro, head over to my agency first! I'd love for you to be my sidekick while you're in training!" Soon the two were on the back to their side of town talking about the fight and UA. They passed a window. On the tv; they saw the news coverage of the story. All Might's face and the kid that got captured..
"As part of our regime I need you to let me brainwash you more," Shinso said.
"Okay," Nami nodded; her mind went blank. She was snapped out when they reached the flower shop.
"See you tomorrow," Shinso said; he ruffled the top of her head before heading home.
"See you," Nami smiled; she stopped smiling immediately after she stepped inside the flower shop to see a woman with sandy blonde hair and silver eyes. Nami's mother Sana Takeda.
"Oh, Nami!" Mom greeted as she looked over. "What took you so long to get home?"
"Take a look at the new story, Sana," a man said as he poked his head out of a room. The man had dark space blue hair and brown eyes; Ryo Takeda: Nami's dad. "There was a villain incident at the mall Nami went to with Hitoshi today."
Mom screamed in fright at the news. Nami got scolded for an hour about being more careful before being allowed to go put her things away.
Morning came around; it was raining heavily; she stepped out of the flower shop to see Shinso waiting with an umbrella.
"I shave devised our regime," Shinso smirked as they started to make their way to school.
"In one night?" Nami asked.
"Don't be surprised," Shinso rolled his eyes. "Mondays will be chest, Tuesdays will be legs, Wednesdays will be cardio, Thursdays will be back, Fridays will be abs, and Saturdays will be armed leaving Sundays to be a rest day. Run two miles a day."
"I have trouble with one mile," Nami grumbled; Shinso tapped her on the back.
"The exams are in ten months," Shinso reminded her. "We can't afford to slack." He pulled out a piece of paper from his pants. "Nami?"
"Hitoshi," Nami responded, her mind going blank again. She didn't regain consciousness until they reached the school.
The morning of the exams came; Nami was staring up at the UA entrance. All her hopes and dreams could begin here as long as she did well. Shinso wasted no time going inside without her.
"Move it," a voice grunted; Nami looked to see a boy with blonde spiky hair walking past her.
"I recognize you," Nami said as she followed him. "You're that Slime-captured boy."
"Drop it if you know what's good for you," the boy growled. "Stupid, Deku."
A green-haired boy looked back. "Kacchan!"
"Get out of my way, now before I set you on fire," Kacchan growled.
"Well, that's not a very heroic attitude," Nami mumbled.
"Um. hey, good morning!" Deku greeted in a panic. "Um, let's just both do our best out there, okay? Good luck!" They both continue walking; others started to whisper.
"I think that's the kid who withstood the sludge villain."
" His name's Bakugo, right?"
"Yeah, he's the real deal."
Nami went inside and grabbed her registration number before heading to the auditorium to find a seat. The place was packed with students wanting to change their lives along with others. She looked over when someone sat next to her.
"It's you again" Nami greeted.
"Huh?" Bakugo grunted.
"Nami Takeda," She greeted. "And you are the sludge boy." His pupils slanted over to her. "Mr. Real Deal."
"I'll blow up your ass to the moon before you get the chance to start school tomorrow," Bakugo threatened, Nami looked over as the green-haired boy sat on the other side of Bakugo. The lights all turned on; everyone grew quiet.
Down front stood Present Mic. "What's up, UA candidates? Thanks for tunin' in to me, your school. DJ." He raised his arms. "C'mon and lemme here ya!" There was complete silence. "Keeping it mellow, huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about this practical exam, how this gonna go down, okay?" Music started playing. "ARE YOU READY? YEAH!" He was met with more silence.
"Oh, my goodness, it's the Voice Hero, Present Mic," Deku gushed. "So cool!"
"Is he always like this?" Nami asked.
"Shut up," Bakugo grunted.
Deku continued to fanboy. "I listen to his radio show every day of the week. It's so crazy nuts that all of UA teachers are you, pro heroes?"
"Will you shut up?" Bakugo ordered.
"Like your application said, today you rockin' boys and girls will be out there conducting ten-minute mock battles in super-hip urban settings," Present Mic instructed. "Gird your loins, my friends." The screen behind him showed numerous different battle spots from A-G. " After I drop the here you'll head to your specified battle center, sound good?" They all looked at their cards.
"I see," Bakugo said as he looked at Deku. "They're splitting us up so we can't work with any of our friends."
"Yeah. You're right," Izuku noticed. "Our examine numbers are one after the other, but we're assigned to different battle centers."
"I got A," Nami said.
"Center B," Izuku said. They both took a peak at Bakugo's center.
"Get your eyes off my card," Bakugo ordered.
"I'm stuck in a center with you," Nami frowned.
"Damn," Bakugo grunted. "I was really looking forward to crushing Deku...I'll just have to crush you."
"Not even in your happiest nightmare, gremlin boy," Nami shot.
A fake city appeared on the screen. "Okay, okay, let's check out your targets. There are there types of faux villains in every battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty, so better choose wisely." A video game appeared Present Mic was one of the characters. "Your goal in this trial is to use your Quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid-song guitar solo. But, check it! Make sure you're keep'n things heroic. Attacking other examinees is a UA no-no, ya dig?"
"One dream crushed already," Nami mumbled to Bakugo as one student got up raising their hand. The spikey hair growled, causing panic in the green haired boy,
"Excuse me, sir, but I have a question," the boy stated.
"Hit me!" Present Mic encouraged.
