Chapter 1: CLUSTERF#CK

Another warning before getting into this book:

This book is, and will remain Futa/Futanari, aka chicks with dicks. If you don't like this type of stuff, you are urged to leave. But other than that, there's nothing too crazy that's gonna happen. If you have the willpower to ignore the fact that these gals have hermaphroditism, then you may remain.

If you still missed this warning and complain, I'm not saying shit. All characters are depicted to be 18+ in this story, don't come at me.

Special thanks to: Lurkerbelow this amazing bastard is what made me wanna do this fic.


3rd Person POV

A rather cloudy day, a plane can be seen flying overhead, and below was a school filled with students talking and playing, just a normal everyday school really. A girl can be seen riding her bike to school in this cloudy morning, a Khao niew bing on her mouth, presumably, she was eating it on the way here.

As soon as she reached the school grounds, she removed the helmet on her head, and she chained her bike making sure it wasn't stolen, all while eating the piece of Khao on her mouth. She seems to be minding her own business, when all of a sudden, a girl with a black cap, wearing it backwards, with ginger hair and dull cyan hoodie, walked up to her.

Maggie: Hey, Boobchuy! Whatcha eating, a puke bun?

Maggie laughs hysterically, but was then interrupted by Anne, talking back to her.

Anne: It's not a bun, Maggie. It's Khao niew bing! A traditional Thai snack, made up of rice and coconut milk! My mom made it for me's my birthday!

Maggie: Oh...well, Happy Birthday... GIMME THAT!

Maggie grabs the snack, and attempts to pry it off of Anne's grasp, but alas, Anne wasn't letting go anytime soon, as they had a small tug of war over a snack.

Anne: Hey! Get your own Thai Mom!

???: Hey, Margo!

Both girls stopped as soon as they heard that voice, and both of them looked to see, one of Anne's friends, Sasha.

Sasha: Leave her alone! Also, nice guitar solo, Vince.

She said, looking at the guy behind her, and he responded with a mere "Yeah!" to what she just said.

Maggie: Oh yeah? Or else what?!

Sasha smirks, as she looks behind her, as if looking for someone. She then proceeds to shout, calling out a name.

Sasha: Hey Y/N! Get over here, hot stuff!

A frustrated groan can be heard, and a man with no taller than 6'9" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) with E/C (eye color) eyes, H/C, H/L (hair length and hair color) hair, and was wearing an unamused demeanor on his face, as Y/N steps out of the pillar he was behind of, and makes his way closer to Sasha.

(Also, you can look however you like, I don't really care. But if you can't think of anything, I gotchu;

Your shirt:

Your pants (keeping the shoes is optional, but viable):

And your shoes:

(You may disregard this if you have a style of your own, this is just for those who can't think of what they look like)

Y/N: I told you to stop calling me that.

Sasha: Eh, I'm just saying what comes to mind.

Maggie fell silent, and she immediately turns around, completely flushed at the sight of this Adonis of a man before her.

Meanwhile Y/N:

Maggie then shook her head, lightly slapping herself, bringing herself back to reality and away from scandalous thoughts.

Maggie: Really? Calling the redneck for backup?

Anne: Hey! That's not nice!

Y/N: Granted, she's not wrong.

Maggie: Yeah, that's what I though, go back to whatever hill you were living on.

Y/N: I grew up in the bayou, you daft bitch.

Sasha: Maggie, Y/N here, happens to know Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, so you better watch out.

Y/N: I do?

Sasha lightly elbows Y/N in his stomach, letting him know to play along. He rolls his eyes, and assured Maggie.

Y/N: No, I don't, she's fucking with you. But I'd be more than happy to make you look like reverse rabbit, Maggie.

Sasha: Yep! Well, that, or you can forget coming to my awesome House Party next week, it'll be really sad when the whole class is enjoying the pool smiles without you~

Maggie blushes in embarrassment, and she looks away, not making any eye contact.

Maggie: Aw, geez, Sash. I was just playing here...

Y/N, singing to himself: Why the fuck you lyin~ Why you always lyin~

Maggie begins to walk past the three, but she stops in front of Y/N, looking at him dead in the eyes.

