Chapter 1: A new world
The Office of Nival Intelligence have received a report about the Covenant discovering a Forerunner artefact that will sure will be a massive threat to humanity. Not wanting the Covenant to take the Forerunner artefact to High Charity so they can use it, they sent one Spartan Headhunter to retrieve this artefact and bring it back to the UNSC so ONI can study it and maybe use it against the Covenant. However this Spartan's mission maybe his his universe.
(Year: 2534)
(Date: 15th March)
(Time: 6:18pm)
(Location: Unknown colony)
A UNSC Pelican flies over the forest and fly low so the Covenant anti aircraft cannons will not shoot it down. The pilot press some buttons before he turns to the back of the Pelican and calls out.
Male UNSC pilot: We're dropping in 5 seconds.
???: Understood pilot.
A Spartan stood up and pulls out his assault rifle attached to a grenade launcher while he picks out a shotgun and slide it onto his back and a Magnum with a suppressor attached to it.
He then pull out his build in human engery sword and his engery sheild that he made and life them into his waist.
Male UNSC pilot: This is has far as I go! Good luck Spartan!
Then the hatch of the Pelican open up and we have a clear look at Y/n-B783 with his Spartan armor as he looks down at the ground before Turing his head to the pilot and said.
Y/n: I bet I'll be back within a day or so.
Male UNSC Pilot: (chuckle) I'll bet on it.
Y/n leaps out of the Pelican and lands safely onto the ground ans swing his assault rifle around to check for Covenant. Luckily there was none and he stood up and look up to see the Pelican fly off and out of site.
Y/n: (thought) OK, let's do this.
He aims his rifle in front and March through the dirt road to get to his location. He slowly walks through the woods aiming his rifle around for any ambushes ans keep a watch on his motion tracker on his helmet for any movement.
Either the Covenant left and got what they needed or fall asleep because there is nothing for miles which seem good but at the same time bad since he may not know what the Covenant is up to and they might set a trap for him to either to get capture or killed.
After a while of walking he arrived at his location. He duck down behind the bushes and see a few Covenant troops in front what appears to be a Forerunner bunker with a door behind two grunts sealed shut. There were a fee Elite's, Jackels ans grunts patrolling the area.
Y/n: (thought) Not much Covenant force for something they are exited about. Oh well, at least this mission will be easy.
He load up his grenade launcher and aims it over the Covenant troops.
Y/n: (thought) Let's start this party.
He fired one grenade and seconds later there was an explosion that got the Covenant troops surprised. Then Y/n rushes out and fires his rifle at a few elites and take them out.
A jackel charge up it's plasma pistol and fire a bolt at Y/n but he deployed his engery shield and blocks the jackels blast and then kill a jackel with his shotgun.
Then a few grunts and elites fire on Y/n but he blocks their plasma with his engery shield and swap his shotgun with his Magnum and fire a few rounds at them and took them out.
One elite roars and active his engery sword which made Y/n smirk inside his helmet.
Y/n: (smirk) Alright Elite, let's dance.
He said this while he took out his deactivate engery blade ans active it. The elite charge at him and swing his sword at him but he dodges it and blocks the elite with his own and the two close engery blades behind he slams his shoulders in the elites chest and slash his engery blade at the elite and killing him for good.
Y/n deactivate his engery blade and looks around to see the area is clear. He turn to the Forerunner bunker and walks up to it. The doors open and Y/n step through and the door closes behind him as he make his journey down to the bunker with shotgun in hand just in case.
He reach at the bottom and stands in the middle of a hallway that seems to go on for miles but he had a mission to do so he make his way through the hall in order to find this Forerunner artefact he must collect.
He walk through the halls until he turn to a door that might have the Forerunner artefact snd he was right. He open the door and there it was. A large device that look like a Slipespace drive but it was small like the size of a battery and it gives off a multi coloured like look to it.
He walks towards it and pulls it out and set it onto the ground.
Y/n: So a Slipespace drive got the Covenant so exited about? But wait, why is it giving off this multi colour like look to it? Maybe ONI will explain this once I take it back.
He picks up the artefact and take it through the door. As soon he turns a corner he was suddenly spotted by Covenant troops that has more troops then he suspected.
Elite troop: The demon has the artefact!
Y/n: What? Oh no I'm just taking it to get clean, mind I-
Then they fire at him which he take cover and fire his assault rifle at them and taking some troops out. Then another plasma bolt fly by behind him and he turn to see more heavy troops coming out behind him.
Realising he is out numbered he pulled back into the room and seal the door in hopes that the Covenant will not break through.
