Part 22


"Who do you think it is?" Scott asks the room.

"Don't know, maybe Zach?" Edward asks.

We are all sitting around the living room trying to figure out who sent me the letter. I'm sitting next to Harry leaning on his side, my head on his chest as he strokes the skin under my shirt softly with his thumb. I have an idea about who the note could be from, but If I'm right, I don't know what I will do. I remember back to the night I went out with Dan and could hear that voice in the crowd, it sends shivers down my spine, and I start to shake.

"Louis?" Harry asks as he notices.

"I think I-I' I think I know who it is" I say quietly.

The room stops talking and the boys all look towards me.

"Who Louis? Who could it be?" Edward asks.

"I think it's Mr Charles. I thought I heard him yelling mean things at me at the game the other night in the crowd, but I couldn't see him, so I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me, but I think it's him." I say worriedly.

"That makes sense I guess" Edward says looking towards Scott.

"I will go make some calls, meanwhile Louis, you won't be able to go out without there being someone with you okay. Just in case" Scott says pointedly.

Harry's grip on me tightens and I lean into him more

"What do you think he wants?" I ask.

"I'm not sure Lou, we won't let him hurt you though, okay babe, he won't get anywhere near you" Drew tells me.

I nod my head. I really don't want to deal with this. I sigh and get up off the couch and head upstairs to my room. I flop down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling. What the hell is going on. Just when I thought I could be happy.......I sigh. I hear Harry enter the room and he comes to lie down next to me on the bed.

"You, okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine Haz, just sick of this shit to be honest" I say with a sigh.

"I know Louis, I'm so sorry baby" he says.

He turns towards me and cards his fingers through my hair.

"I won't let anyone touch you Louis" he says with such conviction in his tone.

"I know Haz, although I'm not really that worried, it's more annoying than anything. I mean what's he actually going to do to me?" I ask, trying to shrug it all off like it doesn't bother me.

Harry doesn't buy it though.

"Louis it's okay to be scared you know. Someone is threatening you; it must be a little overwhelming" Harry says, obviously trying to get me to talk and not bottle up my emotions.

"Honestly Haz, I just don't want to think about it. Scott said the police can't do anything but keep it on record, so it can't be that serious" I justify.

"Well, I'm taking it bloody seriously, someone is threatening my boyfriend and I'm not going to sit back and let it happen" Harry says getting angry.

I giggle at him releasing the tension that's growing in the room.

"What are you laughing at?" Harry asks trying to suppress his grin.

"You, your cute and hot when you get angry" I say smiling.

"Oh, really Mr" Harry smirks at me cheekily, knowing it's turning me on.

"Really" I whisper.

Harry leans in and our lips touch. We end up in a very heated make out session entangled in each other's arms for the rest of the afternoon. We exchange blow jobs and soft touches and kisses, and we are so caught up in each other arms in our own little world not worried or thinking about anything but us and its pure bliss.

Four weeks later, Scott calls me into his office to talk about my new campaign with "London Now" that's starting in two days. The boys are really sceptical to let me start working again. I'm doing really well emotionally and with my eating too and Kimberly is really happy with my progress, so I know they aren't concerned about that, However the threatening notes haven't stopped. They are getting quite bad, so much so that Scott and the boys won't let me open the letters or let me read them. I don't really mind; I don't want to know what they say anyway. They have started turning up once a day with the post. Always addressed to me and always in a white envelope with a flower stamp.

Apparently, Mr Charles has been let out of prison on probation. We were contacted by the police three weeks ago informing us. They also mentioned he hasn't turned up to his probation officer in three weeks and no one knows where he is. So, the probability of Mr Charles being behind the letters is pretty high. I know that's why the boys are nervous about letting me go back to work. I really want to go back to work though, being in London will mean being with Harry, who I've only seen a few days a week over the last month because he has work. I miss him so much, but we definitely make up for the time apart when we see each other.

"Okay Louis so Alberto is on board for the next few months while you are doing the campaign, he will be picking you up from Harry's apartment every morning and taking you to where you need to go." Scott tells me.

"Okay sounds good" I say. I'm excited to be getting back into things and this campaign sounds amazing, I'm actually excited for what the future holds for me.

"I'm not sure about this Louis, you are doing so well kid, I don't want you to go backwards" Scott says sincerely.

"How will I go backwards Scott? I'm living with Harry for crying out loud, he makes me eat more that you guys do" I laugh slightly.

Scott smiles back at me.

"I know, it's not really the eating I'm worried about" Scott says, voice trailing off.