Y/N: What?

Maggie: ...

Maggie says nothing, but proceeds to playfully punch Y/N in the gut.

Y/N, sarcastically: Ow.

Maggie: That's for calling me a bitch.

She proceeds to walk away, a frown on her face. Anne sighs, as she walks closer towards both Y/N and Sasha.

Anne: Thanks, dudes.

Sasha: No worries! You just gotta speak their language, but nevermind that! Happy Birthday, girl!

The two began squealing, and they both do a double high-five, as Sasha begins to spin Anne. They both stop, and Anne notices Y/N looking at him, a gentle smile plastered across his face.

Y/N: Hey Anne.

Anne: H-hey, Y/N. Thanks for sticking up for me back there.

Y/N: Of course, can't have you feeling down in your special day. Oh, also.

Anne: What are you - WOOOAAHH!

Y/N suddenly lifts her up by her armpits, and threw her off the ground, tossing her into the sky like she was as light as a feather. He catches Anne, and followed it up with a very tight hug.

Y/N: Happy Birthday, you silly goof.

Anne: You threw me so high up! ...Can you do that again?

Y/N: chuckles Alright, but just once, I can't have you getting hurt.

And so, he threw Anne into the air once again, making it look like she's lighter than a feather.

Sasha: You're such a gentle giant, you know that?

Y/N: I've been told, shush.

Sasha smiles, and Y/N merely rolls his eyes...and then the bell rang.

Sasha: Ugh, buzz kill.

Y/N: Tell me about it...

Change Scene; Your POV

Y/N: Ah frogs, my favorite. You should try frog legs, Anne.

Anne: Ewww.

Y/N: Hey! It's good, damnit!

All the students weren't so happy all were groaning and shouting gross then Anne flipped over a orange frog showing its face it had its tongue sticking out clearly dead which grossed out Anne. I on the other hand, was slightly disappointed letting all these frogs go to waste...Ma would've given me such an earful.

Anne: Ugh, frogs are the worst.

Sasha: Right? Let's get out of here.

Y/N: ...Sasha, don't even-

Sasha begins to gag, faking an "about to throw up" move.

Sasha: Mrs. Virk...t-the sight of blood...I'm gonna be sick.

Mrs. Virk: Oh dear, Anne, why don't you take Sasha to the sick room? Y/N, you should accompany them too.

Y/N to himself: But why though?

Mrs. Virk then raises the frog, squeezing it a little too close for comfort to Sasha's face much to their disliking.

Mrs. Virk: Before she desecrates these beautiful frog bodies with her vomit, thank you.

Y/N, internally: That sounds so fucking weird...

Mrs.virk then walked away believing the act as Anne and Sasha run off, and out of the room. I sighed, and I walked after them, as they ran down the halls laughing. Sasha ripped off a paper on the wall throwing it down to the floor. Sasha runs past the nurses' room, but Anne came to a complete stop and shouted for Sasha.

Anne: Yo Sash! Sick Room's over here!

Sasha: sigh Forget the Sick Room. Forget school. Let's get out of here and celebrate your birthday in style!

Anne: Oof. Sash...skip school? I dunno Sash-

Sash: Anne, this is your 18th birthday! You only get one of these, so let's make it the best birthday in the history of birthdays!

Anne: Well...alright, but I gotta be home before 6 though. My parents are throwing a big party and they really want me to be there.

Sasha: Right right, you got it! Now let's get this thing STARTED-

Y/N: Now wait a damn minute, where the Hell are you two going?

Anne: O-oh, Y/N! Forgot you were supposed to be with us...uhh...

Suddenly, a teacher can be heard coming down the hall, and looking for one person, and one person in

Y/N: Oh, shit! Bail!

Anne: Hold on, what did you do?!

Sasha: Oh, he punched some guy yesterday that was badmouthing you, never seen Y/N so mad before.

Anne: You did that? For me?! Oh Y/N!

Y/N: Not the time, let's just bail, NOW! I fucking hate detention so much!

Sasha: Sweet! Come on!

I then proceed to grab both girls, and throw them over my shoulder and begin to run out of the school. I then set them down on the ground, as they got on their bikes, and I on the other hand, started running as fast as I could.

