Chapter 7: Eisenwald grand plan (Arc 3)
Sophie, Lucy and Happy are seen walking through the halls of Oshibana Station and they were searching for one of the Eisenwald member that have escape but they have been searching for him for a while and they haven't found him.
Lucy: We have been looking everywhere for this guy and we still couldn't find him.
Happy: Aye.
Sophie: He must have a magic to sneak around us. Either way we should keep guard if he decides to sneak up on us.
Lucy: Yeah but we have been searching for this guy for like an hour. Say how's about we go back and tell Erza we couldn't find him.
Sophie: Oooohh I rather not do that.
Lucy: Why?
Sophie: Look if we come back with empty handed then we will be in serious trouble.
Happy: (scared) Yeah, she might do serious punishment on us that might traumatised me for the rest of my life!
Lucy: (scared) What punishments do you thinm she'll pull? S-Say I was just kidding about that, let's keep looking around alright?
Sophie: (smirk) You sure to chance your mind.
Happy: Aye.
The trio continue to look around while the Eisenwald guild member named Karacka is seen phasing through the ceiling and watched them before disappearing from site.
Arthur, Noah and Amy were rushing through the hallway and making their way to the radio room to help out Natsu and Gray of stopping Eirgor of playing Lullaby that will kill everyone in Oshibana.
Arthur: There's one thing I don't understand about his plan?
Noah: Yeah and what's that?
Arthur: Eirgor said the Magic council banned all assassin jobs and their rights and they wish revenge on them but using Lullaby as theie way for revenge correct?
Amy: Yeah?
Arthur: So why is Eirgor wants to use it in this town? True it may kill a lot of people but that's not gonna make it as an example that's just terrorism. If I were him I would've targeted something that really hits the Magic council the most right?
Noah: For once you have a point.
Arthur: (anger) What do you mean "for once I have a point?"
Noah: If Eirgor really wished to hurt the magic council then they should target something that really hurt them.
Amy: Yeah but what?
Noah: No idea but we should-
Suddenly the wall on front of them burst through which immediately stop them dead in their tracks and then they see Gray stepping out and he turn to see the trio.
Gray: Oh hey there, you here to help me?
Arthur: We were but we see you handle yourself alright.
An Eisenwald guild member is seen laying on the floor and not only that he wall Gray burst through was the radio room but Gray told them that Eirgor is not there.
Amy: I don't understand? Didn't he not say he was going to use Lullaby here?
Gray: Yeah I don't get it. Maybe he changed his mind and left?
Noah: No, there's something not right here.
Then he noticed a map on a table which he walked over and looks at the map and then his eyes widen of realising and said.
Noah: (shocked) Guys, this was a trick.
Arthur: A trick?
Gray: What are you talking about?
Noah: (shocked) According to this map the tracks leads to Clover Town, that's were all the magic council is all at!
Amy: What are you saying?
Noah: I'm saying Eirgor tricked us, he's not targeting this town, his true targeted is the guild masters, they're gonna kill all the guild masters!
They were shocked by this so Noah pulls out his Magiphone and calls Y/n.
We see Erza and Y/n at the balcony of the station and Erza was telling everyone to leave the area and inform them everything. Y/n was next to her when suddenly his Magiphone rang and he pulls it out and answered it.
Y/n: Noah we're getting everyone to leave the area as soon as-
Noah: (magiphone) Y/n this was a trick, Eirgor tricked all of us!
Y/n: What are you talking about?
Erza: Is everything alright?
Erza walks up to Y/n and he puts Noah on loud speaker and he tells them both.
Noah: (magiphone) Eirgor isn't targeting this town, he's targeting the guild masters!
Erza: (shocked) Are you sure?!
Gray: (magiphone) Eirgor was not in the radio room when I first came into the room.
Y/n: Then this means.......this was a trap.
Suddenly a strong wind nearly blows the two back and they were shocked to see a tornado appear around them and they were trapped inside.
Noah: (magiphone) What's happening?!
Y/n: A tornado just appeared, we're trapped!
Erza tries to run towards it but she gets hurt and was sent flying which Y/n catches her.
Y/n: You okay?
