Chapter 18: Rebuild and relax (Lemon)

Seven weeks has gone by since keyaru's defeat and the end of the war. With Princess Flare now be ruled of her kingdom once more, she declared the end of the war and all those will stand down and enjoy peace once again. The public were shocked by Keyaru's psychopathic ways within the world and how he controlled who own party like pawns which anger some people label Keyaru as a psychopath and corrupt to be a hero.

Still things had slowly go back to normal as the village Y/n and the rest lived in is rebuild but now has been upgraded as a large town with more shops and three guilds within Y/n's guild also have been upgraded as well to have bigger space for many guild members to join and new employees to work.

Since Y/n's apartment building was destroyed during the war and need to find a new place to stay now, he was offered to stay with Michi's place by Michi and her father farm. Disbite the village was damaged during the war, Michi and her father's home was completely fine which surprised Y/n and the rest when they check up their home a while back.

Now in the present day we see Y/n sleeping in bed snoring lightly while the sun shine through the window. After a short while he slowly open his eyes and stretch his body while he turn his body around and look up at the ceiling and laying there while he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Can't believe it has been seven weeks since Keyaru's defeat and the end of the war. It almost felt like less then a week after the war. Well guess times fly when you are rebuilding your village into a town.

He then gets to remember the death of Kado and how he was turned into darkness by his rage and lost of Kado and nearly killed Keyaru and everybody else as he lifted his hand over him while he looked at his hand thinking about that day as he slowly forms a fist.

Y/n: (thought) Don't worry Kado. I will fulfil your promise, one day for sure.

Then beside him the blanket moved as he turn and Aoi sleeping removes the blanket over her and slowly set up from the bed while she rub one eye while she said.

Aoi: Ow my head. What happened last night?

Y/n: You don't remember last night do you?

Aoi: Um no. Last thing I remember was a party and after that everything was a blurr to me.

Y/n: Oh well Unkan challenge you for a drink off and at first you refuse but he tell you that "you have killed many Goblins throughout your life but not a simple drink off" while he lend out a laughter. So he caved in and accepted his challenge and of course me and Miya try to warn you but you said "I'll be fine."

Aoi: (nervous) W-Wait? H-How many did I drank?

Y/n: 15 drinks. I'm surprised you and Unkan are still alive.

Aoi blushes in embarrassed and coverher face while she nervously asked.

Aoi: (nervous) Pl-Please tell me I didn't do anything embarrassing during that party.

Y/n: Uuummm sort off. At furst you were laughing and having a good time at first but then you mistake anything to be Goblins and start swinging your sword around trying to kill those "Goblins" you saw attacking people but you were swinging around your sword until Yogi and Ai calm you down. And then you mistaken Ai as me when you kiss her which many men find that hot while I just sigh and after a sort while me and Michi get you home. And then you pulled me onto your bed and assist I sleep with you and then you passed out.

Aoi: (nervous) Oh god! I've never act anything like that in my whole life! I'm definitely wearing my helmet for the rest of my life!

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry Aoi we all did embarrassing moments while we were drunk. Remember I was drunk, it was embarrassing before but now we can laugh it off.

Aoi: (nervous) G-Guess so. H-Hey Y/n, thanks for being with me. Even though I was drunk, thanks for sleeping with me.

Y/n: (little blush) No problem. Beside you were cute when you were smiling while sleeping.

Aoi blushes but smiles as she hugged Y/n which Y/n hugged her back. After they get changed they exit out of the room and meet up with Michi at the kitchen making some breakfast as he turn to see them as they sat around the table.

Michi: (smile) Morning you two. How was your sleep?

Aoi: Pretty good. Hey thanks for getting me home while i was drunk. You and Y/n are the best.

Michi: (giggle) No problem. I must admit I've never seen you enjoying in a party before. Must be rare for you to get drunk like that.

Aoi: (blush) Please don't mention that.

Y/n: (smile) Say where is your father?

Michi: Away to do some jobs and told me he'll be back next week. So that means we got the house to ourselves for a week.