But he was wrong as Moments later, they start to cut through the door and he realise there is no way out and he will die soon. But he stood his ground and thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Well....if I'm gonna die here then so be it. I'm ready to go down like a true Spartan.
He aim his rifle at the door waiting for the Covenant to breach through and kill him.
Y/n: I'm waiting for you, you Covenant scum! Come and get me!
Before he thinks of his last thoughts before he die. The artefact starts to glow brighter and it shakes that drawn Y/n to his attention and soon, the artefact fired a beam at a wall and a portal open up behind him.
The portals coloured is just like the glow of the artefact whifh surprised Y/n but he turn to the door and see they are alsmot through so he grab the artefact and calls out through the door.
Y/n: (smirk) See you alright Covenant fuckers.
Then he sprint towards the portal just as the door behind him blows off and Y/n leaps through the portal and thr portal shuts on the Covenant as they see the demon has escape.
One elite roars out in anger as they fail to protect the artefact from the demon and know it is gone along with Y/n-B783 too.
(Unknown location)
We open up to a open landscape with cracks on the ground with the sun shines brightly above the sky with a clear blue skies.
Suddenly a portal opens up and Y/n was thrown out of the portal and he rolled onto the ground until he stop. He slowly stand up and his hand nearly fall off the edge as he looks over to see the endless bottom with total blackness at the bottom. He moves back and he looks around to see no Covenant or any life around him.
He stood up and brush off the dust off his armor before he realise the artefact is gone and he looks around for it but it was gone.
Y/n: What happened to it? But more importantly.....where I'm I?
He looks around to still not see any life for miles. He open up his comms and calls out.
Y/n: This is Y/n-B783, dose anyone copy over?
There was just static at the other end and then he calls out again.
Y/n: This is Y/n-B783, dose anyone copy over?
Nothing. He gives up and looks around snd said to himself.
Y/n: So an ancient artefact fire a beam that open up a portal and now I'm in this Unknown planet that might be far away from any UNSC or any human life. Still I need to find some life and get back to-
???: (distance) Oh Jeez!
Y/n heard that he took cover behind a large rock. He peeks out and on top of a cliff he see a few humans on that cliff. He can't pick out what they are saying do he use his helmet to see he van hear them better.
Y/n: Let's see who are these people are.
??? 2: Man I'm hungry.
??? 3: We are all, talking about I will nit help.
??? 2: I can't help it when I'm hungry!
??? 3: Oh yeah, how's about to shut up!
??? 4: Listen up! We need some food.
??? 3 and 2: Yeah we know!
Y/n: (thought) OK so their not a threat rather they might be civilians. Still they might have some answers on what this planet is and point me to some ship I can get back to.
He decided to take his chance and walks over to them in hopes they might have some answers. Soon he was right behind them and they haven't noticed him there so he calls out.
Y/n: Excuse me, mind I ssk you some questions.
They all turn and they looked a bit surprised or shocked to see him. Three of them even get into a fighting stand but Y/n wave his arms into the air ans calls out.
Y/n: Wow! Stand down, I'm no threat here! I'm here for some questions, I don't want to fight.
The three were concerned but the old man walks up to Y/n and Y/n was a bit surprise how small this old man is bit he kept that to his thoughts.
??? 4: What is it do you like to ask.
Y/n: I know yous might be hungry but can yous point me to a shelter ship that i can take and I'll be on my way.
They looked a but confused when he said that and one person with pink hair witha blue cat nedt to him asked.
??? 2: Shelter ship? What the heck is that?
Y/n: A transport ship that gose to different Colonies across the stars.
They were even more confused until Y/n realise something.
Y/n: (thought) I don't think these people didn't came to colony only to forget about a ship here. That artefact may have sent me to a different universe where technology doesn't exist.
??? 4: My apologies but we have no heard of such thing. Still though, who are you?
Y/n: I'm Y/n-B783. I'm a Spartan Headhunter of the UNSC.
Makarov: It is nice to meet you. My name is Master Makarov of Fairy Tail.
Erza: My name is Erza scarlet a member of Fairy Tail.
Natsu: (smirk) My name is Natsu ans this is my buddy Happy.
Happy: (smile) Hello.
Y/n was a bit surprise to hear a cat talk. But then again he was nearly killed by a culture of alien's that want to wipe out humanity in order to search their so called "Gods" so he keep that surprise to his thoughts.
Gray: And I'm Gray, nice to meet you.
Lucy: (smile) And that leaves me. Names Lucy, nice to meet you.
