Part 78
Sorry for the long chapter.
They both seated in the kitchen after Alex finally could compose himself to go inside and Oscar poured him a glass of whisky. "I know you're mad mijo but Henry had his intention for a reason." Oscar told him. "Are you saying that its acceptable for him in hiding stuffs from us?" Oscar sense anger in his tone before he leaned against the countertop facing him.
"Yes, he does because of how you reacted. You think Henry wouldn't want to tell you? You're his partner, his husband and you both tell each other everything. But when it comes to the part where he has to see the way you're hurt, I'm on his side. Breaking your heart would be the last thing he ever wanted in this life. Imagined having to tell you that his greatest fear in life is catching up on him." Oscar defends Henry and he could see Alex sighed pressing his finger over his temple.
"What should I do then? Just agree to everything he said and do?" Alex asks. "Talk, you dumbass." Oscar replies and Alex snorted shaking his head at him.
They talked for few more minutes before Oscar excused himself to bed. It was late and he didn't want Ellen to come down and starts yelling at Alex. He can witnessed that tomorrow while not being exhausted and sleepy. Alex gulped down another glass of whisky before he heads himself to his own bed.
Alex sighed tiredly as he take off his clothes and heads to shower. He needed the night hot shower to relief him from the tense in his muscles and his head is heavy with lots of stuff going on.
His phone chimed the moment he stepped out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped low on his waist when he sees the light shining on his bedside.
He ignores it at first and grabbed his black brief before his eyes caught at Henry's clothes folded together side by side in the closet. Alex grabbed Henry's shirt instead and brought it close to his nose inhaling Henry's scent that he will never got bored off. He put Henry's shirt on before closing the closet door and headed to bed when his phone chimed again.
He sighed wanting to resist whatever text he got at this hour but his mind wouldn't let him sleep if he kept thinking about the notification. So he grabbed his phone on the side and squinted his eyes when the light from his screen almost blinded him in his dark room.
Luke: We're home.
Luke: Goodnight Paps ❤️
Alex sighed before he taps on the message for a reply and send Luke back his night wish. They never gone to bed without saying goodnight to each other and since he and Henry got married, they never missed one either, except for tonight. His finger itches to call him and hear his voice but he changed his mind and tossed his phone on his side before he hugged his pillow to his side crying himself to sleep.
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Ellen's high pitched voice breaks that morning the moment she saw Alex stepped into the kitchen with that hungover look on his face. She turns her head back and forth from her husband that's making breakfast back to her son taking his seat on the kitchen counter.
"Henry was in the hospital last night." Alex starts and Ellen gasped by calmness in his voice. "What happened? Is he alright? Is Luke upstairs?" She asks almost leaving the kitchen to see her grandson but Alex caught her wrist instead.
"He's at home with Henry." He said thanking Oscar for handing him the coffee mug. "I don't get it. You said Henry's in the hospital." She asks clueless with her hands crossed over her chest.
"Was in a hospital." Alex corrected and she clicked her tongue at him. "Okay, then why the hell are you here then? Shouldn't you be at home taking care of him?" She asks and Alex for once, went silent with his eyes lowered over the coffee mug in between his palms.
"They fought honey. Let him cool off here first." Oscar said handing Ellen her breakfast plate but she sighed shaking her head at him. "You both are unbelievable!" She grunted before she stomped her way out from the kitchen leaving these two men in questions. "Told ya." Oscar says as Alex grabbed the fork and start eating the breakfast Oscar made for his mother in silent knowing how much he hated when his father is right.
But later Alex saw her passed by the kitchen already dressed grabbing her keys and her bag on her shoulder already halfway to the door. "Ma! Where the hell are you going?" He asks chasing her with Oscar followed behind.
"Where do you think? My son in law needs me and his idiot husband is hiding away like a coward!" She yelled and Alex groaned at her. "Stop! Okay! Just stop fucking try to blame this on me! I am your son, NOT HENRY!" Alex yelled back but she huffed turning on her heels in anger before she stomped herself back closer to him leaving only a foot inch between them.