A spotlight shined on the boy. "On the printout, you've listed four types of villains. Not three. With all respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful. We're exemplary students. We expect the best from Japan's most notable school. A mistake such as this won't do." He then looked back; pointing at Deku. "Additionally, you with the unkempt hair."
"Huh?" the boy asked pointing to himself.
"You've been muttering this entire time," the boy scolded. "Stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously, leave. You're distracting the rest of us."
Deku put his hands over his mouth. "Sorry." Students around them all laughed.
"All right, all right," Present Mic said grabbing everyone's attention. "Examinee number 7-1-1-1." He gave a thumbs-up. "Thanks for calling in with your request. The fourth villain type is worth zero points. That guy's just an obstacle we'll be throwing in your way. There's one in every battle center. Think of it as a hurdle you should try to avoid. It's not that it can't be beaten, but there's...kinda no point." He looked at the left side of the audience. "I recommend my listeners try to ignore it and focus on the ones toppin' the charts."
The boy down front bowed. "Thank you very much. Please, continue." He took his seat and the spotlight went off. The other students started to speak to each other.
"Oh, I get it. So, they're kinda like traps you have to get by in games."
"The whole thing's like a video game, huh?"
"That's all I got for you today," Present Mic wrapped up. "I'll sign off with a little present. A sample of our school motto! As General Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down. ' A true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes.' Mm-hmm. Now that's a tasty soundbite. You ready to go beyond? Let's hear a Plus Ultra! Good luck! Hope you practiced hitting more than just your books." Everyone got on their respective buses to be transferred to the entrance exam sites.
"Woah," Nami breathed looking up at the exam site. "UA must receive a ton of funds."
"Or they are just that rich," Bakugo started with his arms crossed.
"RIGHT, LET'S START!" Present Mic's voice echoed throughout all the exam spots. "Get moving! There are no countdowns in real battles. Run, run, run, listeners! You're wasting airtime here." Everyone into the mock battle arena. Everyone started to take robots, Nami kept throwing balls of stellar energy; then using the down bots; as things to jump off to get to the other bots. There was a series of small explosions; she looked over to see that Bakugo was attracting the attention of many smaller bots to a bigger one he was on top of.
'Clever gremlin,' Nami thought to herself; she watched as he let out a huge explosion taking the bots all at once. Nami looked forward and continued on her path to success. There were suddenly a bunch of explosions at once; Nami looked back to see a huge robot; taller than the buildings cruising down the street. Everyone started to away from it; Nami on the other hand ran toward it.
" GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Bakugo shouted as he started to blast past her.
"Two minutes remaining!" Present Mic announced.
Nami started to run faster; focusing on releasing stellar from her feet; forming it into some sort of surfboard; then using that energy to get higher.
"One minute left!"
It happened so fast; Bakugo had used his quirk to propel himself up; as Nami was using her stellar surfboard; she collided with the back of Bakugo.
"DAMMNIT!" Bakugo growled as he was shoved closer to the robot; he let off a huge explosion the minute he landed; taking it completely out. Both students clung to the robot as it fell over.
"And that's it," Present Mic announced. "TIME'S UP!" Alarm sounds started to go off, everyone was panting.
"You have quick reflexes," Nami panted as they got down from the bot.
"You are lucky you didn't mess me up," Bakugo grunted as he looked at her. "DON'T YOU USE YOUR EYES STAR GIRL!"
"It's Nami!" Nami exclaimed. "You are a lot more clever than I thought."
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!" Bakugo shouted as he got closer to face.
"With our aggressive, you seem to be, I'd pinned your more as a foolish planner," Nami answered; he raged more getting even closer to her.
After the test; Eva was now at a ramen place with Hitoshi; telling each other about the exam.
"I feel like it went well," Nami answered as she took her shoes off. "Though I did mess up."
"Mess up?" Hitoshi asked as he grabbed the meat from her bow. Nami explained what happened during the exam, he started laughing. "You do need to be more aware of your surroundings when using your quirk like that. You seem to develop some sort of tunnel vision whenever you do."
"How do you think you did?" Nami asked looking at him.
"Poorly on the practical as I predicted," Hitoshi answered. "But well enough to get into general studies." Nami wasn't happy about the answer. "I know what I'm doing; if it goes right I'll end up in the Hero course one way or another."
It had now been a week since the entrance exam Nami was walking home with Hitsohi; he had brainwashed her for half of the way home.
"See you tomorrow," Hitoshi said as he ruffled her hair; snapping her out of the trance.
"See you tomorrow," Nami said as she went into the flower shop.
"It's here!" Mom shouted as she held up a letter. "It's from UA!"
"This is it!" Nami gasped as she ran over. "An option for my future in here!" She looked around. "Dad not back yet?"
"He's working late today," Mom answered. "We'll share the news with him when he gets him." Nami carefully opened the letter.
On a disk; a projection of All Might popped up. "You're looking at the newest UA faculty member!"
"Awesome!" Nami smiled.
All Might held out his hand. "Welcome, Nami Takeda, you have made it. You are now part of the hero academia. As soon as the recording ended, Nami and her mom were jumping up and down getting pollen everywhere.
That night; Nami was in her room on the phone with Hitoshi.
"Are you going to tell me?" Nami answered as she laid on her stomach.
"General Studies," Hitoshi answered with a smile. "Everything is going to plan."
"Yay!" Nami cheered. "We can continue going to school together!"
"Please tell me you got into the hero course," Hitoshi said in a more serious tone. "That regime I put together better have been worth it."
"It was worth every hurl," Nami answered, Hitoshi began laughing loudly.
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