↱ 3 ↲ Confrontation

*AB and DT did not do smut, they just kissed.


Diamond Tiara's POV

Saturday, September 8th, 9:12 AM

My eyes opened. I started to wake up and Apple Bloom was next to me.

I was playing with her long hair. She was just laying there, sleeping.

I tried to not wake her up at the same time.

Gosh, her bow is still attached. She must really loves bows.

I giggled, and kept playing with her hair.

Her back was facing me, so I couldn't see her face.

I can't believe Apple Bloom confessed that she likes me.

My wish...... actually came true...... I also can't believe we kissed. I can't believe I like a blank flankie but I don't care. This is who I am but does she really likes me?

My train of thoughts stopped when I saw Apple Bloom turning to me.

She was staring at me.

"Mornin' beautiful.." She sleepily said as if it wasn't embarrassed for her to say.

I giggled. "Well.. Morning, Blankie..." I said.

She sighed deeply.

"Come on... When will you call me by my real name?" She asked, serious.

"Hmm, let me think... How about never?" I said, poking her cheek. She blankly stared at me.

"I'm just kidding, jeez! Lighten up!" I laughed.

"Oh, really? Fine, payback time then!!" Apple Bloom smirked as she tickled me.

"Hahaha stop, Blankie!! Hehe! Enough!" I laughed so hard, I was so ticklish.

"Beg me with my real name if ya really want me to stop!" She said, laughing.

I refused to beg. "Hell no! I... won't ever beg you." I said.

Apple Bloom stares at me then shrugs.

"Oh, okay, then... Tickle time!" She said, evilly laughing.

She continued to tickle me until I couldn't take it anymore, fine, she wins this round. She's so good at this.

"Fine.. Please, Apple Bloom, stop tickling me! I can't take it anymore!"

Apple Bloom made a satisfied smirk on her face.

Apple Bloom stopped and I took a deep breath.

"Ya happy now, Dia?" She said.

"Whatever..." I blushed.

Apple Bloom laughed.

"Come on, Diamond. Let's go downstairs. They might be awake and are waiting for us."

She lazily got up, and we did daily stuff in her bathroom.

After we were done, Apple Bloom headed for the door as I followed her.

I decided to land a quick surprise kiss on her cheek.

I walked ahead of her then I looked back, and she was just standing there frozen.

I laughed and went downstairs without her, innocently humming.

LOCATION: Apple Family's living room

I walked down the stairs, seeing Sweetie Belle and Scootalo eating cereal on the couch watching, "Steven Universe." What's that? Cartoon? Never heard of it but it sounds like a good cartoon but too geeky for me.....

"Hey.." I said, playing with my hair. "Hey..." they replied, lazily.

"How was yesterday?" They smirked as they turned their bodies over to me because I was behind the couch.

"Huh... What do you mean?!" I shouted. They was taken back.

"Uh.. N-Nothing..." they said, staring at each other scared.

"Hmm!" I shake my head.

"Well, whatever. So, I heard from Babs, that you two made out last night." I said.

I did talk to Babs after I made out with Apple Bloom. We did go to bed but then I woke up and I decided to get water.

Babs was too. (Yes. Again) She told me she saw Sweetie Belle and Scootalo confessing their feelings. I went back to sleep after that.

They immediately blushed. "I-I, s-she but y..." Sweetie Belle said, struggling, not being able to find any words to say.

"Y-yeah, we made out so what? Got any problem with it?" Scootalo said as she folded her arms.

"Oh no..... Not at all. Don't take this wrong. I'm just saying. That's all, relax.." I folded my arms too.

I just realized Apple Bloom haven't come down. That is funny to me and made me laugh. 'She must be paralyzed, heh!!'

"So.. I'm guessing you two are together now?" I asked.

They nodded.

"I'm glad Sweetie yelled that she loves me because that gave me the courage to confess too and ask her to be my girlfriend." Scootalo said as she looked and smirked at Sweetie.

"Well, good for you guys." I faked a smile, because they were flirting in front of me but they are cute, I guess...?

"Where's Silver?" I asked, because Silver wasn't here, so wasn't Babs.

"I don't know, probably sleeping? I haven't seen her." Scootalo said, as she shrugged.

"Oh." I simply said.

"Also, Babs did tell me that you made out with Apple Bloom too." Scootalo said.

"What?!?!" I shouted as I saw their shoulders shaking.

Gosh, I am so scary enough to make them tingle like snakes.