"YOU DAMN RIGHT YOU ARE! You are my son and I am never this disappointed at you! Henry doesn't deserved to be treated this way Alex! You think by hiding at your parents house makes you the better person?! How can you think such a thing? You said it yourself, Henry was at the hospital! Where were you when he needed you then?! Here at home, DRUNK!" She was done sugar coating Alex's behavior and she couldn't care less to wait for his answer so she stomped her way out from the house without a glanced back slamming the door behind.
Ellen was infuriated when she arrives at the brownstone house where Henry and Alex was living. She didn't bother to rang the bell but letting herself in to find the home in silence. "Luke? Henry?" She calls and noticed the brewing tea pot in the kitchen with the smell of Earl grey that Henry loves. She smiled placing her bag and her coat on the couch before she ran upstairs.
"Knock knock?" She knocked on the door of Henry's bedroom and saw Luke sitting on the edge with Henry laying in bed with that weak look in his face. "Gams? What are you doing here?" Luke asks with redness in his eyes as he placed the bowl on the side and rushed into her arms.
"Why do you think? I'm sorry for my idiot son. How are you guys?" She asks pulling Luke away from her hugs and Luke lowered his gaze down. "Trying to get dad to eat, he wasn't himself this morning." He says as he turned to reveal half sleeping Henry in bed. "What do you mean?" She asks as she stepped closer taking her seat next to Henry's side on the bed. "He's weaker than yesterday. Couldn't get him to wake this morning." Luke says as Ellen twirled the spoon in the bowl of porridge Luke made for Henry.
"You made this?" She asks impressed and he nods weakly. "Abuelo's taught me few times. I remembered exactly how he made it." He says and Ellen smiled at him. Ellen gaze shifted to Henry still asleep in bed noticing the pale lips and the dark circles under his eyes. "Morning sugar." She wished running her fingers through Henry's blonde hair away from his forehead. Henry's eyes flutters weakly to open and his gaze soften when he saw Ellen beside him. "Hi."
"How are you feeling? Are you in pain?" Ellen asks stroking his chest from the wrinkled shirt. "I'm fine. It's the medicine, it's making me tired." He says and Ellen sighed. "Where's Alex?" He asks with his voice came out as a whisper and Ellen clicked his tongue at him. "I swear how did you put up with his idiotic self. I gave him a solid yell this morning." She says taking the bowl in her hand before handing the spoon to Henry's mouth but as usual, Henry declined.
"You didn't know? He didn't tell you didn't he?" Henry says and Ellen raised her brow at him. "Tell me what?" She asks placing the bowl back on the bedside.
"I lied. I lied about having pain for weeks now and he got angry because Luke found me fainted in the bathroom." Henry explained briefly and he could see how it made Ellen sighed in regret for yelling at her own son this morning.
"Still doesn't make up for abandoning his family when his own husband needed him the most." She adds and Henry exhaled his breath longly. "Don't be mad at him. I'm the reason why he ran off. I kept pushing him away and this is my punishment. I just wish Luke isn't the one who found me yesterday." His eyes drifted to Luke standing behind her with his shoulder leaned against the bed frame with his face still sunken into sadness.
"I'm alright dad, don't worry about me." Luke adds and Henry gaze turned back to Ellen. Their hand clasped into each other and a sigh escape her lips. "I'm sorry for lying to your son. I never meant to break his heart like that." Henry whispered weakly as Ellen stares at his pale face. "It's your body Henry, your rights not to say anything." She replied back wiping the corner of her eyes from the tears filling up.
"I just wish it doesn't come to this." She adds before Henry raised himself up wincing in pain. Luke helped by putting another pillow behind Henry's back and he thanked him. He grabbed Ellen's hands clasping into his before locking their eyes into each other. "We never thought it would come to this wouldn't we? Thought I had more years." He says and Ellen breaks into tears.
"Dad don't say that." Luke begs and Henry smiled looking up at his son. "It's not the end yet, you just need to go through surgery and everything will be alright. I will take gap year and I will stay at home and taking care of you. Just please don't say like that." Luke begs again palming his leg that covers by the blanket.
