Badass Hybrid Meets A Demon And A Void Hunter

(The Day After)

Currently Dante had left home after a shower and some quick breakfast as he remembered there were some artifacts that he needed to attain then to head to Akali's penthouse again as Akali said someone wanted to talk to him so he went back and after a while found the same area where he bested the demon and found a chest with rotted wood and a rusted chain connected to it.

Dante:" Yeah that's probably it."

Dante with ease busted the chain off and opened the chest where he saw three items glowing within the chest: One was glowing a electric blue and appeared to just be a ball of glowing energy so Dante could tell it was a rune for his angelic weapon Rebellion so placed it on top of the blade where it morphed itself into a large red axe.

(A/N: As it was mentioned in the last chapter Eva unlike the reboot and canon series of DMC is a warrior angel so Rebellion was made by her rather than by Sparda)

Dante:" Oh damn that's cool shit! A battle axe will help cut some slack. Take it the other one the same but what's the last though?"

Dante was mentioning to a artifact that looked to be just a beautiful and flawless piece of jewelry rather than a weapon but it had a mix of demonic and angelic magic and materials to it so not willing for some scumbag to take it, Dante picked it up and clicked by his skull chains connected to his pants.

(Imagine The Flames Are This Color)

Dante then picked up a red glowing orb that seemed to be for Yamato and while lighting a cigarette placed it onto Yamato who absorbed the artifact and just like Rebellion morphed itself into a weapon and after a sec became a silver scythe.

Dante:" Kayn's gonna love this. Awesome artifacts but wonder what's up with this thing. Is it some kind of jewelry or some kind of ancient weapon? Better ask mom or dad."

Dante headed back home where he saw his father and his sisters not present so just looked around for his mother before hearing something from his parents' bedroom so going and knocked the door where immediately his mother answered wearing a beautiful white robe and a smile to match.

Eva*Hugs Dante*:" Hello my darling baby boy."

Dante*Hugs Back*:" Hey mama, you dressed up for something?"

Eva:" No darling I just got out of the shower and if your wondering where the others are then your father is currently dealing with that scum that always wants to make a deal with him."

Dante rolled his eyes knowing that due to his father having the most successful company within four out of seven continents would make sense but this guy was someone that was far too arrogant, greedy and has some of the shadiest assholes working with him. So for short this guy was Earth's equivalent of Jacques "Tiny Dick" Schnee but hated his father because of how he made his business look like complete chump change. 

Eva:" Your sisters are both out at a bar because a friend of theirs's opened one up where already it became a hit so if you wanna see them just give 'em a call and I'm sure they'll tell you."

Dante:" Actually I got a question for you mama."

Eva:" Oh?"

Dante unhooked the artifact from his chain and handed it too her where her eyes widened at the sight of the artifact.

Eva:" Where did you find that Dante?"

Dante:" After I beat that shadow demon there were some artifacts that were left behind so I went back and took them with this being one of them. Does it belong to you or dad?" 

Eva:" Actually it was meant for you Dante."

Dante:" Me?"

Eva*Gently Places Hand Onto Dante's Cheek*:" When your sisters became a piece of our family, we made them similar artifacts to have a symbol of our love for them and their connect to the Heavens, The Rings Of Hell and the Underworld but then you came into our lives when our daughters first met you and told us our brave, sweet and kind you were but also of what happened to you from your old home world, it was enough that we felt such a connection that we made one for you but the day we had it made and adopted you it was stolen by someone so we thought it was gone and thought of other things to make you and decided on the necklace we made you that you currently have around your neck."

Dante gently felt the chains with one hand and with the other placing the wolf against his heart while gently rubbing his thumb against it before his eyes went to the artifact he brought back that was in his mother's hands.

Dante:" Do you want the necklace back now that I found the artifact?"

Dante was ready to take the necklace off when his mother placed her forehead against Dante's and rubbed his scalp affectionately.