Wow, am I really that scary?

I didn't think about that of myself. Well, I was a bully so of course, I must be scary.

But because of what they said, I became embarrassed. Babs saw the whole thing?!

She saw the vulnerable and drunk self of mine, and the whole confession?!

"W-Well, yeah we did confess, so we are tog—Uh, never mind....." I whispered.

I didn't say together because I don't even know if we are but I prefer not to say it anyways.

"Oh, thank god, it was so obvious that she has a crush on you for a long time. Me and Sweets played it along that we didn't know." Scootalo said.

"Really?" I said, blushes were made on my cheeks.

I was surprised and happy.

"Yeah!" Scootalo said.

"Trust me, we could Apple Bloom really liked you." Sweetie Belle added.

I blushed, playing with my hair.

Apple Bloom came downstairs. Her bow bounced.

"Hiya, everyone! Whatcha guys talkin' bout?" Apple Bloom said, pretending nothing happened as I smirked.

We were standing next to each other but just a little bit far.

"You and Diamond. We were talking about that you finally got the guts to confess and kiss her." Scootalo said, smirking.

"Yeah, we knew all along that you liked her from day one. You didn't even tell us, and we found out ourselves." Sweetie Belle said, throwing things what we were talking as Apple Bloom cocked her head up as she blushed dark red.

"God, you were so obvious to read..." Sweetie Belle added, grinning so hard. She was proud of what she just said.

Sweetie and Scootalo were proud because they know it's the facts. Well, it's true..

"H-Hey, shut it. If you say more, then I'm gonna kill ya!" Apple Bloom said as I laughed at their funny argument.

They are best friends and they are sure funny and caring.... And yet it hit me, where's Silver....?

"Okay okay, Miss-Apple-Bloom-Who's-Currently-Blushing-And-Finally-Got-The-Guts." Scootalo said sarcastically as she went back to watching as Sweetie Belle laughed at what she said.

"I hate you." Apple Bloom growled, continuing to blush.

"Wait, hey! I thought we were besties, and yet you are embarrassing and mocking me. Geesh." Apple Bloom added.

"We love you too." Sweetie Belle shouted back.

Apple Bloom blushed even more, as she turned around from them slowly and faced me.

"A-Anyways, now what I was about to do....." Apple Bloom smirked.

She was walking to me. She got closer to me and leaned down to my ear.

"You are so going to pay for that, Dia." She said, blowing hot air on my ear surface, sending me shivers to my bones.

I blushed so much.

D-damn, that was so........ hot. I never seen Apple Bloom like this.... She likes me so much, huh?

"Now, I'm going to get breakfast." Apple Bloom said, kissing on my ear.

I blushed again.

Oh my god, this girl is unbelievable.

Apple Bloom got breakfast and joined her friends on the couch. Apple Bloom argued with them but laughed in the end.

I got breakfast too and I went to the dining table and sat on a chair.

I was waiting for Silver Spoon to meet me here.

I can't wait to chat with Silver now, finally!! I knew she would be here because we agreed to eat here.

Silver Spoon was walking to me. "Hey, Sils!!" I exclaimed. "Hey..." She said, sulky, aand down in slumps.

"What's the matter, Silver? Got any gossip?" I said giggling.

"Nope, no gossip for today, and I'm fine..." She said.

Her eyes were poured on someone else. She glaring at Apple Bloom.

What's with that? She really doesn't look fine. Ugh.. She gets breakfast next and I kept bugging her.

"I am just not feeling the mood today, Dia okay?" She snapped.

"Okay..." I said. I would snap back too as a mean bully but I thought of Apple Bloom as my anchor.

I quieted down. I'm just letting her be for today, I want to leave her alone as I continued to eat breakfast.

Babs came down, carrying her suitcases.

"Babs!! Where are ya goin'?" Apple Bloom shouted.

"Home." Babs seed said.

"Wait, why..? It's too early. Did something happened?" Scootalo asked.

"Uh.... I need to leave cus of family stuff." Babs said, nervously.

"Aww, okay.." Apple Bloom said, hugging her.

They were talking too because I saw them whispering.

Apple Bloom's POV

"Aww, okay.." I said, as I hugged her.

I whispered, "Are you okay? Don't lie to me, cuz..."

"I'm fine, Apples. I am just having a hard time."

"Is it Silver?"


"I understand, I hope you'll be okay. Go home, and take a day off. Don't think about her. Take a breath."