"Hen." Alex interrupted Henry from say on further to see disheveled Alex frantic barging into the room with his messy curls and his eyelid are both swollen. Henry knew he had been crying whole night and Henry does either. "Look who's finally come to senses?" Ellen told him before she stood up from the bed still had Henry fingers clutching on to hers. "I'll make you guys some breakfast." She offered and stepped out from the bedroom with Alex closing the door behind her.
"Luke can you give us a minute?" Alex told his son and Luke stares at him with piercing gaze. His arms are crossed as he stepped in between Henry and Alex.
"No." He replied and Henry sighed shaking his head at his stubbornness. "Bud, just give us a minute." Henry plead but Luke turned his head sharply at him. "NO DAD! I won't leave you alone again!" He stood firmly between Henry and Alex with his eyes burning gaze into Alex's in anger.
"Bud I'm sorry alright." Alex starts but Luke cuts him off.
"No! You are not sorry. You're just saying that to make me feels better about what happened!" Luke yelled.
"I never meant to leave-"
"But YOU DID! You LEFT! You left us both when Dad needed you the most! You think you were the only who was hurt in this?! I did too! I stood there each time he gasped in pain but I chose not to hear it! I chose to believe that he was alright because he would tell us if he didn't! But I didn't bother to ask!" Luke was balling in tears by now fisting his palm on his side so tight Henry could see his knuckles turned white.
"Luke please-" Henry tried to plead again.
"I'm sorry dad. I'm so sorry for spending the last few days being mad at you. I shouldn't have treated you that way, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Luke sobs in tears before Henry pulled him into his hug.
"Let it out buddy, let it out. I'm right here." Henry hushed soft whispers into his ears as his hand stroked his back. Luke whimpered into a sobs in his neck as Henry's eyes gaze over his husband standing in the middle of their bedroom feeling guilt and defeated.
Alex moves softly over the bed taking his seat next to Luke before Henry pushed him off and he went to Alex for a hug. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for yelling." Luke sobs into Alex's neck as he wrapped himself against Alex's waist. "It's okay bud, I need to thank you because I think we both needed to hear it." He says and Luke shuddering sobs finally calms after a while.
"Go see gammy if she needed help with breakfast. Think abuelo's making your favorite." Alex says but Luke turned to Henry still had his back propped against the headboard. "Go, I'll be down later." Henry told him before Luke leaned for another hug and Henry pecked his cheek for a little kiss.
Luke sniffed his tears with his palm wiping his tears from his eyes and cheek before he stood up. Alex sighed as he saw him closed the door before his gaze shifted to Henry laying in bed. His eyes lowered to his clasped hand over the blanket covering his lap. "Hen-" Alex starts scooting closer to him but Henry raised his palm to stop him. "Luke was right." He starts with his eyes reddened.
"You left me. I needed you and you left me." Tears starts brimming in his eyes as Alex lowered his gaze down at his trembling hands. "I know but I needed to clear my head." Alex defend and Henry scoffed.
"You couldn't have come home and stay on the couch like any other normal couple would? You had to go back to your parents? Wrapping them into our marriage problem? You know how that make me feel? Ashamed Alex! That I can't even take care of my own family let along my husband that he needs to run back to his mum for help!" Henry's word seethed through his teeth with his eyes blazed in fury and tears soaking through his anger.
"I know! I fucked up! Alright?! I fucked up!" Alex yelled before he stood and starts pacing around in their bedroom. His fingers found himself running through his curls tugging at the roots. "Jesus Henry! You lied to me! I was supposed to be the one who's mad right now, NOT YOU!" He yelled at Henry over the bed.
"I lied because I can't have you look at me like this. Full of fear, regret and guilt!" Henry yelled back at him clutching on his chest. He throw his legs out of bed sitting on the edge while Alex stood few feet away from him with his hand clutching on his own waist.
"For once Alex. For once. I wish I could just turned back the time. I wish I could changed everything that would make me the way I am today. I am tired of watching your constant disappointment in me." Henry breaks in tears as he gripped the edge of the bed.
