Chapter 153: May justice be done !

     "What?!" Taehyung exclaimed.

     "Jin hyung left to join Lee," Jungkook repeated as he slammed the door to Taehyung's room, leaving the other boy dazed.

     These were the only words Jungkook agreed to speak that morning, before frowning and wallowing in a silence he refused to break until they arrived in court.

     The others were worried: between Jin who had left without saying anything and Jungkook who seemed more tormented than the day before, this last day of the trial was going to be unpredictable. Their victory, which seemed so assured to them the day before, seemed very uncertain to them that day.

     Entering the audience hall first and discovering with amazement the scene taking place on the opposite side of the hall, Namjoon spontaneously tried to block Jungkook's way to prevent him from entering but the maknae pushed him away and saw what he was trying to hide from him. 

      Lee and Ho were in the middle of a discussion with Jin who seemed very attentive to what they were saying to him and which seemed to be directives concerning his testimony. From time to time, he let timid nods pull him out of his stillness, casting nervous glances in Lee's direction and keeping a respectable distance from that man who had come close to ending his life more than once.

     Feeling the atmosphere in the room change and the conversations intensify, Lee turned to the door and smirked that made Jungkook's blood boil. He gave a conspiratorial nudge to Jin who, mimicking Lee's gesture, turned in turn and felt his heartbeat increase when he met Jungkook's gaze. Unsure of how the maknae felt right now, he quickly looked away. But he felt on him the weigh of the gaze of Jungkook, more intense than all the others.

     Was he trying to convey his feeling of betrayal to him? His outrage? His anger? Could he be feeling something other than one of those emotions? Lee's word put an end to his surge of doubts.

     "Don't you dare change your mind or I'll make you pay for it, do you understand?" the man whispered in Jin's ear.

     Jin nodded, keeping his eyes on his feet.

     "And if you betray me this time," Lee continued with a fake reassuring smile and a hand on his shoulder, to give the impression to the crowd that couldn't hear him that he was reassuring Jin, "I'll make sure your cute nephew never reaches the age to understand how his uncle was able to destroy his life."

     Startled, Jin instinctively turned to his brother who was next to his parents in the room. His nephew was still a baby and not there but Lee had just threatened him and Jin knew that Lee's threats were never mere threats: they became realities when things went against him.

     "Please," Jin breathed, turning his face away from his brother's who was looking at him incomprehension, as if to silently ask him what he was doing with Lee instead of being with his dongsaengs on this last day of the trial. "I'll do what you want so leave my family alone."

     "You really are a good person Seokjin, your family must be proud of you!" Lee said, hugging him roughly and looking up at the members with a smile.

     Jungkook took a step forward but immediately, Yoongi grabbed his arm to prevent him from joining them.

     "Don't go," the rapper told him, "he's provoking you, like always."

     "But Jin hyung can't stand him touching him, how can he accept being hugged by Lee without doing anything?" Jungkook asked clenching his fists, letting himself be held back by Yoongi with difficulty.

     "I don't know, Jungkook. I don't know what's going on or what's going to happen, but it's better to wait and see what's going to happen to better fight back. But keep one thing in mind..."

     "Which one? The one in which Jin agreed to join him?" Jungkook replied coldly.

     "No, JK, the one in which Jin hyung is not our enemy, whatever he's doing," Yoongi said with, however, a hint of uncertainty in his voice which did not escape Jungkook.

     In fact, that didn't stop Jungkook from glaring at Lee and Jin. When Jin finally turned around, he received that glare like an arrow in the heart and did not think for a second that Jungkook was only addressing it to Lee: he was also addressing this hatred to him, he was sure. 

     This caused the other members to be saddened and Lee to smile triumphantly behind him when he saw Jin's shoulders slump under the weight of that feeling of abandonment. Seeing Jungkook so pissed off and the other members so stunned at Jin's treachery seemed to thrill him.

      The entrance of the Judge cut short all conversation though the tensions in the room didn't go away and didn't take Jungkook's eyes away from Jin and Lee. This nightmarish vision made him boil.