Eva:" No Dante, this here artifact will be given to it's true owner and that necklace helped you form your own identity that humanity adores so here my child, the artifact of three worlds."

She chained the artifact to Dante's pants before pecking him on the nose but Dante was a bit weirded out by the term "three worlds" so his mother answered by saying the metal pieces were built by a ingot from one of the Rings Of Hell , the glass made by sand from the Heavens or more one of them and the flames that inhabited the inside were powerful flames made from a seed of the kind of plants that Dante uses for his bladed weapons as well as a liquid form of it.

Dante": So some of the petals were melted to make this."

Eva:" Not the petals but the stronger source: Some roots. Since they can't really be used like the petals for offense, melting it and making it into something like this makes it a game changer and due to how fast the flowers and roots heal and grow, it never runs out."

Eva hugged her son and asked what he was up to where he mentioned Akali saying someone wanted to meet him and the possibility that he needed to drop another song for his fans so with him kissing his mother on the cheek and thanking her for the artifact, he got into his new car and headed to Akali's place where he felt the presence of Seraphine, Akali and three others with only one feeling familiar. Dante put up his hood and with his new shadow powers/magic used them to really hide his upper face instead of formerly where he really had to keep up his hood to keep his mysterious gimmick up but now didn't have to worry as the shadows also kept his hood on and walked in where he heard two voices but also kept his guard up when his Devil Bringer suddenly lit up its two gorgeous colors that are associated with his parent's symbols.

(Left Wing Is This Color)

(Right Wing Is This Color)

???:" That song was so fricking amazing Seraphine!!! You got to meet Werewolf, the Lord Wolf himself and made a amazing love song with him. Also that song he dropped just minutes before making the song with you was so good!!! Utterly awesome!!!"

The voice had the excitement to match a certain blue haired best friend of his and of Seraphine but sounded a bit older than theirs so he stayed hidden when a voice similar to age joined in but instead of the excited tone of the other, this one fit more of a seasoned succubus with the way their words were and how they seemed to think of him.

???:" Not only that but you managed to actually kiss the mighty Lord Wolf but we expected on the cheek not on those gorgeous succulent lips his Seraphine. ~Not only that but he calls you his cotton candy angel with that new ship name coming and that song, maybe you'll two may have some fun when your truly alone~"   

Akali:" Come on though, Seraphine did something you geeks haven't and let's be honest you two never could land a kiss on that handsome man. Well let me talk to you! The Werewolf is into ninjas and angels not twerking ponytail girls and wannabe succubus with lame claws!!!"

Dante heard a gasp from what he assumed was in Akali's words "twerking ponytail girl" but then a odd and strong pressure enveloped the room that he knew for a fact was from the succubus but when he was gonna go in, a pair of arms wrapped around him with nine other soft and fluffy appendages wrapping him in what felt better than any blanket he ever had.

???:" Hi Wolfy, sorry that you found out about my band mate's...scary secret."

Dante petted the ears of the beautiful girl who was the known founder and leader of K/DA and the only physically different looking person he was currently dating Ahri a Kitsune Vastayan.

Dante:" It's alright but I need to make my entrance so try and calm the demon one because I'm guessing she's pissed."

Ahri nodded and walked out where She saw a lilac haired woman with yellow glowing eyes that was the said demon known a Evelynn and she was currently grabbing Akali by the ears and pulling them while Akali was draped over the head rest of the couch while yelling for Evelynn to let go while the female standing alongside Seraphine with a long black ponytail known as their Void Hunter Kai'Sa the choreographer who was looking at the scene with pained eyes because anyone knew getting their ears pulled sucked while Seraphine was shaking her head at Akali's thoughts of insulting the strongest of them and Evelynn's handling of the arrogance and disrespect.

Akali:" Let go Evelynn! That fucking hurts!!"

Evelynn:" Then take back what you said little ninja or is all that supposed skill and bag girl attitude just smack you can't back up?"

Akali:" Fuck you!"

