Part 76
When Ellen and Oscar noticed both Henry and Alex was no longer in their house, she went berserk. She grabbed her phone and starts dialing Alex number only to find her calls being rejected by her own son.
"Alexander Claremont-Diaz! I swear to God that if you or Henry did something remotely stupid, I'm gonna make sure you both would live a day in hell!" She yelled over her phone as she taps on the screen angrily.
Oscar couldn't help chuckling behind his wife especially when she refused to believe when he told her how ridiculously identical she and Alex behavior is despite she's telling him no.
"Calm down babe, they are both adults. Not kids anymore." He says handing her the glass of wine and she chugged it down like it was water before he poured her another. Brian left earlier after they found out Alex and Henry was no longer upstairs. So he excused himself from their home to complete his tasks in finding Luke.
"I'm worried. What if something happened to Luke? What if something bad happened to him and Henry got the worst of it?" Ellen starts rambling before Oscar noticed she was already on her fourth glass. "I'm sure they will call us if anything." Oscar says pulling the glass away but Ellen protest before grabbing the bottle by the neck instead.
"I'm gonna kill him." She says still tapping her phone before she tries to call her son again.
"Amor, tranquilo. Put the bottle down." He snatched the phone and the wine bottle away from her grip and Ellen snapped her head sharply at his sudden gesture. "No! Oscar. I'm not done." She tries to grab the wine back but he tossed everything inside the sink and she whines over the wasted wine.
"They will find him. They always do. No matter how far Luke goes, they will always find him. When they do, I'm gonna kill them myself for leaving without telling us. By the mean time, coffee." He says pouring out the hot steaming coffee into a mug and handed over to Ellen by the counter as she pouts at her husband constant caring behavior that she favors all the years they had been together.
They were both interrupted by the front door barged opened and Oscar was the first to rush to the sound followed by Ellen behind him.
"What the actual fuck?!" Oscar yells and for the first time in their years of knowing each other, they never actually hears him cursed, especially in front of Luke. "Paps! Jesus. Luke can hear ya." He says but they can see that Alex was actually carrying Luke in his arm while he fell asleep.
Oscar sighed when he saw Luke has fallen deeply asleep wrapping his arm around Alex's neck while Henry smiled softly behind him carrying his bag pack in his hand. "I'll explained to you guys. Babe, go put Luke down." Henry pushed him by his waist before pressing his lips over Luke's hand wrapped around his husband's neck.
Alex obeyed not wanting to gaze his mother's burning look at him before he climbed the stairs carrying Luke in his arm still asleep.
"Do you have any idea how fucking worried we are?!" Ellen's words seethed through her teeth, as she stares at Henry stood before her still in the living room foyer. "You could have called! Or at least tell us before you leave instead of disappear like that! What were you thinking?! You know how worried I am especially at you Henry! You could have gotten hurt!" Ellen continues to yell and Henry could only inhaled his breath deeply.
Ellen was regretting her action by yelling at exhausted looking Henry before her. She expected that maybe he would yelled back or just ignore her but little did she know that Henry smiles snaking his arm around her body. She gasped letting Henry rested his head over her shoulder before she exhaled her breath in relief wrapping her arm around Henry's.
"Do you have any idea how much I'm glad to have you as my mother in law?" He whispered and Ellen furrows her eyebrow at him.
"What do you mean sugar?" She ask still had his lingering eyes over her husband standing by Henry's side smiling at them.
"I could never have you as my mother, you will always be Alex's. But a little part of me are glad that each time I was having a bad day, I knew I can always count on you to be there to make it better." Henry pushes himself from their hug and smiled his weak smile at her. "Thank you." He continues before he pressed his lip over her cheek. She didn't bat her eyes off Oscar standing behind Henry with smiles plastered all over his face.
"I'm exhausted. I'm gonna go rest." Henry says pulling Luke's bag pack from the floor and stride his legs tiredly towards the staircase.
"Henry." Ellen called and Henry turned to face her from the first steps. "Did Alex asks you to talk to me because he knows I have a soft spot for you?" She asks with her eyes stares deeply into his by the stairs. "That is why you're the smartest one in the house. Good night." He winked at her with that coy smile on his face.
"You son of a-"
"Elle!" Oscar stops her from chasing Henry up the stairs as Henry giggled all the way. "Do you believe this shit? He even got Henry to do his dirty work now! You know June used to do that for him. I'm gonna whopped that boy ass so hard he won't even be sitting down for a week!"
