Chapter Six

A/N: I just want to say, before you start reading, sorry about Lexi rambling, sleep depravation does that to my writing!

And this chapter goes to my two soulmates that helped me create my characters! Sorry you guys, if I put so many true things in here, not my fault our life is too entertaining! ;P

So anyway, read, comment and vote! :D

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 Chapter 6

I plopped down my seat exactly when the second bell rang.

            Always right on time!

            While I was going through my bag to get my notebook and pencil out, something hit the back of my head. I turned to glare at the responsible and saw Alex grinning at me sitting at the desk in diagonal with mine.

            "What's your problem, dude," I mouthed to him trying to not attract the attention of Mrs Muffin in front. The poor woman had inherited the lovely nickname because of her atrocious red curly hair that made her head look like a muffin. And I wasn't kidding here, it was true, it, honest to god, looked like a damn muffin.

            Alex held his phone in front of him and shook it. Alright, what am I suppose to make of this? I whispered, "confused," and pointed to myself.

            He kept tapping on his phone. What? Does he want a new phone or something? Damn, that boy is confusing in the morning!

            "What's wrong with your phone," I hissed and held my hands beside me frowning and shaking my head like I had no freaking clue. Because honestly, I hadn't.

            "Check your phone you dim-wit!" he said out loud and rolled his eyes.

            I rolled my eyes. "Jeez, no need to be rude!" I answered and turned around in my seat to find a muffin with glasses staring at me.

            "Is something wrong?" she inquired and I think she was trying to make it sound threatening, but it just couldn't work. First, she was the least believable mean person in the world. Second, muffins just couldn't get angry. Ever.

            "No everything's perfect Ma'am. Proceed, proceed." I said, rolling my hand in the air urging her to continue with whatever she had been doing.

            She turned back to her board, resuming with her note writing that we were expected to copy. That was all we ever did in this class—copy what she wrote on the board.

            Hmm. We called her Mrs. Muffin but what was her real name? That really bothered me for a second. What was her real name?

            I couldn't remember—which couldn't actually come as a shocked since I didn't seem to have perfect record on the whole remembering people's actual names thing.  

            Ugh. I was definitely never going to hear the end of that, I was sure. Drake would throw it back in my face—no pun intended—as often as he could.

            But as much as the a-hole annoyed me, I had to admit, deep within, the whole bantering thing I had been doing with him, it made me feel like the Old-me again—the one that was a little bit stupider and a whole lot funnier, the way I was before my mother left. But only in small doses—Alex could support that statement; he often used to complain about it.

            I shook my head, a bit confused by that realisation—I mean, why the heck would Old-Me come back to argue with a narcissist bastard? I looked at the board in front and sighed heavily.

            This was getting boring—taking notes—I was about to make drawling beaaa sounds to support that state of mind.

            I took my bag again, looking for my pen and saw my phone.

            Oh yeah right! Ooops. How easily distracted was I, really?  

            I took my phone but it was closed, so I pressed the open button but nothing happened.

            Damn! I turned around and stared at Alex. "No batteries" I mouthed to him, tapping the screen for emphasis and he just rolled his eyes. Pff.

            I gazed back at the board and realized that Mrs Muffin was already erasing a part of the board. Slow down Speedy Gonzales! I haven't even started yet!

            I turned my head to the left and smiled sheepishly at Duke beside be.

            "Hey Duke, mind lending me your notes?" I whispered to him, smiling as sweetly as I could.

            "No problem," he mouthed and shook with a soundless laughter while he handed me his sheet.

            I copied what was on it pretty fast—my hand writing sucked big time but I could write pretty damn fast—but then my eyes caught his name in the top corner of the sheet and I stopped writing—or moving—altogether.

            It said Luke.

            Luke. His name was Luke? What. The. Hell? Was I confusing everyone's name?

