
"There you are!" You jump in surprise when someone glomped your back. You turned your head and faced Hanji's stupid grin. You sigh and get your attention back to your food.

"What now?" You asked tirely. She laugh and moved to the little space beside you, nonchalantly pushed aside Jean who seats there before her, earning an annoyed groan from him.

"Chill! I'm not planning to ruin your day!" She answered cheerfully and you shot a glare at her.

"Are you? Really? Convinced me."

"Okay, sorry, i might be told a little fib. But listen here, [Name], trust me this time and it will turned to your favor." You ignored her rambling and have a little chat with Moblit instead until she literally hugs you so hard your body start cracking.

"Okay!! I'll listen! Stay back!!!" You shouted and she released you, grinning even wider because she finally got your attention.

"About time for you to pay attention. So here's the plan. Tomorrow, i want you to take off your everything for a day."

"...Excuse me, what?"

"I said i want you to take your everything off for a whole day tomorrow." You stares at her, eyebrows furrowed and mouth agape, obviously not following whatever it is she's talking.

"Can you please translate it for me?" You asked Moblit but poor him he looks as blind as you. But somehow you can see the glint of scare in his eyes. Your mouth twitched and you turned your head back to Hanji.

"So you want me to do something so scary you even didn't tell Moblit about it. What makes you think i'll follow?"

"Oh, my dear, just a day won't hurt!"

"A day of what?"

"Go around naked!"


"I mean your eyes! Your eyes!"

"What's wrong with my eyes??"

"No, there's nothing wrong but i just want to see your naked eyes, that's all." You furrowed your eyebrows even deeper now while the others starts listening to your conversation. You glances around and stand, leaving the hall as you aren't used to the unwanted attention. Hanji being persistent, following you while whimpering and whinning and pleading, whatever it calls, for you to take off your glasses. You stop middle way, sighing heavily and turned around to face her.

"Okay, so? Do you have any good reason as to why i should take off mine? I don't think it bad wearing one. You yourself wearing glasess."

"No, of course it's not bad. The bad one is your choice of glasses, [Name]."

"What's wrong with mine? As long as i'm comfortable, i supposed it doesn't matter."

"But still there're much more cute and fashionable ones out there, and here you chose that old, thick, and ugly glasses. Oh, [Name], i really hopes you realize how beatiful you are without that big thick ugly glasses covering half of your face."

You deadpan from her comment. You knew she means no harm but listened to hear mentioning your facial feature without glasses is hurt. You purposely wearing a big glasses to hide your face. Because of genetic disease you inherited from your mother, you can't see well more than five feets ahead and it troubles you since you were a child, forcing you to always wearing one since you can remember.

You actually hates wearing glasses but for some reason you don't know, the boys around your age always picking at you when they discovered your face without glasses while the girls ended up hating you. The adults around, whenever witnessing your bared face, always looks dumbfound as if they saw a ghost. You even got abducted a few times because you carelessly took off your glasses when you play outside. As you got older, you learn your lesson and practically almost never let your face shown to people, including your roommates. The trauma you experienced back in the past still haunts you.

"[Name]? Hello? Earth to [Name]!" Hanji waves her hand in front of you, snapping you back from your dark thought.

"What are you thinking just now? Anyway, don't you want to show him your face?"


"Levi of course! You said you never removes your glasses even around him, right? Don't you think it's weird to not let your own lover take a look at your face?" You blinks nervously and start walking to your room, ignoring her. You closed the door right in front of her face, gaining a desperate whimper from the other side.

Few days passed after that certain day and Hanji is nowehere to be found. At least not within your reach. You spend your days in peace as Hanji never brought up that topic again. But you can't shake off the bad feeling lingering as it was too peaceful.

"Say, Levi." You whispered softly to Levi as you both watching the cadets at the training ground. He hum in respond.

"Don't you think it's too peaceful without Hanji's rampage?" he looks displeased but you're not done talking. "I mean, it feels like a storm is about to pass."

"Don't reminds me. She's been fucking bothering me nonstop until yesterday."

"Really? About what?" he glanced at you but didn't answer. You look back at him, questioning.

"I heard your eyesight are fucking terrible." He said. You frowned as he didn't answer your question but mentioning unrelated matter instead.

"Well, yeah. That's why i'm wearing glasses. I told you about it, didn't i?"

"So you won't wearing glasses if it wasn't becaused of your eyesight."

Your eyes widened, surprised from his blunt words. His tone wasn't asking, he's just stating his mind. You start feeling uneasy as it was a topic you would rather avoid, but knowing him, he won't let you off without giving a satisfying answer he's seeking. You let out a big sigh, feeling defeat.

"I think even if my eyesight are fine, i'll still wearing one."


"I don't want anyone to see my bare face without something covering at least half of it."

"Why? Did your eyes shooting a fucking laser or something?"

"Do you think i'm an alien or something? Of course not! It's just... something i learn from past experienced."

"...In other words, something happened to you when you didn't cover your face."

"...Yeah." You tell him how you got kidnapped a few times when you were a teenager. But you didn't tell him any bad things happened beside that one.

"That bad?" he asked.

"That bad. I always having this episode whenever someone get close to me when i'm not covering my face." You turned and found him staring at you deeply. "Are you bothered about that too, Levi?" you asked him with a tint hint of sadness inside your voice. He mumbling something under his breath and look away.

He stop pushing after that and you thank him inwardly. The day went by peacefully as everyone set themself in the mess hall for dinner. You sit together with Levi, Erwin, and the other squad leaders but Hanji is still nowhere. As you have a simple conversation at your table, Hanji burst in and glomped at you again so hard you bumped your stomach.