"Calm down honey. It's not worth it." Oscar drags her back to the kitchen before switching her coffee to a tea to calm her down.
Alex settles Luke in his bed pulling his shoes off from his feet and sat them over the floor by his bed. He snuggled on his side reaching for his pillow as he pressed his nose into the fabric before snores escaped his throat again. Alex smiles watching him snuggled comfortably on his bed before pulling the blanket over his shoulder. "Goodnight buddy. Please don't run off again or I'm gonna start putting bells around your neck." He jokes knowing Luke won't be able to hear him.
"I was thinking. Maybe a microchip then." Henry sudden voice interrupts him from his thought. He snorted at Henry's idea but soon felt a warmth arm wrapped around his waist before Henry rested his chin over Alex's shoulder.
"I'm sure Phillip might have a friend or two in MIT that would give us a prototype or a tracking device we can plant inside him." Alex joked and Henry giggled behind him. "Did ma chased you up the stairs?" He asks and Henry sighed in his embraced. "Close. If it wasn't for Oscar she would have catch up on me."
Alex laughs softly not wanting to woke Luke up before he turned around wrapping his arm around Henry's waist facing him.
"I remember June used to cover for me. We always ended up getting our ass whopped by her. I remember there was one time she was so mad at me for sneaking out into a party, she locked my bedroom and sealed my window so I can't sneaked back in." Henry laughs tangling his hand behind Alex's neck.
"Took me a week and a shower protest to let her allowing me back into my room." His smiled widen across his face showing his cute dimples on his cheek. "I probably smelt like a skunk that made her folds." Henry giggled further before Alex pressed his lips over his, "You smelled like one right now." He whispers and Alex gasped.
"I do not. I happened to smell amazing." He leaned touching his nose tips over Henry's cheek inhaling his scent. "I know, Santal 33. My favorite scent of all." Henry says pressing his own nose over the crook of Alex's neck.
"But the scent that I love the most is when our bodies in a writhing mess together. Or when you came out of shower, freshly shaven and that aftershave of yours, is intoxicating." Alex says pressing his nose over Henry's neck. Henry exhaled his breath in Alex's touch feeling his lips pressing kisses over his pale skin.
Alex lifted his gaze to face Henry again and noticed the tiredness in his eyes. "Let's get you to bed baby. It's been a day." He could see how that words made Henry sighed in relief before he nods at him.
Alex noticed the way Henry struggled to keep himself straight while removing his clothes. "Here let me." Alex helped pulling the jumper from Henry's wrist and he thanked him tiredly. He knows how tiring he must been with all the emotional rollercoaster they had experienced today.
Henry held Alex by his shoulder when he unbuttoned his pants and lowered it over his ankle letting Henry kicked it to the side.
"Rest baby." He says and Henry sighed swallowing his throat dryly, "Haven't brush my teeth or wash my face." Henry says leaning against Alex for support. "Okay, let me help then." He snaked his arm around Henry's waist as he guides him to the bathroom.
Henry sat over the close toilet lid letting Alex handing him the toothbrush with toothpaste over and Henry starts brushing his teeth. His brushes was dreadfully slow and he barely could keep his eyes opened so Alex took that hint to help him instead. He drops down on the floor on his knees in between Henry's opened legs before taking the toothbrush from his hand. "Let me sweetheart."
He helped Henry finished his routine applying the soft moisturizing cream over his face and swore he almost fell asleep in the bathroom for his soft strokes on his face. "Baby, don't fall asleep here. We have a huge bed remember." He says pulling Henry up on his feet and helped him get to bed.
The moment Henry's head hits the pillow, he was out like a light and soft snores escapes his just like Luke. Alex had to smile at his cuteness of falling asleep in their bed with nothing on his body except for his brief before Alex pulls the blanket over Henry's body.
Alex woke up early the next day feeling his stomach rumbled in hunger since last night he skipped on dinners so he won't faced his mother. The smell of burning toast and bacon made him woke from his sleep. He turned to face Henry's still asleep on his side with his back facing him.
Alex pressed his lips over Henry's shoulder muttering morning wishes like he always did but knows that Henry didn't hear him to reply.
He put on his plain white shirt on before leaving his bedroom and followed the scent to the kitchen.