Anne: Y/N, don't you have a car?!

Y/N: I do, but it's back at the house!

Sasha: Shame, I woulda loved to see you drive that car!

Y/N: Where the Hell are we going anyway?!

Sasha: giggles You'll see!

Change Scene: 3rd Person POV

The trio found themselves in the arcade in the mall, Anne and Sasha can be seen dancing on a machine Super Dance Funtime Fusion. As they win and get the top score, Anne sits down to catch a break, but Sasha, on the other hand, kicks the machine, making it spit out loads of coins in the process, Sasha laughs, while Anne wore a fake smile, and then she immediately frowned.

Both girls then look to Y/N, who was on the Punching Machine, assuming a boxing stance. He threw a seemingly powerful punch with his right hand, and the numbers come up, reading "999". He shook his hand, as if he accidentally twisted it, and Anne and Sasha just stare in disbelief.

Then, the three finds themselves in an alleyway, Sasha spray painting her own name in the brick wall, Anne seemingly rubbing her arm, clearly nervous. Y/N, however, just leans at the other side of the alleyway, looking at Sasha with disapproval. Sasha hands Anne the spray can, and she looks at Y/N, who shakes his head no, in a disappointing manner. Suddenly, police sirens were heard, startling Anne.

Y/N: Welp, time to bail. We better move if we don't wanna spend the night behind bars.

Now the three can be seen in a park, Anne and Sasha riding a shopping cart along the path. Anne begins to scream, Sasha was cheering, Y/N...was angry to say the least...and the fact that Sasha was willing to hit that old woman didn't make him any calmer. luckily, the old woman and her dog dodged in time.

Sasha: Outta the way, Granny!

Anne: Sorry!

Y/N then slides down to the ground, and he immediately helps the old woman up to her feet, and before leaving to go after the two girls, he pets the dog real quick, and he proceeds to run after the two girls in the shopping cart again.

Y/N: Sasha I will FUCKING beat your ass! Get over here!

The three then found themselves in front of a coffee shop, both girls were wearing rather silly sunglasses, and drinking a smoothie.

Anne: So that's what Unicorns taste like; Corn Syrup.

Sasha: You wanna eat a cop in a helicopter?

Both girls chuckle, and they continue with their drinks, but then they look at Y/N, and Y/N can be seen stressfully drinking a cappuccino.

Y/N: sigh That hits the spot. Sasha, we're not done talking-

Sasha: Yeah yeah, almost hitting an old woman is bad. But hey, she's in our way.

Y/N: Why you-

Then, an alarm on Anne's phone went off. She checked to see what it was, and saw it was a text from her mom saying: "Where are you? Party starts in 15 minutes" She then lifted up her glasses with a shocked expression.

Anne: Shoot! It's almost 6 o'clock! I gotta go, dudes! Thanks for everything!

Sasha: Family party? Lame. Let me guess; A clown with Balloon Animals?

Y/N: Just because you didn't get to experience something like this doesn't mean you should make fun of those who do, Sasha.

Sasha: Oh shut up, Fun Sucker.

Anne blushes at Sasha's remark, clearly embarrassed.

Anne: I know it's not the coolest, but it's important to them.

Y/N: Don't listen to her, it's a very sweet gesture-

Sasha: Oh my gosh!

Sasha says, cutting off Y/N, "accidentally" slapping him in the process.

Sasha: Marcy says she found the perfect gift for you downtown!

Sasha shows the image to both Anne and Y/N, it was a box that had the design of that of a golden chest, three gems on top of it, and a key on the side.

Sasha: Frog music for the Frog Lover... I wonder if those Gems are real...

Anne: I dunno, what do you think...Y/N?

Both girls look at Y/N, who was looking at the picture of the music box, and...he was wearing surprised look on his face, mixed with confusion and worry, upon setting his eyes on the box. Then, he said, under his breathe:

Y/N: Holy shit...i-it's real...?

Anne: Is what real?

Y\N: I-I heard stories about a box, looked exactly like that, down to the Last detail...

Sasha: Oooh, so it's valuable then.

Y\N: It's dangerous magical fuckery, that's what it is!

