Ten Years Of Parenting
Right now the next day, the brand new and very sudden mother and father were each holding two of the four kids they had adopted or more the three girls with Sebastian now being their biological child despite how they weren't in a relationship in any way or even friends with benefits. Suddenly Sephiroth felt Sebastian boop her nose with his tiny baby hand while giggling and flailing his little arms around. Sephiroth looked down to the happy child who looked back at her with his now ice blue eyes that showed curiosity and happiness before she gently placed a gloved hand onto the little boy's right cheek that he nuzzled into and grabbed with his hands.
Sephiroth:" How adorable."
Wesker:" He certainly resembles us but I can just hear Sam or Steven about this. Also since Sebastian wasn't born on Earth, we will have to make it seem like he was born today so there won't be any suspicion or I guess we will have to do it for all four of them."
Suddenly four papers appeared on a table where Albert saw that it was about the birthdays of the four but on Sebastian's, it said to have today be his birthday so he'll have no relation to his past self. Wesker grinned before grabbing his phone to make several calls.
(Time skip)
Sephiroth was holding her new son and Gray with Wesker holding Erza and Natsumi when the door opened for a man with white hair and a cybernetic body, a man with black hair in a ponytail with a similar cybernetic body, a mountain of a man wearing a expensive suit, a tall woman with pinkish-reddish hair and a slim body and finally a blonde hair man wearing a police officer uniform walked in with varying expressions before sharing a shocked look when they saw the two immortal warriors holding children.
Raiden:" What in the hell am I looking at?"
Sam:" Not what I expected to see but have you two adopted children?"
Leon:" Honestly didn't think the might Albert Wesker would have children."
Armstrong:" This why you called us here? You two adopted children?"
Sephiroth:" Yes and no Steven."
Mistral:" Yes and no? Wait did you two make a child together?!"
Wesker:" Not in the traditional sense Mistral. Calm yourself and I'll explain."
Wesker explained to their allies about where Sebastian was from and how he was treated there for not having something most of the population there had with his own mother treating him like garbage and his "father" absent from his life since Sebastian was made from lust rather than genuine love. The three girls are his best friend's that were his family through out his school life with him getting bullied for nothing but being "weak". Sephiroth then explained how Sebastian had nearly died to save a baby from a collapsing building where Death found him and gave him the second chance he deserved by coming here and turning the four into infants again with Sebastian now being the biological son of Albert and Sephiroth.
Wesker:" And that is what we were told from Death."
The group had enraged looks on their faces at hearing what a child had to go through for not having power. Power wasn't everything nor did it define a person's life but what they choose to do with it. They each wanted to destroy Beacon for doing this to an innocent person but suddenly realized that if Sebastian was now their son then he would have their powers, meaning that they would need to train him to control what would be his new found abilities. Looking at the four children who were curled up to the two warriors and unexpected parents, the group knew that this was a special day at the office.
(Ten Years Later)
It has been ten years since the arrival of the four children and since then, they have been living far better lives than back on Remnant. Sebastian now has supportive and loving parents with a father that actually is there for him and a mother that loves him with all her heart while his girls now had adoptive parents to not be orphans anymore forced to rely on a corrupt source to not go to a orphanage. Since they were five years old, the children would remember their past lives and their own lessons but now had masterful fighters to train them and train them they certainly did. Sephiroth, Raiden, Sam, his twin sister Samantha and Mistral have taught the four how to use swords at a better degree than they had while also teaching them how to use other melee weapons like daggers, sais and other bladed weapons. Steven had taught them hand to hand and how to control their physical strength since they all knew that they would be far stronger than normal humans but most importantly how to analyze your target/enemy to see what their weaknesses are and how to exploit them. Leon and his friends/team taught them how to use firearms, explosives and how to use certain holds to restrain people. The four would become in five years a happier and more prepared group than when they were back on Remnant when they had no parental love or were criticized for essentially nothing with now having two loving parents with loving aunts and uncles that willingly train them. For Sebastian, he certainly inherited much from his parents and that has allowed to truly be a astounding student and child to anyone around him. His teachers love having him around as he is a respectful and kind student to them while also having a very impressive intelligence that made him instead of being given fourth grade was given sophomore level math and other subjects since he was so smart for his age. This made his father proud of him for knowing that power wasn't what was all needed for there to be either success, justice or victory and was glad to see that his son had inherited his intellect but also his blue eyes while inheriting his mother's silver hair and her skin tone. One thing the duo have taught their children as well was to control their emotions and their arrogance so they wouldn't be taken advantage of in any situation that they would find themselves in despite having two aunts and two uncles that were fairly cocky themselves. The personalities of the four were the same except for Sebastian with Erza remaining a hard nosed, stubborn but kind heart girl, Natsumi remaining a clumsy but determined and soft heart girl and Gray remaining the nonchalant, laid back but at the same time serious girl but for Sebastian, his changed immensely to being unrecognizable. Sebastian's cowardice and rage filled soul was replaced by a calm, patriotic and confident young boy who had the smile to become loved by anyone who was around him to the point that he managed to befriend Raiden's son John and even his new daughter who was noticeable very antisocial to even her own family but Sebastian's rizz and kindness shattered her shell while also leaving her family happy.