Y/n: (smile) Awesome.

Michi: (smile) Yeah and I've already have plans for tonight that you may like.

Y/n: (smile) Sounds interesting. What is it?

Michi: (giggle) I can't say it. It will ruin the surprise.

Y/n: Oh okay. Well I'm gonna head to the guild to see what's happening.

Michi: Cool! I might work around the farm for a while and see things are working alright.

Aoi: Mind I help you. I'm a bit embarrassed to head into town after last night.

Michi: (smile) Sure thing.

Michi finished cooking breakfast and place them onto the table and once that they dig in while Y/n look over to see Michi whisper something to Aoi which made her blush a bit but node. He wonders what they are talking about but it's probably nothing as he eat his breakfast before he head out.


He enter into town and see that things are new around him now. New shops and new buildings as he walk through town while a lot of people greeted Y/n which he greet them back as he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Man this feels very weird walking into a new rebuild and upgraded village after the war. Still it's pretty awesome either way.

Miya: (smile) Hey Y/n!

He turn to see Miya walking up to him as he turn to her.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Miya. How are things?

Miya: (smile) Pretty good. How was your stay with Michi's place?

Y/n: (smile) Pretty good what about you?

Miya: (smile) Same to me. It's nice for Jimin and Rini allow me to stay at their place since mine was destroyed during the war.

Y/n: Yeah your not alone there. So where's everyone else?

Miya: (smile) They're at the new guild and they quickly liked it.

Y/n: (smile) Awesome let's check it out.

They make their way to the guild as they gone pass the still rebuild church which Y/n stop and look at and remember of Kado which Miya stop and see him looking at the church as she walk over and gently grab his hand. He squeeze her hand gently while he turn to her and node to her, assuring her that he is alright. She worryingly node and the two continue walking off while Y/n shake off Kado's death and his blame and just walk off.

Soon they made it to their guild and everyone cheered to see Y/n here which surprised Y/n that everyone would be happy to see Y/n here unlike before when he came to this world.

Tomo: (smirk) Yo Y/n how is things with you!?

Y/n: Um nothing much Tomo, nice to see you all in a happy mood.

Tomo: (smile) Yeah this guild is amazing. Bigger space, new rooms and many more. This new guild is a lot more better then our old one.

Y/n: (smile) Well that's good.

Y/n: (thought) Man Tomo was a jerk in the beginning but I guess now he's a cool guy. That or he may want to know where Aoi and Ai are since Aoi kissed Ai while she was drunk.

Tomo: (smirk) Say where is Aoi. I wanna remind her that wonderful kiss she guve to that elf girl last night.

Y/n: (thought) Called it.

Y/n: Aoi is with Michi to help her around the farm.

Miya: And Ai is away to her village for a quick visit. She told me this last night after the party.

Tomo: (smile) Oh well, least I can still think about that moment and laugh.

Y/n: (thought) He's lucky Aoi isn't here right now otherwise he'll be dead.

Hama: (giggle) Good morning Y/n~

Then Hama wrap her arms around Y/n from behind and pulled him towards her with her breast pressed against Y/n's back while she hugged Y/n while she lend out a soft giggle.

Hama: (smirk) Still warm like always Y/n. So how was your morning my sweet and cute boy.

Y/n: (little blush) G-G-Good.

Hama: (giggle) Still cute like before. I like that.

Miya gets jealous a bit while Leiko calls out to everyone for something special.

Leiko: (smile) Listen up everyone! I just got word that she is coming here for a quick visit! So I want all of you to be in your best behaviour once she arrives okay!

Everyone gets excited and rushes outside leaving Y/n and Miya at the guild along with Leiko as Y/n turns to Leiko Nd ask.

Y/n: Say who is coming here? Is it another psychopathic adventurer because I do not wanna go through all that crazy again.

Leiko: (smile) Oh no it's Tazu and her party coming here for a visit. She over heard what happened here so she decided to come by and see what has happened ever since she left.