Anne: Woah, dude, deep breaths, calm down.

Y/N: Even the fucking Gems are there..."a stone, blue in color, the other in green, and another that of pink"...what are you planning to do with this?

Sasha: What else, Swamp Boy? We're giving it to Anne!

Y/N: ...How much do you want me to pay you so that you don't take the box?

Sasha: What?! Dude, no! This is Anne's birthday, I wanna give her something special!

Y/N: Sasha...please...for once; Listen to me. That's just not worth it, please, text Marcy to come back and I'll give Anne something else, and to you as well if you listen to me. Just please, do NOT, in any way, get near that box.

Sasha: Are you really gonna-

She stops, seeing how serious I am. She sighs.

Sasha: Fine... we won't buy the box.

Y\N: Thank you.

Anne: Kinda dissapointed, just a bit. It looks really nice.

Y\N: I know, but just... it's bad news, that's all I know about it.

Anne: I understand...if you say it's dangerous, who are we to argue? Heck, you get us outta trouble most of the time.

Y/N: Get Marcy here, now, if you will...I don't want her near that box.

Sasha: Way ahead of ya, hot stuff.

Anne: So...what will ya give little old me?~

Y/N, nervously chuckles: I-I have yet to think about what to give you.

Anne: Y/N!

Y/N: Hey! I only said it so you don't buy the box! I'll get you something, I promise!

Then, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and I took it to see what it was. On the screen, I see a message from Mom.

Y/n, whispering: "Y/n, me and your Pa are heading out tonight, so I want your ass back home ASAP, you can bring of of them girls ya like." Goddamnit, Ma...

Sasha: Oh?! Who's that chick you like, Y/N?

Y/N: None of your damn business, Waybright. But anyway, sorry but I'll have to cut this short, I need to get home so in case someone breaks in the house, Pops doesn't shoot and kill them.

Anne: H-huh? Your dad does that?!

Y/n: You heard me. I'll see you both later, okay? Love you guys, and stay outta trouble.

Anne: Later, Y/N!

Sasha: Catch ya later, stud~

Y/N, slightly blushing: Shut up, Sasha.

I stand up and I walk away and I leave the shop, walking back home.

Change Scene; Your POV

Night has fallen, and I finally reached the house's driveway. I let out a tired sigh after a long day, not a single thought but to jump on my bed and watch some TV... But there's...this gnawing feeling that I can't shake off...should I go back and get Anne? Should I take the box and get rid of it myself? I keep walking, questions piling up after another...until I realized that I was already at the house. I entered the house, and I shouted:

Y/N: Ma, Pops! I'm home! ...Already gone? Half-expecting the old man to shout to close the door, what the Hell.

I walk into the kitchen, and see that mom wasn't there. I see a note in the fridge, with mom's handwriting on it, saying that her and dad went out on a date.

Y/N: Aww, that's I gotta fucking cook for myself, fuck!

I then turned the note around, and saw that there was more stuff written, saying that there's food in the fridge.

Y/N: Pass, don't wanna eat something cold, but maybe I'll catch some frogs tonight.

I sighed, and I crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it in the trash. I then opened the fridge, and grabbed a can of beer and started walking towards the fireplace. I looked around, and then I pulled a hidden level within the fireplace and a secret pathway beside the fireplace emerges, stairs spiraling down can be seen.

I started walking down the stairs, and I reached the basement of the house...where all sorts of weaponry are kept. Yes, weaponry. Guns, bullets, knives, and all sorts of explosives too, the whole shebang. But that's not relevant. I got to my training room, and I placed the beer can on a nearby table, and I see a giant log at the middle of the room, filled with cracks, slashing marks, and large chunks of wood that chipped away due to the . I look to my side and I see my weapons at the sword rack, my Cleaver.

(How big is that thing? 187cm in length, handle included, and you're 207cm.)

And the other, a Sabre, just beside the giant cleaver blade.

Y/N: I gotta get my mind off that box...maybe some practice swings will do the trick.