Y/n: Well it's nice to meet you all. So what brings you here?
Erza: We were on our way back to Magnolia but we've gotten lost and end up here.
Natsu: Yeah and I'm hungry as hell.
Gray: Same.
Happy: Guys look down there!
They all look down and see wing like fish flying around at the bottom of the Canyon which Y/n asked.
Y/n: What are those things?
Happy: Those are wing fish! They are very rare and they are super delicious whatbu heard.
Gray: Wing fish Huh?
Natsu: (smirk) I like the taste of that.
Y/n: So how do we get them?
Happy: We use fishing rods to get them. Let's do this guys.
And so they do that while Y/n was behind them and trying to get comms to anyone but no such lock. He look up into the sky to see no ships or anything fly above him and thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) What if I'm trap here? Without that artefact with me I might be stuck here forever? There is human life here but still what if they need me up there along with the other Spartans. I just need to get out of here and make my way back.
Happy: What ever, I'm done.
Lucy: That was quick!
Y/n looks over and see no wing fish so he decided to get these fish his own way.
Y/n: Don't worry I'll get I for you. Be right back.
Natsu: How? It's not like you can grab them.
Then he leaps off the cliff that shocks everyone and they think he was done for. Then he flies up out of the Canyon holding one wing fish and said.
Y/n: I believe this is the only one I can grab. The rest fly off when I came down.
He lands safely onto his feet while they were shocked that he can fly and set the dead wing fish in front of them.
Makarov: Impressive. I never know you can fly.
Y/n: My jetpack can take me up into the air and that's how I got it without falling down to the Canyon.
Erza: Interesting.
Then Natsu brave out flames out of his mouth to cook the fish. This surprised Y/n to see he has powers and asked.
Y/n: He can breath fire?
Lucy: Yeah, that's Natsu magic. He's a dragon slayer.
Y/n: Dragon slayer?
Lucy: He was taking care of by a dragon named igneel and he train him to be do dragon like abilities.
Y/n: (thought) So it's like the Spartans except with magic. How interesting.
Natsu: There you go Happy.
Happy: But it won't be far for any of yous to have.
Gray: It's way too small. If we cut it, we just want more.
Makarov: Hurry up before we change our minds!
Happy: (smile) Okey! Don't mind if I do.
Then Happy eats the fish while the rest except for Y/n was jealous that Happy have the first taste.
Lucy: I never knew I'll be jealous of a cat.
Y/n: Well look at thr bright side, at least he is happy.
Happy: Gross!
Y/n: Never mind.
Happy: This fish taste horrible!
Natsu: Well that sucks.
Gray: Know that fish is making me even hungry now.
Y/n wanna see he can help them so he open up his motion tracker to see any nearby village or town and soon he found one.
Y/n: I've decided a village just a few miles from here. If we get there, someone might give yous some food.
Natsu: Really, how do you know?
Y/n: My helmet can decided a village or town for miles away. Still we should keep moving and they might have some food for yous.
Then Y/n take the lead with the rest watch him go with Natsu smirks and said.
Natsu: (smirk) I like this guy already.
Happy: (smile) Same here.
Gray: Still can we trust him gramps?
Makarov: He might ask us some questions we might not know but he shown to help us so I believe we have to.
Erza: Let's go guys.
So they follow Y/n as he leads the group to a village that they can feed up and walk the rest back to Magnolia.
(Hours later)
After a long while of walking they finally arrive at a village and enter through the gates. Then Y/n realise there is no life anywhere as he aims his rifle around to make sure this isn't an ambush but nothing.
They stand at the middle of the village and Natsu calls out.
Natsu: Hey! Is anyone around here!
Y/n: Natsu quit. Something is wrong here.
Erza: I agree. Where is eveyone?
Gray: Do you think they just fall asleep?
Makarov: Either that or they gotten drunk and pass out.
Lucy: I think that happens at the guild.
Y/n: (thought) Guild? Is this world like a RPG game or something like that? That would explain a lot but still, something doesn't feel right.
Then suddenly Natsu start to run off while calling out.
Natsu: You guys loom around all yiu want, but I'm gonan such for food!
Then Grah ran up next to him not wanting to get the loot for himself as they two rush off through the village.
Y/n and the rest follow them and soon they catch up to them ans see Natsu knocking at one of their doors. Then the doors slowly opens and they enter the house.
On the table was very well placed food which Y/n find it suspicious while Natsu picks up a bread and smell it and said.
Natsu: (smirk) Sweet it's fresh. Open wide.
