Chapter 5
-Chapter 5-
I patterned around the lonely house, waiting for Louis to come home. I had to have him escorted out of my house by Paul. He's my part time security guard I guess. He was more of a father figure. Only uptight when needed. Although he had just been off with his wife because they had a new baby. I have yet to meet her, but I supplied the baby with a new bear. Earning a hug from the large man.
Louis had taken the SUV. Leaving the Audi at home. Making another guest appearance on the news. Assuming he was doing the 'walk of shame.' But that walk doesn't include taking my car with Paul. But I was freaking out a bit too. He was at school. And anyone could nab him at school. I was biting my nails at the thought.
Suddenly the front door made the silent house aware of a presence. And I knew it was Louis. He sent me a brief smile. Paul beside him.
"Thank you Paul." He nodded and left back to the front of the house, leaving me alone with the silent Louis. I watched tentatively as he opened the fridge, picking out a container of strawberries, and sitting on the counter, eating. I approached him. Hands hidden in the pockets of my jeans. "Hey. How was school?" I asked hopefully. He bit his lip. The kissable muscle already a darker pink from the berries. He swallowed thickly.
"Hell. I felt like I was imprisoned." He confessed. I sighed
Glad to hear his voice, but not pleased with the information.
"What happened. Come lay with me." He hopped off the counter following me into the living room. Dead silence except for the scruff of my socks on the floor. We sat on the Couch, legs in pretzel style. "Did they hurt you?" I asked. He licked his strawberry scented lips.
"Not technically." He said with a face. My blood pressure was rising. Suddenly he was in my lap. His breath against my neck. "So many shouts and questions. I didn't know what to do." I wrapped my arms around his glorious hips. "Everyone was asking me how I knew you. How long. Someone found out we went to school." I listened on. There was something he wanted to say, I could here the hesitation and lingering in his voice when he spoke. "They thought I was your boy toy. That's what they said... They called me a sl-"
"Don't finish. Please don't finish." I begged. He let out a shaking breath. "Do you love me?" I asked softly.
"Yes." I held him tighter.
"Then don't listen. I'm gonna regret this, but what else did they say?"
"Slut. Boy Toy. Hidden whore. Easy. 'That's why he didn't talk because his throat was always sore.'" His voice cracked. Tears sprouting from his eyes. "What did I do wrong I don't understand."
"Louis baby no. No baby. Don't say that. That's not it. You've done nothing wrong. You're just being misunderstood by a lot of people. It was an accident. Did you tell anyone we were boyfriends?" I asked. Pressing kisses to his forehead.
"No because I know you don't want me saying that." He told me. I cuddled the boy in my lap. Suddenly hearing the door opening again. Paul entering the room with a solemn Liam.
"Hello boys." He greeted. Not cheery. Not with anger. Just with pity. Louis wiped his nose on his sleeve as I brushed away some fallen tears. Kissing his wet cheeks. Looking into his blue eyes and making a silent promise it'd be okay. I slipped away from the boy, pulling Liam off into the kitchen. "He cried?" I nodded wiping my face with my hands. "We have to fix this."
"Liam... it can't be fixed. Getting called my little birch isn't something he just forgets. He's not been home for 20 minutes and he's already told me how shit he is feeling and all the shit he's been called." Liam pushed up the sleeves to his white collared shirt to his elbows.
"What do you want me to do? Louis is a good kid. You wither have to come out, or give them a bed of lies to sit on and feed to the world." I hated lying. As much as someone would confess to cheating. Guilt. Guilt.
I turned towards the boy not far from us. Curled up in a blanket. Red eyes staring blankly at the telly as a show I knew he hated was playing. But he was so gone he didn't even care.
"What would happen if I did come out and say he was my boyfriend?" Liam cracked his knuckles. The sound making me shutter.
Louis' pet peeve.
"If you come out with Louis, it might get worse. You'd have to come out and say he was your boyfriend. Make public appearance for the movie. You'd have to be a man. And treat him like a man. And I'm not having any more slut comments made about you, no matter what your job. The only time you'll hear those words will be from a man's lips or from yours via porno and movie. Anyways, you'll have to let him run free basically. He's gotta grow out of your grip sooner or later."
"And if I lie?"
"You say Louis is a mate from high school. Living with you so he's closer to college. Has no idea of your relationship. We can lie for you and link him to the movie to give it a better feel. But no public dates. Or hand holding. No pet names. Not cuddling. No Prince Louis. And you'd have to get a beard." I groaned.
"He doesn't like the beard idea, but I hate to see him like this. He's so out of it. And it's not my Louis." Liam nodded.
"I'll give you time to think." He hugged me slightly. "Take care of him alright? You said it yourself you'd marry the boy." I smiled remembering that conversation.
"Thanks Li." He nodded, Paul escorting him put the paparazzi enclosed building. I returned to Louis side. His body limp, but his eyes open and confused. "Louis? Baby can you look at me?" He turned his eyes to me, before moving his head and body a bit. I smiled sadly.
