Sunshine's Picks: One Year Anniversary!

Hey there! Sunshine here. I'm not exactly a jeweller, but I'm going to be a bit greedy here and use my admin abilities to take over this store for a chapter. 

So, I still am struggling to believe this myself, but it has been exactly one year since this community came to life. In this one year, a lot has happened; we opened stores for reviewing, editing, designing, and more; we have been going strong with The Monthly Gemstone Awards; and the community itself has gone on to win cute little awards for our reviewing services.

To celebrate, I was thinking of holding a Q & A - you ask your questions about the community or myself or anything, and I'd answer them. Then, I remembered that, in reality, no one wants to do that - I'm a pretty boring person, honestly. I just review and organise things. 

Now, speaking of reviews, I did a count just before posting this, and it turns out that I have done 99 reviews in the past year for this community. I almost want to do a tally on how many words of reviewing I've written, but alas, that would take a bit too long. 

Anyways, to celebrate, I thought I would share my favourites out of all 99 books I have reviewed for this community. These are the books that have made me forget I was reviewing and want to curl up on my bed and hiss at everyone who tries to interrupt me. 

If I have reviewed your book, but have not included your story in the list below, please do not be upset. All 99 books had something absolutely stunning about them. These are just the ones that have stuck with me, and often pop into my head when I least suspect it. The stories are listed in alphabetical order. 

And please note, all these stories are rated a 11/10. 

Cold-Hearted by v3Olympus

Stunning and thought-provoking. The story follows water - literally, water - and shows us its journey into our world. Despite being what most would consider an inanimate object, the water is brimming with personality, and makes an excellent and engaging narrator. Like any protagonist, it develops throughout the chapters, and leaves a powerful message for the reader to take home. 

The writing is filled with thought and rich language, and while it takes a bit of a dark turn, it is effective in the way that it masterfully executes personification. An observation of human nature, I recommend this to all readers who are passionate about our planet. In fact, I recommend it to everyone - this is one of those stories that will create change. 

Lions of the Sea by MonicaPrelooker

Where do I start with this one? We have one badass heroine who is out there to change the world, we have lots of beautiful elements of history weaved into it, and I absolutely fell in love with the crew because of their wit, their banter, and their love for one another. There is incredibly character development that is empowering for both the characters and the readers, and the build of the romance is simply gorgeous. 

This story has a wonderful message for readers - particularly women - and is written with so much love and care that it is impossible to not love every second of it. This book made me laugh, made me want to cry, and made me want to throw on a pair of breeches and a wide-brimmed hat and join the fun. 

Of Suns and Spirits by riyamcyriac

I love, love, love this story. The characters start in completely different situations, and their lives intertwine in a cohesive and clever manner. We have blood battles and special abilities, and additionally, the purpose and desires of each character is very clear and drives the writing forward. 

The writing style is simply gorgeous. We have showing rather than telling, fantastic descriptions, effective use of rhetorical question, and very accessible and dynamic story-telling. The world-building is purposeful and clever, and the magic branches away from the cliché - rather than elemental magic, we have a unique world with very enchanting and very different abilities. 

The Elementalists by PZino1

I think I went through a phase when this book was all I could talk about to anyone who asked me literally any question. "Hey, how was your day?" "It was great. I reread this amazing book called The Elementalists." "What did you eat for dinner?" "I ate some pizza, but it wasn't nearly as amazing as this book I read. It was called The Elementalists." 

But, honestly, the book totally deserved every second of praise. All the characters start off in completely different locations, and their friendship building was stunning. The development is gorgeous, with characters learning to feel and learning to let go, and the narration is sprinkled with humour and sass. There are plot twists, there is definitely betrayal (I'm still internally sobbing), and the writing is sleek and dynamic. I recommend this with my heart and soul. 

The Portrait of Evienne by JadedElegance

A story with distinct and wonderfully subtle characterisation, beautiful descriptions, and intricate backstories that are executed masterfully. This story will keep you asking questions, will keep you captivated, and carries a philosophical edge that brings out the beauty in the almost poetic-like writing. This is the only story on this list, I believe, that is not yet complete, but it was honestly too good to not recommend. 

This story contains a bit of historical fiction, some gorgeously gothic elements, some paranormal moments, and it all makes one gorgeous story. 

