Chapter 2: A Crimson demon Explosion wizard
Couple of months has past since the three enter a new world. Kazuma and Aqua dose small jobs around Axel to get the money while Y/n gose on a small adventures and helping nearby towns with bandit troubles while getting some new magic along the way.
He still searches for the Devil King by asking people within towns and they told Y/n they don't know but Y/n won't give up. Now we see Y/n staying at a barn outside of Axel with Kazuma and Aqua as he fell onto a large hay with a blanket on top of it as he was tired after soo much jobs he has done but wasn't close to find the location of the devil King yet.
Aqua: See you've been busy.
Y/n looks up and see Aqua still wearing her PJ'S as she enters the Barn and Y/n said while resting his head on the haystack.
Y/n: Yeah I have. I helped many towns and gotten new magic but not close for any clues about the location of the devil King yet.
Aqua: Yeah but I know you can do it. And once you do, you'll defeat the devil King and the world will be in peace while I head back to heaven.
Y/n: Yep so how's Kazuma been doing while I was away?
Aqua walks over and sat down on the haystack and said to Y/n.
Aqua: Nothing much really. Me and Kazuma just been repairing the walls around Axel making sure things aren't broken.
Y/n: Right and after that you have a party late that night?
Aqua: How did you know that?
Y/n: (smirk) Just a guess but wish I was there with yous. Must be fun.
Aqua: Yeah and it would be cool that you and I can get to know each other more during the party.
Y/n: (surprised) You want to know a bit about me?
Aqua: (smile) Well yeah you seem a lucky kid to ever have that sword and I always wonder how you start helping people before you die.
Y/n: Well I guess it's just something I want to do. I wanted to help people and make others happy. It's kinda what I like to do and that's why I risked my life to save that family before my death.
Aqua: (smile) You must be a great person back then.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I was.
The two of them smiled for a bit before Y/n stands up and walks over to the door and before he left he turns to Aqua and said.
Y/n: Let's see what Kazuma is doing. Hopefully he isn't doing too much trouble.
Aqua: What Kazuma is like, I bet he's starting trouble once we get there.
Y/n: (smile) Hope not. I'll wait outside while you get changed.
Aqua: (smile) Alright Y/n.
Y/n nods and head out and Aqua couldn't help but blush a little cause how Y/n talks to her like that.
Aqua: (thought) Oh Y/n, you really are my guardian angel.
We open on a large field of grass as we see Kazuma running across the field while he was getting chased by a large frog behind him as he screams out for help.
We see Aqua and Y/n far from the scene as they watch Kazuma running for dear life. Aqua was laughing as she watched Kazuma getting chased by a large frog while Y/n just watched this.
Their job is to take out large frogs that has been eating sheep farm and giving trouble to everyone within the village.
Aqua: (laughter) Woah that is the must funny thing I ever seen! Hahahahaha!
Kazuma: (thought) I swear once we are done, I'm gonna kill her.
Y/n: I'm a bit surprised their are large frogs in this world. I was suspected some wolfs or some prey animals that kills sheep.
Aqua: Yeah but at least we see Kazuma getting chased by a large frog.
Y/n: Still should we help him?
Aqua: Not until he show me respect and calls me Lady Aqua.
Y/n: Do you think he will do it?
Aqua: One way to find out.
He turns to Kazuma in the distance and calls out for him.
Aqua: Kazuma if you really, really want some help, show me respect and call me lady Aqua!
Kazuma: Lady Aqua!
Y/n: (surprised) Woah that was easy.
Aqua: I know he's gonna do all these things for me.
While Aqua talks about the things Kazuma must do, the large frog stop chasing Kazuma and turns it's attention to Aqua and Y/n and leaps towards them. Kazuma see this and Y/n turn and see it as well and the large frog spit out its large tongue towards Aqua but Y/n grabs Aqua and pulls her away.
Aqua was surprised and blushes a little as Y/n saved her and got in front of her and draw out his sword as the large frog leaps towards them.
Y/n: Stay behind me Aqua.
Aqua: (blush) Right.
Y/n: (thought) Alright frog, let's do this.
The large frog spit out its large tongue towards Y/n but Y/n jumped into the air and dodge it's attack and lands down and slice the frogs tongue and charge at the large frog and swing his sword once and the large frog falls onto the ground dead.