(Flashback: Sebastian Is Seven Years Old)
It was nighttime and Sebastian was with his mother going to visit his Uncle Raiden while his father was training his step sisters/crushes. Raiden was the only one of his uncles and aunts that had children so Sephiroth thought that having Sebastian befriend John would be beneficially so he'd be ready to socialize with other kids. Sephiroth knocked on the door with Raiden's wife Rosemary answered with a smile to see the little boy that had become her nephew.
Rosemary:" Hello Sebastian."
Sebastian:" Auntie Rose!"
Sebastian hugged her legs but was careful not to break her legs when suddenly a little boy came from behind her to Sebastian's and Sephiroth's view.
John:" Hey mommy, who's this boy? He looks kinda cool."
Rosemary:" Oh sweetie, this is Sebastian the boy I told you about."
John:" Oh my new best friend!"
Sebastian:" Hecks yeah!"
John immediately ran to Sebastian and dragged him by the arm to the living room to play on his PS5 that his father got him while the two women spoke over a cup of tea when after twenty minutes, a young girl around Sebastian's age walked into the living room wearing a black outfit that consisted of a skirt and T-shirt while having white hair and a black blindfold over her face. Despite that she still walked with perfect dexterity and didn't bump into anything till she walked over and sat next to Sebastian who now noticed her.
Sebastian*Smiles*:" Oh hi!"
The girl simply nodded before just observing the game they were playing while remaining silent through out the time the boys were playing their game while Rosemary looked to her daughter with a hint of sadness. Sephiroth caught it and asked if she was okay.
Rosemary:" It's just that my little girl hasn't said anything to anyone after Raiden had rescued her from that damn evil laboratory. She remained silent every since with all we were able to get from her files being what she is capable or and that she was named 2-B."
Sephiroth:" Now that is not what a parent wants to hear, do you know anything at all about her behavior or hobbies?"
Rosemary:" We know she loves training and using bladed weapons rather than firearms. That's it."
Sephiroth sighed at that since that was very little help but then Raiden walked in to observe his children and his nephew playing on the game system that had become famous for years when suddenly 2-B stood up and sat on a couch rather than on the floor but it hadn't been long till the boys finished the game before John went over to his father to ask for a new game since they only got him one.
Raiden:" Sure bud, one game was a dumb idea so I'll get you a few more. Hey 2-B, want anything while I'm out?"
2-B was once again silent without batting a eye to her father when Sebastian sat next to her to see if he could get a reaction from her to no avail. Was she okay?"
Sebastian:" Hey 2-B, are you okay?"
Raiden:" She's okay kiddo, just not much of a talker."
Raiden went into the kitchen with Jack while Rosemary and Sephiroth were wondering what else to do since it has been seven years since taking in four children and Sebastian having shown great levels of power already but Sebastian turned his focus back to 2-B.
Sebastian:" Hey 2-B."
2-B turned her head to face Sebastian while being silent till he placed his forehead against her's to use a power of memory seeking that his mother had taught him to see what her memories were. Sebastian nearly gasped when he saw that she was a clone of Raiden to be a weapon strong enough to take down Maverick Security's strongest cyborg and maybe contend with their non cybernetic allies but Raiden broke in and managed to save her alongside Armstrong and the Rodriguez twins. It was clear that the creators wouldn't care for her at all so that made her untrusting or afraid of the outer world but maybe he could do something about that. He leaned in and whispered into her ear.
Sebastian:" 2-B I read your memories and I'm so sorry for what happened to you but my daddy taught me something important."
2-B was still silent but was intently listening to Sebastian's words to hear what he had to say.
Sebastian:" That everyone has demons of some kind of their own. I do, you do and our families does. But family and those you are close to can help you fight those demons and even win against them, but you have to let them know how they can help you 2-B because shutting them out won't lead to good relations. My daddy and mommy are my heroes and your mommy and daddy can be your heroes too if you give them a chance."
