Chapter 33- The Wedding Part 1 [E]

Annie ran her hands down the luxurious softness of the maxi gown she wore and viewed herself in the long mirror. The hair dresser and make-up artist made her look exquisite. Dark kohl lined eyes stared back at her and the deep fuchsia colored lipstick gave her lips an even plumper look. Her strawberry-blonde hair was half way up in ringlets that flowed and cascaded down her back. 

They transformed her into a creation.  The dullness in her skin washed from her face and a fresh radiant look took over, concealing her fatigue and sadness.  The dress she chose hugged her like a glove after it was altered twice due to the weight loss she acquired. 

The soft sparkly deep red of her gown stood out against her peachy skin, giving her a soft, inviting appearance.  The back was open like a V, her arms and shoulders bare while the dress skimmed the floor. 

Annie's heart beat radically in anticipation of the coming events.  She took a deep breath and left the hotel suite she prepared herself in and headed to Sheila's room.  Entering, she found her mother, Cici and her other three sisters that flew in from school to attend the wedding.  Sheila's mother was putting the finishing touches of jewelry to her daughter's neck and ears. 

Everybody was fawning over the bride and Annie felt a pang of envy.    Deep down into the depths of her soul, she felt even more alone than ever.  Weddings, couples, happiness, and the love she witnessed left her with a painful reminder of the her non-existent future with Julien; the happy ending she was close at grasping only to be ripped apart from her so cruelly.

Annie felt the sharp pain in her stomach recalling the dream she had about her wedding day where she waited for her groom as he stood outside her room door...

The wedding dress she spied the day in the boutique she and Julien visited...

It was so long ago, shaking her head sadly. She would never find happiness again.  She lost so much before she could grasp it and fully enjoy her life. She would never marry...she would never feel a child grow within her..

Julien was her first relationship and last. 

It disgusted her to think of anyone else touching her. History was not repeating itself. The walls she built protecting her were nothing in comparison to the one's she had surrounding her heart now.

Annie vowed to never allow anyone to make her feel weak and penetrable. She vowed to never succumb to her emotions. Clenching her teeth together to keep her thoughts from overpowering her and force her to break down in front of all of them and ruin the special nuptials, she stayed silent.

Brushing her misery and negativity briefly to the side, she took a deep breath and inched closer to inspect Sheila's dress.  At first glance it was exquisite, made of the finest white silk, with a great puffy skirt and crystal sequined bodice made her look like a princess out of a fairy tale. 

Sheila's smiled happily and turned towards them.  "I'm ready!"  She announced.  Annie's sister's helped hold her long train and exited the room. 

Charlotte hugged Annie to her side in support, leading her down the hallway into the next elevator. 

"You look beautiful sweetheart...chin up and back straight." Her mother murmured. 

Annie automatically straightened her back and looked up, not realizing she was slouching.  She gave her mother a tight smile, grateful for her understanding without communicating words. 

It was going to be an emotional night and she would try to not let her mood dampen the happiness of the evening.  The elevator opened revealing Sheila and her entourage along with the wedding planner in tow. 

The planner clapped twice bringing everyone's attention to her.  "Now, Sheila I need you to stand in the center in front of the door. Your bridesmaids will start down the aisle and you follow suit when the marching song begins...." 

Not once, while standing next to Cici and the other bridesmaids, did she acknowledge the large room full of people attending the ceremony.  Annie refused to scan the crowd of onlookers knowing Julien was watching. 

But the anxiety was eating away at her, threatening to unravel as she stood by Cici listening to the vows being spoken.

Attempting to listen to their vows being exchanged,  it took Annie's sheer will power not to collapse. The room felt as though it were spinning sensing like she was about to faint.  A slight ringing in her ears almost made her cringe and want to scream. Her breathing came out in short gasps and had it not been for Cici sensing her distress and clutching her hand with hers to calm her down, Annie knew she would have had a nervous breakdown in front of a live audience. 

She was forced to turn slightly away from the crowd, shielding herself from any wondering eyes. Luckily, no one witnessed her near mental breakdown.