Kazuma was amazed as Y/n stands up and looks at the dead frog and turns back to Aqua and nods at her to make sure she was unharmed. She nods back followed by a thumps up with a little blush on her. Y/n smiles back and nods back. Then suddenly another tongue caught Y/n's leg and he drops on the ground and was draged to a pink large frog.
Kazuma: Y/n!
Aqua: Y/n!
Y/n drop his sword and see he was about to be eating but he pulls out one of his twin blades and stab it into the tongue costing the pink frog to let go of Y/n and Y/n quickly stands up and pulls out his bow and fires it into the large pink frogs mouth and the pink frog fell on the ground dead.
Y/n breaths a sigh of relief as Aqua and Kazuma runs up and Aqua hugs Y/n from behind making Y/n blush a little.
Aqua: I'm thankful your ok, that was a close one.
Kazuma: Yeah too close. Damn there must be more put there.
Y/n: Yeah let's head back to the guild before more comes.
They nodded and they head back while Y/n could feel the slime of the frogs tongue on his leg which was disgusting.
(Short while later)
They arrived back at the guild as we see them sat on a table as Aqua slams her drink onto the table and said.
Aqua: We need some allies to help us in our fight against those monsters.
Kazuma: What? Are you nuts, why would we need allies to help us?
Y/n: Now hold on Kazuma she has a point. That sneak attack from that frog almost eat me and besides, we need some allies to help us against the devil King.
Aqua: Exactly so let us look for allies to join us in our fight against the devil King.
Kazuma: Yeah but the problem is everyone has already has a party group so that's thrown out of the window.
Y/n: Maybe their is some that doesn't. You never know, sometimes could be looking for a party to join up.
Kazuma: (smile) Yeah Y/n is right.
Kazuma: Fine I have an idea that we can do this.
He then takes out a sheet of paper and start a wanted poster to those who wanted to join their party and he set it next to the job board so everyone can see.
After a long while of waiting to see if anyone walks up to them and join their party. But that didn't happened as they still waited and waited until Aqua sigh and said.
Aqua: Man why is no one gonna come up to us and join our party?
Y/n: Let's wait a little while. Maybe someone would come.
Kazuma: So much for my art class.
Y/n: But besides that what was your life been before you died Kazuma?
Kazuma: Oh well just playing video games and being a shut in teen.
Y/n: So you sat around and house doing nothing? That's kinda unhealthy for you.
Kazuma: Jeez thanks for the obvious man.
Y/n: Just saying man.
Kazuma: Still my life was kinda boring until I died and met you. At first I have some adventures but nope. I stay around this town and do some work while you do adventure stuff.
Y/n: Well if you wanted some adventures maybe I invite you along and see we can find some treasure we may find.
Aqua: That sounds pretty cool.
Kazuma: Yeah can't wait for it.
???: So you must be my new allies I'm I right?
They turn to see a young girl wearing some kind a witch outfit but her hat has two buttons with a line that looks like a mouth and red clothes underneath a black cloak.
Y/n: Um yes, I see you've looked at the wanted poster for new allies we put up?
???: Indeed and it seems I finally reqch my destiny to find new allies.
She then dose a pose as her red eye glows as she introduces to herself.
Megumin: I am Megemin and I am a Crimson demon who dose explosion magic. I will be the most explosion crimson demon ever across the land!
Y/n: (thought) Explosion wizard? That sounds pretty useful in jobs and she dose look pretty cool.
Aqua: So your a crimson demon? Thats pretty interesting, dose that mean your family is one of them?
Megumin: (smirk) Indeed my family are the greatest explosion wizards ever around and can make large explosion un like you never seen and.....and.....and...
Megumin was about to hit on the ground but Y/n caught her just in time and lifted her while Megumin looks up and they made eye contact and Megumin blushes bright red as Y/n asked her.
Y/n: You ok Megumin, it looks like you were about the passed out.
Megumin: (blush) Y-Yeah sorry, haven't eaten for a while and I'm very starving.
Y/n: (smile) That's alright. I'll get some food for you while you rest.
Megumin: (blush) Th-thank you.
(Short while later)
Megumin was all done eating as she lend back and felt her belly was about to explod while Y/n, Aqua and Kazuma looks at her card because Megumin can't read.
Y/n: Huh seems that your pretty capable of explosion magic.