Whisper by GnomeMercy

I haven't actually released the review for this, yet. I have read it, though, and though the review is still being typed up, I needed to recommend this.

In short, it's heart-breaking. You walk into the story knowing that it will be heart-breaking, and yet, it's so painfully addictive that you can't stop reading it. It is extremely short - only one chapter long - and yet, it still perfectly introduces the protagonist in a way that makes you feel and breathe his agony. Yes, this story broke my heart, but the writing was absolutely excellent and immersive. I highly recommend this to everyone. 

Warning: it handles sensitive topics, such as self-harm. Please read with caution. 

Wickedly Yours by queen_of_sass

This story, without a doubt, will make you swoon. 

The banter is simply adorable and very witty, the narrator is complex and incredibly engaging with her comedically snide remarks, and she is incredibly bold and brave and simply a joy to read. Even the villains are fleshed out, and the writing itself is rich with setting and sensory imagery. 

And don't get me started on the excellent transition to the past. The societal expectations, setting, clothing, and attitudes are incorporated with incredible fluency. This was one of the first stories I ever had to review, and I still vividly remember eating it up. 

The stories listed above have been an absolute honour to read, and I'm sure many readers will enjoy them, too - hence why I am recommending them. They are polished manuscripts that are filled with love and care. 

Now, next part - and arguably the most important part about our one year special: the thank yous. Because, honestly, this community would be nothing without the support and love that I receive from staff and fans. For anyone reading this: thank you for just stumbling onto this page and choosing to read. Truly, from the very bottom of my heart, I would like to thank everyone who has requested a service from us - whether it be editing, designing, reviewing, face-claiming, or anything really. You're putting your faith and trust in the team, and that alone is enough to make my heart dance. 

However, a special thank you must go to all the staff. And, bear with me for a second, because I want to make sure they see this, so I'm just going to have to tag them all here. For your convenience, it's in alphabetical order (I understand you probably don't want to read 4500+ words of gratitude!), so you can probably search for your name. 

agilasigma - You honestly deserve some sort of award! Your judging for us is incredible and professional, you work so hard, and even when life proves to be unpredictable, you go above and beyond to help me out. Thank you so much - I appreciate it to no end. 

alyssa_reyes_bitch - Thank you so much for being one of our jewellers! It's amazing to see others read out of their comfort zones, fall in love with books that surprise them, and go on to recommend that - so thank you for facilitating that love for reading. 

ashy_asher - I'm not sure if you've ever received a face-claim request yet, but nonetheless, thank you so much for joining the team! I can't wait for people to start requesting so that your amazing talent of creating names and finding the perfect cast can be shown off to the world. Thank you so much! 

AstoriaRoses - Wow. I don't think I've ever seen anyone offer to judge 30 books in 15 days - I'm not sure if that's borderline crazy, or just incredible. Either way, I appreciated your offer so much, and it was an absolute pleasure having you judge books for our awards! Thank you so much! 

awesomeSTG - The first ever staff member I ever hired for this community. Painite, you are honestly a joy to have. I love discussing our reviews with one another, laughing at how ridiculous some of the things we've had to review are (in the best way, of course!), and also teaching each other a lesson or two in the art of reviewing. You have been my biggest supporter, and while I know you are incredibly busy right now, I hope you remember that I love you, I miss you, and together, we will take on the world. 

BagelBro226 - I've been wanting to tell this to you since forever, but your username is awesome. That aside, thank you so much for being one of our face-claimers - in fact, our very first face-claimer! It is an honour working with you.

Buttertech - A jeweller and fellow judge, you have done so much for the community - and sometimes, that involved me accidentally making you step out of your comfort zone! I appreciate that to no end, so thank you so much! 

Cast1elW1nchester - You are honestly amazing. From designing covers to writing poetry to creating epic book trailers, I have loved every moment with you as part of the community. I hope you realise how talented you are, because really, you're incredible. 

cloudyyj - I'm very excited to have you in our team of editors! You were so eager to join, and I'm sure you're working incredibly hard with all the authors who have requested you. Thank you so much, and here's to another year of editing! 