Erza: (groan) I'm fine, my arm though it hurts.
Y/n: Eirgor must have summon a huge tornado to stop us. Come on, we have to find the rest.
Erza: Right.
They leave the balcony and they are seen in the hallway when they spotted Natsu and the defeated Kageyama which they rush up to him.
Y/n: Natsu!
Natsu: (smile) Oh hey there you two, looks like I did a-
Suddenly he freak out when Erza rushed towards him and soon she stabbed her sword near Kageyama's face which scared both him and Natsu as Erza glares at him.
Erza: (glare) You better talk or else.
Kageyama: (scared) Jesus your crazy!
Natsu: (scared) Just tell her what you know I'd you don't want to get killed!
Soon Noah, Gray, Arthur and Amy arrived and soon Y/n walked up to Kageyama and tells him.
Y/n: Look you may not care but there is lives that will be taking. Please tell us how we break Eirgor's tornado spell outside please.
Kageyama: Look even if I could I'll never-
Suddenly a hand went through Kageyama which shocked everyone and then he fell onto the ground while Karacka is seen as he slowly phase backwards to the wall.
Karacka: I'm so sorry Kageyama, I'm really am.
He was gone just as Natsu punches the wall in anger which cost the whole wall to collapse.
Natsu: (anger) How dare you hurt one of your own! He was your guild member but you hurt him! HOW DARE YOU!!!
Amy: Guys!
Then Amy, Lucy and Happy rushed up to them as Amy ask them.
Amy: What's going on?
Noah: Let's just say, we were tricked.
(Short while later)
We see them all outside of the entrance and facing the tornado wall in front of them. Amy try to use a wind spell to blow through the tornado but it wasn't working and it cost her to step back a bit.
Amy: No use, Eirgor's wind magic is too strong to mine.
Sophie: Then what should we do?
Noah: I don't know. This tornado is too strong for any of us to break through.
Lucy: But we can't just give up, there has to be a way to escape.
Arthur: Well it's not like we can just teleport out of here unless any of us can do that?
Natsu: Teleport?..............AAAAAHHH!!!!!
He immediately grabbed Lucy by the shoulders which surprised her and called out.
Natsu: (smile) You can use your celestial spirit!
Noah: What do you mean?
Natsu: Remember me, Happy and Lucy took on a job a while back? Well i accidentally step on Virgo and long story short of went through the celestial world.
Amy: (surprised) Seriously?! That's impossible!
Natsu: (smile) Yeah but if we use that again we can escape for sure!
Lucy: Yeah but I have to summon a celestial spirt outside of the tornado and there's a small chance we all won't make it.
Natsu: Well I ran out of ideas.
Noah: Is there any Celestial spirit that could get us out of here?
Lucy: Sorry no, if only I have one that can teleport us out or dig over it.
Happy: Dig over it?................AAAAAAHHH!!! THAT'S IT!
Arthur: What's it?
He then pulled out a golden celestial key which surprised everyone.
Lucy: (surprised) Where did you get that?!
Natsu: Isn't that Virgo's key?
Happy: Yeah after we defeated her she wants to make a contract to Lucy and I promised her to give it to her.
Noah: That's great and all but how is she gonna help us?
Arthur: Yeah I don't think she's not gonna help us in this situation.
Y/n: Wait Happy is right! What I read Virgo is a maid celestial spirit that can fulfill anyone request the user wants.
Arthur: (smirk) A maid girl that can do whatever the user wants Huh?
Erza: (anger) Don't you think about it.
Arthur: (scared) Y-Yes ma'am.
Y/n: But her most common thing of her was her digging ability. If she can dig over the tornado then we can get out of here with no trouble.
Lucy: (surprised) Your right! Nice thinking Happy!
Happy: (smile) Thanks.
Lucy takes the key and then she summons Virgo and at first nothing happened but then a floor below Y/n burst open and he fell through which shocked everyone and then Virgo appear out of the hole while carrying Y/n by her arms.
Virgo: I'm here to serve princess.
Lucy: (surprised)......Um who are you?
Sophie: (anger) And why are you carrying Y/n like a prince?
Y/n: Wait so isn't she not Virgo?