Kazuma: Yeah and your a arch wizard and your stats is pretty high.
Megumin: Yep I am a great explosion wizard as you watched my explosion skills.
Y/n: I also like your eyepatch one your eye.
Megumin: Well you see it's not just a ordinary eyepatch. It's a eyepatch that holds my ultimate attack that will destroy everything around me.
Kazuma: (surprised) Wow your serious?!
Megumin: No just a normal eyepatch. I wear it because its cool.
Then Kazuma start pulling her eyepatch while Megumin trying to stop him. Y/m shake his head and walks over and hits Kazuma on the head and the eyepatch hits Megumin on the eye which hurts.
Megumin: Ow that hurts.
Y/n: I'm sorry about Kazuma, he never show respect to anyone he meets.
Kazuma: (mutter) Jerk.
Megumin: No, no that's alright but I do like your sword on your back. Must be very strong.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks its called a sword of bravery and It's very strong.
Megumin: (little blush) So what magic do you use?
Y/n: I use different kinds thanks of all the training I've been doing. So who was your family before you start your journey?
Megumin: My mother was Yuyui and my father was Hyoizaburoo.
Y/n:.....Cool I bet they are awesome.
Megumin: (smile) Thanks.
Kazuma: Now we got that sorted, let's head out and kill some frogs.
Megumin: Exactly this will be epic job.
Y/n smiles a little to see Megumin's excitement and once they got sorted they head out to kill some large frogs so they could complete their mission.
We see the same cloak figure when he first see Y/n walking through the dark ares of the forest and stops at a opening and removed his hood to reveal that he is a devil with sharp teeth and devilish like face as he looks around and waiting for someone.
???: I hope you have a good reason to call me here Kin.
Behind him was another devil guy stepping out of the darkness as Kin turns to see him.
Kin: You're always like this Eryu. Pretending to do something so you can please our devil King.
Eryu: Unlike you leaking within towns and killing people like a murder, us devils like me has done some serious work to control this land.
Kin: Well unlike you I actually discovered something that may be important to the devil king an our empire.
Eryu: And what would that be?
Kin: I boy has this sword that I believe has the power to take out our army and has magic strength to defeat the devil King himself.
Eryu: Impossible. No human can't defeat the devil King. The devil King will crush them like bugs.
Kin: Well would I also tell you that he has a goddess with him.
Eryu's eyes widen with shock. A goddess here? How is that possible but he brush it off and asked.
Eryu: Who else?
Kin: Another boy but he shown to be weak so I won't bother telling about him but this other boy named Y/n is more important. If he has that power he can defeat us and the devil King for good.
Eryu thinks about it and knows if Y/n faces off with the devil King then this would be a problem. He turns back to Kin and said to him.
Eryu: We must not let this Y/n boy find the devil King before he will destroy us. We must do what ever we can to stop him.
Kin: Should we sent some devils to attack Axel?
Eryu: No he will just take them out easy. We can't risk our troops get taking out by him. We must be smart by this before we act.
Kin: Fine, Fine what do you think we should do then?
Eryu: Keep this conversation between you and me and if Y/n dose something that give the devils kings attention, then we will act.
Kin: (smirk) It's not like you going behind the devil kings back. I thought you are loyol to him?
Eryu: I am but as his greatest warrior, I must not let Y/n get near him. Even I have to keep this secret otherwise he will act and draw Y/n to him.
Kin: What ever you say Eryu, I take my leave. Good luck on.....what ever you were doing.
Then Kin walks off while Eryu shake his head and turns to go a different way as the two devils go their separate ways.
We see Y/n and the rest back at the field once again as they look over and see one down at a hill and Aqua points to another far near them.
Y/n: Looks like there is more did come but now we're ready for them.
Aqua: (smile) Yeah let's show those disgusting frogs not to mess with me, Aqua the goddess of water!
Megumin: Yeah....wait your a goddess?
Kazuma: No she said those things when she is stressed out. Kinda sad if you think about it.
Megumin: Yeah that is sad.
Aqua: (anger) How dare you Kazuma lie like that! Fine I guess I have to proof it my self then!
Then Aqua charge at the nearby frog while Y/n calls out for her to come back. Aqua rais her staff at the frog and was about use her goddess like magic.......but she get eaten very easily once gotten close.