            This was getting into a serious problem! I mean, I knew I screwed up words a lot—like when I was younger I would say 'pacable' instead of 'capable' and even though people pointed it out I just couldn't say the right word and if I didn't pay attention I often confused the words gray and brown or bacon and ham or other things like that for some dark and mysterious reason. But I wasn't aware that I screwed up names too! No one ever pointed it out. I mean, I would have get it with Blake 'cause I barely ever talked to the guy but I talked a lot with Du—Luke. I was friends with him for Pete's sake!

            Why didn't they tell me? Was I screwing up more names? God, they must all think I was some kind of self-centered egocentric moron.

            I wasn't that stupid. I might have been a little dumb in life but I was really smart on paper. I could be smart—like perfect-grade smart, like analysing-contemporary-art smart and giving-the-deep-meaning-of-a-poem smart.

            When I finally looked back at the board and stopped mentally rambling, Mrs Muffin was erasing the board again.

            You have got to be kidding me!

            I turned and smiled at Du–Luke—the kind of guilty smile where you lowered you bottom lip a little too much. His reply was an amused grin while he gave me the second sheet.

            This time, I stopped getting mentally distracted and I copied it super fast, pretty sure I wouldn't even be able to read it afterwards, gave Luke his sheet back and started to copy the board.

            My wrist was hurting from all the writing when the bell finally rang.

            I gathered my things and waited for Alex to walk out with him.

            "Vanessa's been trying to call you till yesterday but you wouldn't pick up your phone," Alex explained and offered me his.

            "Crap! I totally forgot with the whole Blake fiasco," I groaned and started to dial Vanessa's number. "Why didn't she call home?"

            Vanessa wasn't my best friend, because best friend didn't properly describe our relationship. She was like a second me and one of the only girls, aside from Daphnee, who I hung out with—well not so much anymore because she moved away six months ago to attempt an Art school that specialized in singing. She was an amazing singer.

            Of course, I was very happy for her, but it that was really really hard for me, even though it was such a wonderful opportunity, because we had been in the same class and best friend since first grade. Having her away made me almost feel like I had lost a limb.

            And together, we were stupid multiplied by a thousand—Alex's words, not mine. He always said he couldn't stand us together but I knew he was always cracking up. We were hilarious.

            "What's up, Tall-Dark-And-Handsome?" Van greeted—obviously she had seen the caller's ID.

            "Hey, it's Lex!"

            "Lexi! I've been trying to reach you for ages," my blond friend whined in my ear.

            "Why didn't you call home," I asked.

            "I did! Ty didn't tell you?"

            I rubbed my eyes, already getting annoyed. "You two argued," I asked her even though I knew the answer.

            "Yeah. But he said he would tell you," she shot back in her defense.

            I huffed in annoyance. "Like you can trust Ty!"

            Ty and Vanessa had this thing—it was a bit confusing. I mean, Vanessa was in the same grade as me, but she was born in July and Ty and I were born in November so she had like one year of difference with Ty and they kinda have a love/hate on and off relationship. They both wanted to rip each other's head off most of the time but then I would totally walk on them making out in the living room. 

            But they were not a couple. Yeah, confusing.

            So Tyler did that often, not telling me Vanessa had called to annoy her, and me, but mostly her.

            At first, when I realized the whole thing I was kind of mad and disgusted but then I was all If you two end up together we would totally be sister! plus I get that she likes my brother, I could admit that he wasn't that bad looking. 

            And my best friend was everything but ugly. It was almost painful to walk in the streets with her because she was so much more beautiful than me. She had blonde-almost-white super curly hair and sky-blue eyes and she was in great physical shape because she played hockey for many years, and she was just perfect and I hated her.

            "Anyway that's not the point! What happened yesterday?" she pressed.

            I gave her a full report while walking down the jammed stairs on my way to my locker.

            "So what? I leave for six months and you already hook up with the school jock?" she asked me, playfully offended.

            "You seriously think I want this?"