      The judge took his place and summarized the course of the case since the opening of the trial in the most exhaustive way possible and finally presented the last witness planned for this trial:

      "As a final testimony, Mr. Lee has decided to call Mr. Kim Seokjin who, despite the claims of his lawyers regarding his mental healthand his alleged fear of Mr. Lee, agreed to testify alongside and in favor of his former manager."

     The jurors seemed annoyed by this twist and cast suspicious glances at BTS wondering if they had failed in judgment in thinking Lee guilty after all.

      "How's that presumed scary?!" Jungkook said. "Yesterday they believed us and now that Jin hyung has joined Lee, we have become liars again? What hypocrites are these people!"

      "Less strong Jungkook, please," pleaded Hoseok who did not want to draw the attention of the judge and the jurors on them and incur their antipathy on the day of the deliberation. 

     Jungkook's eyes, however, quickly ignored the jurors to rest on Jin who seemed paralyzed after hearing the words of the judge who presented him as an enemy of BTS and above all, who announced his imminent speech in front of millions of people.

      "No one forced you to do this hyung, you did it on your own..." Jungkook cursed who nonetheless nervously cracked his knuckles to prevent himself from reacting as he would have liked to react.

      The indignant clamor that suddenly rose in the room and followed the words of the judge prevented the man from continuing, so he struck the wooden table hard with his gavel.

      "Quiet in the room! I call Mr. Kim Seokjin, who has fully consented to testify. He has the power to end this trial in a totally unexpected way, so I understand the turmoil that's going on right now, but that shouldn't stop testimony for a defendant from taking place in a democratic way, regardless of the whole hall and the country be against him. Mr. Kim, please come, the floor is yours."

      Hearing those words much sooner than he thought, Jin was suddenly cold. Very cold. It was his anguish that seeped into his whole body and made him tremble. He almost doubted his ability to make it to the witness box without falling to the ground. He half expected to feel the reassuring arms of one of his members coming to support him as usual.

      The sweetness of those he loved, his little brothers who are so protective of him. This is what he spontaneously expected. However, he had only the rudeness of Lee's lawyer who, seeing him so nervous and slow to come forward, grabbed him roughly by the shoulder and supported him to help him walk to his place.

     "It's going to be fine," he told him in a cold, unreassuring tone that seemed to indicate the opposite of what he was saying as Lee watched them, a confident smile on his lips. "You stick to what you have to say and it will all be over soon. They will believe you, you are the one whose word was most expected, whatever you have to say. So speak up and don't you dare avoid if you don't want trouble."

     Jin nodded, and felt Ho's hand release him with relief. He turned briefly to Lee's side, who gave him his confident smile. It was the same smile he had worn the day he had been reported and where, when he should have panicked, he was perfectly aware that he was going to get away with his dastardly strategies. 

      This smile made Jin nauseous. He hated it more than anything because he gave him the impression that Lee would never lose, that he would always be the winner no matter what.

      During his walk, he had not once looked at the side of the people he had betrayed and who was probably hating him now. He was afraid to look at them because he knew it could weaken his resolve. 

      He also hadn't looked the camera straight in the eye because he knew that behind it, hundreds of thousands of Armys were watching him, dumbfounded, wondering how he could have abandoned his group, how he could have betrayed them after all they had done for him.

     "Mr. Kim?" the distant voice of the impatient judge called.

     "Y-yes?" Jin stammered.

     "Can you start? We need to hear from you, take your oath please."

      "Y-yes," Jin repeated before beginning to take his oath of honesty, "I...I... I swear...I swear..."

     He was nervous and it was visible to all, who listened to him through his breathless stutters. For some, he was nervous because he was going to alienate his fans and his members, for Lee and for the members of BTS as well as for others, he was nervous because he was afraid of him and that he would lie for him.

      If he did not testify in favor of Lee, the latter would attack him and his family. But if he testified for him, he would lose everyone's love. Both decisions were costing him and he had to decide immediately which one to take, which destiny to choose...

      Be strong Kim Seokjin, you have to make the right choice, he told himself.