Comatose7 - Thank you so much for judging for our awards! I appreciate it so much, especially since you put so much effort in the scores and feedback. All these authors are going to really make it somewhere because of your help and commitment - thank you so much!

cool_reader_ - Oh, Black Beauty. Even if you were not part of the staff, you would receive a shout-out because you are honestly so supportive of the community. I remember one night because absolutely stunned because you went around advertising the community like an absolute champion. Thank you for your ongoing support, and I can't wait to see more of your graphics! 

cosmify - Thank you so much for being part of the team! I'm excited to hear about your work as an editor, and I'm sure you'll be helping authors with your talent and commitment. Thank you very much! 

-cruaos - I hope I got the account right, because I do struggle to keep up with your account changes/name changes. Nonetheless, you're an awesome jeweller, so thank you so much for expanding your reading by working with us. 

_daestars_ - I honestly cannot wait for people to start requesting covers from you because your covers are simply gorgeous. Thank you for joining the team, and I can't wait to work with you more! 

dxstrange - It's so exciting to have you as part of our jewelling team! I'm sure people will love having you read and recommend their books, and I can't wait to see what hidden gems you discover for us. Thank you so much! 

DeviledPotato - I think you might actually be our oldest reviewer, which is a little crazy, isn't it? Thank you so much for all your help setting up the store, and I still remember all your initial enthusiasm. I'll never forget how much you've helped me through the beginning. 

Ei_Daisuki - Your covers are stunning, you're awesome to work with, and you're very talented. What more could I ask for? Thank you so much for being part of the team! 

EmberShy - One of our first judges for The Monthly Gemstone Awards, you have always been such a great supporter and helper in the community. Thank you for your promptness and hard work! 

EmpressAri - Honestly, you are an empress. Thank you so much for judging for our awards - you were prompt, dedicated, and incredibly professional in your feedback. Honestly, I could not have asked for any more, so thank you very much!

EmptyHopes_ - Technically, you're not staff. However, I honestly have to thank you because you're always checking up on the review store, asking the reviewers questions, and cheering the community on with your love and support. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful follower - you deserve this thanks as much as all the staff! 

fantasy_panda2003 - You're such a joy to work with! I know how busy you are with your own awards, so it's never easy to take on the responsibility of reviewing as well. I really appreciate your commitment. 

footnoteofhappiness - El! Honestly, as one of my first staff members, I'm so thrilled to still have you as part of this community. Here is to many more months of laughter, of random moments of comments on Facebook, and more amazingly done reviews and edits. 

funkycookie8 - Thank you for judging for our awards! I really appreciated how hard working you were, and how amazing your feedback was to the authors. All the authors - and myself, as the host - were so grateful for all your commitment. Thank you so much! 

g_beckford - Okay, okay, okay, so I might be a little bit biased here, but I honestly think your covers and graphics are some of the best I have ever seen in my life. Thank you for always being so quick, thank you for sharing your amazing talent with the community, and thank you for making a cover for me, too! You're the best. 

geneyjohn - Thank you so much for your hard work in your editing services! You're always taking on requests despite an already hectic schedule, and I appreciate that to no end. Thank you!

GnomeMercy - Holy moly, you're simply fantastic. Your reviews are honestly oozing with professionalism, and I'm always so amazed by both your judging and reviewing. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful supporter of the community (and thank you for even going above and beyond and reading my stories!). Honestly, you're an absolute angel. 

GoddessV - Honestly, your username suits you because you are a Goddess. Your covers are, simply put, some of the best art I've ever seen. You have a true gift, and I just want to say a massive thank you for joining the team and providing me with covers to use for the community itself. You're a legend. Thank you!

Goingtelepathic - I know we've discussed this before, but creating trailers is an incredibly difficult job, and yet, you do it incredibly. I'm so excited to see more of your trailers, and thank you for sharing your talent with the community! 

Grace_Love_Writes - One of your newest reviewers, but still, such a joy to work with. You're kind, professional, and always ready to listen out to others. Thank you for your hard work, and welcome to the community! 

GryffindorsLoneWolf - You are an absolute CHAMPION. I don't even know where to start. Not only are you a great reviewer with succinct and professional feedback, but your judging for The Monthly Gemstone Awards has been so incredibly wonderful. You're always ready to help me when I'm in desperate need of more judges, and you've never let me down. Thank you so much. 

HaleyDione - I'm not supposed to play favourites, but you're probably one of my favourite editors because of how responsive you are. You're always keeping me updated, you're always working incredibly hard, and words cannot express how thrilled I am to have you as part of the team. Thank you so much! 