Before he could eat the bread, Y/n grabs Natsu by the arm to stop him from eating the bread and said.
Y/n: Hold up Natsu.
Natsu: What is it now!
Y/n: Look around here. There is no life anywhere and not only that, there is well placed food there that is cooked. If someone made this, where is this person now?
Natsu: How should I know. Let's just dig in.
Erza: Natsu!
Natsu: (scared) Y-Yes Ma'am.
Erza: Y/n is right. This place doesn't seem right. We hold out this long we can-
Then there was a grumble on Erza's stomach and more grumble came out everyone except for Y/n.
Y/n: We need to investigate this village before we do anything with the food. Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy yous look out in thw woods ans find any mushrooms or anything that is eatable. Me, Erza and Makarov will look around and find anything.
Natsu: Fine. Let's go Happy.
Happy: Aye.
Lucy: Wait why mushrooms?
Then they exit out of the building and while they do theirnown thing, Makarov, Erza ans Y/n search around the village for anyone or at least find anything that might tell them what happened to everyone.
Y/n use his motion tracker to scan the area but no sign once again. He hopes that the village people either were passes out or asleep but judging how the food was well cooked and placed on the table cross out both ideas.
He walks up to Erza trying to open a door but it was locked so Y/n said.
Y/n: Allow me.
Erza step back and Y/n pulls out his Magnum and fires a singal shot at the lock and the door swings open.
Erza jump a little when he fires his Magnum. Still she shake off the shock and Y/n open the door and see it was dark but he turn on his helmet flashlight snd shines it around the room. He found some tools and weapons tug in a shed.
Y/n picks up one and asked.
Y/n: What sort of weapons are these?
Erza: Those are use to practice black magic. It seems that this place is homed to a dark guild.
Y/n: I see. So tell me about this world and guilds that yous mention?
Erza: Not until you tell me about you. Where did you come from and what is the things that you say earlier?
Y/n breaths in a sigh and then tells Erza.
Y/n: You may not believe me but I'm from a different universe. In my universe there is technology and we gotten so advanced that we made Slipespace drives and ships to Colonies planets all across the stars. Unfortunately it drawn some attention from a group of Alien's own as the Covenant and we gone into war with them.
Erza: (shocked) So your a soldier?
Y/n: Yeah. I'm a Spartan 3 and trained to fight against the Covenant and soon I gone to even more hush training and became a Headhunter.
Erza: I see. You can explain to us more once we get back to the guild and we explain to you about our world.
Y/n: Understood.
The two exit out of the shed with Erza find Y/n very interesting and wants to know more aboit this mysterious soldier. Soon they regroup to Makarov and he asked.
Makarov: Find anything?
Y/n: Nothing this place is completely empty but we did find some tools and weapons tug inside a shed.
Makarov: I see.
Erza: What is that?
They look down to see a straight line that gose through the village. They follow the line until they reach to what appears to be a large X as they circle around it.
Y/n: This isn't a normal crack on the floor.
Makarov: Agree.
Erza: That is there for a purpose.
Suddenly there was a roar follow by a shake on the ground that shoke them for a bit.
Then Natsu ans the rest came back ans they gathered around to see the buildings around them start to move. Y/n.aim his rifle at the moving building and asked.
Y/n: What the heck is going on!?
Happy: (smile) I think the houses are having a party!
Y/n: I think your missing the point and what's with the mushroom on your head?
Makarov: Hold on! I think I know what's going on but we need to get to higher ground.
Y/n: Right. Move it people, double time!
They sprint above the village and they look over by the cliff ans suddenly houses and other buildings turn into tentacles and dragon like heads is shown which they were shocked to see a large and massive size creature roaring and moving around.
Y/n: (shocked) What in the hell is that?
Makarov: I knew something was odd about that line when we saw it. That line was actually a magic circle that the village people used that was banned long ago. A magic called "Alive."
Y/n: I do not like the sound of that.
Lucy: What dose it do?
Makarov: See it for yourself. It turn any objects into monsters. The village people must have thought of a idea to use it and in the end gotten eaten up.
Lucy: But why would they do that?
Erza: This village is homed to a dark guild.
Natsu: (shocked) No way!
Erza: While me and Y/n were investigating we discovered tools tug into a shed. When we have a closer look it turns out they are used to practice dark magic.
Y/n: So now I see what they try to achieve. They must have use that magic to either protect themselves or they all done it for the hell of it.
Makarov: Possibly but....there is one thing we are glad for.
Gray: Oh yeah and what's that?