     He exhaled deeply, then tried to control his breathing as he had been taught to learn how to manage his panic attacks. It seemed to work and he felt his ribcage loosen slightly. But only one thing could completely calm him down and help him make the right decision. Something he might not get. But he wouldn't know if he wasn't looking at HIM.

     Now he had to find the strength to watch. If he found what he needed in what he would see, he would fight. Otherwise, if he finds hatred again, he will crumble and he would choose cowardice, no doubt. It was all or nothing. 

      So he looked.  

      He looked straight into Jungkook's dark eyes. They stuck in his and didn't let go, letting him probe deep inside the sincerity of what he felt. And without talking to each other, just feeling each other, the two boys smiled. In the end, they understood eachother. And they were on the same side, Jin, felt it through his being: Jungkook hadn't given up on him.

      "Jungkook, what's going on?" Namjoon whispered, who seemed totally lost by the scene he was witnessing.

       Jungkook, without taking his eyes off Jin or ceasing to smile at him, took his song book out of his suit jacket and handed it to his leader who grabbed it and frantically flipped the pages to find out what Jungkook wanted to show him.

        So, he came across the page that was etched in Jungkook's memory. Jin, their brother in arms, had placed his trust in Jungkook in the lines on this page. Namjoon recognized Jin's less dexterous handwriting that followed Jungkook's:

      "As the night draws to a close, the brother-in-arms, wounded by this too long war and eager to put an end to it himself, leaves his sleeping companions in secret and walk alone into the enemy camp, putting on the armor of traitors.

     His whole camp will believe him to have become a traitor, he knows it and even if it is not his will, he is afraid of taking a wrong step and becoming one, against his will, when his will is to destroy his enemies from the interior.

     The enemy general will welcome him with open arms, for sure, convinced that he will finally be reaping the fruits of his Machiavellian labor to make him a weakling and a traitor to his family. Maybe he's right.

      But the soldier is ready to run this risk: either he will defeat his enemy for his brothers, or else he will perish trying. It is his duty, it is about his honor and the love he has for all his people.

      And before the final assault, he will look to his dearest brother in arms to find the strength to deliver the final blow.

     If he finds support and love in his gaze, he will find the strength to charge the enemy despite his power and the fear he inspires in him.

      But if all he finds in his brother's eyes is contempt and a sense of betrayal, if he no longer finds the trust and affection he once had for him, then at the last moment he may not be able to find the strength to overcome and he will perish under the blow of his own weakness..."

     Namjoon understood everything instantly because Jin's metaphors lacked the finesse of Jungkook's was very easy to interpret. 

       He found in Jungkook's eyes looking at Jin, the support and the love, the trust and the affection he had asked for in his message instead of the contempt and the sense of betrayal he had so dreaded.

      Namjoon then imagined Jin, making his decision and writing every word of this secret message in emergency the same morning, with the fear of not being understood, of not being supported by Jungkook. 

      He also imagined him throwing himself into the mouth of the wolf by joining Lee and his devil of a lawyer alone. He must have been terrified but he clung to a hope: that Jungkook, his dearest brother in arms, would send him through his eyes a wave of support and love and not the pain of a betrayed brother.

     Then, he imagined how Jungkook felt upon discovering this that very morning. How much strength did it take to accept what Jin was going to do? How much strength did it take right now to smile at Jin the way he did, after pretending to have become his enemy and taking away his trust in order to deceive Lee?

      "Jungkook, did you know everything since this morning?" Namjoon asked as he passed the notebook to Yoongi who read it along with the others who rushed to read over his shoulder. "Why didn't you tell us about it? We told no more secrets that could eat away at you or Jin hyung!"

      "Because Jin hyung trusted me," Jungkook explained, still looking at Jin. "Everyone, including Lee, had to believe that we felt abandoned and betrayed by hyung. Look at that moron, he is flabbergasted! He didn't expect it for a single second, convinced as he was that Jin was an idiot and a weakling!"

      He had just looked at Lee who seemed to have lost all confidence and was looking at Jin, no doubt hoping to meet his gaze to reiterate his threats. But when Jin finally turned to him after drawing strength from Jungkook's gaze, it was a look filled with confidence and defiance that he gave him.

