Chapter 42- Revenge [E]
"I understand completely....I'll make sure she makes it back safely...."
Julien spoke on the phone to Patrick reassuring him of Annie. He received word that Patrick was investigating the identity of his daughter's auction winner and immediately put him at ease. They talked in detail late last night, revealing the fact his memories re-surfaced and he further explained he was the bidder.
Patrick was pleased if not relieved to find out it was him. The call was to make sure her father understood the necessary arrangements and changes for the auction dinner that evening and the extended plans for the day afterward, if everything played out as he planned.
It was a relief to hear nothing but understanding and acceptance. After informing him about a few other details he had planned for tomorrow the conversation came to a close.
"Thank you again." Julien ended the call satisfied.
Turning around, Julien exhaled deeply, raking a hand through his hair. He approached the master suite watching his duchess sleep soundly. Although she looked exhausted, the rosiness in her cheeks returned and a radiance of peace shoulder her.
He tugged off his tie laying it over his suit jacket gently. Julien perched on the side of the bed caressing the softness her cheek as she lay sleeping peacufully. She signed softly turning into his touch. She had been sleeping for the last two hours. And Julien stayed watching over her as promised.
The covers slipped down revealing the sexy laced bra she wore, her nìpples erect against the soft fabric. It made Julien's mouth water and a rush of need to his arousal as it throbbed uncomfortably against his slacks.
The wait was the hardest part. It took incredible control to reign in his need. The many nights he laid awake from a heated dream about her and the many nights he ended in the gym working out to release his frustrations.
Julien looked away, hiding his view of her luscious mouth watering body and stood up abruptly heading to the bathroom to take a cold shower.
Stripping down, Julien turned the faucet to cold and stepped in. He stretched his arms up against the wall, bending his head forward letting the water take down the heat of his body. The cold water beat against his hardness, lessening the throb and ache. After a few minutes, he dropped his arms grabbing a loofa and lathering it generously with the soap provided. His muscles relaxed slightly after rinsing the last remains of the soap and shampoo.
Julien listens as the door open sand halted his movements, switching the nob off, the towel he prepared was left hanging on the showers glass door. He quickly wrapped it around his waist and stepped out.
Annie turned to her side and blinked rapidly, awakening from her deep slumber. At first she was confused not recognizing where she was. Then she remembered seeing Julien and talking to him. What appeared to be a dream to her was actually the reality as she scanned her surroundings and did in fact find herself in the suite she met him in and asleep in the bed he insisted she rest in.
Annie stretched her arms above her, the sheet that covered her slipped further down her waist. The room was partially in shadow, a lone lamp across the room was lit on the lowest setting. She turned to the sound of a shower running, the water beating down against the hard tile of the shower. She knew Julien must be in there, he would not leave her, she felt he was close by as she slept. Not knowing how but she sensed him watching her.
Sitting up, Finally, she thought waking up fully and thinking back to the last few hours feeling like an entirely different person. It was as if a dark cloud that shrouded around her lifted. The life she wanted, the love she desperately missed stood right in the palm of her hands. The broken pieces of her were coming back together.
He was back. After all the heartache, pain, and suffering he found his way back to her again. In a span of a few months she has learned the greatest lesson, reliving the terrible memories and moments in life are apart of healing. One must go through the pain in order to experience the joy. It turned into something positive in the end. It leaves a sense of understanding and the impact is great.
The harder the challenge the greater the lesson.
She would not have learned the true value of love and happiness otherwise.
Swinging her legs to the side, Annie scooted to the edge of the bed and stood, mindless of the fact she was clad in her panties and bra and walked straight to the slightly closed door of the bathroom. Turning the handle slowly, the door squeaked softly as it swung open. The water stopped and the towel propped above the shower was pulled down.
Julien emerged from the shower, his skin glistening as the droplets of water skimmed down his chest. His hair was matted to his head as more water dropped to the towel wrapped around his waist to catch the excess. His piercing gaze stopped Annie at the threshold of the door. She hesitated as she took tentative steps. Before she reached him, Annie grabbed another towel off the hook coming to stand before him.
"Your skin is so cold." She observed, swiping the droplets of water beaded against his skin with a smaller towel. He more muscular than she remembered. The bulging muscles in his abdomen and chest tensed. The slash he acquired on his taunt broad chiseled chest was fading into a scar and more prominent than the one on his forehead. The skin was sealed perfectly and mending as it should.
"I needed to take a cold shower, love." Skimming his heated gaze up and down her near naked torso. Annie's eyes widened and bite her lip in embarrassment, forgetting her near nakedness. Julien's eyes narrowed on her lips. "A man can only take so much have mercy." Once restrained to his sides, his arms suddenly tugged her closer toward him. He wrapped his hand around the back of her head, pulling her mouth to his.