"Baby, no." Alex rushed to his knees lowering himself in between Henry's spread leg. His hand cupping Henry's cheek bringing their forehead together, "Baby I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I never meant for you to feel this way. I was stupid, selfless jerk and I am so sorry." Their eyes locked into a teary brown mixed with hazel one.
"I'm tired Alex. I'm so fucking tired." Henry continues pleading as his hand hung on Alex's neck like his life depends on it. "Baby don't say that, please don't say that." Alex pleads still holding on to the hope.
"Henry listen to me." He pushed Henry's face apart in his hand so they could face each other. Henry eyes fixed on his brown tearing orbs before he let Alex continued.
"I don't want to change anything. If I were given a chance to go back in time, the only thing I wanna change is that I would tell you I love you the day I kissed you. I won't change a thing that happened because we are who we are because of that." Alex explained and Henry sighed letting a tears fell on his cheek.
"Henry look around us. If we changed this, we won't be here today. We won't be married, we won't have a son that we both love to death. You have nieces and nephews. Who would have expects Martha would carrying twins and both boys, and Phillip was beyond oblivious, remember that night? When he told us that he's having two boys and he almost got panic attack? I wouldn't give up any of that for anything else Henry. I love you and I love our little life together."
"I love you too." Henry whispered back with his lips trembled. "I'm so sorry for leaving you last night but I promised you I will not be doing that again if you promised me that you would not hide things from me, from us anymore Henry." Alex begs and their forehead once again leaned into each other.
Alex could feel Henry's hot breath ghosting around his lips with him sniffing his tears away. "I promise." Henry whispered before Alex crashed their lips together into a deep passionate kiss. No matter how long he had known Henry all his life, or how long they had been married together, Alex could never get enough of him and his thick lips. A night apart made his heart ache and longed for his touch.
Alex pushed Henry on his back letting himself straddled on top of Henry's thick thighs that he admires from all the polo training. Henry gave up polo for years but never gave up horseback riding and training although Alex told him countless time how he felt about him getting back on that horse. He even got Luke roped into his hobby and Luke loves his polo training.
He noticed how Henry's breath hitched when he felt him pushed Alex by his chest, "What?" Alex asks as Henry sat up letting Alex got off from straddling him. "Catching- my b-breath." Henry grasp his chest into a fist before Alex runs to the bathroom to get his meds. He didn't know which one to help him so he grabbed everything in his hand before he ran back to Henry.
"Which one?" He asks as he spread the bottles all over the bed and Henry pointed at the quit smaller one. Alex opened the cap before placing it over Henry's palm and Henry placed them under his tongue.
"When should we schedule the surgery?" Alex asks feeling worried at Henry's delaying treatment. Henry sighed taking his deep breath as he let the pill dispersed in his mouth "Not this week. Sylvie texted me this morning and told me that I am on blood thinners for this week before another blood test and she will see then. Can't operate if my blood too thin. I'll bleed." He says watching as Alex kneeled on the floor with his hand buried into his curls and his elbow resting over the bed.
"So we'll wait till your heart gave out?" Alex asks before he feels Henry's fingers runs through his curls, "I'm alright darling, I'll be home, I won't go anywhere, not even the shelter, I'll be here, resting. I swear. I'll do everything that you asks me too." Alex looked up surprised by Henry's sudden changes with hope glistened in his eyes. "You promised you will listen to my every command?"
Alex rose from the floor and held Henry by his waist still kneeling in between his legs. Henry laughs softly at his gesture before wrapping his arm around Alex's neck. "I promise, cross my heart." Henry gestured over his chest and Alex pressed his lips over Henry's again.
"I love you." He whispered resting his nose over the curve of Henry's nose bridge just under his brow split. "I love you." Henry whispered back.
"Why don't they just pushed for surgery?" Luke asks as they all eat brunches at the dining table after Oscar cooked them some food. Henry finally come down with help from Alex and Luke can't be anymore happier to see his parents reconciled again.