            "Yeah, I doubt it," she laughed. I wanted to glare at her through the phone. My misery was nothing to be made fun of. "You're in deep shit now! Remember Audrey in ninth grade. She changed school because she owed Blake and had post their sex-tape on the internet!"

            Oh the kind, comforting and encouraging friends I had...

            "Is that why you changed school too?" I asked bitterly.

            "Right!" She laughed. "Of course that's totally me! I'm not dumb enough to owe Blake Eaton!"

            "Oh, and I am?" I didn't let her answer that one. "Damn Van! Why are you telling me this? You want to kill me?" I whined, trying to replace the strap of my bag on my shoulder, swinging it, but I probably just looked like I had spasms.

            "Don't worry, from what I heard she wasn't force into anything. It still happened, but she enjoyed every minute of it, before she had to change school I mean."

            "God..." I groaned, rubbing my temples. I was about to have a headache. Speaking of head problems. "Hey! Do I confused names a lot?" I asked my mind totally going somewhere else.

            She snorted. "You have to ask? Remember Nicholas?"

            I frowned. "Eh no?"

            "The guy who runs fast!"

            I slapped my forehead. "Oh yeah right! Shit." I made a face.

            Nicholas was this guy we had in our class for two years and I had never remembered his name, I always called him the guy who runs fast. In my defense the guy did run pretty fast!

            Well, that settled things. No point in talking more about it. I changed conversation again. "So, how are things back at your place?" I asked her.

            "Just awesome! You remembered that guy I talked to you about?"

            "The one you stalked and that you forced me to create a fake Facebook account so you could check his page without him knowing?"

            "That very one!" I laughed under my breath. Crazy Van. "Well, I was doing my vocals in one of the private studios and he totally walked in!"

            "What did you do? What did you do?" I chanted, like girls exchanging racy story at a slumber party.

            "I played it all what the hell dude are you stalking me or something? which is ironic since I'm stalking him, and he was all laughing and sweet and damn he's hot and I totally got a date on Friday! YEAH," she squealed happily at the end. I could totally see her jumping up and down.

            "Oh my god VAN! Distant high-five," I said and high fived in front of me with the air and I knew she did too.

            "Old-You is back, isn't she?" I heard Vanessa ask me.

            "Yeah," I answered smiling.

            "I missed her..."

            "Me too..."

            And then I turned in the hall where my locker was and cocky-annoying-jerk aka Blake was waiting for me, smirking.

            "Oh shit! Jerk-face is waiting for me," I announced to Van.

            "Oh my god! Oh my god! Act like I'm your boyfriend or something! Flirt! He'll get piss!" Van ranted, almost squealing again.

            "You're a genius," I answered and totally ignored winner of the Annoy-the-shit-out-of-Lexi's award and kept walking to my locker. "I don't know about tonight I'm kind of busy," I trailed, like I was having a conversation.

            "Get naughty!" Vanessa pressed and laughed. I tried not to.

            I couldn't help but smiled a little, amused. "Hey! I think I have the right to be tired after the other time!"

            "Genius! Go on," Van said and I could totally imagine her clapping her hands together.

            "Whatever! Dad can't see you get out this time. He was pissed last time," I kept on going.

            "This is fun," Vanessa stated, and I had to admit, it kind of was.

            I started to do my combination on my lock and Blake was just leaning beside me one eyebrow raised.

            Ha ah! You go on and keep guessing dumbass!

            "Alright, there's this real annoying jerk that wants to talk to me so I'm going to go now."

            "Say something like 'Oh yeah no worry you could take him down!'" Van said excitedly.

            I looked at Blake up and down an evil grin on my lips. "Oh yeah no worry. You could totally take him down." I made a paused though Vanessa didn't say anything back, she was just laughing. "Sure, talk to you later babe." Another pause. "Love you too," I said quickly and shut the phone.

            "That was mean," Blake frowned.

            Oh yeah! I was doing a victory dance in my head.

            "Like I care," I answered and put Alex's phone in my jeans' back pocket. Huh. When had I lost him? I shook my head and grabbed my books. No need to overthink it.