"Yeah, thanks..."

"Anytime. After all, you are one of my best friends and cuz."

I pat her back. She smiled, and she was about to leave but Silver stopped her.

Silver ran to Babs and grabbed her hand.

"Wait, Babs... What about Truth or Dare? Who did you say yesterday? Apple Bloom told me you will tell me later?" Silver shouted.

"..You don't need to know." Babs said.

She was facing the doorstep. Her back is all we can see. I can't even see her face so I don't know if she's sad or....

"But I want to! I don't want to miss your answer." Silver said.

"Just no!! I am not telling you. So stop asking!!" Babs snapped as her shoulders tensed up. She lets go of Silver's hand.

Silver was taken back. She was shocked that I could tell, I was too. Actually, are we all?

"Sorry... Silver. I'm sorry. I'm just not myself today." Babs said, running off with her suitcases.

'Oh Babs....I felt really bad for her. She's going through a hard time and I don't know how to help her....'

I put on a sad frown.


I found out that Sweetie and Scootalo confessed to each other last night, the same night when I confessed.

They also made out. Silver was so gloomy and glared at me the whole time.

I don't get it, why? That's so creepy....

Silver wanted to talk to me in private so, I walked with her outside.

"So, Apple Bloom.." Silver said, looking down, her bangs was blocking her face.

But I could tell she had a creepy face written on her face.

"Yeah?" I said, nervously. She was giving out a dark aura.

"You... You! How could you?!!" She starts to raise her voice higher. I was confused by her snap.

"Huh, what did I do?!!" I said, confused.

She looked at me red in her eyes. She looked so mad.

"You took Diamond from me! You took her right under my nose!! You took my only love!!!" She shouted at me.

"Huh?!!" I exclaimed.

"I didn't take her from ya! What the heck are ya talkin' bout'?" I yelled back with confusion.

"She is my first true love!! She shouldn't like you. She shouldn't have. She should've like me!!!"

"Why did you have to do that? You destroyed everything!!! All I had built up was ruined by you, stupid! We should've never slept over here. Nobody loves me!" Silver shouted at me.

"Silver, I--" I said but she stopped me.

She showed me her arms with deep scars that scared me. She ran away before I could say anything.

"WAIT, SILVER!!" I shouted but it was too late, she ran as she was out of my sight.

'But, Silver... Somebody do love you..'

I thought about what Silver just said over and over again as I felt guilty.

I went back in the house. I told Dia and the others everything.

Babs Seed's POV

I went to home putting my suitcases on the right of my bed.

I cried and cried.

How could I yell at Silver like that?

But a part of me wants her to find out herself.

The other part makes me want to shout I love her but it's too late... She likes Diamond... and she doesn't like me.... Ugh, nobody loves me.

Oh, newsflash, life is rough.

Whatever, let's not think about it.... Forget it.

My back plopped on the bed. My older sister, Sunflower Seeds walked to me.

"Hey..." She said, smiling. She sat on the end of  my bed. I fastened to wipe my tears off and sat up.

"What's the matter, sweety?" She said.

My parents are away for two weeks so Sunflower had to watch the house and me. She acts like a mother sometimes. Best. Sister. Ever.

"N-Nothing..." I said.

"Is it a love situation? Perhaps.... Silver?!" She chimed happily.

I widened my eyes. "How did you know?" I asked, puzzled.

"Well... Our cousin might've told me the news and I am your sister, so duh. I figured it out." She said, giggling.

"You've never been so upset about something unless you count your hamster, Squeeze's death." Sunflower mentioned.

"Ugh... Whatever.. Darn, that Apple." I chuckled, also embarrassed.

"Well, you're right.."

I laughed but the more I laughed, the more I started to cry. I cried even harder.

I moved over and hugged Sun. Sun is her nickname. Gosh, what a crybaby I am.

I took my sadness, stress, and pain out. Sun hugged and patted my back.

"Here, sweety. It's okay... You'll will be okay... I'm right here." She patted my back. I started to cry louder.

She gave me advices saying that Silver will realize my love and I don't know what happens inthe future so things might be better.

I was crying all of my feelings out. Sun and I also had a chat. I was feeling a little better.


I started to recover better than earlier.

When I did, Sun begged me to go shopping with her.

I have nothing else to do expect than cry, eat, and sleep so I give up.

"Ugh... Fine!" I said.

"Yay!" She said, happily.

I laughed at her goofy act.