Evelynn:" I am interested in many kinds of people Akali but a arrogant spray painting rapper that is currently being bested because of her ears being pulled is certainly not one of them. Thank you though for the offer little ninja."

Akali kept struggling while Ahri was thinking of a solution to this when Dante came up with one of his own.

Dante:" Let me talk to you!"

Dante teleported right in front of Ahri who was shocked by this while Evelynn let go at the sight of the legendary solo artist appearing in her presence while Seraphine and Kai'Sa were jumping with joy at the sight of him and finally Akali was looking at him with thankful eyes but was the only one who noticed the artifact on his skull chains she had gifted him when they first met.

Evelynn*Seductive Eyes*:" ~The might Lord Wolf has graced all members of K/DA with his handsome and powerful presence but answer me this darling, why have you come to us on this lonesome night?~"

Dante:" Simply my lovely, Ahri the beautiful and gracious leader of you group has asked if I can come to see someone who wanted to talk to me. Though I believe she just wanted me to see the beauty of the two I haven't met yet after my amazing and dazzling night with the beautiful Cotton Candy Angel you had recruited."

Seraphine was crimson again while Kai'Sa was still in amazement at the sight of the young singer/rapper while Evelynn wanted to know what he was since she smelled no human blood within him but knew he had to be underneath that hood of his as well that his sense of fashion was somewhat simple yet the way he wore it made him seem so damn ethereal.  

Dante:" May I know your names? We may have time but time is always in motion."

Evelynn:" Of course darling, ~I am Evelynn but you can call me your lovely~"

Dante*Smirks*:" Okay my lovely, thank you for telling me who the next collab I will be doing because I do find you very...lovely indeed."

Evelynn smirked at the words while looking down at his crotch while Kai'Sa coughed and walked closer to him with a blush and nervousness painted on her face.

Kai'Sa:" Hello mister Wolf I-I mean Lord Wolf! My name is Kai'Sa and it's a honor to meet you and thank you so much for making a collab with Seraphine. It was so kind of you."

Dante:" Please Kai it was a honor to make a song with someone with such a beautiful voice and amazing personality. It really brightened up my day though I believe Seraphine is used to that." 

Unable to hold it in anymore Seraphine ran forward and gave Dante a strong hug with her face buried into his neck and rubbing her face all over. Dante chuckled and patted her head when Akali stood up holding her ears while looking at Ahri who looked a bit confused by Seraphine's sudden hugging of Dante before she let go and her blue eyes looked up at him due to the staggering height difference. Ahri suddenly grew a mischievous smile when looking at the two and decided to make this more interesting.

Ahri:" Werewolf and Seraphine, I have three dares for you two."

Dante looked at Ahri with curiosity but with a smirk said bring it on while Seraphine was nervous since she knew Kitsunes were known to be very mischievous beings.

Ahri:" First dare is to kiss again because that kiss you two had was nice but seemed more like a couple kiss rather than a naughty kiss."

Dante:" Oh really? You want a kiss of lust Foxy? My my, are you interested in seeing others kiss my lady? My lovely*Turns To Evelynn*Is your leader interested in something I am unaware of?"

Evelynn was liking Werewolf even more when seeing Ahri's face become a red as a tomato from his words and the nickname he gave her before turning and wrapping her armed around his neck after lightly shoving Seraphine aside.

Evelynn:" She is a Kitsune my Lord Wolf, they are meant to be naughty little one and if memory serves me correctly ~they have heat cycles so watch out for that because if you ever need comfort or relief, just come to me~"

The Werewolf and K/DA members all had different reactions to this so far despite how this was just the first dare. Ahri and Seraphine were blushing to the point their faces were heating up with steam coming out of their heads. Akali was getting jealous of Evelynn holding her man like this while being unaware that he and her kind aren't meant to get along. Kai'Sa was amazed that Werewolf had managed to get a hug that seemed so loving and like he wasn't seen in years by Seraphine who was always a shy girl in Akali's words, managed to make Ahri of all people blush as bad as she was despite how she tried to make him blush and even managed to be on even ground in flirting with Evelynn who was a A+ Ranked succubus from the Underworld while doing all of this in what a watch she had said in just three minutes and fifteen seconds. Evelynn was just patiently waiting for Werewolf's response to Ahri's dare.