Overall, the ceremony was preformed beautifully and everyone clapped and cheered when Sonny kissed his new bride.  Pure joy was etched on the newlyweds faces as all cheered and congratulated them.

A  big sigh of relief left Annie's lips as she disappeared into the shadows, away from the crowd... away from Julien.
She sat in the banquet room admiring the beautiful ballroom. It was decorated in dangling chains of crystals hanging from the ceiling, large vases stood tall and center filled with an array of blooming white flowers, along with matching white-draped tables and chairs. 

The sheer whiteness of the decor gave off a relaxed ambience and tranquillity.  White was a sign of purity and perfection, a successful beginning for the newlyweds and Annie had no doubt their life was going to be wonderful. 

Light welcoming music was played by the performing orchestra.  A DJ was set up in another corner, waiting to liven up the crowd to dance.  She couldn't recall when she last ate as she skimmed the vast buffet table to the left of the ballroom.  Two delicate ice sculpted swans accented the center of the grand buffet. The wedding cake was waiting in another corner surrounded with beautifully arched pillars of flowers.

Patrick, Charlotte and Sheila's parents were at the entrance greeting guests upon their entering.  Men and women were wearing their finest tonight as Annie scanned the many different and familiar faces as they shuffled in finding their seats.

She was seated at her family's table with Brett, Cici, Anthony and Zach.  She watched alongside her family as Michael and Sheila finally take the dance floor for their first dance as a married couple.

As hard as she tried from keeping her gaze from straying, Annie's eyes kept roaming the ballroom, recognizing more distant family and close friends.  But her eyes were truly seeking the man that held her heart without knowing it, and she finally spotted him, two tables down from them. 

Annie's heart jumped in her chest and she stiffened as her breath caught in her throat.  He looked just as handsome as ever, if not more so.    His hair was slicked back, a little longer to the nape of his neck. Julien wore a black tuxedo that emphasized his muscular masculine shoulders.  He looked wider in the shoulders as if he was lifting weights since his accident. 

His skin was flawless once more, the bruising and cuts had disappeared. The scar to the side of his temple was slowing fading to a soft pink. He looked healthy and radiant, and if possible, even more sexier and powerful looking.

Annie could imagine how she looked with her mouth hanging open, starring at him like as a obsessed fan would look upon their favorite singer while performing.  Seeing him again for the first time in almost a month was serene and calming.  Not what she expected from herself.  She was a emotional mess but now, she realized how her mind made everything so much more complicated than the reality. 

Time truly heals all wounds, if only it were true for the heart as well, Annie mused silently, shaking her head from her trance and snapping her mouth closed.

Perhaps she should go over to him and reveal what they once shared.  Why was she doing this to herself?  Why not go to him like she yearned to do and confess how they were madly in love? What was the worst he would do?  Surely it would rekindle his feelings, perhaps waken him from his induced memory loss. 

The fingers in her lap tightened.  Hope fluttered in her heart.  The rush of blood flooded her face with heat.  At that moment Annie made the decision to tell him tonight. It was the perfect opportunity.   She needed him like she needed air to breath.  She would never have another chance. 

Having only eyes for him, she didn't notice his surroundings until the person sitting next to him shifted. A dainty ivory skinned, blonde-haired woman, slipped her hand into the crook of his arm.

Annie paled as he smiled at the woman by his side and the lady in return smiled back hugging his arm to her chest.  Julien appeared pleased by her gesture. The woman said something close to his ear, and leaned forward, giving his jaw a soft kiss.

No, her heart screamed.  He didn't.  Not so soon.  When she was about to battle her doubts and finally found the confidence to tell him. 

The ice seeped back into her bones making the hair on her arms stand up.

He moved on.

It hurt more than he not remembering her. 

Annie felt betrayed and humiliated, the hurt ran so deep she felt her chest constrict.  Julien took her heart and stepped on it without even realizing it and it made her furious at herself for feeling so down and pathetic all this time and thinking they'd have another chance. 

Unable to think clearly she had the urge to flee the room.