I let out a tired sigh, and I grab the cleaver with one hand and I turned to the giant log in the middle of the room. I raised my blade with one hand, before I reaching for it with my other hand, finally holding it with two hands, and I charged forward and soon as I got close to the log, I stomped my foot, and I swing the weapon in my hand, shattering the whole log in one go.

Y/N: Goddamnit, broke the damn thing...gotta calm down...

I said to myself, before I pushed the broken log away with my leg, and I turned to the corner of my room where I see other giant logs, all in perfect condition. I look at my cleaver blade, and decided to put it away for now.

Y/N: Maybe it's best I stop using this one for now...

I looked to the smaller, and much lighter blade, and I grabbed it by the hilt, doing a few practice swings. I shrugged, and I went over to the corner and grabbed another log, and I dragged it with ease into the middle of the room.

I let out another sigh, and I brandish my blade and I did a backhanded slash, followed with a thrust, and then a horizontal slash, leaving a slashing mark on the wood in the process after the attacks. I took a step back, and I dashed forward and did a spinning slice which in turn, sliced the log in half. I fall silent in annoyance, and I just let out one, final sigh before placing my weapon back in the weapons rack.

I walked over to the table and I grabbed the beer can and opened it. I took a big sip out of the can and I let out a deep sigh through my nose. I then set the beer can down and I just...sat there...silently.

Y/N: What the fuck is happening to me...

I look down and I see my hands were shaking, possibly out of fear...fear for that box. Pops told me about it, and says that it's probably some dangerous, magical that causes chaos and calamity...or maybe I'm just overthinking again, damn, gotta cut back on the frog legs.

Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate on my pocket once more, and I grabbed it to see what it was. It's a text from the friend group. I tilted my head a bit in curiosity, before I opened the message to see...the three of them...the girls, with the damn box. In the middle, was Anne, holding the box, Marcy can be seen smiling in the picture, and Sasha, was the one who sent the picture.

Y/N: Oh... Oh God no... Sasha you fucking liar.

I was about to respond to them, warning them of the box, until Sasha sent another text, reading "I said I won't buy the box, but never said anything about not taking it~". Reading this, I was filled with rage, but at the same time disappointment, with myself of course, this is Sasha, should have seen this coming. I pressed the call button, and I start to dial all three of them, waiting for either one of them to pick up...which none of them did. I let out a groan, and I dash forward to my weapons, and I grabbed the scabbard of each sword as well.

As soon as the weapons were secure, I darted for the stairs, and I closed the secret passageway, and I left and locked the house, heading straight for the park...that's where they are considering that the picture that they sent me seems to be a playground...after all, that's where they all met each other...and where they met me.

Y/N: Come on! Pick up, pick up! PICK UP, DAMNIT!

I said, angrily, as I keep on running as fast as I can to the park, with my phone in hand. I ran and I ran and I ran, which caught the attention of a few people in the area, but I was too worried to notice them looking. Finally, after what felt like hours of running, I finally got to the park, and I see the gals, near one of the benches. I see Anne, sitting down on the bench, and I see Sasha to her right, and I see Marcy, the one with the school sweater, wearing a skirt and has short hair, was beside her as well.

Y/N: Anne! Don't open that box!

Sasha: Oh great, Swamp Boy's here.

Marcy: Oh, hi Y/N! gasp Oh my Gosh, Y/N! You have swords?! Why didn't you tell me! You look so cool, like a Creatures and Caverns Character!

Y/N: Yes yes, nice to see you as well, Marcy, but WAYBRIGHT! YOU BITCH, YOU CAN'T JUST STEAL SHIT!

Sasha: Oh, you got that wrong, Swamp Boy. I'm not the one that stole it...granted, she always could have said no, but she still did it.

Y/N: ...What the FUCK does that mean, Sasha?

Anne: S-sash, please-

Sasha: Anne was the one that stole it.

Hearing that, I felt my blood run cold for a split second. I turn to Anne, taken aback as to what Sasha just said.

Y/N: That's not it...?

Anne: ...I'm sorry...

Y/N: ...Anne...why...? You're supposed to be better than this...

Sasha: Yeah yeah, so she stole it, but who cares?! Let's open this bad boy and see what's inside!

Y/N: Anne, whatever you do, don't open that thing!