Hanattaway - Thank you so much for judging for our awards! You were a champion - your judging was phenomenal, and you were so professional in your communication towards me. I appreciated you so much, and hats off to you for being an amazing judge!

Her_Royal_Cuteness - As I write this, I'm actually only minutes away from posting your first ever review for the community - which, in a way, is pretty surreal. Thank you for joining to community, and I can't wait to spend more time working with you and your reviews! 

IzzBizz747 - You're such a delight to have on the team! You get the job done, you're always ready to volunteer when I need help, and honestly, you're just a ball of sunshine. Thank you so much! 

Jumping_Jiminys - You're still pretty new the community, but I'm excited to have you on board nonetheless. You've been prompt in your responses, you are dedicated and committed, and I could not have asked for anything more. Thank you so much! 

KissingSatanSlowly - I don't think I've actually seen you in action yet, which is such a shame because I'm super excited to see you create more covers because you're so incredibly talented. Thank you for joining the team! Hopefully, more people will start requesting soon! 

lionobsession - One of my favourite judges, and also an insanely talented author. Thank you so much for helping me out with the awards with your incredible judging - I appreciate it so, so much. You're an absolute angel. 

LunarAquarius - My star editor. I honestly have gotten so much feedback saying that you were the most fantastic editor authors could have asked for, and I can't believe how lucky I am to have you as part of the team. Thank you so much for all your incredible work - you're a champion. 

maddie13mm - Thank you so much for being one of our amazing face-claimers! The team is small, so I'm always grateful for anyone who joins, and I can't wait to see you shine more with your talented casting skills. 

Magnamentum - Thank you so much for judging for us a few months ago! I really appreciated how much effort you put into the scores and feedback, as well as how you got straight to it without any fuss. I appreciate your help so much, so thank you! 

Moonessola - I know you're still on hiatus, but I am totally looking forward to having you open up your forms again because your graphics are absolutely gorgeous. Thank you so much for being part of the team! 

NDeMeer - I could dedicate an entire chapter alone to how grateful I am that you stumbled across this profile. You are, in short, a blessing. Your judging is so professional, your work as an author is simply brilliant, and your constant support of the community means the world to me. Thank you so much for being here for me and the community. You are a champion.  

olivia_paigex - Thank you for judging for our awards a few months ago! Your help was appreciated immensely, and despite being super busy, you judged so many books and gave such amazing detail. Your commitment was appreciated to no end - thanks so much!

PheonixGuardian - Life is always, always busy, so whenever someone does volunteer to judge for our awards, I'm more than impressed. Thank you so much for all your help, and honestly, I appreciate it more than words can express. 

pluviophile_bookworm - Danielle! You're one of my oldest members, and honestly, you've been through all the highs and lows with me, always offering to lend a hand even though we both know how incredibly busy you are. Thank you for your constant support and kindness (and big cheers for Team Opal!). 

PointlessTriangle - For those who don't know, it took me several months - almost half a year, in fact - to get the trailer-making store up and running. And despite this, you waited for all that time very patiently, and you were still ready to join the team when I finally got it all together. Thank you so much! 

Queenisme123 - Thank you so much for being one of our talented face-claimers! I know the store is pretty quiet, but I appreciate your work nonetheless - so thank you very much!

QuinerSacyLove - You tell me that I'm the crazy one who overworks myself, but if we're completely honest, we both know that you deserve the crown. You review, you edit, you enter competitions with me, and you even judge for our awards - and you always judge lots and lots of books. You're crazily committed, and I love you for that - thank you! 

RafeenaM - It's been such a joy to have you on the team, and I can't wait to see even more of your graphics! You've been willing to step out of your comfort zone, and your effort and beautiful graphics always make my day. Thank you so much! 

Ro_321 - You've been part of our graphics team for a long time now, and I honestly appreciate that so much. Thank you for being an awesome member with some beautiful graphics - I appreciate it to no end! 

Rosie_Posie1 - Fun fact! You were the first 'boss' I ever had on Wattpad, when I joined The Wildflower Community. Thank you for motivating me to review more (even though you guys always told me off for writing such long reviews!), and honestly, thank you for being one of the dearest friends I have ever had on Wattpad. You're so talented, you're so fun, and also, thank you for judging for my awards in time of need! You are a true angel, and one of the best friends I could have asked for. 

selenastarshine11 - I honestly had no intention of starting a community on my own. You put so much thought and care into this profile that I was incredibly impressed and honoured when you passed it down to me. I wish you the best in all your future endeavours, and this celebration is for us both. 

