Chapter 1: Break the chains
A sound of a violin can be heard playing throughout what seems like a destroyed city of Gotham. Smoke is coming out from the buildings of peoples homes that used to live in but now it's all done. The streets are filled with destroyed cars and skeletons of people laying on the floor while the violin continues to play as we cut to see someone playing the violin while sitting down as he continues to play the beautiful and nice tone when suddenly he can hear them.
He managed to finish the song and once he was done he can clearly hear them coning as he looks up in the sky and his reflection of his visor, we can see flying creatures known as Parademons flying towards him while letting out a roar.
???: I will not allow you to kill anyone else any more. You will pay for what you have done to this world......and to my friends.
Dark Kiva: Mark my words, you all will pay for this.
His visor glows as he slowly moves one arm towards the Parademons and seconds later a huge sworm of bats appear and sworm around the Parademons, killing them and turning them into skeletons as their bones fell onto the ground as Dark Kiva slowly gets up and stare off to the distances when suddenly a large portal appears in front of him and soon a large alien god came out of the portal and sees Dark Kiva.
Dark Kiva: Darksied.
Darksied: What is the point of fighting. You have lost everything and now you will die here alone knowing your friends are dead.
Dark Kiva: Even if I die here Darksied, at least I can kill you before I die. So let's see which one of us is the strongest Kings ever lived.
Darksied: Very well then.
His eyes glow and shoot out his omega beams at Dark Kiva and there was a huge explosion within the distances as they battle for the fate of Earth but how did this happen? Let's go back to the very beginning and see how all of this happen.
(Several years ago)
It was a sunny day at Gotham city where we see a lot of people walking about and doing their own business while we can see a traffic where we see a man in his car while his daughter at the back as he let out a sigh while he says to himself.
Gordon: I swear the only crime these people are committing is traffic problems.
???: (smile) Say Dad you can just drop me off here, my school isn't fair from here.
Gordon: You sure?
???: (smile) Yeah I'm sure.
Gordon: Alright just stay safe okay sweetheart. There is some dangerous people in this city.
???: (smile) No need to worry, I can handle it.
She grab her bag and exit out of the car as she rushes to the sidewalk and makes her way to school. Her names is Barbara and she's the daughter of James Gordon who is the chief of the police and she's making her way to school like always.
Soon she make her way to school early as she smiled to herself and make her way inside. Then she heard what sounded like a nice violin song which she looks around and finds someone standing near the entrance of the school and playing his violin as passing students walk by him.
Barbara: (thought) Ain't he a cutie.
She walked over to him and once she approaches him he open his eyes to see someone in front of him which he stop playing and ask.
???: Sorry, can i help you?
Barbara: (smile) I'm sorry for interrupting but I can't help how amazing you are playing the violin. Have you play it often?
???: (smile) When I felt like it. Can't start school without a nice violin song.
Barbara: (smile) Nice. Say we never met before right? Names Barbara Gordon, nice to meet you.
Y/n: (smile) The names Y/n Kurenai, nice to meet you.
Barbara: (smile) Fancy name. Your parents must be royal or something.
Y/n: (smile) Something like that. Say we should get to class before the teachers ask us where were we.
Barbara: Right.
Once Y/n pack his violin into a case the two head inside just as the bell rang.
(Sometime later)
We see the students at the cafeteria and having their lunch as we see Barbara sitting down and eating her packed sandwich while watching a news report on her phone.
News lady: (video) Police were lost after a man mysteriously disappeared within an abandoned warehouse. Witnesses say that they heard screams followed by a roar and soon followed by what they say a glass shattering into pieces. Some say they even spotted Batman on the scene before he disappeared. We have James Gordon with us right now to discuss this issue.
Gordon: (video) We have no idea what went down at the warehouse but I'm sure batman have it under control and the victim must be in the hospital or taking care off by Batman right now.
News lady: (video) Well isn't it weird there was no body from both the attacker and victim? Is it possible that Batman kill the attacker and-
Gordon: (video) Now hold on a minute here. Batman will never kill any criminal no matter what they do. Where ever that criminal maybe we will find him for sure. The GCPD will do its best to track down this criminal no matter what.
