Chapter 35: Y/n and Marceline's Closet
(This is a Briar/Y/n Chapter)
[The episode begins with Briar, Finn, and Jake walking in Marcy's cave. Finn is holding a balloon, Briar is holding a microphone, and Jake is holding his viola.]
Finn: Do you think it's right for Marceline and Y/n to invite us to jam without Princess, Ichigo, and BMO?
Briar: Ichigo doesn't really care, he's kinda been going through something recently. I think it's girl problems...
Jake: Ichigo got a girl already?
Briar: Not exactly... He said he'll be fine though so I'm going to trust him. Also is that really what you are going to jam with Finny?
Finn: Yeah, Bria. Balloon music is the future. Listen. [He starts rubbing his balloon and demonstrates balloon music by rapping the Extremities Song.]
Jake: Pretty good. [They continue walking and come up to Marcy's house.] I don't think you mastered it yet.
Finn: Well, duh. I just started.
Briar: Besides, it takes years to master something musical.
Jake: Then how did you get good at singing so quickly?
Briar: Did you forget who my parents are? It's genetically impossible for me to be bad at music.
Jake: Fair enough, also look there's a note.
Finn: What's it say?
Briar: [Reading note on Marcy's door] "Hey, guys, Me and Y/n had to run out, but we'll be back," blee-bloo-blop, "Don't go in our house. And no you can't go in just because Bria is there and she has a key."
Finn: That's it?
Briar: Yeah. Just "Don't go in my house" in all caps... written in blood and it smells like Papa burned it a bit.
Finn: Hmm. [Finn rubs his balloon and sits down while Briar puts her head on his shoulder; Jake also sits down and closes his eyes.] What are you doing?
Jake: Eliminating desire from my heart. It helps pass the time.
Briar: I usually just think about blood or music to past the time. I usually can't be left alone with my thoughts. They are a bit... scary.
Finn: Come on! I can't do that! Let's play Cloud Hunt 'til she gets here.
Jake: No, man, I got a mental block with Cloud Hunt!
Finn: Yeah, that's what makes it awesome, 'cause I know I'll win.
Jake: Oh, what?! Bring it on, you two! Now explain the rules 'cause I forget.
Finn: Okay. I count to ten and you go hide somewhere. Then, I gotta try to find you. You can hide... anywhere in here. Anywhere in here, ...but Marcy's house is off limits because she said so. Okay?
Jake: Got it.
Briar: Yep, understood.
Finn: Okay. I'm gonna start counting. Ready?
Jake/Briar: [Glances at Marcy's house] Yes.
Finn: Go! One... [Jake and Briar run towards Marcy's house.] Two... Three... Four... Five... Four...
[While Finn is counting, Jake is about to go through Marceline's dog-door but Briar stops him. She uses her key to open the door. Finn then recites the poem that goes with Cloud Hunt.]
Finn: Cloud Hunt... GOTCHA! Huh. Hmm. [Checks under porch] AH-HA! [Finds nothing and goes on porch; spots Jake and Briar] JAKE! BRIA! [Jake starts mirroring Finn while Briar laughs.] Get out of there! Marceline and Y/n are gonna kill you! They won't kill Bria cause she's there Bria girl but she might get grounded! Jake! I know this isn't a mirror. What the—?! You're doing it wrong, even! Get out! Get out!! [Finn goes inside. Jake spots him and continues mirroring him. Briar finally starts laughing harder] Dude, get out of there! They are gonna kill us! They will be home any minute! Did you two read the note?! I mean, Bria read the note! You told it to me!! [Gasps and tackles Jake and Briar]
[Marcy and Y/n appear. Briar, Jake, and Finn go upstairs before they can spot them.]
Marcy: [sniffs] Smells like sourdough in here.
Y/n: Really Sourdough? I kinda smell Cinnamon Raisin.
[Cuts to upstairs in Marcy's bedroom; The trio hide in her closet]
Jake: They are gonna kill us. Once she finds out she's gonna tie us up and Y/n's gonna burn us and then they will eat us like a spider.
Finn: You don't think I know that?!
Briar: Oh you two are being dramatic. They most they will do is ground me and beat you two within an inch of your lives, cause they know if they kill you it will upset me.
Finn: Hmmmmmmm... We'll wait for the right moment and sneak out... right under their big, fat cabooses.
Briar: Finny you saying my parents have fat asses?
Finn: You know what I meant Bria...
Briar: I did, just wanted to mess with you.
Jake: Okay, man. I can do this. [Begins pumping his fist] Egh! Egh! Egh!!
Finn: Shh, here she comes!
[Marcy pokes her head through her floor door.]
Y/n: What you see up there? Cause if you need to take a longer look around, I don't mind I'm enjoying the view down here.
Marcy: Oh hush you. You and I will have our fun later.
Jake: Here they come...
Finn: Shh, shh!!
Briar: Shutting up.