Rising hastily, and scooting the chair with the back of her knees, she quickly turned around making the decision to leave and made a straight line to exit the ballroom, approaching the double doors.  Once she was free, strong arms captured her from behind and abruptly whipped her around.

Meeting her Uncle Brett's concerned eyes, she hated seeing the pity she knew he felt for her. Cici close behind him had the same expression.

"Where do you think you're going, doll face?"  Uncle Brett asked.  Annie looked to Cici and caught her gaze.  Cici looked away guiltily, her expression speaking volumes.  Choosing to ignore her Uncle, Annie turned fully to confront her.

"How long have you known he found someone else?"  She whispered accusingly as her eyes narrowed on Cici's face.  "You should have said something to me!"

Brett ran a hand down his face letting out a long sigh.  Cici's expression turned into panic. 

"I'm sorry Annie!  What was I supposed to say?  Hey, your ex is going out with his chief editor that's running the newspaper he owns...?" 

Cici's words were a stab to her heart all over again.  A lone traitorous tear escaped her eyes, running down her cheek. 

She was shell shocked.

Brett wiped the tear with his thumb and engulfed her in his warm embrace.  "I know it hurts.  Be strong.  He doesn't know what he's doing. Your sister couldn't tell you, no one could.  If you found out, we knew you wouldn't show your face here today."  He says, trying to console her.  "We were hoping if he saw you, you saw him that you two would somehow. . .

She was stiff and unyielding in his embrace. 

They all knew...and to think she was on the verge of talking to him. She would have appeared like a utter fool.

It killed Brett knowing his niece was in pain.  It looked as if she was going to have a mental breakdown.  This wasn't the Annie he was used to.  He was used to seeing her strong with a unbendable backbone.  She didn't let anything bring her down.  She fed others her strength and support and always had a solution to any problem. 

This version of her was a shadow in comparison.  It saddened him to see her come down to this.  All Brett wanted to do was go in there and kill the bastard that hurt her but couldn't, knowing the man did not know what he was doing to his niece. 

Rubbing circles on Annie's exposed back, Brett couldn't help but frown.  Skin and bones was what was left of her.  The weight loss was so excessive he could feel the bones stretch against the skin of her exposed back.  Pulling back, he held her back at arms length, scrutinizing her figure.

"What the hell are you doing to yourself!  You're skin and bones and you act like the walking dead!  Don't let a man anchor you down like this.  Nobody is worth it!"  Brett shouted in her face. 

He was so angry he didn't care who was around.

Large blue eyes blinked up at him in surprise. 

"Please doll face.  I need the old you back.  You look like a withered flower.  It's killing all of us to see you like this.  Grow that pair of balls back I know you had, and man the fùck up!" 

Annie's shock and pain momentarily evaporated, replaced with a bubble of laughter bursting from her lips that she couldn't stop from escaping.  

It had been weeks since she last laughed.   

Brett and Cici shared a bewildered look and started laughing along, realizing the silliness of what Brett said.  It was one of the most funniest things she has ever heard in a long time.  Despite her broken heart it was medicine to her broken soul that they cared so much.

Cici and Brett grabbed Annie and pulled in her for a group hug.  Feeling like a slight weight lifting from her shoulders, Annie hugged them back relaying her love to them for caring.

A throat clearing behind them made them come apart.  Annie froze, unable to move when she saw Julien and his lady on his arm.  Her stomach flipped as she leaned into Brett's arms.  He grabbed her from behind pulling him against his chest.

How much did they hear? She wondered.

"We're sorry to interrupt!  But we needed some fresh air!"  Julien's lady said coming forward with curious eyes.  Annie and the woman locked gazes, assessing one another.  She was pretty with shoulder length blonde hair, large brown eyes, and a slim figure.  Holding out her hand to shake she said, "Hello, my name is Caitlin.  I don't think we've met before.  I've met almost everyone in your family but you!"

Annie tried to shake the sliver of annoyance making its way inside of her, she met everybody in my family but me...

She couldn't stop her eyes from stealing a quick glance at Julien who she found studying her closley.  Her heart jumped in response to his heated stare upon her.  The silver of his eyes landed on her lips briefly before capturing her gaze. 