"Because dad is on blood thinners, if they proceed with the surgery he might bleed to death." Alex helped to answer while cutting pieces of the chicken tenders to feed Henry next to him. He had Alex's usual faded blue sweater on with his hand hides inside the sleeves. Ellen noticed the shivers in him and wrapped a shawl she had with her around his shoulder.
"How long would it take for you to be off it?" He asks again and Alex turned to look at Henry. "Three days at least, but Dr Sylvie wants me to be on it until the next week before she did another blood test." Henry explained and Luke still had that furrowed look on his face.
"Why?" Oscar chuckled at his curiosity but noticed the grimace look on both of his parent's face. "Don't lie to me again." He said sternly.
"My uhm- my red blood is low so they need it to be borderline normal only to be able to proceed." He says and Luke drops his fork over the plate with his hand gripped over his temple. "Jesus Dad why didn't you tell me any of this?" He asks as he stares at Henry across the table.
"Your dad been through worst mijo. Trust me. He'll bounced back." Alex says with that side smirked on his cheek. "Do you still believe that?" Henry asks sipping into his tea. The whole table went silent and the burning stares made Henry wished he could take it back what he just said.
"I have faith." Ellen says reaching over the table for Henry and he smiled before he reached her palm with his fingers.
"There's something else I need to discuss." Alex starts before he raised himself from the seat and headed to his work bag. He pulled out the enveloped he got from yesterday and headed back to the dining area before handed it to Luke.
"What is it?" He asks after Alex handed it to him and he tore the enveloped opened. His eyes slides side to side reading the content of the paper with his brows raised and his jaw fell apart. "You found her?" His voice came out as a whisper with his eyes lifted from the paper straight to Alex still standing next to him. "Paps, thank you." He wrapped his arm around Alex's waist pressing his face into his chest. Alex smiled wholeheartedly running his fingers through Luke's blonde hair.
Henry grabbed the paper after and start reading the content with his eyes glistened at both of them, "Back in Massachusetts?" He asks and Alex nods. "She was there the whole time and I didn't even know." Luke exclaimed wiping the tears from his eyes with his finger. "What do you say Luke?" Alex asks letting Luke lifted his gaze at his father.
"Let's go see her." Luke says as he turned to face Henry smiling at them. "Let's go." He says and Alex turned his head sharply at him. "Nu-uh, you're staying here, you promise remember?" Alex told him before he circled around the table to take his seat back next to him.
"You don't get to go without me. Either I go or you both don't go at all." Henry protest wrapping his arm around his waist.
"Dad, you can't. You need to stay here and rest. We'll be gone for a day and we'll be back later. I'm sure gammy can keep you company." Luke turned to look at Ellen smiling next to Henry. "Of course sugar." Henry shook his head disagreeing at their plan and insisted he would come together.
"I'm coming and you can't stop me." Henry says before pushing himself up from the chair to leave the dining table but his own body betrays him when he almost stumbled into another fainting spell. Luckily for him Ellen was beside him when she sees him rapidly blinking his eyes before she caught his elbow from falling down on the floor.
"Alright, now I don't think I can leave you alone." Alex wrapped his arm around Henry's waist to support him and he could see Luke is already on his feet to help his father but Alex beats him to it. He already carried Henry in his arm before placing him on the couch in the living room.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just a little dizzy." Henry says after Alex placed him down on the couch. "You're not fine Hen. Stop telling people that." Oscar told him before he handed Henry a glass of water.
Henry sipped on the water before handed it back to Alex. "I'm not lying when I said I'm coming. You can't make me stay here." Henry still protesting over the trip to Massachusetts earning Alex a long sigh before his gaze lifted over Luke behind the couch.
"Fine. FINE!" Alex surrendered in defeat to Henry's protest. "On ONE condition!" Alex adds before Henry could say anything further.
"I'm driving, you lay down on the back seat and Luke, can be in charge of the bags." He says and Luke frowned at the odd assignment. "Why the bags?" He asks and Henry rolled his eyes at him plopping his head back against the soft plushy couch pillows that Alex had placed behind his head.