Dante:" Seraphine, are you willing to let me kiss again but with a little*Smirks* more?"

It was official that Werewolf was Evelynn's favorite person as he somewhat roasted Seraphine in a way while also still flirting with her and that succeeded by Seraphine looking ready to pass out from her embarrassment. The mysterious aura of his was something that captivated her as her fans knew very little of Evelynn besides that she was the co-founder and was the dominant diva of the band while he was given the title of a Lord and was known as the most famous single artist alive today and the youngest ever at only nineteen years old. 

Seraphine:" Yes but you'll be gentle right?"

Dante*Gentle Calming Tone*:" Of course I will be, it'll just be a little tongue Sera. No groping or rubbing."

Seraphine was gently picked up by Dante who waited for Seraphine to kiss him since he wanted her to be comfortable and after a few moments she kissed him where after a few moments of the two feeling the other's lips, Dante gently slipped his tongue into Seraphine's mouth and she gently accepted the appendage while lightly increasing her grip onto Dante. After a full three minutes of kissing, the two separated with a thin trail of saliva still connecting them till it fell and Dante put Seraphine down onto the soft couch.

Evelynn*Impressed*:" Amazing kiss and the calming moments you gave her and that gentle domination you had over her was something any woman would want darling."

Dante:" Be patient my lovely, you'll have your turn. Foxy what's the next one?"

Ahri*Flustered*:" R-Right! The next one is do another collab with Seraphine."

Seraphine:" Really?!"

Dante:" Let's do it!"

Akali and Kai'Sa set up the stuff they needed when Ahri decided to add something to see if Dante would do it.

Ahri:" One last thing, Seraphine has to sit on your lap."

Ahri's smug smile died when to the shock of everyone Serpahine stood up and sat down on Dante's lap all on her own.

Dante*Smug Smirk*:" Done and done."

Dante whispered for about five minutes in Seraphine's ear where she smiled and nodded to his words before Dante started with his heavenly vocals but turned to K/DA to say this first about the song.

Dante:" People say I have my mother's voice and I have to say, she had been a light in my life that killed all of the self-doubts I had ever since I was young alongside my father."

(Korey's Vocals Are Seraphine's)

Kai'Sa:" Astounding."

Akali:" He never fucking disappoints and knows how to hit you good."

Ahri:" He really loves his parents if he made music with about third centered around them."

Evelynn was silent as something about that song made her think of somebody but kept that in her head as that was impossible.

Ahri:" Finally you have to sing a song solo for all of us."

Dante:" Very well. I got one for y'all."

Afterwards Dante rose to his feet with a beautiful and satisfied smile on the part of his mouth the girls could see since their faces were saying that they have found a favorite.

Werewolf:" Thank you for having me girls and I hope to see you all more in the future though all I have is one question and that is towards my lovely diva."

Evelynn:" Oh and what would that be my darling wolf?"

Werewolf:" I want the next collab to be with you. ~That is, if you can handle me?"

Evelynn*Giggles Seductively*:" Consider it a date darling because I promise, we will end that night with a bang you will never forget."

With that and a kiss on Seraphine's forehead Dante was ready to leave when Ahri blurted this out towards the artist.

Ahri:" Wait Werewolf, you can sleep here if you want."

Dante:" Really?"

Ahri:" Yeah besides I have a queen sized bed and don't mind sharing."

Dante smiled but warned them not to touch his hood so he headed to Ahri's room and laid down where she used four of her tails to wrap around his legs to massage them and five around his torso while his head laid on her chest.

Ahri:" Sleep well Wolfy."

Dante:" Right back at ya Foxy.

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