2-B was silent before to the shock of everyone she gave Sebastian a strong hug that showed her great strength while burying her face into the young boy's shoulder so Sebastian just hugged her back now sharing the silence as everyone as well. Nobody expected a seven year old boy to share words of wisdom like that which also manage to get a reaction out of an antisocial person like 2-B, especially one where they would physically touch someone. The hug lasted over a minute before the two separated but then Sephiroth checked the time and realized they had to leave since it was a school night.
Sephiroth:" Alright sweetie, we have to go now."
Sebastian:" Okay mommy, goodnight uncle Raiden, goodnight auntie Rose."
Raiden/Rosemary:" Night kiddo/Goodnight sweetheart."
Sebastian:" I'll see you tomorrow John."
John:" Okay Sebastian, we'll play more tomorrow."
Sebastian*Warm Smile*:" Goodnight 2-B."
Sebastian got up from the couch and walked towards his mommy but turned back when he heard something that shocked everyone.
2-B*Softly*:" Good night."
Sebastian*Smiles*:" I'll see you whenever 2-B."
Sebastian grabbed his mother's hand and left with her while 2-B's family was shocked to hear her finally speak after nearly a year of eerie silence. The family called it a night and as Raiden was about to leave, he saw his daughter still up and look at him before smiling a little and saying something that certainly made Sebastian one of his favorite people.
2-B:" Good night daddy."
(Present Time)
Albert was currently observing the news were the United States President Steven Armstrong is scheduling a conference with the leaders of South Korea and Japan to discuss a better defense for South Korea's northern counterpart and how the two American allies need stronger defenses. Wesker agreed how the volatile nation's nuclear program had been getting worse and how their leader kept wanting to make their program substantial to the world as a "act of defense" against the United States.
Wesker:" He has been a inconvenience since the day he was born and he is only getting more intolerable by the day. We will need to find a way to eliminate that son of a bitch and his pathetic family but also to keep China's government out of this. *Sighs* But communist governments stick together unfortunately so that is clear why this damn problem hadn't been taken care of for so long."
Sebastian:" Daddy! Look!"
Albert turned to his right to see his son running to him with a piece of paper in his hand and a wide smile on his face. Albert smiled before getting on one knee to embrace his child in his strong arms.
Wesker:" Ah Sebastian, how are you my child?"
Sebastian:" Amazing! Me and John broke our world record in Call of Duty Zombies! I got the best grades in my middle school! And best part, me and 2-B are gonna be hanging out later today!!!"
Wesker:" Really now? What are your grades my child?"
Sebastian handed the paper to his father who saw all the advanced classes Sebastian asked for with large red A+s in each subject. Albert smiled pridefully before noticing a pink sticky note on the paper that said "Meet me at the park at 4. Love 2-B" With a red heart at the end of it. Albert raised a eyebrow at a sentence that seemed to be for a couple rather than a group of ten year old children. Just then Raiden and Claire walked in with Raiden brandishing his sword and Claire reloading a pistol that was till Sebastian ran to his uncle and older sister figure.
Sebastian:" Uncle Raiden! Big sis Claire! You guys are here!"
Sebastian ran to his uncle who was smiling that smile of his while Claire petted the boy's head.
Claire:" Hey there little man, it's good to see you again. How have you been?"
Sebastian:" Awesome! Me and John broke records in Call of Duty Zombies by ourselves!"
Raiden:" Was wondering what that yelling was about. Guessing 2-B was in there with you bud?"
Sebastian nodded when Wesker walked over with a little smirk on his face and the paper still in his hands.
Claire:" What's sup Al? You smirking always means something."
Wesker*Smirking*:" Well it's just that Sebastian has a little play date with 2-B judging from a note that she left him."
Raiden:" Really? Guess I shouldn't be surprised*Smirks* You two have been spending quite a lot of time together."
Sebastian:" Yeah she's just so cool! She's like you Uncle Raiden but just a girl!"
Claire:" Kinda was the point though wasn't it?"
Raiden:" Supposedly but they didn't take in mind that her being younger left her inexperienced compared to me."
Sebastian:" Can I go now daddy? 2-B will be waiting for me now and I don't want to keep her waiting."
Wesker:" Course my child you can go but just get back at a reasonable time."
Sebastian nodded and teleported to the park 2-B was talking about though he missed his father showing his uncle and aunt the sticky note.
Claire:" Well those two move quickly for two ten year old kids, don't you think?"
Raiden:" I'm gonna be fully honest with you two, if 2-B was ever gonna be with someone I'd have no problem with her being with Sebastian though those three definitely have feelings for him still even after being reborn."
Wesker just grinned at what he believed the girls had planned for his son and he knew it would be a good day for his children and Raiden's.