Annie's breath caught in her throat. 

If her Uncle Brett hadn't wrapped his arms around her waist and stopped the overwhelming need to automatically run into Julien's arms, she would have. 

Stay strong, she chanted.  Be brave.

A slight nudge from behind her brought her back to reality and she switched her gaze back to Caitlin,  shaking her hand. 

"I'm Annie, very nice to meet you."  Annie replied sweetly, slightly surprised how cool and calm she sounded to her own ears.  If she needed to put on a show and act like she was fine, nobody better then her could pull it off. 

Annie caught Cici's eyes widen like saucers from beside her,  shocked at her performance.  She probably thought Annie was bi-polar, first the tears, the laughter then the sweet talker.  It certainly felt like it to her.

Annie shifted her head slightly to face Julien.  She caught him staring at her again and a curious expression marred his handsome features.  Annie tried to keep her facade in place and succeded when Julien looked to Brett who gave him a slight nod and held out his hand to her. 

"I believe we've met before, at the hospital... I vaguely remember, but as you know I have amnesia and I'm forced to re-introduce myself and learn your names and faces again. I'm Julien St. James.  And your the notorious Angelica Taverrron who is always occupied with work, so I've been told..."  He said with a slight merry smirk.  

Annie knew he was teasing when he smirked at her mischievously like he used to.  His sexy smooth british accent flowed freely from him and made her soul come to life. 

Up close he looked the same, sounded the same and even acted the same.

Annie felt another nudge to her back from Uncle Brett.  Breaking her trance and stepping forward, she didn't hesitate to take his hand. 

Uncle Brett was right, she did look and feel like a wilted flower–Julien was the water that helped her essence strive.  He held the key to her happiness and her heart. Without him, she realized it felt like she was slowly dying.

If only he could remember her.

His large warm hand engulfed her small cold one. A tingling sensation flowed between them when their hands met.  But instead of kissing her hand like when they first met, this Julien just shook her hand politely.

It disappointed her.  She was hoping history would repeat itself. 

This man in front of her felt like a stranger.

Julien's eyes widened slightly when their skin touched, his eyes searching her face for something, anything that could explain why his heart lurched in his chest when he first laid eyes upon her and when they finally touched.  She certainly was a rare beauty and from what he's heard, here and there, she was also very smart.  Julien starred deeply at her strong India-ink blue eyes and he sensed like they were relaying a message. 

Julien had this strange urge to engulf her in his arms and hold her.  But he shook his head slightly at the odd sensations. 

"Nice to meet you....again..."  Was all Annie said. 

Her soft yet confident voice stirred his insides.  The challenge in her eyes did not go unnoticed by him. 

Annie held his gaze. Secretly waiting...Remember me, she silently urged telepathically. Please, remember me.

There was something about her that pulled him in, mesmerizing him like a snake under a snake charmers spell. It was strong and lulling. It was right under the surface and yet he could not pinpoint what it was. 

Caitlin had needed to use the restrooms and when they left the ballroom they spotted the three of them speaking.  "....You look like a withered flower.  Its killing all of us to see you like this..." Her uncle had said among other things. 

When her laughter reached his ears, echoing off the walls, it made him feel lightheaded.  It brought him peace where there was none in him.  It soothed the repaired broken side of him. 

What was wrong? Slightly disturbed by the little bits of information he gathered from their conversation. 

It confused him and irked his curiosity as well.   It bothered him, and he didn't understand why–Julien didn't even know her.  If it wasn't for his father asking Patrick about her well being occasionally, he wouldn't have known she existed amongst them. 

What. A. Woman, he thought. A woman in every sense of the word—Sexy, beautiful, graceful, smart.  In the short time upon seeing her, although they exchanged only a few words, she captivated his attention like no other has. 

If she were his, he would never let her go....
Thanks to everybody that's been reading and voting.

Next chapter continues during the wedding, more encounters of Annie and Julien's estranged  relationship....

Don't forget to share, vote and comment!

Thanks, Shaz

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