Chapter 12: Gram and Saber are.......
In the middle of the forest on the cursed island we see Robert, William and Thomas walking through the woods in the middle of the night as they search around for any building but unfortunately there is nothing and they have been walking through the forest for a long while.
Robert: Damn i can't see anything except for trees and bushes. This is gonna take a long while if we ever gonna find any structure.
Thomas: Agree but I can feel something evil on this island so which means we're in the right location. William scout ahead, see what you can find.
William: On it.
William leaps onto a tree branch and scouts ahead while Robert asked Thomas.
Robert: You think Y/n and the others are okay?
Thomas: Judging how they defeated a huge flute like monster and lived, I believe they will be okay.
Robert: Well do you think Dillon is acting a bit weird?
Thomas: Explain?
Robert: Before the mission Dillon was acting a bit weird and keeps looking at Y/n more and more. I think thete is something going on between those two.
Thomas: Well their elements are basically fire and ice right?
Robert: Yeah but still.....I have a feeling that Dillon is hiding something. Something he might tell sooner or later.
Thomas: Hmm you think so?
William: You guys think they are starting to be rivals like Gray and Natsu?
Thomas: Probably not.
Robert: Yeah absolutely no-Wait? WHAT THE HELL?!
The both jump back in fear while William let's out a chuckle while the two glare at him and then he panic while he tells them.
William: Wait! Before you kill me I found some sort a temple up ahead.
Thomas: Show us.
William nodes and he leafs them through the woods and then they came out of the forest and step up in front of the entrance of the temple that seems very old as they stare at it.
Thomas: Come on guys, let's see what's inside.
Lucy, Saber and Gram are seen battling a female wizard by the name of Sherry as she summon more tree like monsters to attack them while Saber and Gram battle the tree monsters as Saber defended Lucy.
Saber: So let me get this straight, this women named Sherry is apart of a group of people that wants to bring back this monster named Deliora?
Lucy: Yeah sound crazy I know but they are very much serious for some reason.
Saber: Then we need to stop them before it's too late.
Gram: Right! Alright lady, time to "cool" you down!
Sherry: (smirk) You may have ice magic but your not my type. My true love is to Lyon and I will please him by killing you all.
Gram: Okay and also I already had a girlfriend so yeah, I'm also taken as well.
Saber: Time to summon one of your celestial spirits Lucy!
Lucy: (smirk) Right!
She pulled out one of her keys and then summons Taurus as he stands between Saber and Gram as the two ready their swords.
Gram: Let's do this big guy.
Taurus: I'm only here to defend my babe but I can't wait to see how this other girl is like.
Saber: Stay forced Taurus! Let's do this?
Sherry: (smirk) I don't think so.
Suddenly Taurus eyes glow as Saber and Gram were ready to charge when suddenly Taurus swings is axe and hits on Gram which caught Lucy and Saber of guard while Saber blocks Taurus strike as Taurus pushes Saber on one knee.
Lucy: What are you doing Taurus!?
Taurus: I'm sorry but I can't control myself.
Sherry: (smirk) Not only I can control objects around me but I can also control one of your celestial spirits!
Then Taurus slammed his axe several more times at Saber while Sabee struggled to hold it but suddenly Taurus grabs his leg and then tossed him away into the forest.
Lucy and Gram: Y/n!
Soon Saber rolled onto the beach as he slowly get up and looks up to see Taurus as he charge towards him and swing his axe at him but Saber quickly moved out of the way while he pulls out a storm wonder ride book and insert it and pull out his sword.
Sekien Swordriver: Rekka Battou! Tatsumaki Dragon Eagle!
Saber lands onto the sand and ready himself and Taurus throws his axe towards Saber but he leaps up into the air as Taurus axe just missed him as he hover in the air while he calls out to Taurus.
Saber: I know your strong Taurus! You can fight it!
Taurus: I-I don't think I can!
Saber: Yes you can! Remember the contract you did with Lucy! Don't fail her, make her proud!
Taurus catch his axe and then swings his axe left and right, making a string wind that Saber flies around before Taurus swings his axe at him when he got close which sent Saber flying and land hard onto thr ground.
Saber gets up only to dodge Taurus slam as he rolled put of the way and dodges Taurus swings while Sherry appear behind Taurus as she laugh before she dodges a swing from Gram as the two battle while Lucy rushed up to Taurus and Saber as she called out to Taurus.