"What are you worried about then?" I ask curiously.

"I'm worried about these threats Louis, it's serious and I'm worried something is going to happen to you" Scott says looking into my eyes.

"Scott, I have Harry and Alberto around me, nothing will happen I promise" I say trying to sound convincing.

The letters must be bad if Scott is this worried though.

"Yeah" Scott smiles out, agreeing with me.

Scott comes out from behind his desk and walks over to me. He places his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes.

"I want you to know we are doing everything we can to make sure nothing happens Louis, okay" Scott tells me.

"I know Scott, please don't worry, everything is fine" I say.

He nods.

"So, are you going home for the next two months?" I ask.

The 'London now' campaign will last two months in London, so I'm staying with Harry and Kimberly and the boys have agreed that if I'm doing well, that I can stay in London whether that be moving in with Harry or back into my flat.

"Yeah, I'm moving back tonight when you leave, Lacey is so excited" Scott says fondly.

I smile, I miss Lacey, but I need to steer clear of her until this mess is sorted out. I don't want to put her in any danger.

"I can't wait to see her again" I say to Scott.

"She asks about you every day Lou, she misses you" Scott tells me.

"Give her a big cuddle for me okay" I smile.

"I will, I promise" Scott says sadly, knowing just how much I miss her. "What time is Harry picking you up?" Scott asks.

"Um, in about an hour" I say.

I haven't seen Harry in three days and it's killing me. I can't wait to be in his arms again.

Scott Smiles a knowing smile and I leave him to his work. I head upstairs to finish packing. I change into my black skinny jeans and my green Adidas hoodie. I put my black vans on and let my fringe lay flat across my forehead.

When Harry turns up at the door an hour later in tight black skinny jeans and a navy-blue button up unbuttoned nearly all the way, exposing his tattooed chest. I can't help but drool, I jump straight into his arms and Harry doesn't even falter.

"Well hello to you too princess" Harry jokes as he catches me, and my legs wrap around his waist.

"Hazz" I whine.

Harry chuckles and kisses me on the nose.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks me. Smiling his big, dimpled smile at me.

I nod my head as Scott and the boys walk into the entry and Harry puts me down. They all greet each other like normal and then Andy of course turns serious.

"Okay Lou, this is serious I want you to listen okay" Andy says to me sternly.

"We are completely trusting you to do the right thing here, we are trusting you to keep up your food box and your three meals a day. Any sign of even a slight slip you are straight back home" Andy says.

I nod my head before he continues.

"You still need to keep your appointments with Kimberly once a month, you know what happens if you don't. Most importantly Lou, and I cannot stress this enough kid. You are not to leave the apartment under any circumstances alone Louis. Do you understand" Andy says freaking out a bit.

I've never actually seen him this panicked before it's a little scary, but it stresses the importance of his words and I nod my head in understanding.

"Yeah Andz, I promise I-I won't go anywhere alone" I tell him.

"Louis, these threats are serious okay" Drew stresses.

"We don't want to scare you, but we need you to understand Lou" Edward stresses to me.

"Yeah, I understand, don't worry I won't do anything stupid. I'm sure it's nothing anyway, I'll be fine" I say trying to lighten the mood.

The boys smile uneasily at me, and I don't miss the looks they all share with Harry, who gives a slight subtle nod of confirmation. When the boys are done lecturing me and after I promise them 1000 times that I will call them when we get to the apartment, Harry and I are in his brand-new Range Rover heading towards London. I can't keep the smile off my face, Harry turns on his music and hums along to the tunes. We talk and laugh together and steel a few kisses.

Halfway there though Harry needs to stop for fuel, and we pull up to a fuel station. Harry gets out to fill the tank while I take the time to scroll through Twitter. Harry goes to pay for the fuel, and I watch as he walks inside, he looks so sexy the way he walks with such confidence, I don't miss the three girls and one guy who completely drool all over Harry, but I find myself smiling fondly knowing he is all mine. I turn back around in my chair and notice a black escalade is in a carpark in front of Harry's car. There is a guy inside wearing sunglasses, but I can't make out his face or anything as the car is completely tinted. I don't know why but it makes me really uneasy. Even though I can't make out the guy inside completely I can tell he is looking at me, I can feel his eyes on me. It could be paparazzi but there is only one person in the car and there is no camera aimed at me. My breathing picks up a little, I'm actually a little scared right now. My palms are sweaty, and I wipe them on my pants trying to calm myself down. I jump and nearly scream as the driver's door opens suddenly, it's only Harry though and I relax when I see him. His smile fades though when he takes one look at me.