~ at the store called Pony-Mart ~

"Does this look good on me?" She asked. I looked at her, Sun was trying on a dress.

"It's cute." I said, shrugging, not giving a emotion.

"Hey! You say that exactly at every dress I try on!!" Sun shouted, angrily.

"And I mean it." I said as I folded my arms and blowed the strand that was blocking my sight.

"I'll get this then, I guess." She said.

"Kay, cool." I said.

She bought the dresses and she also bought food from a different store

She bought me a black leather jacket.

Sun decided to buy ice cream for me, and she found a mini ice cream van outside. We went there.

(This scene was happening while Apple B and Silver was fighting so Silver is currently running)

She asked what favor I wanted.

"Um, peanut butter with chocolate..?" I said.

She nodded, and told the man. They laughed and talked.

The man looked young and good enough but..


Break my sister's heart and you know I'm coming for you.

I'll prepare for your funeral too...

I watched them talking and I rolled my eyes, folding my arms, annoyed.

I was the third wheel.

I looked around the scenery and saw a figure running. She was crying loudly.

She looked familiar....

"Huh.. Silver..?" I whispered.

Silver was not paying attention, so she bumped into me.

We fell down to the ground.

"Oh my!! Babs, are you okay?!" Sun shouted.

Ouch, that hurt.

I was the bottom, and she was on top of me.

"I-I'm fine." I said, getting up as I cleaned the dust off me.

She was just sitting there on the ground, looking at somewhere.

She's not making eye contact with me.

Ugh... I offered a hand for her.

She looked at me, smiling, but I didn't give a smile because I was still mad.

I looked at somewhere else so I wouldn't fall in love with her more and I can't look in her eyes.... She willingly took my hand, and stood up.

She was still crying.

"Oh, Silver! Are you okay?" Sun said. She nodded, wiping her tears. '

Yeah, right....... She's definitely not okay. I wonder what happened?

"Okay, then! Babs, can you wait a little bit, I have to talk to this man, he's my friend. So, please.. ?" She said.

"Oh, come on, Sun!! Noooo!" I whined.

Sun begged again.

"Grr, fine!! Just don't take too long, sis!!" I said, and she excitedly thanked me. Leaving me alone with Silver.

She was going to run again, but I stopped her.

I grabbed her wrist.

"Woah.. Woah.. Wait!" I shouted. She stopped and turned around to look at me.

"Come on.." I said, leading her to the nearest bench, as we sat there.

"So.. What's the matter?" I asked.

She was crying.

"N-nothing..." She said, fixing her glasses.

I fixed her bangs to the right side of her face because it was messed up.

"Thank you..." She whispered.

"You're welcome, Silver." I replied.

"Silver, I know there's something wrong, because why would you run and not pay attention. Did something happen?" I asked, as I raised my eyebrow.

".... I had a fight with Apple Bloom, because I liked Diamond. I saw them confessing. I was angry because I like Diamond and didn't want them to be together. Apple Bloom took Diamond from me." She said, sniffling.

I looked down with a frown.

"Yeah, I know..." I mumbled.

"What? You do?!" She said.

"I heard you talking to yourself. I was about to say hi but you were crying and you didn't see me."

"T-Then you know..." She said.

"Silver.... They are meant to be... I know it seems like Diamond was stolen from you but she wasn't. It just happened. Apple Bloom didn't even know you like her.... You belong with somebody else." I said.

She looked at me.

"Are you sure about that?" She said.

"Yes." I said, determined.

"If you think that I belong with somebody. Then who?" She asked.

"Me." I whispered but she didn't hear it.

"Ahem.. I don't know but you'll find true love. I promise. Now, stop crying. You deserve to be with somebody not Diamond. She's your best friend and she is with my cuz." I said.

"Okay." She said smiling. That made me blush and fall in love with her even more.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"For what?" I asked, smiling.

"For comforting me. You are the only one who really understands me..." She said.

"You are always welcome, Silver." I smiled.

She giggled.

Silver kissed on my cheek, making me blush. I patted my cheek where she kissed on it.

Since it was really cold and windy outside, I decided to give Silver my leather black jacket. Silver was barely wearing anything, so she could get sick.

I wrapped the jacket around her.

I let Silver lean on my shoulder.

Until it was time to go, I carried Silver to my home since the sleepover is really not over.

She will be sleepovering at my house.

'Now, my little sister will be with Silver. Such a great plan.' Sun thought.

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