Chapter 80 - the end of a journey

He looks so lost right now.

Smiling, you observe the grey wolf as he fidgets in his spot, glancing at the nurse when she leaves and closes the door behind her with a quiet click. He wipes his hands on his pants before stuffing them into the pockets of his jacket, only to pull them back out a second later once he realizes that the temperatures in the room are too warm to do that. At the same time, his tail is wagging at record speed, seemingly determined to win some sort of Olympic game.

...It's cute.

"You can come closer, you know?" You comment teasingly, gesturing to a chair sitting against the wall before patting your bed. "I'm not going to bite."

"Very funny, Y/n." Legoshi mumbles in embarrassement, though he moves to grab the chair and cautiously sits down beside your hospital bed. He's now only an arms length's away from you, which brings immediate heat to your face.

It's been so long since we last saw each other in a peaceful setting...

His dark eyes don't meet yours; instead, they're focused on the white bedsheets, though his eyes flicker to your upright form every now and then. Neither of you are sure how to start. There's so much to say, yet at the same time, not a word is willing to roll of your tongue.

So you take this time to examine him; you didn't have the time or the brain capacity to do so during the battle. The last time you saw him, he still had the bandages over his head. But now, three distinct scars adorn the space above his eye, disrupting the natural flow of his brow. Being honest, it gives him a rough, rugged appearance and if you didn't know the wolf as well as you do, you'd assume he was one for violence and chaos. Swiftly, your eyes flicker upwards, noticing the large Band-Aid on the top of his head right beside his ear.

"Riz really did a number on you, huh?" You ask gently, forcing the wolf out of his stupor, who responds with growing nervosity while he freaks out on the inside. "Oh, uhm, yeah...he did."

I don't know how to act around her! So much has happened, I don't even know where to start! A-And I'm a predatorial offender now, how is she going to react to that?! What if she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore?!

I...I can't even touch her because I committed predation...

Ugh! I've dug my own grave! I'm back to where I started!

You watch the obvious inner turmoil with growing worry, your hands fidgeting in your lap and subconsciously, you hide your damaged hand beneath your right one. While the lost appendage makes you generally a little insecure, it's very different when others see it as opposed to the guy you're in love with. Although you know Legoshi isn't the type of guy to judge, a tiny voice of doubt in your mind has you fear the possibility of him getting disgusted it. On top of that, you've got even more scars than before.

But Legoshi's not like that, you remind yourself sternly; he never made a fuss about the way I look. Besides, he's got scars, too! What reason would he have to start being judgmental now?

"Legoshi," You begin, desperate to distract yourself from your turbulent thoughts, "Please look at me."

"I am."

"No, you're not. You're looking at my blanket like it's about to tell you that Egg sandwiches are illegal now."

"Oh." Flustered, his ears flap before his finally turns his head to you. Legoshi's dark, small-pupiled eyes meet yours and it feels like time slows down; like it's only the two of you in the entire world. For just a small moment, you just see him. A grey wolf with the blood of a Komodo dragon, that is as naive and easily distracted as he is brave and determined. The first person to make you believe that this world could be your home. And unbeknownst to him, he made you realize that he was so much more than that to you.

And now that you can finally be with him again, you don't bother trying to suppress the tears when they begin to flow down your cheeks. Legoshi's eyes widen in shock, scared that he's the reason you're crying and you try to reassure him with a bright, delighted smile.

"I'm just so happy to see you again." You sniffle, wiping your eyes with your hand. Though unbeknownst to you, you used your left hand, evidently showing him your injury.

"Y/n, your...your hand..."

"Oh," Taken aback slightly, you glance down at your hand, before meeting his eyes again, "Yeah...a lot has happened. For both of us."

Once more, you try to wipe away your tears, growing frustrated when only more wet drops follow in their wake. A quiet curse falls from your lips and you let out an overwhelmed sob. The ocean of emotions in your chest is exhausting and exhilarating at the same time, as both joy and somber memories clash within your heart. "Sorry, I-I don't know why I'm crying so much right now."