Kazuma: (thought) Man she is useless.
Y/n draw out his sword and charge at the large frog and once close he slash it which drops dead and spit out Aqua which she was covered by slime as she sat on the ground feel and small disgusting.
Y/n: Aqua, you ok?
Aqua: Ew this is soo disgusting. Ew I can't let everyone in the guild see me like this.
Y/n: (thought) Thank goodness she's ok and not been fully eaten.
Then they felt a large wind and they look up and see a massive and colourful like magic as Y/n realise that Megumin is doing it as she rais her stuff into the air as she calls out.
Megumin: Hear me monster as I will use my massive explosion magic to sent you sky rocking to the black viod of space!
Then a large magic circle appear below the large frog and Megumin crise out.
Megumin: Explosion!
Then there was a large and massive explosion that shakes the ground and there was a loud boom before it was quite and Y/n see that the large frog was completely gone as if it was incinerate completely.
Y/n: (shocked) Holy cow that was so awesome megumin!
Kazuma: (shocked) No kidding!
Aqua: Um guys I think they have a third party.
Y/n see a third large frog and it was leapong towards Megumin so Y/n race over and calls out to Megumin.
Y/n: Megumin move, another one is coming your way!
Then megumin fell on the ground and Y/n race over and kneeld down to her and asked.
Y/n: You ok Megumin, why aren't you moving?!
Megumin: My body can't move after that explosion.
Kazuma: You serious?
Megumin: I didn't suspect to see another frig monster. My bad guys.
Y/n: Don't beta yourself Megumin, I'll keep you safe.
Y/n stands up and draw out his sword and stare at the large frog leaping towards him.
Y/n: (thought) Well I guess it's time to test out my new magic.
Y/n focus on his magic and then for about a moment his sword burst into flames which surprised Kazuma and Aqua as the large frog spit out ots tongue to land a strike at him but suddenly it went through Y/n like water. He use his liquid magic to turn himself liquid and then he charge at the large frog and slashes at the large dodge while dodging its attacks.
The large frog jumps high and was about to land at Y/n but Y/n dodges and he swing his flaming blade and it made a flame tornado as it grabs the large frog and it spine around within the flame tornado before Y/n took out his bow and one singal arrow and pulls the arrow back and aims it at the huge frog which is now flying in mid air.
Then Y/n takes the shot and the arrow hits the large frog and the large frog lands hard on the ground dead as Y/n puts away his bow while Megumin was amazed by Y/n's skills and see Y/n is very powerful.
Aqua: (smile) Nice work Y/n! I knew you could do it!
Kazuma: (thought) Wish he teach me some tricks about his skills.
Y/n walks over and picks up Megumin who still can't move while she blushes red when they were face to face.
Y/n: (smile) That was pretty cool huh?
Megumin: (smile) Yeah it is.
(Awhile later)
They walk through the street of Axel as Aqua complain about the slime on her while Y/n still carrys Megumin through town.
Aqua: Man this is soo disgusting. As soon we get back, I'm gonna take a long shower.
Kazuma: Maybe if you haven't go full on charge on that frog like a idiot, you would have not get slime on you.
Aqua: (anger) How dare you being so mean to me Kazuma, at least Y/n respect me more then you.
They argued while Y/n just sigh and Megumin asked Y/n.
Megumin: (blush) Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Megumin: (blush) I-I know my body can't move after I do explosion magic. But I was wondering if I'm still in your party. It's pretty hard to find a party ever since I came here.
Y/n: (smile) Sure I don't mind you can't move as long we have someone withinnout team.
Megumin: (blush) R-Really? You mean it?
Y/n: (smile) Of course. Your magic is soo cool, your clothes is awesome and your name is cute.
When Megumin hear the name part. She blushes ever more as she pulls her hat to her face to hide the blush and she wonder to herself.
Megumin: (thought) No one never said so kind things about me. No one didn't say my name is cute. I think I'm starting to like Y/n, like LIKE him more.
They walks back to the guild while we see Kin peeking out of the dark alleyway as she made a evil smirk as he said.
Kin: (smirk) Enjoy your friends well you can Y/n. Because soon your life will be living hell. (evil laughter)
Then Kin turns and walks back into the darkness of the alleyway still laughing to himself as he disappeared into the darkness.
To be continued......
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