[Marcy sniffs around. Y/n appears turns the lights on and Marcy sniffs again.]
Marcy: Huh. Hold on a sec babe, I gotta pee.
Y/n: Alright take your time. I'm going to just read this book.
Marcy: Pfft. Nerd
Y/n: Yeah but I'm your nerd.
[Marcy chuckles and goes to the bathroom]
Jake: Let's get outta here.
Briar: Agreed.
[Finn attempts to open the closet door; it creaks. Y/n looks towards it..]
Marcy: Hello?
Y/n: Who's there?
[Marcy flushes and comes out of the bathroom]
Jake: She didn't wash hands!
Briar: Gross Mama....
Marcy: Did you hear that?
Y/n: Yeah I did..... Is someone here?
[Marcy sniffs; Finn and Jake get distressed. Eventually she sniffs her armpit.]
Y/n: Let me guess, you stink?
Marcy: Yeah I do, but I can worry about that later.
[Y/n snifffs his own armpit]
Y/n: Huh, I stink too. Any where are those three?
Marcy: I'll call em. [Dials cell phone; it begins to ring.]
[The scene cuts to Finn and Jake's Tree Fort where their phone is ringing.]
Finn [on voicemail]: This is Jake!
Jake [on voicemail]: And this is Finn!
[They both begin to laugh on the voicemail; scene cuts back to Marcy's bedroom.]
Finn & Jake [on voicemail]: We're not home right now, so... [They laugh some more. Finn and Jake begin snickering in the closet.] ...leave a message! [Marcy notices sounds from her closet; Finn and Jake [in the closet] quiet down.] Leave a message! [Tone sounds.]
Marcy: Uh... Yeah, hey, you guys. Are you still coming over? It's jam time, so, like, call me, 'kay?
[She hangs up, then picks her nose; Finn and Jake are disgusted. She flicks the booger in the closet and it hits Jake. Briar, Finn, and Jake look at each other for a moment. Suddenly Finn looks like he got an idea. He goes through Marcy's clothing looking for something. Finn and Jake whisper.]
Brar: Whatcha doin' Finny?
Finn: [Kneels down holding a piece of paper and a pencil] Get down. [Uses Jake's back as a writing platform. When Finn finishes writing, the note reads, "MARCY, Y/N, PLEASE COME TO THE TREEHOUSE—IT'S AN AMERGENCY! [sic] Love, BRIA + FINN + JAKE"] When they get this, they'll leave and we can escape!
Jake: Brilliant... but how's it gonna work?
Briar: Yeah if they see a paper appear in their room suddenly, they are gonna get real suspicious of it.
Finn: I'll fly the paper as an airplane down the bedroom ladder. It'll triple barrel roll past the kitchen, open the fridge, and cook some eggs, then eat the eggs, and unfold itself as it lays in the carpet in front of Marcy's door!
Jake: Yeah, yeah, awesome, yeah!!
Briar: You know what... go for it Finny.
[Finn throws the paper airplane. It almost lands in the waste bin, but it goes down the bedroom ladder instead, and goes into the kitchen. It opens the fridge, and grabs three eggs; it drops two, turns the oven on and cooks the one. It grabs a fork and pushes the frying pan off the oven. It flies upstairs and finally lands in the waste bin.]
Jake: No, nah, nuts!
[Marcy is laying on her bed staring at the ceiling. She is cuddled up next to Y/n who has right arm around her..]
Marcy: Welp... they're not gonna show up, then we'll just work on my own stuff, I guess. [Plays bass and activates recording equipment.]
Y/n: Sounds nice. [summons his guitar and hooks it up]
Marcy: Take one for new concept album based on five hundred years of my journal entries. So here's some preliminary notes. [sighing] I... I wanna make this the most emotional album ever. So private and secret, that I'll never let anyone hear but my husband.
Y/n: I feel so honored.
Marcy: Eh stop being so sappy.
Y/n: Didn't you just say-
Marcy: I know what I said babe. Just play.
Jake: [Whispering to Finn and Briar] This is so wrong.
Marcy: No one but Y/n can ever hear it. Ever. Take one.
She opens her notebook. A drumset plays in the background. Marcy begins singing the Journal Song.]
Jake: [Making a hole in the wall with a spoon] We've crossed the line! I'm gettin' outta here, man!
Finn: Yeah! Do it!
Briar: AH Yeah! Prison Escape!
[Jake breaks through, shrinks down, and tries to escape, but a spider scares him. He runs in the opposite direction and jumps on Finn. The spider hisses and Finn and Jake climb up to avoid it while Briar sighs. Briar just gently picks up the spider and pets it before setting it outside the closet. Marcy is still singing. The spider crawls up to a table lamp.]
Finn: What? What's it doing?!
[The spider begins pushing the lamp. Briar, Finn, and Jake gasp. The spider pushes the lamp off the table, shattering it.]
Briar: Shit!
Y/n: The hell was that?
Marcy: Looks like something broke that lamp you got me.
