S1E1: The man in iron

He can only hear ringing follow by dust all around him. He look around trying to find someone while he crawl through the ground. There were flashes within the smoke, the ground shaking and something fly by.

He then landed his hand on something wet and sees blood on the ground and looks over to see a dead soldier. Quickly he crawls out of the way and look around as his ear clears up and he was in the middle of an ambush.

Screams, gunfire and explosions is heard as soldiers were killed while Y/n gets up and looks around.

Y/n: Natasha! Natasha! Natasha!

Natasha: Over here!

He turn and sees her behind cover. He races towards her when suddenly a missile landed near her, she turn and sees the Stark Enterprise logo on the missile as her eyes widen in shock.


Quickly he throws Natasha out of the way, far from the missile and in slow motion he turns back to the missile, looking at the Stark Enterprise on it and then.


(5 hours ago)

In the middle of the jungle we see a military camp base where we see military soldiers there. Among the camp we see Y/n standing next to the CEO of Stark Enterprise, Natasha Stark. Behind them were weapons that she is selling to the military.

A general name Wade Eiling shake Natasha's hand after the deal is done.

General Eiling: Thank you for your service. With these weapons, our enemies won't stand a chance.

Natasha: (smile) It is my pleasure General. Stark Enterprise will support the brave American soldiers in battle. You also should be proud of yourself general.

The two saluted and once he turn and left Y/n came up to Natasha.

Y/n: Guess another sell done.

Natasha: Yep. Come on, this heat is beating me down.

Y/n: (smirk) Well it can't be right since you have a hot body.

Natasha: (giggle) Oh Y/n.

They walk through the base so they can get to their tent. While walking a truck filled with injured soldiers drives by and Y/n can't help but feel sympathy.

Once at their tent Natasha was at a call with Pepper, informing her they will be leaving soon and return back to America while Y/n looks out to see the Stark missiles being loaded into trucks.

Once the call ends Natasha walks over and slowly wrap her arms around Y/n and came in and kiss him on the neck.

Natasha: We got a four hours before we leave. Wanna.....have some "fun" before we go?


Natasha: Is something wrong?

Y/n: (sigh) I know I said this all the time but....I still think this is a bad idea.

Natasha: (sigh) Look, we been through over this. There is nothing wrong selling weapons to the military. Our company is supporting our Americans in battle against those who seeks to threating us.

Y/n: Yeah but what if the terrorist get some of your companies weapons.

Natasha: No they won't. The military bases is highly protected and highly defended from outside threats.

Y/n: Okay that maybe true but what about super villains? Surely one day they decided to target our company and get our weapons.

Natasha: That's when the hero's come in and stop them. My father founded this company in order to support those who are out there, fighting for freedom.

Y/n: I know but.....I'm worry about you. I join your business as a body guard to keep you safe. And its not just you, it's others. Innocent people are being harmed because of the weapons you made. Don't you think one day this may backfire.

Natasha thinks about then ensures Y/n.

Natasha: Things will be fine. Have faith, I know what I doing.

Y/n: (sigh) If you say so. Hey, you got something on your lip.

Natasha: Lip? I don't-

Then Y/n kissed her on the lips, surprising her and soon he pulled back and smirks.

Natasha: (smirk) Oh you tricky little fuck, come here.

The two then begin to make out within the tent and hours later we wee them within an armor military truck on their way to a landing point so they can be picked up.

Y/n and Natasha were holding hands smiling as the music is playing on the radio. Then Y/n looks forward and is eyes widen as a missile flies towards them and then.


(Present day)

He can hear the trip of water as he slowly begins to wake up. He slowly opens his eyes and immediately sat up and begin screaming only for Natasha rushes over and shake him.

Natasha: Y/n! Y/N! CALM DOWN! Your safe.

Y/n breaths heavily but slowly he calms down and looks around, finding themselves within a cave like room with tools, junk and other things.

Y/n: Wh-What......what happen to us? Where are we?

Natasha: The terrorist ambush us and took us here. I think this is theie base.

Y/n: You okay?

Natasha: Yeah I'm fine. Glad your alive.

Y/n: Yeah, thank go-

He place his hand onto his chest and felt something weird. He then removed his shirt and is shocked to see a metal thing within his chest with a blow glow coming out of it.

Y/n: (shocked) Natasha.....what happen to me?

Natasha:.....That missile......A shrapnel enter your body and critical damaged your heart. You were dying when they place us here and I quickly created a mini arc reactor.

Y/n: Arc reactor? Like that large arc reactor you use to power up your company? How?

Natasha: (slight smirk) I'm a genius. I thought you know me.

Y/n: (light chuckle) True.

???: With my help.

Then a man came over to them which Natasha introduce Y/n to him.

Natasha: This is Ho Yinsen. He was also capture and brought here due to him being a scientist. He help me to create the arc reactor to save you.

Y/n: Thanks, appreciate the help.

Ho: (smile) Just glad you are safe.

Y/n: So why did they need us?

Natasha: They needed me to create missiles. They were about to leave you until I convinced them to take you. Told them your important.

Y/n: Can't believe they fall for that.

Natasha: They seem desperate.

Y/n gets off the bed, nearly collapsing on one knee but he gets up and slowly stumble his way to the table and sees the blue prints of a missile.

Y/n: Are you gonna make the missile?

Natasha: I told them yeah but really I'm not. I'm planning to get us out of here but......it will be impossible. If we even step out then we'll be gunned down.