The moment he entered the kitchen, he found Oscar in that ridiculous apron over his plain clothes cutting the vegetable on the cutting board. "Morning mijo." He greeted Alex sleepy face when he saw him standing by the counter taking his seat on the high chair. "Morning paps, where's ma?" He asks as Oscar slides him the coffee mug and he thanked him.
"Still in bed I think. She slept pretty late last night." He says and Alex furrowed his eyebrow at him. "Christ, no! You think we're like you guys? Fucking around like rabbits. She slept late because worrying about you. How can you do that to her? Leaving without telling us anything, no text, no calls, no updates on finding Luke. She was worried sick!" Oscar noticed how his voice had raised a little but after last night, someone need to say something.
"Sorry paps, we don't want you guys to be there if Luke ever did try to-" he paused staring deep into the blackness of the coffee in his mug. "It's bad enough I had to deal with Henry's emotion but mum? I won't be able to recover from that. She's our anchor in this family. Losing her would make everything goes down to hell." Alex had his gaze lowered over the steaming cup in his hand before a hand reaches his shoulder.
He turned to his side to see it was Ellen standing by his side with her arm wrapped around his slumped shoulder. "I'm sorry for running off like that with Henry but it's my family and I wanted to get my son back." He says noticed how her lips curled into a soft smiled.
"I know baby." She says pressing her lips over Alex's temple before she smacked his head with her palm. "Ow! Ma! What was that for?!!" He yelled rubbing the back of his head with his finger. "For last night. You think I would forget it just like that?" She says before she circled around the counter table to reach Oscar and gave him his morning kiss.
She reaches back behind Alex to sit next to him before another smack hits him on the back of his head. "MA! Stop! I'm not a kid anymore! What if Luke saw that?!" He yelled as Ellen sat on the high chair next to him. "That's for throwing Henry for an act. You think I won't see through it?"
Alex huffed his breath before sipping into his coffee. "Paps?" A soft voice startled them from behind turning Alex's head to the source to find Luke still half awake with his messy blonde hair in a mess and his eyelids are half opened with his fingers rubbing through his eyes in a yawned.
"Morning hun. Come here." Alex pulled the chair next to him and Luke climbed over with Alex helped and his eyes sets low on the table in front of him.
"Luke, what you want for breakfast?" Oscar asks after cooking his famous omelette for Alex and Ellen placing them over the plate before them. Luke softly shake his head still refused to look them in the eyes feeling ashamed of his action yesterday.
"Luke eat something." Alex told him before pushing his plate towards him and Luke stares at the flipped omelette on the grey plate. "Where's daddy?" He asks and Alex turned his gaze towards the clock by the wall. "Probably still sleeping. Why?" He asks and Luke shook his head at him. "N-Nothing." Luke whispered still had his gaze down on his lap.
"Alex go check on Henry, I wanna talk to my grandson." Ellen told him and Alex turned his head sharply at her by his side. "Ma there's no need for that. We talk, it's all good." Alex defends but Ellen's glare at him made him wished he could take back his words.
"If you want another Texas slap on your big head, I assure you the third time would knock your teeth out." She threatened making Alex's eyes gone wide before he jumped from the high chair and rushed upstairs.
The minute Alex is out of sight, Ellen had her gaze shifts towards Luke next to her with an empty chair separates them. Ellen switched her seat and sit on Alex's spot exactly next to Luke and she could see how frightened Luke were by her closeness. He didn't know what to expect, Ellen might yell, she might hit him just like she hits her son. But little did he knows was when she wrapped her arm around Luke's frail body closed to her side.
"I'm so glad you're alright baby. I'm so sorry you had to think like that." She whispered and Luke was hesitant at first but soon she could feel his small palm reaches her arm and hugged her back. "I'm sorry." He whispered and Ellen sighed stroking Luke's blonde hair back from his forehead.
"I had to be harshed to your dads because they are idiots. But Luke don't think for once that we would judge you. If you had those thought inside your mind again, talk to me. Or better yet talk to your abuelo. Don't run away again baby." She cupped his cheek in her palm stroking his hair back from his forehead.
Luke nods with his eyes glistened but he held his tears strongly. "I promised."
"Now listen." Ellen pulls his chin to face her with their eyes locked. "I know your whole life people had been breaking promises on you but if you ever, ever broke this promise, I will make sure the next person hunting you down is not your parents but the police and you will spend the rest of your life with an ankle monitor. Do you want that?" Ellen can see how frightened Luke were by her words but he gulped his throat and nods without any protest.