???: See your watching the news.
She got startled and turn to see Y/n as he sat down next to her while he tell her.
Y/n: Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.
Barbara: (smile) Oh no that's fine. But yeah, apparently there has been these weird attacks and no one has no idea what's going on.
Y/n: Weird.
Barbara: I know right and the weirdest part is that Batman just appears and disappeared but there is no body or any sign of a fight. People thinks Batman is now killing criminals.
Y/n: Or maybe he's not Batman.
Barbara: Huh?
Y/n: (eats apple) Thinm about it (swallow) there is possible a thousand heroes across the world and there is a small chance there will be someone dress up similar to Batman and fighting crime in their own way. Besides it takes place in the dark so how do you know that was Batman if it was in the dark.
Barbara: Huh I never thought about that. So any ideas who is this new hero?
Y/n: Who knows. All we know it could be anyone in this school or working right now. By away, is that man your father?
Barbara: (smile) Yep. My dad is the chief of the police and close friends with Batman.
Y/n: Is he?
Barbara: Well......they are like coworkers but they trust each other.
Y/n: Well your lucky your father is friends with Batman.
Barbara: (smile) Yeah, wish i can meet him as well.
Y/n: (smile) Maybe one day you will. I bet you will one day meet Batman and help out your father somehow.
Barbara: (smile) Yeah let's hope so.
The two smiled and continue to chat until lunch ends and they go to their classes while Barbara finds Y/n very interesting and even more cute then before.
The school bell rang as we see all the students leaving for home as we see Y/n stepping out of the school and sees Barbara talking to his dad in the phone as he approach her behind and overhears their conversation.
Gordon: (phone) Sorry sweetie but I'm busy right now.
Barbara: (smile) That's alright. I can walk home.
Gordon: (phone) Okay. Just be home before dark.
Barbara: (giggle) You don't have to worry about it, I can take care of things.
Gordon: (phone) Okay. Be safe.
The call ends and Barbara turns around and sees no one standing behind her which she shrugged and starts walking home while we see Y/n behind the schools walls and decided to follow her just in case.
Soon the sun was about to set down as Barbara realised night will come very soon so she stop and look down at the alleyway and knew there is a short cut through the alleyway but thinks its too dangerous to go through there. Soon she decides to go to the alleyway as a short cut as we see her walking through the alleyway while she'll watch out for any creeps that may want to jump out and kidnapped her.
She continues to turn alleyways while looking around her but fail to see someone appear behind her and soon a hand grabs her shoulder which she stop as a man smirked and ask her.
Male person: (smirk) Well what's a cute high school girl like you doing here?
She stood there a bit and within seconds she turn around and strike a kick at the man, making him stumble back a bit while he groan in pain.
Barbara: (smirk) Sorry but this girl is one girl you won't want to mess with.
Male person: (growled) And you shouldn't mess with me human.
Barbara: (thought) Human?
Suddenly the man suddenly changed into a horse like monster which Barbara is shocked as she step back while the Horse Fangire grabs her and pinned her onto a wall.
Horse Fangire: Your gonna pay for that human. Will make sure this is slow and painful.
Barbara: Let go! Let go!
The Horse Fangire opens its large mouth and start to suck something from Barbara which made her feel weak and start to breath heavily as her eyes get heavy and she was about to pass out.
Suddenly something dashes towards the Horse Fangire and strike a kick which cost the Horse Fangire flying while he drops Barbara which he catch her.
She open her eyes to see Y/n as he help her while he ask her.
Y/n: You okay?
She node while the Horse Fangire gets up and let's put a roar while Y/n tells Barbara.
Y/n: Get out of here. I'll lower it away.
Barbara: But......okay.
She rushes off but once she was clear she stopped and hide behind a trash bin and peaks over to see the Horse Fangire look at Y/n as he tell him.
Horse Fangire: I thought you died many years ago. How are you still alive?
Y/n: (smirk) No matter what you do to me, I'll never break. Kivat!
Suddenly a small bat fly down above Y/n and flap beside him as he said.