Natsu: The first time we saw her she was overweight and really ugly.
Virgo: That's correct, I can change my appearance what every my master wants to be. If you like I'll be gladly charge into it if you like?
Lucy: No thanks, can you dig a hole over this tornado please?
Virgo: Yes princess.
Then immediately she starts to dig while Y/n fell onto his butt.
Y/n: (smile) She's a cool spirit.
Noah: Let's get of here while we have a chance.
They agree but before they leave Y/n picked up the injured Kageyama and soon they escape at the other side with the tornado blowing them in a strong wind.
Lucy: This is one strong wind!
Virgo: Princess, allow me to keep your skirt straight!
Lucy: You worry about yours alright!
Virgo was keeping Lucy's skit down while hers were bowing while Arthur and Noah see and they got a nose bleed while Y/n hands the injured Kageyama to Erza and tells the rest.
Y/n: We'll catch up to Eirgor and stop him before he reach Clover town.
Erza: Okay, stay safe alright.
Y/n: We will.
His team form up and pulled out their magiphones ans type in a change code.
Magirangers: Mahou henshin! Maagi Magi! Magiiro!
The five summon their Sky hokies and once they climbed on they fly off to stop Eirgor before he arrives at Clover town.
We see Eirgor flying through the tracks making his way to Clover town in his true goal of killing the guild masters with Lullaby. He pulled out Lullaby out of his cloak and smirked to himself.
Eirgor: (smirk) Once I play Lullaby in front of the guild masters, the magic council will feel to regret their actions and my revenge will be complete. Nothing will not stop me now.
Suddenly he was shot by lighting which cost him to fell and land hard onto the tracks. He looked up ti see the Magirangers as they leap off from their Sky Hokies and land onto the ground and in front of Eirgor.
Eirgor: (anger) How did you escape my tornado prison!
MagiRed: We got some help with a celestial spirit, now surrender now Eirgor!
Eirgor: (smirk) You all are fools, I still have Lullaby and I can kill all five of you right here, right now but i won't wast my time. I'm saving this for the guild masters.
MagiBlue: But killing them isn't going bring everything back! Your just gonna bring surfing to all the guild members across Earthland.
Eirgor: (smirk) But this will be the punishment for the magic council for taking my only job I liked, if you wish to stop me then be ready to be blown away!
He fired a large wind blast but MagiPink blocks it with her wind magic which she struggled to hold on. Then MagiGreen summons vines out of the ground and wrapped around Eirgor and sent him flying while MagiYellow aims his Magistick and fired bolts of lighting at Eirgor, shocking him with electricity but he breaks free, he falls and slammed his hand onto the ground, making a huge wind blast that sent the Magirangers flying back.
They crashed onto thr ground as MagiRed land on his feet and he charge towards Eirgor and swings his Magistick sword at him but Eirgor dodges it and then grabs MagiRed by the neck and then tossed him away.
He was sent flying and he crashed him onto thr ground, he slowly gets up while Eirgor walks towards him.
Eirgor: You are suppose to be their leader? Your nothing nothing but a child, you have no chance against me!
Then huge flames shoot out from the ground, hitting Eirgor while MagiRed leaps up in the sky and landed a slash at him, sending him flying down and he crashed onto the ground as MagiRed land on the ground whioe the rest rushed up to him while Eirgor slowly gets up.
MagiRed: I maybe a child but I will never let you kill Makarov and all the guild masters! We won't allow that because we are....!
Magiranger: Mahou Sentai Magirangers!!!!!
Eirgor: I know who you are, now die.
The five ready to battle Eirgor while on top of the hill we see Vancuria and Branken as Branken tells Vancuria.
Branken: Let's hope he success on this mission.
Vancuria: If he fails then we go with plan B.
Branken: That's right, but do you think they know?
Vancuria: Nonsense, they have no idea that Lullaby is one od Zerefs creations from the book of Zeref. Either way not only will we bring darkness to their world once more by killing the guild masters but we will end the Magirangers once and for all.
Branken agrees and they leave the area and waited to see if Eirgor will complete his goal and if not then they have to do it themselves.
To be continued.......................................
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