     Instinctively, Lee suddenly turned to Jungkook who gave him a mocking look. It was the same look Lee had often given him. It was the look of someone who was always one step ahead of others. This time around, Lee, caught at his own game, presumptuously staked his entire victory on the fear he instilled in Jin and fell into the trap of Jin and Jungkook.

       They finally had their revenge on the one who had manipulated them for so long.

      Seething with rage realizing that he had been tricked, Lee turned again to Jin, who in turn smiled at him with a slight smirk, knowing that Lee was dying to go after him after figuring out his schemes but couldn't do it in front of so many witnesses. And finally, he asserted confidently, without stuttering:

     "I solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth and agree to be punished for perjury for lying.

     My name is Kim Seokjin, oldest member of the BTS group and contrary to what has been announced, I am here to convict a despicable man. 

      I am here to seek redress for all the suffering he has inflicted on me and my group. 

      I'm here to finally face the monster that came before you as a victim: my ex-manager Lee.

       I'm here to finally tell you everything he did to me while keeping me from talking for so long.

      I am here to break the silence of my anguish in which he plunged me.

      I am here because I want to be here, and I forbid anyone to pretend that it is not my testimony that I present today! If someone says it, then don't believe them !

     In my mouth today, I will tell you all that I had to live in the secrecy of the doors that Lee closed to hide what he was doing to me. 

      Today, I finally open the door to this chamber of secrets in which I was locked up for so long. So all of you, those who are present and those who look at me and listen to me from elsewhere, wherever they are, listen to me carefully and help me get justice for all i have been through. Make sure that in the end, justice is done!"

      And Jin, under the proud gaze of Jungkook, without anyone dictating anything to him, released all the pain he had to bury. He hid nothing of everything he had been through, until every last drop of the pain he had experienced. He revealed everything with the force that everyone had known to him in the past and because of that, no one could question the sincerity of his testimony.

     Not once did he stutter, even when tears escaped his eyes. He had waited too long to finally tell the world about his suffering.

     And not once Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung nor the Army took their eyes off him. His bearing was such that he captivated everyone's eyes.

      This testimony made real without a doubt all that had been revealed during this trial. And suffering made the guilt of many people inevitable. 

      But at the same time, it immediately released the word of many idols who, in front of Jin's courage and even before the end of his testimony, began to testify online by the dozen about the own abuse they had suffered within this monstrous industry. The families of the idols who had committed suicide because of the harshness of this environment also gave their support to the group and especially to Jin.

      Millions of apology messages were sent by fans to BTS but also to other Idols who had suffered. They promised to support them no matter what, explaining that thanks to BTS they now know the suffering that idols had to go through, especially those who were particularly attacked by fandoms, such as BTS's Jin.

      Victims of rape, blackmail, physical abuse, unsustainable work pace, dehumanization of young artists, reign of financial profit... all of this had to stop, it was no longer to be tolerated in their country. And for that, they had to force the leaders of companies to to agree to reform an archaic system...

      "Um, after Mr. Kim's moving testimony and with all the evidence we already had, the court made a decision," the judge announced.

     After Jin's testimony, the court had taken the time to deliberate and it was now finally time to put an end to this trial which had lasted far too long.

      "However, before sounding the conclusion of this trial, I must remember one thing. What happened highlighted the suffering that takes place not only at Big Hit but in all companies and this concerns all artists, including rookies.

      Psychological support must therefore be promised to all victims as well as protection and reinforced monitoring of the well-being of the artists that each company is responsible for. Otherwise, the whole system will collapse because no one is ready to face such dark revelations again.

       Abuse of any kind should no longer be tolerated as it opens the door to the most absolute horror, as shown by the case between BTS and their ex-manager and the lack of empathy shown by their company. The leader of this reform will of course be Big Hit and its CEO Bang Si-Hyuk."

      The judge gave the Big Hit CEO a knowing look, who nodded. Next to him, Soobin, who stood in the room alongside Bang Si-Hyuk and other Big Hit staff members, smiled and cried at the same time, proud of his big brothers and sunbae who had always inspired him, both artistically and humanly.