Almost as though it's his second nature, Legoshi lifts his hand to your face, only to freeze a mere centimetre away from your skin. His breath hitches in his throat, sadly remembering the verdict of his criminal actions.

However, he's taken aback when you lean forward ever so slightly, snuggling your cheek against his calloused, clawed hand. Your tears wet his fur, a shudder racing through him as you lay your own bandaged hand on top of his, pressing it further against your skin.

"I missed you so much." You finally confess. As though a heavy burden has been lifted off your shoulders, more tears begin to flow and you're glad that it's just the two of you in the room; Hayato had to leave for another check-up, shortly after you had one of your own to oversee your injuries.

"I missed you, too." He answers, a low grumble of comfort in his voice. And while his instincts and his heart don't want anything else other than to wrap you in his arms and never let go, he's too unsure to do so. He doesn't know what happened to you and he'd be damned if he'd cause you even more pain. He was the cause of your misery once before and even helped trigger a panic attack that day at the train station; he won't make the same mistake twice, not when it comes to you. So he leaves all the control to you. The grey wolf is just grateful to be close to you.

Legoshi's content with everything you're willing to offer, much like you're satisfied with all that he's comfortable enough to give you. Neither of you want to push your partner further than necessary; you're both happy with just enjoying every moment together.

These past few months have shown you, just how important these tiny, peaceful moments are, where nothing but your love for the male in front of you stands in the spotlight. Gracefully, your fingers weave through the fur on his hand, sighing in delight at the familiar sensation.

A quiet noise of surprise escapes the wolf as you lean forward, your other hand coming up to tug him towards you with the front of his jacket before leaning your forehead against his. Your eyes close and you take exactly three deep breaths, reminiscing in his scent and warmth while your tears grow scarce.

"I love you." The tender words leave his lips in nothing but a whisper, bringing another smile onto your face.

"I love you, too, Wolfie." You grin, silently giggling. "So much...even if you're an idiot sometimes."

"I know," He chuckles, moving his thumb across your cheek gingerly, "But I'm your idiot."

That breaks a heartfelt laugh from your chest, a gleam appearing in your eyes that makes Legoshi's smitten heart flutter. And then, catching him off guard once again, you tug him forward just a little more.

Your lips land on his. The kiss is gentle but not any less magical than your first, the fireworks in your belly exploding harmonically as he rises from his chair a little, leaning forward to deepen the display of affection. His hand lands next to your right leg on the bed, supporting his weight. Humming contently into the kiss, only the sound of his wagging tail fills the room.

When you part again, you return to leaning your forehead against that of the wolf, who takes a seat on the edge of your bed. A love-struck smile graces his face, having you crack a smirk of your own.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Legoshi asks softly and your heart beats vigorously inside your chest, your breath hitching in hesitation. However, no matter how much you want to avoid talking about it, you also know that you want him to know about everything that has happened. You know that he'll listen and that he'll support you; even during your darkest moments.

"Yeah," You answer, ignoring the lump in your throat, "I think I do."

And so you do, spilling your heart out in front of the guy that you've grown to love. For the next two hours, you hold his hand and just talk, reciting what you've been through since you went missing. Every emotion, every scar on your soul is thrown into the open. From the day at the lab to being found by Louis, to admitting to being the deer's companion in the bar when Legoshi came around, you tell him everything. Even about Hebi and it's evident that he's shocked by what you did but at the same time, even the wolf seems to realize that you had no other choice in the matter. His fight against Riz and their battle of ideologies as carnivores made him more mature, more understanding about the lives of others.

When you get to the car crash, your hands are trembling and your throat is clogged but you keep going. Your pain, your fear, the horrible images that are burnt into your brain; all of them are laid out bare in front of the wolf, leaving you vulnerable. Though it's uncomfortable, sharing your story with the person who is admittedly the most important one to you is freeing, taking an invisible weight off your shoulders that was suffocating you since the first time you woke up in the hospital.