Y/n: Oh thank god, I hated that lamp.
Marcy: Yeah same. I'll get the broom. [She glares at the closet with a scowl, and the trio shrinks back. She hisses, and the trio scrambles around frantically. She opens the closet door.]
Y/n: Is it in there?
Marcy: Yeah I found it.
[Finn and Jake are shown hiding in a coat. Briar is hiding on the ceiling. Finn gives Jake and Briar a thumbs up. Marcytries to clean up the mess, but has trouble getting a big piece of the lamp in the dust pan.]
Marcy: [sighs] [muttering to herself] Stupid... thing— Get... [exasperated] NO! Stupid— [kicks the piece] UGH!! [exasperated noise] [She throws the broom in the closet and ends up dirtying herself.] Ugh!
Y/n: You want me to handle that?
Marcy: Please....
[Y/n smiles and pats her on the head and finishes cleaning up the lamp mess]
Marcy: Well now I'm all dirty.
Y/n: Well now you are dirty and stinky. You wanna take a shower~
[Marcy walks over to him and runs a finger around his chest]
Marcy: Only if you join me~
Y/n: Of course~
[Marcy floats over to her bathroom again and turns on her bathtub faucet.]
Finn: Is it safe?
Jake: I dunno, man. Go scope the scene.
Briar: But be careful about it.
[Finn gives a thumbs up and drops out of the coat. He crawls to the bathroom. Suddenly, Marcy enters pulling her sock off while Y/n does the same but with his undergarments and his wings are out as a feather falls down[viewed only from the legs down], and Finn blushes. He retreats back to the closet and gets back in the coat.]
Jake: What happened, man?
Finn: Jake, I saw something that will make you question whether or not we can call ourselves men anymore...
Jake: [realizing] Oh Glob... that bad?
Finn: Yeah....
[Briar pulls Finn into a hug]
Briar: It's okay Finny, you are perfect for me. I have a feeling I know what happened.
[Marcy comes out of the bathroom [fully clothed] blow-drying her hair. Y/n is behind her now in nighttime attire. They yawn and turn off the lights, the two go over to bed and go to sleep. Briar, Finn, and Jake sneak out of the closet. The spider lands on Finn's face and he tosses it onto Jake. The spider bites Jake; Jake mouths a scream and tears roll out of his eyes. Briar just pets the spider and places it on the wall where it gives her a small nod. They all continue to the bedroom ladder.]
Finn: Are they awake?
Jake: Why are you talking?!
Briar: Why are you both talking?!
Finn: I'm wondering if they are awake.
Briar: Well if they are both awake, they can definitely hear us talking!
Finn: I'm whispering.
Briar: No the three of us are quietly screaming.
Y/n/Marcy: [awake] We can hear all three of you.
Finn [Whispering still]: Disguise yourself, fools!
[Y/n turns on the light and observes Jake shape shifted into Finn and Finn with a lampshade over his head. Briar is hanging from the ceiling like a bat.]
Y/n: What are you idiots doing here? Not you Bria, but the other two.
Briar: I figured you meant them.
Jake: Dude, I think they see us!
Finn: What the—?! DUDE! You shape-changed to look like me?! [Throws the lampshade at Jake] And Bria why are you acting like a bat?
Briar: I don't know! I panicked and the vampire gene kicked in!
Marcy: HEY! [Hissing] Exssssplain yourselves.
Finn: [sighing] We were playing hide-and-seek in your closet and you came home, so we hid in there all day. We saw... everything. And, oh, Glob, I mean, whatever you do to us, I just wanna say, we're sorry.
Jake: So sorry.
Briar: Please forgive us.
Marcy: [Not seeing anything wrong] Okay... apology accepted.
Y/n: Yeah no big deal.
Jake: What?!
Y/n: She hides in our house all the time. Also I knew you guys where there the entire time. And Finn don't be ashamed about what you saw. I'm just built different.
Briar: Damnit! I forgot he can sense auras!
Y/n: You'll learn that eventually Bria. Anyway, yeah Marcy is in the treehouse a lot.
[Briar, Finn,, and Jake stare at each other. Cut to the outside of Marcy's house.]
Marcy: Anyways, no hard feelings, guys! See you soon!
Y/n: I'm staying here for the night. So have fun.
[The scene goes back to Finn's and Jake's bedroom in the Tree Fort. Finn is reading on his bed. Briar is leading her head on his shoulder reading. He pats her on the head and she smiles. Finn hears hooting and blushes.]
Finn: Marceline? [covers himself] Jake! Jake!
[Jake stops showering.]
Jake: Hmm? [He covers himself with a towel even though he was already wearing one. He goes to the bedroom.] Hey, man, did—
[Camera pans up to the roof of the Tree Fort. It is revealed that Marcy and Y/n were the ones hooting. The two hoot once more and kiss, and the episode ends.]
Next Chapter:
Special: Y/n, Fionna, and Cake
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