Lucy: Taurus! Please snap out of it! I know you can fight it just please stop!
Taurus did stop but he turn to Lucy and he charge towards her.
Saber: Lucy!
Taurus swings his axe at her but Lucy open her eyes and was surprised to see Saber in front of her while the axe landed at his chest as he graon in pain but he stood strong as he grabs Taurus axe and tells him.
Saber: I-I know you can fight this Taurus. I know you can do this. Now.....force.
Taurus stare at Saber and slowly his body start to shake and then he let out a yell like moo before he suddenly starts to fate away, back to the celestial world.
Sherry: No! What do you think you doing!
Taurus: Hey Saber.....thanks and.....take care of Lucy will you. Your a Lucky guy to have a sexxy girl lioe her.
Soon Taurus disappeared, back to the celestial world while Gram kicked Sherry back as she land onto thr ground while Gram, Lucy and Saber turn to her as Gram points his blade at her neck and tell her.
Gram: It's over.
Sherry sees this but then starts to laugh as she tells them.
Sherry: (smirk) You may have defeated me but Lyon's plans will succeed and soon we will bring Deliora to life and we will-
Suddenly Sherry was hit in behind by someone as she fell onto the floor and unconscious as the trio were surprised to see Erza here.
Saber: (surprised) Erza?!
Gram: Well good to see you here Erza. Bet you have a "ice" trip.
Erza: (anger) Shut up.
Gram: Wow I was only joking, why are you soo mad?
Lucy: (scared) I think I know why.
Then he two see Erza glaring at Lucy meaning Lucy must be in trouble. Soon Happy arrived as he fly over and tell them.
Happy: Sorry about that. Those tree monsters were hard to get away but seems like they are gone meaning you guys must have-
Then he sees Erza and she glare at him as well. He try to get away but Erza grabbed his tail and have him upside down as Gram and Saber were a bit scared of Erza.
Gram and Saber: (thought) Boy I've never seen Erza this mad before.
(Sometime later)
They regroup with Andrew and Michael at the villages second village where we see Gray laying on a bed with bandages on his body while Andrew, Michael, Erza, Lucy and Happy were in the room as Andrew and Michael explain why they are here.
Erza: I see. At first I thought you were with Natsu breaking guilf rules but I guess you are here on a mission. I apologise for misunderstanding your mission and I apologise for Natsu and the others to mess up.
Michael: (smile) That's alright Erza.
Andrew: We're actually glad we have some back up from Fairy Tail. Even though they did break guild rules.
Lucy: Blame Natsu and Happy! They drag to this job!
Happy: Drag you? You rush out of the apartment and calling out to us to wait up because your coming with us!
Lucy: You shouldn't have leave the S class request at my apartment in the first place!
Erza: Enough!
Two immediately shut up in fear while Erza turns to Michael and Andrew and ask them.
Erza: What about the others?
Andrew: Unknown. Thomas, Robert and William might have gotten lost in the woods.
Lucy: That can't be good. If they are found by Lyon's group, who knows how trouble they might be.
Erza: Okay let's start from the beginning and tell me what is going on?
Lucy: Well it's a long story.
Erza: We have time.
While Lucy is telling everyone the full story we see Dillon step into the middle of the village and look around while Y/n come up to him from behind. He stare at Dillon as he tale a deep breath and then walk up to him and ask him.
Y/n: Your hiding something aren't you?
Dillon doesn't turn to him so Y/n gose on to ask.
Y/n: You have been acting weird ever since we came onto this mission. I just wanna know what is wrong with you and there is something I can help you with?
He then turned to him as he stare at him for a bit as he look down at the ground, trying to find the right words to say it but with a heavy heart he sigh and place a hand onto his shoulder and tells him.
Dillon: I've.....found something that can't be possible but after a while of looking at it, I realised it all make sense.
Y/n: What so you mean?
Then he reach into his pocket and pulled out a fold up piece of paper as he hands it to Y/n and tells him.
Dillon: Open it and you will see.
Y/n stare at Dillon for a bit and to the fold up paper and with no choice, he decided to open it up. Soon he unfolded the paper and his eyes widen in shock to see a younger Dillon while carrying a baby on his arms that looks like Y/n.
Y/n: (shocked) Wh-What is this?!
Dillon: I was shocked as you as well. I couldn't believe it as well until I put two together and realised that baby is you.