"WHAT THE HELL???" You shout loudly and groaned in pain, earning a constant silent from other tables. Your seat just happened to be at the end of the table so everyone in the hall can see you.

"The fuck you're doing, shitty glasses?" Levi hissed at Hanji as she obviously pushed him from his seat beside you.

"You know, [Name]? I heard a girl wearing glasses will gain unrivaled beauty when she removes them." She said while grinning widely.


"That being said, i want to prove it on you!" She suddenly took off your glasses and run to the other side of the table, singing happily as she purposely waving your glasses in her hand.

"What the- Hanji give it back!!" You nervously trying to chase her but your eyesight being terrible, you ended up hitting you legs so hard.

"Aww! Shit, Hanji give it-" you were interrupted by a clinking sounds from many directions. It was silent, nobody makes another sound or movement. You can't see aside from your own table but you can feel many gazing at you including those at your own table. Your heart thumping loud from fear.

"Holy crap!" Hanji yelp, stop dancing. Her eyes glued on you with shock.

No! That look again! I don't want to see that look again! You thought as you see her expression and the squad leaders around you. You turned your head to Levi only to found him too widening his eyes, surely shocked.

You become nervous and hold your breath, your heartbeat become erratic as the trauma overwhelming your entire being. Just as you start trembling and feel like you're about to faint, Levi grab your wrist and pulling you down to his chest, hiding your face. You quickly hug him back, grabbing his back as if your life depends on it.

"What the fuck are you looking at, Cadets?" He said with low intimidating tone. You can feel the gaze slowly leaving you.

"You won't get away from this, Shitty Glasses." He continued as the earlier spectators murmuring something incoherent to your ears to each others.

"Uhh, well, i don't think the impact would be that big." You clunched even tighter to Levi, scared from the thought of what would happen to you after all of the Legion look at your face.

"That was too much of a prank, Hanji." Erwin who's been watching says, "Even though it never cross my mind that [Name] would be so eyecatching." You froze from the comment.

"Back off, Erwin! She's mine!" Levi hissed. Erwin chuckles as replied.

"Eyecatching? Are you kidding, Erwin? She's obviously breathtaking!" Hanji said behind you and you could feel her slowly caressing your back, "I'm so sorry, [Name]. I just want to look at you face, that's all. But still, if you have such an angelic face, why do you hiding it? Imagine how many men out there would head over heel for you. Even i have fallen for you." Hanji continue rumbling but you didn't even hear it.

Angelic? Did she just say angelic face?

You hear Levi grumbling then stand, walking away while dragging you along. You're still afraid from his respons before but still don't have the energy to fight back from your episode. As you both arrived at his room, he slammed the door and locked it, dragging you again to his bedroom and did the same with the door.

"Levi..." He turned around to face you, anger shown on his perfect feature. He literally throw you on his bed, pinned you down and kiss you harshly. You squirm under him from the sudden act but he didn't budge. He strenghten his grip on your wrist instead you sure it'll leave visible marks. You whimp as your breaths getting harder but he still won't let you go. He finally let go as he's sure you can no longer hold your breath.

"Wha... Levi..." You said between your attempt to catch your breath. He stared down at you, or rather, glaring at you. You try to break away from his gaze but he grip your wrist even tighter than he already is, forcing you to look his way.

"Levi... My hands hurt..."

He clutches your wrist even more as if trying to break it. You gasps, desperately trying to fight back the urge to scream from the pain. He's mad for sure but you can't make out the reason of his anger. Not to mention your thought are too focus on the pain.

"Levi... Please..."

Instead of letting you go, he bury his head on your chest then so slowly loosening his grip. You breaths erratically as you felt the pain slowly replaced with a constant throbs.

"Don't.Ever.Take.Off.Your.Fucking.Glasses.Ever.Again." He demand. You quickly nods as if he can see it from his position. He let go your hands and getting up, pulling you up with him then cupped both of your checks. He studying your face intensely, obviously making you uncomfortable but he don't even care. His face is so scary you forgot about your episode. After feel like hours to you, he sigh then pulled you into a soft embrace.

"Let me rephrase. Don't ever take off your glasses in front of anyone but me." He said, his voice is calmer now. You rest your head on his shoulder. Your heartbeat slowed down and your trembling is totally gone.

"Now i get why you were abducted." He continued. You pulled back and look at him, softly demanding him to continue using your eyes. He stared back unwillingly before finally leat out a tch.

"Of course they will! Even i will fucking kidnap you in second i spot you. I don't want to fucking admitted it but Shitty Glasses is right about the removed glasses. I... Shit! Those cadets gonna pay for this!" You blinks your eyes, slowly processing every words flowing down from his mouth. You never heard him compliment you, to think that he would lost his words and openly admitting your beauty like this...

"Does it mean... I'm not ugly?" Levi stared down at you.

"Do you have a mirror or not?"

"I'm afraid to look so i never really checking myself." Your eyes went down to your lap. He pulled you to a long, soft and sweet kiss.

"I only say this once so listen well. You're not ugly. You're beautiful even with your glasses on. And when i got a glance at your face, i can't fucking avert my eyes even for a split second. You hear me?" You nod.

"Good. Now be a good girl and promise me to not ever, EVER, take your glasses off in front of anyone beside me."

"I promise."

"Good girl. Now you- damn, woman, why the hell are you shivering again??"

"Uhh... I guess i still not used to be seen without glasses... and to see you this close is... Levi plea-" you fainted without finishing your sentence.

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