Eventually, you tell him about your decision to come to his fight with Riz, despite your injuries. Although you had known it was stupid, it was the only thing on your mind at the time. And you know that he would have done the exact same thing.

At the end of your story, your tears have dried, which leaves the skin on your face sensitive and splotchy. But Legoshi doesn't care, too consumed by your smell, by your presence in his arms. Despite his verdict as a predatorial offender and his hesitance to touch you because of it, he can't protest when you wrap your arms around his middle and cuddle into his chest, enjoying the warm embrace.

Hidden in the wolf's arms, you peer up at him through your lashes, making contact with his dark, small-pupiled and rather stoic eyes.

There is only one thing that you didn't tell him. You didn't tell him that you know about his status as a hybrid; not because you're ashamed of it or because you want to ignore it. But because it should've been him to tell you about that part of his life. It's his choice whether he feels ready to talk about it or not, to let you know of this obviously sensitive topic. When the time comes, you will tell him, but until then, you will treat your wolf with the same amount of love and respect as you've always done.

"Y/n," He starts, still holding you in his arms as his ears turn to lay flat against his head, "There's something I need to tell you. has to do with the police."

"Alright. What is it?"

"I'm...I'm a predatorial offender," Legoshi admits, glancing down in shame while you tighten your hold on his middle carefully, "Because I ate Louis' leg."

"You know that I don't really care about your criminal record, right?" Jokingly cocking an eyebrow, you peer up at him. However, your face contorts with worry when he doesn't reciprocate the smile on your face. "What's wrong?"

"We can't get married anymore." His voice is somber as he speaks, his throat evidently dry. The severity of his words hit you like a train and you realize that he's much more affected by this than you are. Then again, you're from a different world. "Predatorial offenders are not allowed to marry herbivores or herbivore-presenting omnivores."

"And humans are herbivore-presenting omnivores." You conclude, watching him gulp in response. "Yeah."

"Oh." For a moment, you lower your eyes, staring at the material of his jacket in concentration. Though just as quickly, you raise your head again, letting your vibrant gaze meet his with tenderness. "Well, we don't have to get married. It would've been nice and it might bring on a few legal problems along the way, but...marriage isn't everything. We love each other and that's enough for me. You can still buy me a ring if you want, or I can buy you one. But just because we legally can't get married, it doesn't mean that we can't move on from this together and continue with our lives."

Your wolf only regards you with wonder in his eyes, clear surprise on his face at your words. And of course, you don't miss the small, melancholic glaze covering his dark eyes, confirming to you that this topic is a lot more important to him than it is to you. So you only smile, snuggling up against his chest again. "We don't have to worry about that right now, okay? We've got plenty of time."

Silently, he agrees.

The hours pass by quickly, spent cuddling and simply enjoying each other's comfort. In the midst of it all, Hayato came back from his check-up. His face upon seeing the enormous grey wolf, who towers over him by a few inches, is priceless and a mixture of shock and confusion, before he remembers what you told him about your partner. Soon enough, he's introducing himself to the younger male and it would be a lie to say that it isn't hilarious to see Legoshi acting rather territorial, apologizing for the instinctual growl that accidentally escapes him.

When he eventually has to leave because of visiting hours, neither of you are ecstatic. Still, you let him leave, holding on to the promise that he'll visit you the next day. Night falls soon enough, leaving you and Hayato alone in the hospital room after Nurse Jiji left as well, taking the leftovers from dinner with her.

Surprisingly the lights of the City seem dimmer than usual, letting the stars shine brighter than before in the dark sky above. Mesmerized, you stare up into the great unknown, taken aback by the wonders the sky still presents to you.

"So," Hayato begins, demanding your attention and causing you to turn towards him, "He seems nice. Looks a little rough but they do say not to judge a book by its cover."

You chuckle, slightly flustered by the comment. "Yeah, he's a total airhead. He's got a few troubles but...he's a good person. And he's very good to me."

"I could see that." The older canine laughs. Then, his gaze turns serious, a parental curiosity twinkling within his eyes. "So...what are you planning to do?"