Y/n: Huh that's cool to hear.

Miya: (smile) Yeah come on, let's hurry and meet her.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah let's go!

The two left while Leiko lend out a giggle while a blush thinking she might ask him on a date if she is ever free.

(Short while later)

We see the guild members along with Y/n, Miya, Unkan and Yogi as they were waiting for Tazu and her party to arruie and they didn't wait for long when they see them approaching them and soon they walk up to them with Tazu wave to everyone with a smirk.

Tazu: (smirk) Hey everyone, been a while hasn't it.

They cheered to have them here as they form around them and ask their adventures while Y/n, Miya, Unkan and Yogi watch this happen.

Unkan: You know the war would be a lot more easy if they were with us.

Yogi: I agree but we can't blame them for being here with us. They were also saving the world from threats such ad the demons.

Unkan: Guess that's a good reason.

Y/n: So that's Tazu and her party.

Miya: (smile) Looks like it. I believe the two are Satoko and Yumi.

Y/n: (smile) They look pretty cool.

Tazu: Hey you, over there!

Then Tazu and her party walk over to Y/n which surprised Y/n a bit ad Tazu walk up to him and pat him on the shoulder with a friendly smirk.

Tazu: (smirk) Nice to meet the boy that ended the war and stop a mad adventurer from destroying this village and everybody else.

Y/n: (surprised) Um thanks but I didn't do this on my own.

Tazu: (smirk) Yeah I know but when I heard of a boy with some crazy ass magic, I can't stop myself of thinking how strong you are, it's a good thing we get to meet you in person.

Yumi: (smile) It's very nice to meet you all.

Satoko: (smile) And nice to meet your party as well. Guess you all already know us from many stories the public told you all about.

Unkan: (smile) A lot if you ask me.

Yogi: Your stories about your heroic actions has been spread throughout this town and we are very thankful for you three's heroic actions.

Tazu: (smile) It's no problem. We also heard some other stories about you guys such as you guys being Goblin slayer teams or something like that.

Y/n: Yeah we sometimes go Goblin slaying with Aoi. It's kinda lame but she kinda likes it.

Tazu: Lame? You kidding me, Goblins are one tough creatures in the world. Glad you guys were dealing with them otherwise we may have more problems that demons.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Tazu, you have no idea how many people say that Goblins are he easy mobs ever in this world.

Tazu: (smirk) No problem hot boy.

She winked at him while Y/n blushes a bit while Yogi asked them.

Yogi: So how long will the three of you be staying?

Tazu: (smirk) Figured we can stay here for a few weeks just in case nothing happens here again while we are here. Besides, I kinda want to get to know more about the new hero himself.

Y/n: The new hero himself?

Tazu: (giggle) Yep. Your making your first steps of being a hero just like me. Say let's heaf to your guild and have a drink, drinks are on me!

Everyone cheered and they return back to the guild and have a drink as they cheered snd tall to each other. We see Y/n sitting with Tazu and her party on the second floor as Tazu and her party tell Y/n their adventures while they share a laugh while Y/n was interested by their stories.

Y/n: (surprised) Whoa, so you battled a large sea monster that was destroying a nearby village?

Tazu: (smirk) Yep. It was huge but we took it down with no problems.

Yumi: (smirk) Even though she was slip on many fishes when ever she step on them.

Satoko: (smile) And that's the reason why she hates the docks.

Tazu: Hey I thought I told you both to never share any embarrassed moments!

Yumi: (smile) Oh come on you share pur embarrassing moments to other people so it's fair we tell someone aboit your embarrassing moment.

Tazu: Fine guess that's true.

Y/n: Say I've been wondering and I wanna know. How did you get to Platinum, was it hard to get to that rank?

Tazu: (smirk) Yeah really heard but I managed to achieved it. It's pretty cool if you ask me.

Y/n: (smile) Sounds very cool.

Tazu: (smirk) Yep, say is there anyone else that got Platinum yet?

Y/n: Nope.