Sasha: Pfft, why? Cause a monster's gonna pop out of it?

Y/N: Possibly, yes...! Maybe, I don't know, just gimme the box!

Sasha: Oh come on, we really can't have crap when you're around. Come on, Anna-banana, open it!

Anne gives me one last look, one that of regret, before she goes to open the box.

Y/N: Anne, don't! You don't know what you're doing!

Anne, ignoring my words, opens the music box, and from within said box, all sorts of colors begin to emerge, and the sky begins to rumble, and the light begins to creep out of the box.

Barely thinking, I ran, and I grabbed the box, attempting to throw it away from them, but instead...I instead, got blasted to the face with all sorts of magic voodoo stuff, colors bright enough to be seen through my eyelids...and suddenly...darkness.

Change Scene: Anne's POV

I woke up, gasping. I looked around, and found a forest? A slight, irritating pain in my head. I look around, looking if anyone of my friends are here.

Anne: Sash? Mar-mar? Where are you guys?! Y/N! Where are you?!

Y/N: You're sitting on top of me! Get off!

I looked down, to see Y/N below me, I immediately scrambled to get off, but I slipped in the process, and I was about to fall on my back, until Y/N grabbed my hand, making sure I don't fall.

Y/N: Careful now, warping here must've messed with your senses.

Anne: Warping...we were...transported here?! Well, it's better than monsters popping out of the box.

Y/N: How is being stuck in another fucking dimension better?!

Anne: ...Fair point...

Y/N: Anne, if we make it out of this alive, I will beat your ass!

Anne: You'll beat me up?!

Y/N: More like in a spanking...but you sent us to another dimension!

Anne: ...point...

I finally get off of him, and I stood up straight dusting myself. He stands up as well, and he begins to examine his surroundings. I begin to look around, and I see all sorts of bugs, MUCH bigger than their actual size...these things are scary. I began tugging Y/N's shirt, trying to get his attention, but instead, he grabbed my head, and he dropped to the ground, bringing me down with him.

Anne: Y/N, what the heck-

Y/N cuts me off by placing a finger on my lips, telling me to be quiet. Suddenly, a giant green mantis appeared from the tree-line, and it roared into the sky. We both crawled into the bushes, slowly, hoping that it doesn't see us. Then, as soon as we get to the bushes, it's front legs almost got me, and I was about to scream in fear, but Y/N immediately covered my mouth, and pulled me closer to him in a defensive manner.

The giant Green Mantis looks around, before roaring once more, and begin to walk towards the opposite direction of us. As soon as it was gone, Y/N removes his hand from my mouth, and both of us let out a relieved sigh. I turn around, and I look at Y/N, realizing how close we are to each other, I felt my face heat up...and him having his arms around me isn't helping, darn it!

Y/N: You okay? You didn't get hurt, did you? Come on, Anne. Talk to me.

Anne: N-no, I'm okay... T-thanks...

He gently smiles at me, and he finally lets me go...kinda wishing that he's still holding me. He offers his hand to me, and he helped me get back on my feet.

Y/N: Welp, looks like we're in Australia, but 10 times worse, shit.

Anne: Where's Sasha and Marcy? Didn't they get caught in the blast too?

Y/N: Maybe they were warped to a different location...

Anne: Oh God, what if they're hurt?! What if they come across one of those Mantis, or maybe something worse?! We gotta find them-

Y/N: Calm down, Anne. We don't even know where the Hell we are yet, who knows if this place even has intelligent life on it...

Anne: I-I know but...i-it's just, I don't wanna lose my only friends! G-granted, you're here...I-I'm just glad that...I ended up with you...especially since you got two swords. sniff Heh, guess you bringing that isn't impractical.

Y/N: Heh, yeah, it isn't...wait a damn minute-

He looks to his sides, as if looking for something, and when he found nothing, he started looking around the place where we are currently are. He looks at me, clear dread in his eyes.

Y/N: My other sword isn't here! Motherfu-


A few hours pass, and me and Y/N found ourselves in a massive, dead tree stump that seemed to be safe. Y/N built a fire in front of the tree stump, and both of us sit opposite of each other in front of the fire, and I can hear...Y/N murmuring to himself.