"This family chose you. They wanted you, they could have anyone else in this world but they chose you. Owned up to it. Be proud and be grateful." Ellen continued and Luke lowered his gaze down when she released his chin.
"I promise gammy. I won't run away again." He says and Ellen sighed softening her gaze at him. "I didn't mean to be harsh but you need to know we will never give up on you." She could see Oscar smiled from across the table almost finished his cooking nodding at her. "No one is quitting in this family." He says and Luke nods. "I promise." He repeats.
In which he did. He promised both Ellen and Oscar that day in the kitchen that he will never run away from this family again. Oscar made sure that he won't be able to escape this family no matter how much he tries.
Years had gone by since Luke ever remembered being the outsiders in the family. His fathers promised him that no matter what, Fox-Claremont-Diaz family stays together until the end no matter how the circumstances had changed.
Luke in his last year in high school when he stayed in the living room in their Brownstone house with the laptop in his hand checking on his application.
His parents at the kitchen with his grandparents making lunches talking with each other and laughter breaks in the air. "Yo! Buddy. There's no sit and wait for food. You come here and help." Alex yelled over the kitchen and Luke turned his head with his one arm raised, "Coming paps!" He yelled back before grabbing the laptop in his hand together to the kitchen.
"Watchu doing?" Henry asks ruffling his messy blonde hair that he had grew a little over the summer before taking his seat facing the laptop Luke puts on the counter. "Just- my college application. I submitted few weeks ago and I'm still waiting for them to reply back." He says before putting on the apron on his body. Ellen smiles reading the caption over the front to 'kiss the cook'. She leans pulling Luke by his chin and kissed him on his cheek. His smile grew wider and he never pulls away from Ellen kisses. He loves how loving his family was and towards each other.
"Where did you applied?" Alex asks caging Henry in between his arm with the glass of wine in his hand from behind him.
"Stanford?" Ellen asks jokingly and both Alex and Henry yelled at the same time with equal amount of high pitch voice.
"NO!" Their heads all turned towards them before they broke into another laugh. "Anywhere but that hellhole Luke." Henry adds and he snorted with a half smiled. Something he picked up from Alex over the years that Henry may or may not love, depends on his mood.
"I was thinking about it. I mean they do have a good program there and the dorm is amazing." He says continued on stirring on the gravy Oscar had made.
"The dorm is not that great and I'm sure if you want I can get your uncle Phillip enrolled you into Oxford. We all know how much you love Harry Potter." Henry raised his eyebrow playfully at his son from behind the laptop with Alex still had his arm wrapped around his chest.
"Oh I'm sure there are some memories in that dorm would make it better." Alex says and Henry tilted his head to the side to face Alex behind him.
"You mean the part where I bled to death or the part where I got the concussion and threw up all night in your shoes." Henry asks and Alex stares fondly at the memory of his beloved shoe that got ruined by Henry's vomit. "My shoes." He whined at the loss but soon pulls Henry back against his chest.
"Babe you're forgetting also that was the first time we met. Also, the first time we uhm-" he raised his brow at him but Henry nudge his elbow on his side making Alex yelped. "Stop. Whatever happens in that dorm room, stays in the dorm room." Henry warned him and he raised his palm up surrendering making a gesture to keep his lips sealed.
"Well wherever it is you got accepted, we will always be proud of you." Oscar continues raising his glass of whisky in his hand and Luke smiled softly at him. "Thank you guys." Luke raised his glass of coke in his hand for them and his eyes caught at his father wrapping his arm around his dad's chest with their lips sealed in a kiss.
Truthfully after what happened during his childhood and his early teens years, it was so horrifying in the relationship department and he swore he would never trust another heart again in order to protects his. He fears that each time he opened up to someone, they might not be able to accept him the way he was.
But deep down he wanted the love that he had witnessed for years from his parents. The love that was consuming, breath taking the same way his parents reacted at each other each time they are out during date night. No matter how many years they had been married, they never ceased to surprise each other.
There wasn't a day that they both failed to show each other how much they love one another. Luke wanted that, he wanted those kind of loves in his life but each time he got close to someone, he would run away into hiding and shuts those door of his heart so tight that he fears someone might ended up knocking doors down.
He didn't realized he was staring at his parents over the counter giggling in each other's kisses when Oscar taps him on his arm. "You're burning the gravy." He says and Luke gasped surprised by his touch.