     BTS once again gave the feeling of being a trendsetter, a standard bearer of the well-being of the younger generations of idols. Even if it was suffering that had brought them there, they had known how to be strong enough to draw a victory from it: they had made the previously frozen world of kpop evolve with a gigantic leap.

      "Nevrtheless," the judge continued, "we must not forget that the companies are not solely responsible for the unhappiness of the artists. The haters are too and as it is impossible to control their existence and their actions as one can do with a company, it is necessary to review certain political decisions that have been taken."

     As everyone seemed perplexed, the judge was quick to clarify:

     "It seems that the starting point of this case is also an issue of equality between groups and companies, which offered BTS the privilege of being exempt from military service. It led to a lot of hate, no one can deny that, right? This privilege will therefore be withdrawn immediately. Kim Seokjin, the oldest member of the group will have to take the initiative to commit before this year and all the others will have to follow next."

      Stunned by this sudden declaration, the BTS members who were all holding hands, immediately turned to Jin who was also in the grip of surprise.

     "No..." Jungkook protested, squeezing Jin's hand more tightly as if it might slip away and Jin might be taken away from him immediately.

      Quickly, the room filled with cries of protest. How could justice do this to this group that had suffered so much? How could it go after them again by sending them to perform their military service and separating them, who needed each other so much?

      "SILENCE IN THE ROOM!" the judge thundered. "Mr. Kim, you denounced the excesses of the system, it is commendable, everyone will agree, but the exemption was also an excess of our system and that earned you the hatred of many people. This cycle of hate and injustice will end. Do you understand it?"

     Jin looked at him and understood that his approval was needed to restore order to the mess that had gripped not only the room but also the country. He returned the pressure of his hand to Jungkook to let him know that he was not going to leave right away, that he was staying with him but that he nevertheless accepted the judge's decision.

       "Yes, I understand that," he assured in a solemn tone. 

      All he wanted was for Lee, who was a few feet away from him and had resumed displaying an unnerving calm, to be punished. He didn't feel that being sent to the army was a punishment contrary to what some seem to think. It was just the logical conclusion to everything he had been through. 

     He had and wanted to turn the page and complete his military service in order to better return was, after all, a good thing. It was an exit door offered to him to be reborn, stronger and filled with new resolutions as a man and as an artist.

     "I want to do my duty, I really want it," he affirmed with force under the gaze of millions of witnesses.

      "Good, I'm happy to hear it, and i'm sure your fans will be proud to see you get up like this, you who have been a role model for them for so long," the judge sighed, relieved. He grabbed a sealed envelope which he opened, and took out a sheet which he read attentively, frowning. "Now, I will read you the verdict of the jury first, please stand up."

      Despite previous revelations that had shocked them, Everyone complied and anxiously awaited the rest of his speech, which soon arrivedin the mouth of the judge who seemed to read with regret:

       "Three of the seven jurors find the accused guilty; four not guilty therefore the accused is judged..." he left the rest in suspense for a few moments before finishing heavily, like a guillotine chopper : "not guilty".

      This verdict was so unexpected after all the revelations they had gone through that the members of BTS did not immediately realize what the judge had just announced.

     Jin was speechless, his half-open mouth that had previously been so quick to reveal everything in his heart now seemed unable to utter a sound.

     "H-huh?" Taehyung ended up saying.

     "N-not guilty?" Jimin repeated in a flat voice as if these words mean nothing.

      "That can't be true..." Namjoon muttered.

     "But... we told everything, so did Jin hyung," Hoseok whispered, livid. "Wasn't that enough?"

     Yoongi turned to Jungkook who seemed more angry than surprised. His hand holding Jin's was so tightly clenched that it was Jin who probably suffered. But neither of them seemed to notice it at the moment and it was Yoongi who took it upon himself to put a hand on Jungkook's shoulder to make him understand that he had to keep his cool.

     "It's a joke, isn't it?" the maknae asked bitterly.

     "Not guilty ?! It's absurd!" shouted someone in the room before Yoongi could answer him, soon followed by many more.

     "How could you?!"

     "Life imprisonment as minimum sentence!"

     "This man deserves death!!"

     "No worse than death!!"