Shock coursed through as her bare flesh met his cold skin while Julien's tongue pushed inside her mouth. His need and want was pushing against her as the urgency radiated from him. His arousal strained against towel, feeling it against her thigh once again, throbbing eagerly. Understanding washed over her as she realized his need for a cold shower. Annie's hands clutched his shoulders, as she tried to keep up with his demanding, drugging kisses.
Lifting her up in his arms, and wrapping her legs around his midriff, Julien walked back into the room, never breaking the kiss, and gently laid her onto the bed. The wrapped towel around his waist was slowly loosening. The white lace of her panties and bra stood out in the darkened room, she was sprawled on the bed, legs apart, hands to her sides, and eyes watching him carefully.
"You can't stand there in lace and silk and expect me to have any control left. My patience is wearing thin, a man can only take so much, and you my love are a temptation." He said gruffly while hovering above her, kissing her abdomen, sucking her belly button, while his hands caressed her hips keeping her legs spread open. His skillful hands sent a throbbing need to her sèx while working his way slowly up.
The skin to skin contact made their lovemaking all the more intimate and more real then the other passionate times they shared. Annie caught her breath as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
His positioned his manhood which pulsed excitedly against her panty clad center, rubbing up and down against the silk, making Julien let out a deep groan vibrating from his chest.
The sensations running through her were like nothing she had ever felt before. The desire rushed in Annie's blood, making her feel lightheaded as his kisses left a trail of fire on her skin making her feverish. The desire was quickly building between them and spiraling out of control.
Julien's face was inching close to her breasts, his hands reached swiftly under and behind to unclasp her bra. Annie opened her eyes wide with shock feeling one of the only two barriers that prevented further intimacy start to slide off her arms.
If she did not stop him now, she feared she wouldn't be able to either. She stiffened and started scooting back toward the headboard, trying to keep him from reaching her breasts, cupping her bra and folding her arms over her chest. As much as her body begged him to continue, she could not lose her innocence before marriage. It was just not right.
"Julien, please, we can't...! We're not-." Married, she wanted to say but Annie stopped herself from blurting out the rest of her sentence.
Julien hovered just above her breasts, inches from his mouth. He had managed to unclasp her bra, leaving her breasts slightly bare but not enough to see their true fullness. Shuddering and closing his eyes, the muscles of his forearms stood out as he propped himself on either side of her body.
"I'm sorry." She whispered.
"I've waited for you all my life, waiting a few more weeks will not kill me." Pulling up and tightening the towel around his waist, he reached for the thin sheet covering her exposed body. Julien's posture was stiff, and his mouth was turned down, in anger, in frustration, she couldn't tell. Most of his face was hidden in shadow.
Annie frowned, "I need to go as it is, it's late. My family is probably worried about me." After removing the sheet and standing and clasping her bra back on she approached the nearby armchair she previously left her dress laying on. Starting to shrug it on she halted her actions when Julien's strong bare arms wrapped around from behind her.
Annie stiffened as her back met his bare chest.
"I phoned your father earlier as you slept. He knows you're with me, he knows everything." Julien replied in her hair, his hold tightening. "I'm sorry I lost control, yet again. I shouldn't have let things escalate so fast. My selfish needs possessed me. You're irresistible, sexy, and a tease. Your are one of the greatest tests I have ever had to endure. I need you. It's difficult to stop from loving you but I know what you expect."
Annie sighed, resting her head against his chest and turning her face upwards to his face. Julien kissed her eyelids tenderly then softly kissed her lips. "I know. I need you too. I hate it when we have to stop every time." Kissing his jaw affectionately.
"All in good time." A shadow of a smile lifted the corners of his lips. "Come to bed. I'll return you to them tomorrow. I informed your father you were sleeping soundly, he thinks you're still resting. I just got you back, I'm not about to let you out of my sight now. We've wasted too much time apart." Turning her to face him. Annie kissed his lips softly, stroking his face with her hands. Taking advantage and never letting the opportunity to taste her pass him up, Julien deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms tightly around her back and hips. He swoops her up and carries her back to bed.
Annie laid in bed feeling her lips swell from his long drugging kisses as Julien went back to the bathroom to put on his boxer briefs. Closing the bathroom door, he slid into the covers, pulling her against his body, her back to his front—skin to skin. Kissing her hair tenderly, his strong arm wrapped across her waist, and the other under the pillow they shared. They snuggled together, relishing the moment.
"I love you." He whispered close to her ear, causing Annie to shiver in delight. "Sleep well my love."
"I love you too." Stroking his arm until she slipped into unconsciousness.