(At Park)
Sebastian was looking for 2-B and when he found her sitting at the park bench tables, he saw that she wasn't alone since sitting next to her was his stepsisters and a girl he never seen before. The girl had long white hair with a small ponytail on the front and big blue eyes that made her seem like Sebastian's biological sister but he knew that wasn't possible. She had a smile on her face when she saw Sebastian while the girls were happy to see him as well while also having some pizza and soda with them.
(Imagine 2 Of Both Of These)
Erza:" Hey Sebastian! You made it!"
Sebastian*Smiles*:" I said I would and I meant it."
Natsumi and Gray just hugged their step brother strong before two other girls suddenly appeared from behind the white haired girl that resembled Sebastian. One of them was wearing all blue that was a good reflection of her hair and eyes and a pretty smile while the other girl was a brunette with tan skin and confident aura. The girls were pretty to Sebastian but he was also confused to who they were since he never have seen them at their school.
Sebastian:" Are they friends of your's girls? I never seen them before at our school."
Gray:" It will be easier if they explain it."
The tan skinned brunette came forward with her smile and handed Sebastian a cup of soda.
???:" Hi there mate, the name is Cana Alberona and don't you forget it!"
The blue girl ran forward and gave Sebastian a strong hug like they were dating but he simply just hugged her back since he liked hugs. After a minute of snuggling they let go with the girl jumping around Sebastian with her massive smile.
???:" Hey, hey! My name's Juvia Lockser! Erza's, Natsumi's and Gray's best BFF of all time!!!"
Just then the white haired girl shyly walked up to Sebastian and gave a shy smile and shy little wave to him before he gently just gave her a gentle pat on her head that turned her pale face into a crimson blood red.
Sebastian*Warm Smile*:" Hey girls, my name is Sebastian Wesker and I'm Erza's, Gray's and Natsumi's brother or more step brother? Can I please have your name*Asks ???*"
???*Shyly*:" My n-name is Mirajane Strauss."
Gray:" Now that we are all introduced, we have something we want to tell you Sebastian. Something very important and about our past lives."
Sebastian:" What about it? Something about school or our combat?"
Natsumi*Blush*:" More about our relationship when we were back there."
Sebastian:" Is something wrong? I'm here to listen girls."
Erza:" Well Sebastian, we had a....*Blush Dark Red* A big crush on you when we were back in Remnant and we still do since we've only been getting closer with the years going by. So we three decided that we would share you as a boyfriend when we become older."
Sebastian was shocked to hear that his three crushes had crushes on him as well but there was something that he had to add: He gained a crush on a another girl with her being 2-B herself. After that night they met and Sebastian got her to speak for the first time, they have been hanging out enough to develop feelings for her in the three years they spent together. Looking at the girls who had hopeful looks and wide eyes with his feelings having only grew, he took a deep breath and decided on his decision to tell them.
Sebastian:" Girls, I accept your feelings for me since I've always and still do have feelings for you girls after all these years but there is something you guys need to know."
Erza/Gray/Natsumi:" What is it Sebastian?"
Sebastian*Takes Deep Breath*:" I've also gotten a big crush on 2-B as well."
All the girl gained wide eyes and gaping mouths while 2-B blushed and placed a hand onto her chest. This was not what they expected to hear but there was a 'simple' solution to it.
Natsumi:" It's okay Sebastian. Erza has a back up idea always."
Gray:" Yeah she always has a good idea and 2-B is a great friend to be around."
Erza:" 2-B, how do you feel about Sebastian truly? Be truthful and nothing more, nothing less."
2-B:" He was the very first friend I've ever had in my life and he taught me what a family is and what it's like to have one so I could have a relation with my brother, my mommy and especially my daddy who saved my life. Sebastian didn't have to but he chose to so I would have a better and easier life and that is something I thought for the three years I've spent with him that I couldn't ever repay him for it."
Gray:" So you love him right?"
2-B:" With all my heart but you three love him as much as you do and spent more time then we've have."
Sebastian walked over to 2-B and gave her a strong hug but not enough to damage her body before just burying his face into her neck while 2-B hugged back while gently rubbing his rather strong back while the girls stayed silent in respect until the two finally separated with 2-B gently caressing Sebastian's cheeks and his hands on her's till Sebastian said the next sentence.
Sebastian:" 2-B I accept your feelings and all I ask is that you girls can allow her to be my girlfriend as well. Please?"
The girls looked at each other and the cybernetic daughter of one of Earth's mightiest protectors before knowing their response.
Erza/Natsumi/Gray*Smiles*:" We accept."
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