Y/n: (shocked) So......So what dose it make us?
Dillon: Y/ and I....are brothers.
Y/n eyes widen in shock as he look at the picture and at Dillon, then hand it back the picture.
Y/n: (shocked) Y-Your joking right? I-It's one of your jokes right? There no way-
Dillon: It is Y/n! It all make sense! Why else we bounded each other far more then anyone else? How else I've treated you like a best friend and how else we work together so well? It all make sense! Your my younger brother well I'm your older brother.
Y/n: But how come you couldn't remember me huh? If I was with you then how come you don't remember?
Dillon: I......I don't know. I can't seemed to remember it.
Y/n: So what about our mother? Do you remember her?
Dillon: Unfortunately no I couldn't. Its...weird. how come both of us don't remember each other or our parents.
Y/n: But....I remember my father. What about you?
Dillon: A....A little. Still we can discuss this after the mission, right now we need to see everyone else.
Dillon walks off while Y/n looks at the still holding picture and slide it into his pocket as he follow him and once inside they see Gray awake as he is helped by Michael while Gray said.
Gray: Let me go. I need to stop Lyon before he dose anything stupid.
Michael: Your still injured Gray. You need more time to rest.
Dillon: I see he's awake.
Andrew: Yeah and Lucy full us about this island and what has been going on.
Dillon: Right. We need to stop this Lyon guy before he will unleashed something.
Lucy: We wanna help!
Happy: Yeah besides Natsu is still on the island and he needs our help!
Erza: You three ain't gonna help! After we grab Natsu we're heading back to the guild for your punishment!
Dillon: Actually we might need their help.
Erza: (shocked) Excuse me?! They broke the guild rules!
Dillon: True but they may know where Lyon and his followers are at.
Andrew: Dillon is right. I know rules are important but sometimes we need to break them in hoped to save more lives.
Erza:......(sigh) Fine, then I'll come as well.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you Erza.
Erza: (little blush) S-Sure thing.
Michael: So what should we do first?
Dillon: We track down where Thomas and the rest are at and find where Lyon is. Right now we need all the help we can get in hopes we stop Lyon from unleashing something that might destroy the world.
Thomas, Robert and William are seen walking through the temple as they see many ancient writing on the walls. They looked at the ancient writing as William ask Thomas.
William: Hey Thomas, any idea what these writings are saying?
Thomas: It seems they are teloing some sort a story.
William: Huh. Maybe it might explain to us about this island? Maybe why it is cursed?
Robert: We must stay forced. We don't know what we might walk into.
William: It's abandoned temple. How bad can it be?
Suddenly they heard some footsteps coming up behind them so they hide at the two paths and lend their backs against the wall and waited for the person to walk by. Then once close, Robert came out, grab the persons neck and slammed him onto thr ground.
Robert: (smirk) Ha! Nice try sneaking up on us huh? Well nice tr-
Then he was shocked while the other two came out and they were shocked as well to see Natsu trying to catch his breath which Robert let's go which allows Natsu to breath.
Natsu: Hey! What was that for!? Are you trying to kill me?!
Robert: Sorry I thought you were someone trying to sneak up on us.
Thomas: Wait a minute, what on earth are you doing here?!
Natsu: (smirk) Trying to complete a S-Class job so I can proof to Laxus that I'm the strongest.
Thomas, William and Robert: (thought) Not a surprised there.
Thomas: Natsu this is dangerous. You can't be here on your own.
Natsu: (smirk) I'm not on alone. Happy, Lucy and Gray are also here as well.
Thomas: (shocked) THEY ARE WHAT?!
Robert: You idiot! You could have gotten them killed!?
Natsu: (smirk) Chill out they are fine. They are just at the villagers second village after their last one was destroyed and they be fine.
Thomas: I hope so.
William: Um guys, do you hear that?
They all turn around as they near something rushing towards them. Soon they see Shimi racing towards as they charge towards them.
Natsu: (smirk) Looks like they wanna fight us.
William: Looks like it. Let's do this.
Robert: Should we wait on Y/n and the rest?
Thomas: No point. We have to battle them so we can clear the way.
Robert: Right. Let's do this.
They pull out their swords and wonder ride books while Natsu slammed his fist into his hand that made a burst of flames as he smirks and says.
Natsu: (smirk) I'm fired up now. Let's do this!
To be continued.................................
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