Annie awoke to soft kisses along her arm. She moaned, opening her eyes slowly to intense silver eyes staring back at her. The tenderness and love in Julien's eyes brought a smile to her face.
"What time is it?" She asked, noticing he wore his dress shirt and slacks from last night. The drapes were pulled back allowing in the sunshine.
"Eight o'clock in the morning. Sleep well?" Pecking her lips softly.
"Yes, it's the first time in months that I have slept so soundly."
"Good. Freshen up and get dressed, I ordered breakfast. Your'll find the toiletries you'll need. " Annie nodded, pushing the sheet down and sitting up. Julien smirked while watching her strut into the bathroom. Before vanishing into the bathroom she turned and gave him a soft smile, enjoying the effect she had on him.
Standing in front of the mirror, Annie gazed at her face. She looked fresher already, the dark circles under her eyes looked much lighter. Her cheeks had a soft pink tint. The energy she was lacking in the last few months was slowly coming back. Spying the pink toothbrush she used last night, Annie started brushing her teeth. Rinsing out her mouth, she decided to take a quick shower finding a shower cap near the hotels many amenities.
Tucking her hair in the cap, she began stripping off her panties and bra. She turned the shower knob to hot water, not until it steamed up did she enter, letting the warmth come down on her. Lathering her body with the floral scented soap provided she washed the rest of her past torment down the drain. After a few more minutes, Annie stepped out wrapping a large white towel around her.
Taking the shower cap off, she started putting her bra and panties back on. A hair brush was laying next to some small hand towels. Brushing her hair until it shone straight, Annie applied moisturizer to her face and neck. It was the same moisturizer she used at home, wondering how Julien found out and who he had sent to retrieve such things for her. His thoughtfulness brought a small smile to her face.
Looking at her reflection one last time, her face was bare of any make-up products, but she looked fresher and felt cleaner without them. Finding a robe hanging on a hook on the opposite wall, she put it on before exiting the bathroom. Julien was nowhere in sight as she crossed the room to her awaiting dress. She slipped it on along with her high heels and exited the suite.
The smell of fresh coffee, eggs and pancakes was in the air as she passed the hallway to the living room and connected dining room. Julien was seated with a newspaper in his hands. Upon hearing her enter he folded it and laid it on the table while standing. A smile lite his handsome face as he moved towards her.
"Lovely, as always. Come." Kissing her knuckles and leading her to the table. Annie folded herself next to the chair he occupied and watched him pour coffee, first in her cup then in his.
The table was adorned with omelettes, pancakes, pastries, fresh fruit and foreign cheeses. "Eat up love. You need to gain back the weight you've lost."
The elevator doors opened, Julien clasped Annie's hand and exited to the hallway. All of a sudden they ran into the last person they would expect, Caitlin. She looked like a model dressed in a tight fitting red dress and hair curled and styled perfectly. When the recognition registered, her eyes widened and zoomed in on their intertwined hands.
"What are you doing here?" Julien asked her in quiet calmness.
All the resentment stewing inside her rose to the surface when she came face to face with Julien. Since his quick, brief, and abrupt phone call which came late into the night after the auction, Caitlin was angry and hurt after no explanation of why he broke things off with her. She tried calling him repeatedly and left messages. He ignored her calls which infuriated her further.
"You left me," pointing to herself, "to be with little Miss Prime and Proper!" Caitlin's eyes narrowed accusingly at Julien and scornfully at Annie, ignoring his question. "She struts around like she's untouchable and better than everybody else! I can't believe it! You just dump me without any explainations...I think I deserve some answers!"
Although they had not made it to the lobby, a small amount of people were hovering close making Annie wanted to shrink in embarrassment. The socializing and others passing by halted their movements and started starring at the spectacle before them.
"Caitlin. Not here. Not now." Julien warned her.
"When then? Hmm? I thought what we had was special! Don't tell me what we shared was nothing. All the times we were together...does she know!" She screeched in anger, her face turning red.
Annie paled. No.
He lied. Caitlin just hinted the worst of Annie's fears.
They were sèxuálly intimate.
The blood completely drained from her face. The breakfast she just consumed threatened to rise in her throat as her stomach turned and knotted painfully. The only thing keeping her from walking away was Julien's grip, feeling his fingers tighten around hers.
Turning, Julien glanced at Annie's expression of disgust, loathing and disbelief. "Don't even think about leaving...It's not what you think, nothing happened."
Annie shook her head in denial trying to tug her hand free.
"Oh, no. A lot happened sweetie. I'll gladly share all the details if Julien won't." The words stung like a whip, the nasty confession was confirmed making her want to throw up.
"Watch it!" Julien's anger was quickly growing to a boiling point. The look in his eyes could cut glass.