"You're alright bud?" Henry noticed the glistening eyes when Luke hides it behind his fake smile. "Yeah, just thinking about college and all." He say but no one in this house knows him the way Henry does.
Luke excused himself when he noticed the burning stares from his father taking off the apron and headed to his bedroom upstairs in a rush.
Henry frowned before turning his gaze back to Alex behind him and he felt him squeezed his shoulder in assurance. "Go on. I'm sure he would let you know what's really bothering him." Alex says pressing his lips over Henry's temple. Henry pushed himself off the chair before he excused himself to follow Luke upstairs into his bedroom.
He softly knock on the doors of his son bedroom before he heard Luke's soft voice allowing him to enter.
"Darling?" Henry soft calls always soothes Luke when he needed it. Each time he was in his bubbles of depression, as what his therapist would say, but like always Henry's soft voice always brings him back home out from the bubble. Henry saw Luke sitting in his bed with his knees folded close to his chest.
Henry plopped on the bed right by Luke's legs lying on his side with his elbow propped. "Wanna talk about it?" He asks and Luke stares at his hand over his lap. "Will I ever find love dad?" He asks softly and Henry was stunt by his sudden question.
"Of course darling. I was older than your age now when I met your father. You think we immediately jumped into relationship? We were friends first." Henry starts and Luke smiled.
"You were mortal enemy. Papi said he never met the grumpiest British in his life until you." Luke adds. "That little- son of a-" Henry paused not wanting to portray himself as the cursive one in the family. "But he told me how stupid he was for what happened." Luke can see Henry's eyes softened at the thought.
"Papi still blamed himself?" Henry asks and Luke nods. Henry inhaled longly before he rolled on his back resting his head over Luke's lap staring into the ceiling of Luke's bedroom.
"He blamed himself everyday because he didn't take my call that night. That voicemail I left for him still haunts him till today even though I'm standing right besides him." Henry shifts his gaze back at Luke, feeling his fingers running through Henry's hair. He loves how people would always thought he is Henry's son since they shared the same shade.
"That night you were-" Luke paused knowing half part of the story. Henry never did tell him what happened before, just pieces about his darkest past.
"Danny and James Warren. Those name tattooed in my mind until the day I died Luke. I thought he was charming. Not like your paps charmed, no one can beat his charming self but he was enough. I never knew love. The only love I knew was from books, movies. I was such a fool, a hopeless romantic thinking that he actually loves me."
"But I know that your heart still frozen inside baby. Time will healed those scars but they will never removes it permanently. The moment you let people inside, you're afraid that scar will reopened. Then you're afraid you won't be able to close it back if it bleeds." Luke stares at Henry's eyes staring deep into his.
He was afraid and Henry sees right through him. He didn't realized his tears came back when Henry wiped his thumb over his cheek.
"I was afraid that if they knew about my past, they would be disgusted by me. By what I did." Luke continues and Henry sighed, "Baby if that right person choose you, he would see you through all of your perfections and your flaws." Henry let his fingers stroked his cheek as he smiled.
"Just like papi?" He asks and Henry smiled.
"Just like papi." Henry repeats with a smiled.
"Dad." Luke called and henry hummed still smiling at his son.
"Don't ever leave me please." He pleads and Henry raised himself up from his lap to face him on the bed. "Baby listen to me." He cupped Luke's cheek making sure he looked at him when he told him.
"I can't promise anything remember? We promised each other whatever happens, we must faced it bravely." Henry says staring at Luke pressing his lips together shaking his head softly with his eyes lowered on the sheets between them. "I can't lose you dad. I won't-" Luke paused letting his tear falls on his cheek before Henry wiped it off with the pad of his thumb.
"Luke listen to me. I can't have you think like this. You know why?" Henry grabbed his hand and tangled it with his before lifting Luke's chin to face him with his other free hand. Luke lifted his gaze to meet with Henry's worried one before he shook his head softly at him.
"That when I'm gone, I need you to look after papi for me. He needs you more than anything after I'm gone. You heard me?"
"But you were doing so good dad. You hadn't had pain over years, your breathing is better. Your blood pressure has improved, I don't see why you kept saying like you are waiting for grim reaper come knocking at the door soon to collect your soul!" Luke half yelled and Henry can see the fury in his eyes.
"Because I know that death is inevitable damn it!" Henry yelled back gripping into Luke's wrist.
"So was us! You're not the only one that might death comes for. It could be me!"