Tazu: So just me then? Cool but hey, maybe one day you'll get Platunum, who knows you have this very powerful magic and awesome skills right?

Y/n: Guess so.

Yumi: Speaking about your magic, can you tell us what they are?

Y/n: Well to tell you all the truth I only know a little about my magic.

Satoko: Really, can you tell us?

Y/n: Well o believe I have both magics of light and dark. It seems that these two magic can increased my abilities and skills but also give me other magic as well and allow me to enter two forms. One is light form that I can control and made me sound like a god. While the other is my dark form that made me go berserk and lose control over myself and kill anything around me.

Tazu: (shocked) Boy that sounded very powerful.....and awesome as well!

Yumi: When was the first time you ever use those forms?

Y/n: The first time I use one of then was my dark form but not a full darkness of it. According to my friends i was laughing while I was crushing Goblins around me while I laughed like a mad man. Then my first time i use my light form was when I was battling against the Goblin Lord with Aoi. Then I used my full darkness when Keyaru killed.......

He stop himself for some reason thinking about Kado while the Tazu and the rest stare at him as Y/n swallow himself and sigh and gose on to tell them.

Y/n: Sorry. Anyways, My friend Kado was killed by Keyaru which anger me so much I've turned in my dark form and battle Keyaru. I would have killed him along with everyone else if Miy and the rest haven't came to snap me out of. Then near the end of the war I used my light form to battle the demonic Keyaru and defeated him.

Satoko: I see. My apologies about your lost. At least he will rest easily now the war is over.

Y/n: Yeah I kept a promise to slay a dragon for him one day.

Tazu: (smile) That's good to hear. Hey we can help you if you like to slay a dragon for you.

Yumi: (smile) Yeah we've slayed many dragons it be easy for us.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks, I really appreciate with it.

Tazu: (smile) No problem.

Y/n finish up his drink and stand up while he said.

Y/n: (smile) Well, better head home. See you girls tomorrow.

Tazu: (smile) Sure thing man and take care of yourself.

Y/n: (smile) I will.

He make his leave and once he left Tazu lend out a giggle as she ask her girls.

Tazu: (smile) Isn't he the cuties boy ever!

Satoko: (smirk) Yeah I think he is very cute. Guess coming here was worth it.

Yumi: (smile) Agree. Can't wait to see him again tomorrow.

Tazu: (smile) Same here, can't wait for it.


We see Y/n return back to Michi's farm and walk up to the door and he was about to reach for the door nob when he noticed a note stuck onto the door. He took it off and he read the note.

Y/n: "Go to the barn for our "fun time" for tonight."

He was puzzled by this and turn to the barn to see lighting within the barn so he make his way over and see the barns door was slightly open a bit. He open the barns doors and enter inside to see everything lighting up by candles that smelled great as he walk into the middle of the barn and look around for Michi and Aoi.

Y/n: Michi, Aoi are you two here? Where are you?

Michi: Right behind you Y/n~

Then he hear the barns doors open follow by it locking at he turn around and was about to ask what is going on until he froze when he sees the two girls barely wearing anything except their bra and underwear.

Y/n's nose start to bleed while Michi giggle and walk over to Y/n and wrap her arms around Y/n's neck while she giggle once more.

Michi: (smirk) See what I ment by having "plans" for tonight~?

Y/n blushes even more while Michi lend out a soft giggle while she turn to Aoi.

Michi: (smirk) Ready on the potions Aoi?

She node as she have the glowing pink potion on her which Y/n wonders what that is until she pours it down yo the floor and the whole barn was filled with pink smoke as Y/n can feel turned on for some reason including Michi and Aoi as Michi lay him on the hay while she lay on top of him as she breaths heavily while looking at him with lust in her eyes.

Michi: (breathing heavily) We've been waiting for this all our lives and I think it's time.

(Lemon start)

Before Y/n could say another his lips was covered by Michi's as she kiss him on the lips while she make sexxy moans while she press her breast onto Y/n's chest while she stick her tongue into Y/n's mouth while Y/n can't help himself, either her sexxy moans or the potions was making hm turned on but he doesn't care and miss her back.