            "I meant not saying Hi to Vanessa for me," Blake said and gave me the hugest smirk I had ever seen him make.

            You have got to be shitting me!

            I closed my locker a little too hard and walked away from him, ignoring him, but fuming inside. Perfect. Now I had made a fool of myself. And how the hell had he known? Had he heard her giggle?

            "That was a nice try though! I give you an A plus again. Go get yourself a medal," Blake said and laughed, still walking beside me.

            "God! Is it your new hobby, annoying me?" I asked him and tried to walk faster. Annoying prick!

            "Oh you can just go on and call me Blake, babe. I feel self conscious with the whole God thing," he replied, enjoying himself a little too much.

            "You really like to listen to yourself talk, don't you? Makes you happy?" I taunted annoyed as hell.

            "No, annoying you pretty much does it," he admitted and grinned.


            Well you have succeeded, I wanted to tell him, but I didn't want him to think he was affecting me in anyway, though I think it was pretty obvious he was, but whatever.

            "What was the deal with seminar chick earlier?" I asked him, trying to make him feel uncomfortable for a change.

            "A little misunderstanding. All cleared out now," he simply explained, a little too fast.

            Oh yeah I got something here.

            "Are you sure? Or does it have anything to do with the whole taking advantage of her in a seminar yesterday thing?" I smiled sweetly at him and tried not flipping him off.

            "Trust me, it was more like the other way around," Blake rolled his eyes.

            "Sure didn't look like that," I snorted.

            "Believe what you want to believe. I don't care. Now, about your debt," Blake started to say but then I saw Ty and I had to go kick that little punk ass.

            "Sorry, family problem," I said quickly and left him there.

            "Ty! You moron!" I shouted and stopped right in front of him, in the middle of all his friends.

            "What did I do?" he asked me, rolling his eyes.

            "You didn't tell me Vanessa called," I groaned.

            "Hey Lexi! Vanessa called yesterday," he said and turned to one of his friends, ignoring me.

            "Oh like that's going to work!" I grabbed his arm and made him turn to look at me. "What did you two argue about this time? You know you got to stop being a baby! I'm tired of you over reacting and getting mad at her for no reason!"

            "Me over-reacting?" Woah, I suddenly felt like I had plucked at the wrong string because my brother suddenly looked very pissed. "Did she tell you about her date? Because that's the first thing she told me!" Ty ranted his voice raising and his eyes darkening "Hey Ty, what's up? Guess what! I have a date with this hot guy Friday. It's going to be so fun! Can't wait to be with someone mature for once," he said mimicking Vanessa's voice.

            I looked at him and saw so much pain in his face, I almost hugged him.

            "Oh Ty, I'm sorry. But seriously that's just a fling thing, you know," I explained, trying to cheer him up because I truly believed it was.

            "Yeah sure," he answered me dryly and stared at his shoes, avoiding my eyes.

            "She likes you, Ty," I whispered holding his arm, my eyes trying to get his.

            "Wouldn't think so," he mumbled.

            "We'll work it out. We always do," I told him and gave him a hopeful half-smile.

            Tyler smiled back at me, but it didn't reach his eyes. Stupid blonde best friend. And stupid brother. "Anyway he's not even as half as handsome as you," I told him and mock-punched him in the stomach.

            He grabbed my wrist and twisted it, spinning me around.

            "JERK!" I yelled and then he let go of it and he was laughing.

            "Oh big sis, you gotta work on those muscle of yours," he mocked me, and started to walk towards his class.

            "Die!" I yelled after him and saw Alex walking to me.

            He grabbed his phone from my back pocket and we walked together to our next class.

            On our way there, Stacey stepped into our track, completely on purpose, and scowled at me like she wanted to fry my brains with her mind.

            And then she turned around and walked away.

            "What the hell was that all about," Alex asked, his voice stunned.

            "I have no idea," I answered and we started to walk again.

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