"With what?" You ask befuddled, raising an eyebrow at his question.

"With everything." Hayato adds. "You've been through a lot, even though you're still so young. And you seemed a little distant in the head for a while now. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that you've been thinking about a lot of stuff."

Sighing, you let you head hang a little. "Is it really that obvious?"

"Maybe." He responds gently, though the teasing tone isn't hard to miss. "But I'm a dad, so maybe I've got a sixth sense for that or something. So... what's the plan?"

A moment passes where you simply stare at him, your heart hammering inside your chest. Not because he figured you out so easily, but because it's true. Ever since you arrived at the hospital, maybe even before that, your mind hasn't been with you completely. Instead, it's wondering what you should do next.

However, today changed everything.

You've made your decision. During Legoshi's visit, you've realized something; something detrimental and although you've heard it a thousand times before, it is only now that you fully understand what these words mean.

You don't want to live with any more regrets.

These past few months have shown you the darkest sides of life and you know that you will carry the marks time has left on you for the rest of your mortal days. It has shown you that no matter how sure you are, you can never estimate what fate throws in your path.

And you don't want to regret the choices that you've made in life.

In your own world, you've lived in fear, backing down from choices just to stay in the safe lane and when you've landed here, you chose a similar path. But now, you've learned that, in order to live the life that you want to live, you have to stray from the safe path.

A leap of faith, if you will. Carpe diem, only now, you finally understand the true weight of those words.

The world is full of opportunities, that you've realized. Life is full of chances, full of love and pain, all of which create the experience that confirms you're alive. It connects everyone, whether human or animal.

Going back to your old way of life would mean losing what you've learnt, bending yourself to fit into an image that no longer matches your soul.

And so, you raise your head high, e/c coloured eyes glancing out of the window and onto the city below. A city that holds both promise and dread, yet the thrilling excitement in your heart only makes you that much more sure of your decision.

Your journey has just begun and now, after you've been so close to death yet another time, you're ready to embrace everything life has to offer.

I'm ready.

"Hayato." You begin, lifting your gaze to the twinkling stars up above with a determined smile. "I think I'm going to drop out of school."

This is my own leap of faith.

And I can't wait to see what lies ahead.


Hey there, Homies! I hope you enjoyed this final chapter of my first beastars Legoshi book! This is the end of the first part of the journey and I have to say, I'm pretty emotional right now. This is the first book that I've published and actually finished and frankly, I never thought it would reach so many people that would grow to like my writing. 

Writing is something that, back when I started this story, I always wanted to do. It was subconsciously always a part of my life and honestly, the first few stories that I wrote were pretty wack. I grew decent with my vocabulary over the years, as well as handling characters, but I lacked in plot. However, and this is what this story has thaught me, writing a fanfic that follows an already existing plot is a great learning experience. It teaches you how to connect points, develop characters, work with a story and hopefully create something that can stand alone. 

This is by no means a brag but I can safely say that my MC certainly went through A LOT in my book. But with every experience, she grew as a character, so much that now as I am writing this, it feels like she wasn't just thrown into the story but actually became a part of it. She had her own story and wasn't just a plot device or side character to be a love interest for Legoshi. 

And this experience has taught me how things about pacing, setting atmosphere, foreshadowing (even though I miraculously foreshadowed stuff I later did in earlier chapters without realizing it), interactions and writing in general. So much so that I am now working on a smaller work behind the scenes as well, one with a plot I created myself. 

And in terms of this story, well, we started with a kimi no na wa gif and we're ending it on a kimi no na wa gif. The movie has kept me inspired all this time and even now, I still listen to the soundtrack while writing. It's just so magical. 

I want to thank all of you for being a part of this journey and for enjoying this book. Without your support, I probably would've quit somewhere along the way, but look at where we are now. It's insane, I tell ya. 

Now, for those that want to come along further, the sequel is named "Home with you" and is already out on my account. It only has a small prologue as of now, but that will be where I will update soon enough. 

I hope to see you around! 

Stay safe in this pandemic!

Thank you for reading "Home"!

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