"What?" He asked. I crawled on top of Him, tracing my fingers over his cheekbones. "Haz what are you doing?" He asked grimly. I stared at his cerulean eyes. His searching still for an answer.
"I'm sorry." I whispered against his lips. His breathing was getting heavy. Eyes still staring for a sign of what to do. "I want you to be okay." He muttered and okay against my face. Strawberry still lingering.
"Are you trying to kiss me?"
"I don't know if you want me to."
"Please." I dipped my head towards his lips. Pressing them softly together. His mouth opening and tongue entering my mouth with a moan. Fighting for dominance. Almost like this form of kissing was a stress reliever. He tugged my shirt in bunches. Bringing me closer. So close I could feel all of hos body underneath me. And I mean ALL of it. I moved my hands over his body. From his thighs, to his chest. Up to his beautiful face. He pulled away. Breathing rapid. "I love you Hazzy." I smiled, sliding my hands underneath his bum, carrying him to our bedroom. Our kiss together once more. Soft breaths and moans escaping him as my mouth worked on his neck. I reached my hands up underneath his white linen shirt. Feeling the warm skin erupt in goose bumps as my cold fingertips traced over his belly button. He pulled the shirt up and over his head. Me pulling mine of as well, connecting our lips once again. He moved his fingers down to my belt buckle. Undoing the clinking leather from my waist and yanking mercilessly at my pants. I shimmied from the fabric as he reached for my boxers a big red light flashed in my head and I pulled away.
"Louis... You're abstinence." His eyes were confused.
"What about it?"
"Baby I can't do this to you I can't take this away from you, not now." He sat up in hurt.
"I thought you wanted this." He murmured. I looked shamefully at my hands.
"Louis I do but... not like this. I want it to be special for you. I want it to be on your honeymoon not when you're confused and out of it."
"I'm not." He whispered softly.
"Louis, you just wanted me to have sex with you. You didn't even let me bathe you when you broke your wrist because you would've been naked. Even though we had been dating for over a year." He pulled his knees up to his chest. "I love you. I love you more than you'll ever know. But not like this. Please not like this. If you still want this tomorrow. Then I'll do it. But if I do this now I won't forgive myself for letting a slut like me take your most precious bit of innocence."
"Harry you aren't a slut." He promised.
"I Fuck guys and I Fuck girls. And I let guys Fuck me. All for money. And people film it. Is that virginistic to you?"
"That's not a word. And so what? Now you're an actor and a model and so what if you do that, I still love you. So what if you get called a slut. It doesn't matter to me." I grinned. And his smile lit up the room. "Fuck you. You set me up." He shouted hitting me with a pillow.
"You just gave me and yourself perfect advice. Fuck off muah!" I kissed his cheek obnoxiously. Ruffling his hair too. He giggled. Oh how I love that giggle so much. "Louis?"
He gave me a hum in reply.
"Do you wanna come out. You know. Out out." His eyes went scattered and he lip his lip. Surveying my face.
"Do you want me to?" He asked innocently.
"Louis, I'm not gonna answer that. Just tell me." He frowned and pushed me onto the bed. As I was expecting another sexual make out, he crawled on top of me. Hugging himself. I wrapped my arms around him.
"I just want it to be like before. When we could make cupcakes when I got home from school. And you would jump with me in the pool out back." I smiled at the memories we made. "I don't know what would happen if I did. Because I don't like people calling me that." He confessed. I combed my fingers through his hair. "But I love you and I don't want to share you. Because it makes me sad." I urged him to finish. "I don't know how they found us." He whispered the last word.
"Louis. If I tell you something, will you be mad?" He shook his head and turned towards me. "I said I was dating a boy in an interview." His face remain the same. "If I'd known all this would've happened, I wouldn't have said anything. But-" I surveyed his face. But he was entirely focused on me. "They just kept asking me questions and asking if I thought of myself as a skank. And you always say how I'm not. Then they asked about my sexuality and I thought about you all through the interview I couldn't help it. I'm sorry baby. I ruined us." He stared down at my chest, then back at my face.
"You didn't ruin us... It was an accident." He told me in a hushed whisper. "It wasn't your fault it slipped." I felt Louis dainty finger underneath my eyes. Mopping a tear I had no idea had fallen. "It's..." He sat up and I sat up with him. He was still in my lap however, and I felt his arms around me. His ankles locking at my back. "It's okay." He whispered.
I hugged back. Because Louis hugs will make you melt and fluttery in places you've never felt.
"We okay?" He asked. I nodded sniffling and he kissed my cheek. Hugging me once more. And in that hug, he finally said it.
"I want to stay hidden."
This I feel is shorter than the others. And my girlfriend is like crying and she won't tell me why. Heylp Meh? I'm gonna wire smut. not for this, but bye.
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