     The emotion was palpable in the courtroom and outside, a furious clamor had risen and did not seem ready to come down. All this hate was aimed at Lee who smiled as the camera caught him. 

       The zoom shifted from his face to Jin's, Jungkook's and then the other members one by one. Their faces showed their amazement: how could this decision have been made after all that had been revealed?

     "Calm down!" the judge cried, angry. "We are not delivering anyone to the fury of the mob, so I would ask you to measure your words inside this court! The Court respects the opinion of the jury and you must respect it too. Now here is the official verdict of this lawsuit opposing Mr. Lee, ex-manager of BTS, to the seven members of BTS:

        Mr. Lee is accused of manipulating Mr. Kim Seokjin during a period of great mental fragility, of blackmailing Mr. Kim Seokjin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook, of extortion of Mr. Kim Seokjin and Mr. Jeon Jungkook, of rape and other physical attacks on Mr. Kim Seokjin, attempted rape and mistreatment of Mr. Jeon Jungkook, multiple attempted murders of Mr. Kim Seokjin, regular threats against the seven members of the group and mismanagement of the international event and the disaster of the Stade de France. 

       In addition, the main victim M. Kim seems to have suffered significant physical and psychological trauma which will not fade for a long time, if they ever fade."

      A sigh of relief ran through the members of BTS: Lee was finally found guilty by justice for all the crimes he had committed, so he was going to be punished. No matter the decision of the jurors, the judge had rendered his and it was the one that would count and that would finally destroy Lee. Jin and Jungkook exchanged a smile of relief which froze when they heard the rest of the verdict:

        "However, mitigating circumstances are recognized for the accused."

      The words "mitigating circumstances" widened Lee's smile and dismayed the rest of the assembly.

      "W-what circumstances?" Jin stammered, his eyes widening.

       "I don't know hyung," Jungkook replied, staring at the judge with his eyes burning with anger, "like I said before, it looks like a bad joke to me."

      "Indeed," the judge explained, "in spite of all that is reproached to him, we cannot forget that when Mr. Han exfiltrated Mr. Jeon Jungkook at the France Stadium, he could not at the same time move Mr. Kim Seokjin who was sentenced to death because he was in a state of cardiac arrest. It was only Mr. Lee's intervention that saved Mr. Kim's life, that is undeniable, even though he caused him pain.

     In addition, footage of Mr. Lee protecting Mr. Jung Hoseok in Incheon during the scramble has also been seen around the world and shows how important he has been in protecting the group members.

       In the end, despite all that he has been accused of and in particular the attempted murder of Kim Seokjin, it turns out that Mr. Kim survived and is still there to testify before us, so it is impossible for us to indict for murder.

       For all these reasons, the accused, Mr. Lee, was sentenced by the court to eight years in prison. He will also have to follow a 40-hour medical program for sexual aggressors, necessary for his reintegration into social life.

       According to the law, information about the accused will be made public for ten years. Certain jobs will be prohibited in any organization that deals with a young audience or an adult audience in a situation of psychological weakness for ten years. We are counting on the good behavior of Mr. Lee during the years he will spend behind bars, in order to become an exemplary citizen who will deserve his social rehabilitation. The court's decision is confirmed, the hearing is adjourned."

      The judge knocked his gavel to indicate the end of his judgment and the police present in the room hastened to surround and handcuff Lee while the room erupted in shouts of anger and indignation.

       Everywhere, in the room, outside the court, across the country, on all social networks, cries of indignation were raised and were even relayed in real time in international news newspapers.

      This was not what people had expected from Korean justice. They wanted justice for BTS but justice failed to do justice and was too lenient in allowing Lee to only spend a short time in jail before he was granted the right to come out and enjoy his back to life as if nothing had happened. It even gave him the option to go after Jin, Jungkook, and others again if the mood took him.

       He was a monster, nothing, not even a stay in prison or therapy could change that. He shouldn't get away with it...

     "No... so this was all just another nightmare?" Jin whispered. "A nightmare to give us hope and then take it away?"

      "So this is the justice we were promised?" Jungkook whispered with furor. "What justice?!"

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