Makarov: Every object turn into parts of the creatures body which means some must be food.
Y/n: Say what now?!
They were exited by this but Y/n pulls up his fist and said.
Y/n: Think about this for a second before we do anything. This creature is dangerous and if this is how the village people have ended up, who knows that another group of people would come and get trapped. Sure we were lucky but I bet anyone that will come here will not. Either you guys eat it or not I'm gonna destroy it so it won't harm anyone, but if yous wanna join me rias your hand.
They stare at Y/n until they hear a grumble of their stomach's.
Natsu: (smirk) Now let's dig in!
Happy: (smile) I'm right with you sir!
Gray: (smirk) At this rate, I don't even care how they taste.
Y/n: (thought) I won't say "I told you so" if they get sick.
Y/n: I guess it's just you and me Erz-
Then Erza leap down of the cliff follow by Natsu, Gray and Happy which Y/n sighs ans said to himself.
Y/n: This is gonna be a long day.
(Battle theme start)
Y/n leaps off the cliff and lands safely onto the ground and sprint pass a few tentacles that swings around him and dodge of it's strikes.
Then he was face to face with one of it's heads as it roars at him.
Y/n: Man your uglier then a grunt. Here, this is my welcome to my hell!
Then he fire his assault rifle at the creatures head and bullets hits it's head as it roars in pain. Y/n continues firing his rifle until he stop firing and fire a single grenade launcher and it blows up the creatures head.
The head of the creatures roars before fells onto the ground dead. Y/n lower his rifle and then tentacles start to strike at him but he pulls out his engery blade and slice up the tentacles up around him.
He then pulls out his shotgun and dodge one swing from a tentacle before he fires a blast with his shotgun and turn and fire another and he sprint over as the tentacles follow him.
He claim up onto a small hill and he pulls out his grenade and pull the pin out and turns back saying.
Y/n: Hey have this, my treat!
He throws a grenade at the tentacles and the grenade blows up taking them with it. Y/n chuckles as he claim the rest up to a hill and looks over to see Erza and Lucy.
He rushes over to see Erza facing with the creatures as he runs up next to Lucy and asked.
Y/n: Need some help?
Erza: I'll be fine. It's time to cook.
Then there was a flash of light then nearly blinds Y/n for a bit. As soon the flash of light was gone he looks over and was both surprised and confused to see Erza wearing a chef outfit with kitchen like knifes floating around her.
Y/n: Ok I am impressed and confused at the same time.
Lucy: I agree with you there.
Then Erza start to slice up the creature and soon the creature turns into small chip like pieces and fell onto the ground as it piled up on top of each other.
Erza: The trick is to cut them into small pieces.
Lucy: That is impressive and all but what's with the-
Y/n: Lucy duck!
Y/n pushes Lucy down and one of the creatures heads knocks Y/n back and slams him onto the wall. Then the head of the creature try to ram him but he grab the creatures head and pushing him back.
Lucy: Y/n!
The creature roared at him but Y/n was calm and pulls out the last grenade and stuff it into the creatures mouth.
Y/n: Eat this!
He pushes the creatures head back and the creatures swallow the grenade then soon it glow up and the creatures blood splattered onto Y/n armor and his visor which he step back.
Y/n: Damn it!
Lucy: You OK?
Erza: Are you hurt?
Y/n: I'm fine. One of it's bloody got into my visor.
He took off his helmet and wipe the blood of it. Erza and Lucy see his face and the two blushes to see how handsome and cute he was without a helmet.
Erza: (thought) My word he's just
Lucy: (thought) That face....that hair, those eyes. I don't know why but I think he's......he's.
Erza and Lucy: (thought) SO HOT!
After Y/n was done cleaning up his visor he puts it back on and turn to Lucy and Erza.
Y/n: All done.
The two seem to be disappointed but they focus on the job in hand.
(Battle theme ends)
Soon the creatures were killed and Y/n walks up the chip piles of what's left of the creature.
Y/n: So.....who's taking the first bite?
Erza: Lucy you go.
Lucy: Not gonna happen!
Erza: Fine I will.
Erza took one and then Y/n noticed Happy riding on a chair and needed help.
Y/n: I guess I should help him.
Y/n pulls out his rifle and chase after the chair that is holding Happy hostage. He attached his scope and he aims his rifle at the chair and once he gotten a clear shot. He took it and the chair was blown up and Happy rolled onto the floor.
Y/n walks up to Happy while he slide his rifle onto his back and his mushroom head came off.
Y/n: Looks like your mushroom came off.