Caitlin stiffened in fear for a split second but covered it up when she glanced at the strangers watching and most especially Annie's face.
It was priceless.
It was the driving force to the cruelty she wanted to unleash.
She thrived for it—relished in it. It's the least of what they deserve. Let it be known, she was a woman who fought dirty and always won.
"All actions have consequences Julien. You can't erase what happened between us." Caitlin taunted him and Annie, taking a strand of her blond hair and weaving it between her slender fingers, while smiling maliciously. "What a unexpected coincidence." She continued. If it were not for the interview Caitlin needed for the newspaper and coincidently running into them hand in hand, she would have never known the reason. "I'm here for work, and luckily I stumbled across the last person I thought I would see. Thanks for responding back to my messages!" She said scornfully.
Just when everything started to look up and come back into place, this had to happen. Caitlin and Julien were together from the beginning of his amnesia for months. He did not know her or anything about what they had shared, acting upon his own free will. He lied to protect what they had. Annie could not help but feel her resolve chip away as the hurt, the betrayal and heartache flooded her whole being, all over again.
She should have known better. Internally kicking herself. How naive she was. What a foolish, hopeless girl she looked.
All the insecurities, all the pain slowly rose back from the ashes.
It was one hurtle after another. Annie was sick and tired of it. All she wanted was to be happy again. To feel free. She was being pulled in two different directions.
Why did life have to be so complicated?
Why did he have to sleep with her? Why? Her heart shouted as it tore down the middle. He practically assured her last night they did nothing but kiss. Did he lie to salvage their relationship?
Looking from Caitlin's smug expression to Julien's pleading one, Annie was too torn, too unsure to think straight anymore. Not knowing what to believe.
"Julien let me go. I have to leave. I-I can't-..." Her legs threatened to buckle from beneath her as the tears began burning behind her eyes but determinedly kept them away. "I need some–please just let me go, I need some air." She whispered brokenly.
The Julien that woke up from his amnesia made all the mistakes. The old Julien would never hurt her this way. The Julien she fell in love with was paying the ultimate price and so was she. Life was playing a sick game of tug of war. It further killed her heart to push him away, it was the last thing she expected to do.
Julien closed his eyes and clenched his jaw in frustration. Caitlin's foolish, and false words were leaving a seed of doubt, sensing Annie's emotional demise. He unintentionally flaunted Caitlin in her face for months. Well aware she witnessed the kisses, the hand holding, and most likely hearing how he took her on business trips with him that were strictly for business while others from the newspaper accompanied them for the functions and seminars. But no matter how much he tried reassuring her last night, Caitlin's accusations left nothing to the imagination that more must have occurred making him look like a liar.
And he knew he could not blame her for feeling as she did. Actions speak louder than words.
The whole situation was spiraling out of control. Like a crack in a windshield slowly spreading in multiple directions. The fire Caitlin started was spreading like a raging wildfire. It would take a miracle to extinguish the damage.
Wanting nothing more than to punch a wall with his fist in unleashed anger, Julien redirected his focus at eliminating the situation before it escalated. The tugging of his hand brought him out of murderous glare directed solely on Caitlin.
"Let me go..." Annie repeated with clenched teeth. It seemed like it was the most popular sentence she had been repeating to Julien from the very beginning since they first met. Maybe he should let her go. Maybe all the trouble was not worth it, was their love worth all the circumstances?
"You are a vile-heartless and bitter human being. I was truly blind sided by you. The accident left me with no memories and my good sense of judgment." Julien accused Caitlin, watching her shrink back from his retort. Annie could sense his barely contained temper.
"But-but I have feelings for you! What changed? I thought you felt the same.."
"I have my memories back, that's whats changed! I never felt anything more than friendship for you Caitlin. I fear your feelings were one sided. Before the accident, before the amnesia, I loved this woman by my side from the very beginning," Tugging Annie's hand firmly in his grip. "She unselfishly stood back, with my missing memories of her, letting me live my life without her because she didn't want to interfere in our relationship! And here you are sputtering lies in her face to hurt her!"
Caitlin could see how much he adored her, feeling her jealousy increase along with the shock of what he just admitted. "Y-You have your memories back?" Caitlin asked in bewilderment.
Wrapping his hand around Annie's waist, Julien held her against him, keeping her from fleeing. Although, her body language stiff and unyielding, she could not help but lean against him for support.
It was exhausting to be in so much pain.
There was only one thing to contemplate. To continue with Julien or without him...once and for all.
Intense chapter. Isn't it frustrating? Isn't Caitlin nasty? It's the ultimate test, will true love prevail?
Thanks for reading, voting and commenting!
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