Kivat: Right here Y/n! Hmmm is see, this Fangire is Beast class. Be careful Y/n, this one might be strong then before.
Y/n: (smirk) I've heard that before but the stronger they are, the easier they shatter. Let's do this.
Kivat: Right! Bite!
Y/n lifted his hand up which Kivat bites and soon marks on Y/n's face followed by a belt wrapped around his waist like chains as Y/n grabs Kivat and called out.
Y/n: Henshin!
He then place Kivat onto the belt upside down and then he start to transform into a rider as Barbara watched in amazement.
Barbara: (shocked) Wow!
Horse Fangire: You will die here Kiva!
Kiva: Like to see you try.
(Battle theme start)
Horse Fangire let out a roar and charge towards Kiva and swings a blow at him but he immediately dodges his swing and then grabs his other arm and strike a side kick at his weist which Horse Fangire stumble back.
Then Kiva rushes towards Horse Fangire and leaps up and strike a kick which sent Horse Fangire flying and crashing through a fence as he rolled into a construction site as Horse Fangire slowly stands up while Kiva walk towards him while Barbara rushes behind and hides behind the broken fence as she peaked over to see the two battle as they strike and block blows at each other.
Soon Kiva grabs Horse Fangires arm and slowly twisted it downwards and hit him with a headbutted followed by a kick.
Horse Fangire slide back and hit his back at a construction vehicle which he turns and immediately grabs the bottom of the construction vehicle and lifted up as he turns to Kiva and calls out while he throws the vehicle towards him.
Horse Fangire: Hope you can catch this!
The construction vehicle flies towards Kiva but he was calm and immediately leaps up high in the air and strike a kick as he vehicle fly back to the Horse Fangire while Kiva replays.
Kiva: Don't have to catch it!
The construction vehicle crashes and blows up which cost Horse Fangire stumbling back and seconds later Kiva leaps through the flames grabs Horse Fangire as the two roll onto the ground until Kiva kicks Horse Fangire away while he immediately gets up while the Horse Fangire gets up.
Kivat: You will pay for betraying us. We thought you have loyalty.
Horse Fangire: I was but he had a point. We can't survive unless we feed off humans life. It is the only way we can survive.
Barbara: (thought) What is he talking about?
Kiva: Your wrong! There was another way but you all betrayed us and now look st us!
Horse Fangire: It was your fathers fault and now you will die along side him.
Kiva: I didn't have to hear it from you. But you leave me with no choice.
He then pulled out a small item and puts it onto Kivat's open mouth and closes it.
Kivat: Wake up!
Suddenly his right leg breaks to reveal wings as Kiva gets bends down while the sky above them turns red as Kiva leaps up into the air and lands a rider kick at Horse Fangire as he let out a yell and soon he turned into glass and shattered as Kiva lands behind what was Horse Fangire and slowly gets up as the sky above him turns to normal.
(Battle music ends)
A glow appears behind Kiva as he turn to see a ball of light as it slowly gose up into the sky only for something large fly by and eats it. Kiva felt like someone is watching him so he looks down to see Barbara staring at him as the two look at each other as Barbara asked.
Barbara: Y/n? What is going on here?
Kiva stare at Barbara as he dehenshin as Kivat lands on y/n's shoulder as he tells Y/n.
Kivat: The human knows who you are. What should we do?
Y/n: she's not a threat Kivat. Besides maybe we should tell someone what's going on.
Kivat: Alright.
They turn to Barbara and finally he tells her.
Y/n: This ain't what it looks like Barbara. You got to understand that I'm not a bad guy, nor I'm not just a normal human.
Barbara: look like a human.
Y/n: Yeah.....but actually I'm half human....half Fangire.
Barbara: Say......what now?
Y/n: (sigh) I'll explain tomorrow but you must be careful Barbara. Criminals ain't the only thing you or this world should be worried about.
Before Barbara could call out to him, he turned away and the two disappeared from site as Barbara stood there, still wondering what is going on but decided to head home and wait till tomorrow so Y/n can tell her what's going on and he can tell her what are the Fangires and what do they want.
To be continued..........................................
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