The two make out while Aoi watch this going on as she too was feeling turned on by this and walks over and lay next to Y/n and Michi as they make out.

Aoi: Hey can I have some~?

Michi: (giggle) Sure, thing Aoi.

She stop kissing Y/n and lower down to his treasures to take them off while Aoi takes over and made out with him and her moans were twice as sexxy as Michi's as they play around their tongues while Michi pulls down her underwear to see his dick and start licking his dick which made Y/n lend out a moan. Aoi stop to see what Michi was doing and wants to share so the two girls were licking his dick while Y/n took off his shirt thinking it's getting to hot in here but it was him who is getting hot as the two girls were licking his dick while his dick gets bigger and bigger.

Y/n: (moaning) Oh god yes! There it cums! Fuck there it cums, don't stop!

They don't stop and keep on going even more and after a while his cums exploded out of him and spread onto Michi and Aoi's face and body while lend out a moan and lay back on the hey pile.

He was breathing heavily while Michi and Aoi lick some cum from their faces and lend out a giggle before they start kissing Y/n around him. We then see Aoi pinning Michi onto a wooden piller and sticking her fingers into her vigina while Mich lend out a moan while Aoi lend over and kiss her and two girls away making out while Y/n came over and stick his dick into Aoi's butt and thrust it forward while he grab both Aoi's breast while Aoi grabs Michi's and squeeze them while Y/n kisses Aoi's neck while the two lend out a moan.

We then see Y/n on top of Michi as he thrust his dick into her while Y/n stick his fingers into Aoi's vigina making them moan while they sticking their tongue at each other while Y/n gose faster and harder as the three lend out some moans while they enter an orgasm and they exploded with pleasure like yelling. Then we see both Y/n and Aoi sticking on Michi's breast while Michi lend out some moans with pleasure while she said.

Michi: (moaning) That's it! Drink them up, drink up my milk~!

She lend out some moans while her breast gets bigger a bit while Michi and can't handle herself and lend out a moan that almost sounded like a cow as her milk exploded into both Y/n and Aoi's mouths.

They drink up her milk while Michi passes out on the hey pile while the two see her passed out and look at each other and they made out one more as they roll next to the unconscious Michi and Y/n stick his dick into her vigina and start thrusting it in her as she stick out her tongue and rolled her eyes back as Y/n thrust his dick faster and harder as Aoi slap his butt.

Aoi: (moaning) Yes~! Yes~! Oh fuck yes~! Harder! Harder! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh~!

Then two fell onto the hey pile ad the potions effects wear off while they were laying onnthe hey pile passed out as the two girls cuddle Y/n as they slept throughout the night.

(Next day)

The sun rise for a new day as we see Y/n slowly waking up and his vision was all a blurr as he slowly sat up and looks around to see him in a barn and have a massive headache as he rub his head.

Y/n: Man what happened last night? I feel like my heard was about to burst.

Aoi: (smirk) That was the greatest night in my life, what did you think Michi~?

Michi: (giggle) I think so as well Aoi.

He look kver to see both of them naked while he look at himself and see that he too was naked as well and blushes while the two weren't phase by this and just lend out a giggle as the two each grab both of his arms and pulled him down to the hey pile and cuddle hole with their breast pressed against his arms.

Aoi: (smirk) It's too early to get up yet. Let's sleep here a bit longer.

Michi: (smile) Yeah, just for 5 minutes.

Then the two fall asleep once more which made Y/n blush even more at first but he then lend out a small smile as he lay his head back and look up at the ceiling as he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Life my have challenged me in many ways but no matter what happens, I will protect the people I care for, no matter the cost.

He turn to both Michi and Aoi sleeping and smiled as he shut his eyes and sleep with them for 5 minutes before they head out to do their own jobs since now the war is over and they can live out their normal lives, in peace.

To be continued.......................

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