Happy: At least that's over. Thanks for that.
Y/n: No problem.
Lucy, Gray and Natsu: (distance) GROSS!
Y/n: (thought) Hate to tell them I told you so.
Eveyone was regrouped and Natsu and Gray were passed by Makarov lies but Y/n calms them down.
Suddenly the creatures suddenly come back to life and roars loudly at them. They form a circle together and ready for a rough fight.
Then suddenly there was a bright glow and they look down of the edge to see different colours shooting out from the ground.
Happy: (smile) Whoa very pretty!
Lucy: You're missing the point again! What is in your mind right now!
Y/n: This ain't good. Everyone run!
Y/n was the first to make a break for it and the rest were aboit to follow until the floor below them cracks ans soon breaks and they fell into the circle. Y/n turn back and see thsi happening.
Y/n: NO!
(Epic theme start)
Y/n runs back and he leaps off the cliff and dive down towards them. He active his jetpack to go faster and he see them enter the magic circle. He gose through and everything was bright to him but Y/n lower down the brightness of his visor and can't see them.
However what he is seeing is something glowing down below and that must be the sort of it. He fire up his jetpack and fly downward towards it. He dodges some rubble and rocks that was coming at him and rolls to the left to dodge a incoming tentacle.
He was almost there and he ready his engery blade ans once close he active it and he stabs it into the glow and there was a massive and load roar but Y/b dig his blade onto what appear it's heart and he cries out along with the creature and soon there was a massive glow that blinds Y/n and outside there was a large light that shot out onto the sky before it quickly disappear.
(Epic theme ends)
Natsu and the rest werw laying on the ground unconscious until they woke up and sat up and look around.
Natsu: Hey what happened?
Gray: Weren't we not just gotten swallowed by that creature?
Makarov: (shocked) It can't be!
Erza: What is it?
Makarov: (shocked) I don't sense of the magic circle. It's must be destroyed.
Erza: But how?
Happy: Wait, Where's Y/n?
Lucy: (shocked) Do you guys think he was-
Y/n: (distance) Hey, over here!
They all turn and they were relieved to see Y/n but he was not alone. People from the village were behind him and they were looked relieved to be freed all thanks to Y/n.
Y/n: Damages threat: Eliminated.
We see them walking the rest back to Magnolia with their stomach's empty and wants some food. Y/n was walking in the middle with Erza and Makarov behind him.
Makarov: That was some bravery you did back there.
Y/n: That's what Spartans do. We do impossible task and we complete it.
Erza: Still though. How did you know that was it's main core?
Y/n: Spartans think faster then any human would and figure out ways to get the job done. Besides, I think that was fun.
Erza smiles a bit but at the same time blushes a little while Makarov asked.
Makarov: I am impressed of your skills and bravery. You may not have magic but will you join us in Fairy Tail?
Y/n: You sure?
Makarov: (smile) Sure I'm sure. It doesn't matter you have magic or not, Fairy Tail is a place that eveyone can fit in and be a family. You'll fit right in with all of us.
Natsu: (smirk) Yeah and I wanna test how strong you are by fighting me someday.
Happy: (smile) Natsu is one stronge dragon slayer.
Gray: And a flame head.
Natsu: (anger) What was that Gray!
The two argue while Lucy walks to Y/n side and said.
Lucy: (smile) Besides that Fairy Fail is a great place to be. You'll fit right in with all of us.
Y/n wants to go back to the UNSC to rejoin the fight against the Covenant. But he have a second thought and realised he never have a normal life ever since he was a child. He might be turing back humanity but not permanently. Once he found that artefact he can go home.
Y/n: Well....since I'm stuck here I guess I need some knowledge aboit this world so yeah. I'll join yous.
Makarov: (smile) Great. Welcome to Fairy Tail.
Y/n smiles underneath his helmet and he thinks this ain't gonna be that back. Just as long he find that same Forerunner artefact that bring him here, he'll be fine.
(Meanwhile in Y/n's Universe)
We see the Forerunner Artefact that sent Y/n into Earthland floating through space. It floats through the empty void of space for a while until a bright light shines on it and a tracker beam sent the artefact towards a ship.
He pinned out to see a red Covenant ship taking the Forerunner artefact into its ship. This ain't a Covenant ship, this ship belongs to a different faction of the Covenant, those who refuse the follow the Covenant path to the great journey and make their own paths.
They called themselves.....the Banished. The Banshied Cruiser got what they found and jump into Slipespace to report this found to their leader to tell him what they found.
To be continued.............
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