"It was one time!" Henry defends and Alex scoffed. "I lost my Armani suit because of you! And I had to wear your pants which is too short for me Hen!"
"You were being a jerk to me! You deserves it." Henry continued.
"I was being a jerk? You don't have to throw my bags away. Plus! I look like Charlie Chaplin for Christ sake!" They all breaks into a laugh imagining their tall Alex wearing Henry's slight shorter pants barely reaching his ankle. Even though Henry's only an inch shorter, but his body ratio didn't match Alex.
"Well maybe there's someone else needed it more than you." Henry raised his brow at him. "Who?!" Alex asks and Henry shrugs.
"Homeless guy at the gas stop in Connecticut. I don't know." Alex jutted his chin forward annoyed by Henry's answer.
Oscar and Ellen laughs at them bantering with each other before they pulled Luke back to the kitchen leaving these two on the couch still arguing over who's fault it was.
"It's not just the suit, it's my shoes, the other clothes, my-" Henry pulled Alex by his chin when he starts to ramble on and on about his lost stuffs and surprised when Henry crashed his lips together.
"I also remember that afternoon at the motel." Henry whispered on Alex's lips with their eyes locked in each others. His smiled curved up on his lips as he stares at Henry's hazel eyes. The memory of them finally reconciling after ten years apart in that small shady hotel room has made a certain memory embedded into their minds till today.
"That was one of the best night of my life after decades of being apart from you." He whispered letting himself rested on top of Henry's by the couch with Henry wrapping his arm around his neck. "I thought you said our honeymoon was one of the best night of your life?" Henry pouted with his eyebrow furrowed.
"It was, as a married couple but that motel was the time where I finally have you after so many years being apart." Alex whispered running his fingers through Henry cheek. He loves how Henry wrapped his legs around his thigh with Alex resting in between his legs.
"Are you sure you can handle Massachusetts?" Alex finally asks and Henry noticed the worried flashes all over Alex's eyes. "I have you don't I?" He asks and Alex sighed. "Maybe after the surgery then, when you recovered. Luke would understand." Alex plead.
"We owe it to him Alex. I know you did it because he had nightmares again. I didn't have to ask why you hired the private investigator to find her." Henry starts. He brushed his fingers over Alex's curls away from his forehead.
"When did you knew?" He asks leaning against Henry's palm. "Couple of weeks ago when I saw the transaction you made." Alex pressed his lips together when he noticed the side eye Henry gave him. "We both promised each other that whenever comes to Luke we would used the joint account, not our own remember?" Henry asks stroking Alex's stubbled chin with his thumb.
"I didn't want you to be suspicious" Alex defends.
"It's not like you were hiring an escort or having an affair. You could have tell me." Henry lowered his gaze at Alex's lower lips, when he noticed a smile curved on Alex's face. "You thought I was having an affair? Is that why you were distant from me?" Alex asks but couldn't hide his smirk from him.
"I- I wasn't-" Henry stutters but Alex pressed his lips together shutting him up. "How could you think I would cheat on you Hen? There is no one in this world I would rather have but you." Alex cupped Henry's cheek in his palm when he noticed the guilty gaze from Henry's eyes.
"Because you deserved so much better than a sick husband. Someone that has a future rather than a-" Henry was cut off by another kiss on his lips and his breath hitched by Alex's deepening his kiss further. "Don't ever, ever think that way Hen. We deserved each other. I would give up everything in life just so we could be together. Even if there is another life after, I promised to love you then as well. You are my world Henry Fox, my life, my reason of being."
Henry pulled Alex by his neck to deepen another kiss with tears streaming down his temple. He loves this man so much it hurts each time he thought of dying. It hurts him more when the thought of him being gone made Alex twice maybe ten times more miserable than he already was.
"Guys if you want to kiss and make up go upstairs, not in front of your child." Ellen scolded them and both Henry and Alex laughs at her words before Alex pulls Henry for another kiss. "I love you so much." Alex whispered into another kiss. "I love you more." Henry replied equally before he pressed another kiss on Alex's lips.
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