At the boy's place, they are all gathered around the dining table while Drew is explaining a few things to them all. Scott's phone rings and he goes to answer it, Harry looking on concerned.
"So, you think Jax is living in our building?" Harry asks aghast
"We think he's posing as a different person. He was able to give over all documents in this other person's name and the only thing he's slipped up is the fact he had to send photo ID; it took two weeks, but the photo was flagged when the background check was run" Drew says
"So, he didn't get the place? they flagged him?" Harry clarifies
"Not quite, usually they do give tenancy if they supply all documents, background checks can take weeks and sometimes months, so they don't usually worry, we're lucky they even ran the check" Drew says
"Shit, but Louis is at home alone" Harry says worried
"You have a private lift, don't you? And security!" Andy clarifies
"Yeah, but we only have security on the bottom floor, Jax can access our lift from different levels" Harry says
The boys look at each other worried, they didn't realise this, they thought Louis would be safe
"But you need a code right" Edward asks
"Yeah, yeah, he doesn't know the code, we changed it when Louis moved in" Harry says relaxing a little
He brings his phone out and texts Louis, hoping to settle his alpha
Scott then walks back into the he room
"Haz, that was security, Someone from our alarm company. They just wanted to let us know our omega was stuck on the bottom floor and needed to reset the lift code, I tried Louis but got no answer, they just wanted to let us know as a curtesy" Scott says
"What? Why would they do that" Harry asks, and his alpha is on high alert
"They said he passed all security questions and sent photo ID straight through via email" Scott says
"Shit, it's Jax not Louis Scott, we took Jax off the security list how did they authorise it" Harry asks
"Maybe he was pretending to be Louis, or the paperwork hasn't gone through, fuck we need to get back to Louis, he didn't answer my calls" Scott says and he's panicking now
The boys all rush to grab what they need and race to Harry and Scott's rover. Drew calling the squad to meet them there
When they get back to the apartment Drew's squad is waiting for him for instructions.
There are two ways into the apartment, the lift and a set of stairs that leads to a private lobby before a set of doors that you enter through the kitchen.
"Harry and Scott put these on under your jumpers" Drew says as he hands them bullet proof vests.
They do as they are told and quickly, needing to get to Louis.
"Now we don't have much time for a plan, you two need to head up, pretend like you're just coming home. I need you to talk to him, calm him. From the cameras he's got a gun, Louis is okay, but I need you guys to try and talk him down as best you can. The squad and I will enter through the stairs and kitchen discreetly and disarm him" Drew says
It's rushed but they need to get to Louis, so they agree, they just hope Louis is okay.
The lift ride up to the floor seems to take forever
"He's okay Haz, everything's going to be okay" Scott says, trying to reassure himself and Harry
"We've got this baby, we can do this, we need to get Louis out of this situation and protect him. We will kill Jax if we need to" Harry says, and Scott agrees
When the lift opens Harry and Scott enter the apartment to Jax three feet from Louis holding a gun at him.
"Jax?" Harry says trying to sound surprised,
They can both smell Louis is terrified and the need to comfort their omega is so strong, but they have to ignore it
"Harry, Scott I.... I didn't think you'd be back, yet I was just.... Louis he came at me with a knife, and I was trying to defend myself" Jax says
Louis looks at Harry and Scott upset, that's not true at all.
"It's okay Jax, how about you give us the gun and we can sort this out. I'm sure Louis didn't mean to upset you" Harry says
"He did, Haz, he took you away from me, it's all his fault. I loved you and you loved me, and he ruined it. He's tricking you you know; he was drugging you into thinking you were his" Jax says
"Are you serious?" Louis asks upset
"Louis" Scott growls
He doesn't want Louis getting hurt and needs him to be quiet
"Look Jax, we know, we found out a few days ago that Louis was drugging us, we found the bottles under his nest. We believe you" Scott says
Louis starts to breathe heavily, that's not true at all, Harry and Scott must be joking, just trying to get them all out of the situation alive.