"Luke! Stop!" Henry inhaled sharply before a soft knocked interrupts them both.
"I thought I told you to speak, not yelled at each other. What is all of this commotion?" Alex came forward into the room finding both Henry and Luke in bed with Henry clutching on Luke's wrist in anger. Tears were glistening in both eyes but Alex could see that it was fear and fury flashes in their eyes.
He stood besides Henry towering behind him as Henry wiped his tears off with his fingers before he stood. "Love.." Alex called lingering his finger over Henry's hand but he stopped him, "No, I just need a minute." Henry says before he left Luke's room without a glanced over his son in bed.
"Wanna tell me about it?" Alex asks as he sat down on Luke's bed with him hugging his knees again towards his chest.
"I upset dad." Luke said briefly. "I can see that. But why?" Alex asks cocking his head to the side. Luke still had his gaze lowered before he softly shakes his head at him.
"The usuals." Luke sighed leaning his head against the headboard behind him and Alex softly exhaled his breath at his son pouting.
"Wanna tell me what's really wrong with you? Is it the college thing?" He asks and Luke turned his gaze back at Alex staring at him. "No, not that." He says softly. "Is it your mother again?" He asks and Luke shook his head softly. "I made my peace not knowing where she was buried paps. You both made your effort in finding her and there is nothing I can do about it." He says.
"Then what?" Alex asks and Luke remained stoic expression wrapping his arm around his knees.
"Love, relationship. Will I ever be in one." He says and Alex inhaled deeply before he sighs. "Bud it's complicated. We both knew that once you're ready you will conquer that fear eventually." Alex palmed Luke's hand over his legs. "What if I never will? Each time I thought about it, I feel like I'm better off alone."
"You're not alone baby, you had your dad and me." Alex adds.
"I know paps." He says palming his hand over Alex's with a soft smile.
"Right, put that thoughts away, I'm gonna check on dads. See you downstairs." Alex asks as he stood up from the bed. Luke exhaled his breath desperately nodding his head, "Yep, see you in a bit." He says before Alex left his room.
Henry couldn't stay in the room any longer when he feels his heart is gonna explode. Luke's thought scares him the most and especially the thought of Luke unable to find love didn't just triggered him. He was beyond terrified to know how it would affect Luke in the future. Especially the future where he won't be there for him to help him through.
He could feel the twinge of pain returned for weeks now but he hides it well. He couldn't let Alex knows about the pain returned or he would be dragging his ass to the hospital by now.
He opened the medicine cabinet to find his aspirin before popping couples into his mouth. He swallowed it down with the tap water with his shoulder slumped tiredly. He hated taking those pain killers especially he would feel really tired right after.
"Babe." Alex taps on the bathroom door to see Henry leaned against the marble counter top with his head hung low. "You alright?" He asks and Henry nods before he runs the tap water again to wash his face. "Yeah, just Luke really fucking triggered me today." He says patting his face down on the small towel before he tossed it on the counter.
"Come here." Alex pulled him by his wrist wrapping his hand over Henry's waist. He sighed letting Alex wrapped himself around him pulling him closer resting his head over the crook of his neck. Henry sighed in relief with his head rested over Alex's shoulder.
"Breathe Hen. It's gonna be alright." He whispered into Henry's ear with his hand runs through Henry's soft blonde hair. He felt Henry inhaled his breath sharply before he winced. "Hen?" He pushed him forward to face him and noticed the grimaced crinkling on his face. "What? What is it?" He asks and Henry faked a smiled before leaning his lips over Alex. "I'm fine, just tired." He says and walked past him.
"Henry what are you hiding from me?" Alex asks after he joined him in their bedroom. Henry took a seat over the bed with his finger gripped over his hair.
"Nothing Alex, I'm worried about Luke." Henry says before he straightening himself up. Alex sighed kneeling himself down in between Henry's leg before cupping his palm over Henry's cheek.
"He will be fine. It will take times but he will be alright. Okay?" He could see Henry's worried eyes blinked tiredly at him. "We tried didn't we? He grew up to be the most amazing boy and despite his trauma, he overcame everything. Just like you did." Alex continues seeing how it made Henry smiled.
"Alexander, since when you became the sappy one?" Henry wrapped his arm over Alex's neck with smiled grew wider on his face. "I'm just a hopeless romantic lover." He says before leaning his lips over Henry's lips into a kiss.
A/N: We are closing to ending this. But fear not, I have 2 more in writing for you.
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