"Baby what's wrong, has something happened?" He asks worriedly.

I regain my senses and shake my head no

"Sorry....just that guy in the car in front of us is staring at me and it made me uncomfortable" I say quietly.

Harry looks ahead out the windscreen

"What car baby?" He asks.

I look ahead and realise the car has gone, driven off. I relax I'm just being paranoid.

"They've gone, it's okay, I was just overreacting" I say sheepishly.

"It's okay Lou, I shouldn't have left you alone in the car actually. Don't tell Scott he will have my head" Harry says seriously.

I laugh

"Haz I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself" I say.

"I know you can princess" Harry smirks with a wink.

I roll my eyes at him as he chuckles at me and begins to drive again. About half an hour from Harry's I notice Harry has become quiet. And he keeps looking into his rear-view mirror.

"Are you okay Haz" I ask warily.

He turns to me and smiles but it's not genuine and I can tell in his eyes he is worried.

"Yeah, baby everything's fine" Harry says.

He reaches over and grabs my hand and squeezes it lightly, he goes back to concentrating on the road. Five minutes later and he is still tense and it's starting to worry me.

"Haz, please...what's wrong, you're scaring me" I say quietly.

Harry turns to me with a pleading look on his face before he sighs.

"There is a black car that's been following us for a while now and it's concerning me is all, it's probably nothing to worry about" Harry says, trying to reassure me.

Fuck, being in a car and being followed is not something that I can handle very well right now. I begin to feel uneasy in my stomach.

" the car a black escalade?" I ask, closing my eyes as I wait for the answer.

"Yeah, it is" Harry says questioningly.

"That's the same one at the fuel station, the guy inside was staring at me" I say my voice wavering.

"Shit" Harry says under his breath.

I start to freak out even more now that Harry is worried.

"What, what do we do Haz?" I ask.

"Nothing baby, just relax we don't even know for sure he is following us okay" Harry says trying to calm me.

I pull myself together and calm my breathing, Harry is right, it could be anyone.

"I'm going to call Scott though, okay, just to let him know" Harry says.

I nod in response and Harry dials Scott's number.

"Haz? you guys haven't made it to London yet have you?" He asks.

"No Scott, but we um, think we are being followed and I'm not completely sure what to do" Harry says.

"What? Shit....tell me the license and car type" Scott says hurriedly.

Harry does and I'm getting even more scared. Scott says he is calling the police and hangs up. I don't know what they will do, we are halfway between Doncaster and London. Suddenly the back of the car is rammed into sending Harry and I forward in our seats. Wholly fuck someone is trying to kill us. The Escalade then screeches out from behind us and speeds off down the road in front of us. I don't realise I'm not breathing properly until Harry pulls the car over and is leaning over the centre console cupping my cheeks. The accident flashes before my eyes, I can't stop it. I can see Joey and Stan...there eyes are dead. I remember the screaming and the glass smashing and I feel like I can't breathe. The blood rushes to my ears and I can't hear anything but the pounding in my chest. I'm panicking.

"Baby Shhhhh, it's okay you are safe, I'm here it's okay" Harry whispers to me.

I can feel his hot breath on my neck and in my ear and I begin to relax.

"That's it Louis, nothing is going to happen to you, you're safe" Harry keeps repeating to me.

Eventually I calm down, I'm sweaty and clammy and I feel physically sick. As I come back to my senses, I realise Harry has pulled me onto his lap and my back is against his chest, his arms snaked around me. I'm safe in his arms.

"Come back Lou, good boy" Harry tells me soothingly.

He cards his hands through my hair, and I turn in his arms and hide my head in his neck. He rubs my back up and down.

"I'm sorry Haz" I tell him.

"Don't ever apologise. I understand, but you're safe, I've got you" Harry tells me.

I nod my head and eventually calm down enough to get back into my own seat. Harry pulls a blanket from the back of his car and places it over me. I'm cold and shivering and so, so tired. He strokes my hair and rests his hand on my thigh as I curl myself in a ball against the window. I doze off as I hear Harry calling Scott and Scott's panicked voice on the end of the line.

"He is okay Scott, he's asleep now, he is safe with me" I hear Harry explain.

I can't help thinking though, what I would do if something ever happened to Harry. I realise Harry could have just died, that if I'm around Harry he could be targeted too. The thought hurts my chest so badly, I feel like I'm being stabbed. I just got Harry back; I can't let anything happen to him. As I slip off to sleep, I pray that Harry is kept safe and that nothing will ever happen to my Harry.

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