"You believe me?" Jax says relieved
"Of course, we do babe" Harry says
Louis knows they don't actually believe him, but his omega starts responding to the rejection and he panics
"I'm yours? We're meant to be together I know it" Jax says
"We are, of course we are, you're our omega and we wouldn't change anything" Harry says
It's so painful for his and Scott's alphas to say, but they need to get Louis out of this safely
"You promise?" Jax asks
"We promise babe, Louis is nothing, we only want you" Scott says, and he nearly vomits saying it
Louis sways on his feet, he's become extremely sweaty and sick, feels like he's going to pass out. He then sees Drew out of the corner of his eye, in the kitchen with armed police officers, Louis knows what they are saying isn't true, but he feels so faint
"Give us the gun Jax and then we can be together" Harry says
Jax is crying at this point
"But he will still be in your lives I don't want him near us" Jax says, and he cocks the gun towards Louis
Louis is so out of it he doesn't notice much, just trying to stay upright
"No, Jax, you don't want to do this, you shoot Louis and you'll be in jail, and we won't be able to be together" Scott reasons
Jax is breathing heavily as he looks between Louis, Scott, and Harry
He begins to panic and just as he shoots the gun, he's tackled to the floor by Drew and two officers and the gunshot goes passed Louis head, missing him by cm's
There's commotion and yelling and all Louis can register is the ground getting closer
"Louis" Scott cries out as he catches him before he hits the ground
"We need medics, send medics up now" Drew says, voice worried
"Louis darling, you're okay, come back to us baby, we're here" Scott tries
Louis groans but opens his eyes when he can feel Harry and Scott's arms around him
"Scent us Lou, come on" Harry encourages
Louis is so out of it but manages to scent both boys and he comes back to reality a little.
Andy comes running into the apartment as Jax is taken out in handcuffs thrashing and screaming
"What happened" Andy asks trying to remain calm
"He just fainted" Harry says
"It's rejection, he had to stand there while we told Jax he was ours, so he would give us the gun. We were trying to save Louis; we didn't mean it" Scott says
"He's suffered rejection once so his body will go there more easily, but he's not completely there yet. Take him to your room and his nest and help him come back to you. He should be okay if you keep him safe with you" Andy tells the boys as he finishes looking Louis over
The boys are relieved and take Louis instantly to his nest not caring about anything else going on in the apartment
They spend the next 24 hours with Louis, the boys sorting out everything else for them, they are just so thankful they got back to Louis in time and he's okay.
Louis is in and out of sleep, Harry and Scott doing their best to comfort him.
When he wakes after 24 hours the boys are so relieved
"It's okay Louis we're here "Scott says as he swipes Louis fringe off his forehead
Louis launches himself at Harry and Scott and they hold him close
"We're so sorry baby" Harry says
"It's not your fault, I knew you were lying but I couldn't help the feelings, I'm so sorry" Louis tells them
"No baby, it's okay, you're okay, you're so brave, so good for us Louis" Harry says
"Such a good omega, our omega" Scott says, and Louis feels better just hearing that from his alphas
They sit in the nest in each other's arms just breathing each other in, just feeling each other.
Harry and Scott kiss Louis all over and when they make it to his lips it's pure desperation to express their feelings. They want to let each other know how much they mean to each other, and it becomes so emotional on such a deep level
It's slow and sensual as they undress one another. Harry and Scott completely taking over Louis and his omega. They touch him and worship him in the most wonderful way, they feel so connected.
It's soft moans and tongues, bitten lips, and hands as they become one together. Harry and Scott take Louis together, as he straddles them. They kiss and moan each other's names building each other up to what they know will be an intense climax.
"Fuck, you feel so good omega" Harry growls as his teeth bare overs Louis mating spot
"So good for your alphas, feels so good" Scott says as he licks over Louis mating spot on the other side of his neck
"Mate me" Louis whispers
Harry and Scott moan and they don't need to be told twice as they pop their knots, release their seed inside Louis and bite down on his mating spots, one on each side of his neck
The fire is instant for all three of them and their wolves seem to leave their body and intertwine as one before they re- enter their souls. The wolf intuition, the bond, the soul connection happens as they feel each other together as one. They thought they were close before but it's like they can feel and hear each other at the same time. It's pure magic and time completely stops as they take the time to connect together
When Harry and Scott release Louis, they lick over his mating spots proudly. Louis has dropped and they just hold him tightly waiting for him to come back to them. They spend the night entangled together in their nest, it's the best night they've ever had. No words are spoken they are just together as one soul and its pure ecstasy.
It takes a few days to come out of their mated bubble but on day three they make it to the shower. The shower sex is so intense now they are mates and Harry, and Scott don't know how they will ever leave Louis alone again and get back to everyday life.
When they exit the shower Louis looks at himself in the mirror, the two bite marks on his neck red and so prominent. He admires them in the mirror and can't help but be amazed and so thankful.
"You look so beautiful with our mark darling" Scott tells him as he kisses up Louis neck
"You're ours Louis, and we are so thankful to call you that, our perfect omega" Harry says as he licks over one of Louis bites
Louis lets them lick and kiss his mating spots, soaking up the attention, Scott and Harry are everything he's always wanted, and he loves them to death. They are officially mated, and Louis can't wait to start their lives together and forever as mates...
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