Ho: Yeah and they won't let us our unless we finish making the missiles.

Y/n: Yeah. There has to be a way.

He looks around and then sees piles of scrap and junk. He walks over and picks up a piece of metal and ask Natasha.

Y/n: How strong are these metals?

Natasha: Pretty strong. Why?

Y/n:.....I have an idea. Listen to me.

He tells Natasha and Ho the plan and they like the idea. The trio then begin to work on their project. They work all day and whenever one of the terrorist soldier check on them, they think they are working on the missile.

They kept working on their project as days turn into weeks.

(3 weeks later)

They were finally done as they look at their project and it looks amazing.

Y/n: (smile) Nicely done.

Natasha: (smile) Yeah. And with that Arc reactor on your chest, you can power this baby up.

Ho: (smile) Those soldiers won't stand a chance.

Y/n: (smirk) Cool. How's abiut you invite them in and we'll show them what we made.

The two node and Y/n walks over while Ho heads to the door and gets ready. Natasha on the other hand looks down and then calls out.

Natasha: Hey!

Y/n: Hm?

Natasha: I'm.......I'm sorry for not listening to you. I thought I was helping others but when one of may own missiles almost kill both of us........I feel extremely guilty. I know you may not forgive me but I just want you to know.....I'm sorry.

Y/n stare at Natasha, walks over to her while Natasha waits for what he has to do or say. Then he came over and kiss her. It surprised her and once Y/n pulls back he tells her.

Y/n: Natasha, your my childhood friend and my lover. I would never ever in my entire life blame you for what happen to me. I will always forgive you and I always love you.

This surprised Natasha as tears came out of her eyes as she smiled and node back to him. Y/n then climbs in while Natasha gets to the door and Ho knocks at it.

Natasha: Boys! It's done.

Seconds later two terrorist soldiers came in and they look around seeing now missiles. They turn to them and one pinned Ho up against the wall while pointing their gun at Natasha.

Terrorist soldier: Where is the missiles?

???: Hangs off the lady.

The two slowly turn their heads ans seconds later there was gunfire outside of the room. A few terrorist soldiers rushes over and then they see one thrown out of the room and slammed against the wall.

Then there heard something mechanical coming out of the room ans seconds later Y/n came out wearing a suit of armor as he turn towards the soldiers.

The soldiers were shocked by this and when Y/n charges towards them they begin to open fire at him. Bullets bounce off his armor as he then punched one back, slammed the other against the wall and grabbed the others gun by the barrel and rips it out of his hand.

He then kicks the soldier back and he slammed against the wall as Y/n moves while Natasha and Ho follows behind. Y/n defends the two as the terrorist soldiers open fire at them.

The bullets bounce off of his armor and Y/n takes out the soldiers in his way. He pushes forward and when he turn a corner he dodges a incoming missile.

He turns back to see two soldiers with one holding a rocket launcher which he quickly pass it towards his friend and points at him.

Y/n lifted up his arm and fires a missile back at them which cost a explosion and blows open a hole to outside. Y/n walks over with Natasha and Ho behind and step outside to see a lot of soldiers outside with stark base weapons.

This shocks Natasha even more before her shock was Interrupted when soldiers begin to open fire at Y/n. The bullets bounce off of his armor as he stood there while bullets keeps hitting him.

After what seems like a long minute they stop and Y/n said two words.

Y/n: My turn.

Then he lifted both of his arms up and shoot flamethrowers at them. They all begin to scream and run from the flames. Some were burning and soon the fire got to one of the bombs ans soldiers later there was a large explosion.

Soon this Y/n picks up Natasha and Ho, active his boosters and takes off flying. They fly away from the explosion behind them as Y/n, Ho and Natasha make their way back to a nearby military base where they can be picked up and taking back home.

(5 days later)

They finally return to America and back at Nea York. The news reporters are seen at Stark Enterprise where Natasha is on stage with Pepper Potts as the press asks her many questions until Natasha calms down them.

Natasha: Everyone settle down. Please. Yes, it is true that me and my body guard, Y/n L/n was captured by terrorist and hold up there for weeks. But thanks to Y/n, we managed to escape and return home safely.

News reporter: What is going to happen to Y/n?

Natasha: He will be rewarded for his actions. I wouldn't have make it out there alive if weren't for him. He may not be a soldier, but he has a heart of a hero.

The crowd begins to clap while Natasha his reminded how he got injured in the first place. With a heavy heart he tells everyone.

Natasha: However.....it has come to my attention that enemies have been using my weapons to harm innocent lives. At first.....I wanted to support my country but......After I've nearby lost my body guard, I really my support will for more harm to those who are in the middle of battles. I realise my mistake......and i will be making things right, starting now. I, Natasha Stark here by no longer make weapons for the military. For now on, Stark Enterprise will no longer make any weapons.

This shocks everyone as theh take pictures while asking her questions while she stood there and made her mind up just so no one will never experience what she nearly lost.

While that is going on we see Y/n in his room looking down at his arc reactor, still glowing and then he looks over the helmet he wear.

He takes it and looks at it, he sees his own reflection in the helmet. He then looks over to the news about hero's saving lives. He looks back at his helmet and wants to be like them. He wanted to do more then just a body guard to a company.....he wants to be a hero.

He looks up with determinant in his eyes and thus a new hero is born, Iron Man......is born.

To be continued...........................................................

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