ShirozouElric - Good day/evening/night (I'll never get the time-zones right!). You're such a great reviewer to have as part of the team; you're quick, efficient, and always very communicative whenever you have any concerns. I appreciate that so much - thank you!

Spookernatural67 - One of our newest reviewers, and yet, I'm still extremely excited to have you on the team! I can't wait to see how you go with the editing, and I'm sure authors will be thrilled to have you support them. 

stxrkissed - You haven't been on the team for very long, but nonetheless, you're an absolute pleasure to have around. I'm sure your editing is fantastic, and I can't wait to see you help authors grow. Thank you so much!

TahsinHossain - An awesome reviewer who was very eager to join the team and actually made me realise that, boy, I needed all the reviewers I could get. Thank you for being part of the change and the team! 

TeodoraKatrin - Previously a reviewer, and now a graphic designer, and I'm so excited to see you flourish! Your designs are absolutely gorgeous, and I'm honestly so happy that you've found yet another passion that you excel in. Thank you for sharing your talent with the community! 

the_bibliophile101 - Thank you for judging for our awards - not once, but several times! You're always trying your best to help, and even when life gets in the way, you're always there to let me know. I appreciate that so much. Thank you! 

thecodyfern - Thank you so much for being one of our amazing jewellers! It's not easy to read books and recommend them, or decline them if you can't - it takes courage and an open-mind. So thank you for all your hard work! 

_thewildchild__ - Thank you so much for judging for our awards! Your judging was pretty darn fantastic - full of professional feedback - and your communication and constant responsiveness was appreciated so much. You're a champion, so thank you for lending your time to the community! 

Tumike-John - I'll be honest with you; I read your first review for the community and I was blown away. You are one incredible and professional reviewer, and I'm thrilled to have you as part of the team. Thank you so much for all your hard work! 

uniqueforcrazy - You may be unique, you may be crazy, but I'm so happy to have you as part of the team of editors. I can't wait to see you guide authors through their writing journeys, so thank you for being part of this team. 

_WishUpon_ - I'm not sure if you remember, since this was literally seven months ago, but thank you so much for judging for our awards! I valued your help so much, and your feedback was incredible. Thank you so much for contributing to the community! 

xu_neko - I am honestly so amazed by your dedication to editing. You work hard, you always let me know of your status, and I appreciate that so much. Thank you for all your help - both myself and authors who request you appreciate it to no end. 

And, of course, thank you to all our old staff. Whether you have left us for work reasons, life reasons, or simply disappeared with no trace (I still worry about you every day - I hope you're all okay!), I appreciated having you on the team. While I can't tag everyone, since quite a few have deleted their profiles, I'd like to say thank you to our old reviewers, NathanRound, Blue_Kiwi_777, Fanfictionist2004, rrc_loves_donuts, lee-louw, lordedarylene and MaryKhah77 - you guys are champions. 

 I would also like to thank our old graphic designers (again, I can't tag all because some have deleted their profiles): theinsanelysane-, LK_TheWordWitch, calntyne, MissWordsmith007, cheyenne_5790, SpillingTheLlamas, fangirlfantasizing and breezyfoot - you guys are so talented, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. 

Thank you to our old editors, BIue_Moon, TwinklePotatoes, -typingflcwer, and MissWordsmith007 - it was an honour to have you as part of the team. Another huge thank you goes to Cs3ng3 - a very talented writer who was once a face-claimer for our community. 

Whew. 4500 words later, and I still feel like I'm forgetting to thank certain people. If you do think you deserve credit somewhere here, don't be shy! Shoot me a message and I'll shower you with love and affection. 

Again, this was so much more worthwhile than a Q & A. First of all, because I'm boring, and second of all, I'm not the person who brings this community to life. It's everyone else who has been part of it - whether you're a reviewer, judge, editor, designer, face-claimer, trailer-maker, or even just a fan - that makes our community shine. That being said, if you do have any questions you would like to ask me, just let me know and I'll answer them. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported this community, and here's to another year filled with exceptional writing, designing, and reading! And, as I always like to say: 

The stars that shine the brightest are those that shine for others. 

Much love to everyone, 


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