Anne: ...You okay?

Y/N: Kind of...still pissed my other sword's gone.

Anne: Oh come on, at least we have each other, right?

Y/N: Yeah, but I would have preferred having both my swords, thank you...

Anne: ...This is all my fault...

Y/N: ...?

Anne: You told me, more than once, clear as day, not to open the box. And what did I do? I opened it anyway! HAHA! sigh ...I'm sorry, Y/N... maybe I should have listened to you after all...

Y/N: ...Well, no use in dwelling in it now... I'm just glad you're safe.

Anne: are we even gonna survive? There's giant bugs everywhere!

Y/N: This place isn't that different from the bayou I grew up in. Plus, if there's giant frogs here too, score!

Anne: giggles I forgot you love Frog Legs so much.

Y/N: They're good, shush.

Change Scene: Your POV

Anne: Why exactly did you take a sword with you?

Y/N: It decreases the chance of you getting eaten, at least by 5%.

Anne: How does that help?!

Y/N: Well, we've been here for the past few days, right?

Anne: yeah? But how does that-

Y/N: That's the 5%, Anne. I'll take all the chances that I can get so that we just might live to see another day and get back home in one piece.

I said, as I swing my sword, cutting down a massive branch that was blocking our way. I gestured Anne to keep walking, and she walked past me and made sure that she remains within my line of sight.

Y/N: We need to know if there's even intelligent life here, cause if not, we're definitely fucked.

Anne: And some food, I'm quite hungry actually.

Y/N: Well, knowing you, you wouldn't eat bugs, so I guess we'll have to forage mushrooms...and we don't even know which is edible...

Anne: What if the ones we got were poisonous?

Y/N: Then we're finally outta this wretched dimension.

Anne: Don't say that!

Y/N: I was kidding!

Anne: Well it wasn't funny-

Then, suddenly, I accordion?

Y/N: Anne, shh!

Anne: What now-

Y/N: Shh, damnit!

I slammed my hand on her mouth, finally shutting her up. I hear the accordion starting to get closer and louder as seconds pass.

Y/N: There's someone out there.

Anne, removing Y/N's hand: Puah! Hey, yeah! Sounds like an accordion! Let's go ask for help!

Anne runs past me, and she started dashing towards where the sound of the accordion was coming from.

Y/N: Anne, wait for me!

I sheathe the massive blade on my hand, and I started running after Anne through the forest. Eventually, we found ourselves looking at a path, but it's barely visible, covered in fog, as the sun has just set.

Anne: Is that...a talking frog?!

I raised an eyebrow, and I look at the pathway, and saw...holy shit, she isn't kidding.

Y/N: Not just an ordinary one, seems like he's from a community, a rural one...

Anne: Can we ask him for help?

Y/N: We don't have much of a choice, let's do it.

Anne nods, and she was about to step out, but instead, she stepped on a twig, which was heard by the blue frog, causing him to stop in his tracks.

Blue Frog: H-hello?

He looks around, trying to see if anyone was with him. Anne, however, couldn't wait, runs among the tree-line to get closer to him, but instead, scares him again.

Blue Frog: What's that?!

He started walking backwards, but suddenly feeling a presence behind him, and the creature behind him rises from the bush, and he found himself staring at the creature...despite that creature, only turns out be just Anne.

Anne: Hey there, can you help me-


Y/N: Goddamnit, you scared him now!

I emerge from the bushes and make my way closer towards Anne and the Blue Frog. The blue frog took notice of me...and the weapon on my back.


The blue frog runs off, clearly terrified. I facepalm, and I groaned in frustration because of that.

Y/N: Great, now he's gonna tell other frogs about us...

Anne: I mean, wouldn't that be a good thing?

Y/N: He clearly saw us as beasts, that's nowhere near good, Anne.

Anne: Oh...well shoot... Try not to eat them.

Y/N: Heh, I'll try.

As soon as I finished talking, the Green Mantis from a few hours back bursts through the treeline, and it's attention locked on the two of us.

Y/N: Ah fuck, that damned thing's back! Anne! RUN!

Anne: Way ahead of you!


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