Chapter 17
Laf's POV
"Our decision still stands, I'm sorry Nathaniel but we’re going to Rome." I watched Herc argue with our son about taking a trip.
"Papa! Are you not going to defend me?!" I crossed my arms and leaned against the doorway of his room.
"No. Why should I? If Hercules says we're going, then we're going." He fell backwards onto his bed and Herc sighed before standing up. He walked towards me, pushed me out of our son's room, and closed the door.
"Why are teenager's a pain in the ass?" Herc remarked as we walked down the hall to our room. "All I want is to take our annual vacation and he argues with me! Are we doing something wrong?"
I turned around and put my hands around his neck. "Non non! Mon amour, Nathaniel, 'e is just being a teen. 'E is going to fight with us. Je t'aime Hercy." I kissed his neck and then rested my head there.
"I love you too Laffy." I smiled but he couldn't see it. His warm hands played with the ends of my curls that were in their signature bun. "Do you think he'll be happy when he finds out we're going to Disney?" He chuckled.
"Yeah. 'E'll be beyond happy. You and your son and Disney." I shook my head and smiled. "I feel guilty now. Can we please tell Nathaniel?"
"I guess. He probably doesn't want to see me so you go." I nodded and walked down the hall to his room.
I raised my hand to knock and waited for an answer. "Go away." I sighed and opened his door.
"Nathaniel, listen to me please. I think you'll like this trip. I know you've always wanted to explore the France part of Epcot." I grinned widely as my son's eyes became wide.
"We're going to Disney! Papa thank you! I love you!" He flung himself into my arms and hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry I argured with you and Pop."
"It's okay son. He still loves it's just," I sighed. "You've never argued with him before. Why did you argue with Hercules?"
"Can you not tell him this?" I nodded. "I-I want to be near Angelica. Dad, I think I like her. Is-is that bad?" My eyes widened. I sat beside him on the bed and hugged him.
"It's normal for you to like someone. Angelica is a very smart choice." I smiled and ran a hand through his hair. "This will be our little secret okay. Your uncle's cannot know especially."
"Thanks Pa. I love you."
"I love you too Nathaniel. Now, if I remember correctly, you and I were going shopping today. You need some new clothes boy." I chuckled and stood up. "Are you ready to leave? Your Pop has work today so it's just us."
"Yeah I'm ready. Are we going to the mall?" I nodded as we walked downstairs. He opened the front door and I locked it behind us. "Okay. Have you heard about Theo dating someone?" Nathaniel asked as I started the car.
"Ah yes. Burr mentioned something. I never expected Theo to date."
"Neither did I. Oh and Phillip fancies George Eacker a little!" Nathaniel smiled at the mention of his cousin.
"Does he now? Your uncle's will go crazy once they find out." I chuckled pulling out of our driveway.
"But you won't tell them right? Phillip will kill me if he finds out I told you." His eyes grew wide and he looked scared.
"I won't tell them. So tell me more about your crush on mon cheri. I'm your dad, I'm obligated to know this type of stuff." His face grew red as blush swept across it.
"Well, for starters, she's really pretty. Like no other girl at school is as pretty as her. And she's super smart and have you heard her sing? She has the voice of an angel!" He blushed and sighed sharing his statement. "She's perfect but I can't have her. Have you ever felt that dad?"
"Let me tell you a story son. Back in high school, I was new to America. I met your dad on my first day. 'E was the football star and I was looking for my locker." I laughed remembering our encounter. "I fell right into 'is arms. I took one look at 'em and fell in love. We became best friends and I had to watch 'em date Elizabeth Sanders all of Senior year. It killed me watching him date someone else. Now we're married and have you so I'm very thankful I waited. Maybe you and Angelica will turn out like us." I nudged his shoulder and he blushed.
"Pa! She'd never marry me." He frowned. "I'm way out of her league." I laughed.
"Yeah you are. Maybe one day you'll get to call her mine." I smiled as I pulled into the parking spot. "Alright so where too first?"
"American Eagle. I've outgrown my flannel." He responded as he closed his door. We walked into the loud, crowded mall and headed straight towards the store. "Pa?"
"Je t'aime." I smiled and pulled him into my side.
"Je t'aime mon fils. Tu as changé ton père et je vis beaucoup. Sache juste que nous t'aimons toujours." He grinned and nodded as we walked into the store.
"Je connais. Merci d'utiliser le français. C'est agréable d'utiliser la langue de mon ethnie." It made me so happy to know he was proud being French. A tear of joy fell down my cheek and I wiped it away.
"De rien. Now let's get you some clothes." We spent the next hours finding outfits I approved and he looked good in. We left with some bags of clothes and shoes for him and makeup for me.
"Hey Papa? Why don't wear makeup out of the house? You look good in it."
"Mon fils, I look good in anything. I don't wear it out because your Pop says it draws too many men to me." He giggled and smiled. "Besides, I don't need it. You know you have your aunt's smile." I frowned for a second missing my sister dearly.
"Really? I do love her smile, it's contagious. You have a great sister."
"Did you want a sibling or something?"
He quickly looked offended. "No! No way! I like being an only child. If I had a sibling, I wouldn't be able to be alone with you and Pop." He smiled at me as we got in the car.
"Oh I love you son so much. Now, let's go get some dinner. Pop is working late so we can get anything!" I giggled and drove off.
Angelica's POV
"-and he's really pretty and smart but he can be mean sometimes but I still think he's cute." My brother, who was stretched out on my lap, ranted about a guy he had developed a crush on. My fingers twirled his hair and played with it. "Angie what should I do?"
"Mmm. I don't know Pip. I've seen him before and he doesn't sound all that great."
"He's beautiful Ange! I should ask him out!" Phillip remarked. I rolled my eyes.
"Pip, I don't want you to get your heart broken. All Eacker does is play with people and then leave them. I wouldn't be able to stand seeing you hurt."
"But Angie. Can I just try to talk to him? Let me ask him out. Please!" I sighed.
"Fine." He sat up and hugged me tightly.
"Thank you Angie! I'm gonna go text him now." He got up making me shake my head and sigh. I fell back on my bed. What am I going to do with him?
Phillip's POV
I was bubbling with excitement. My phone was open to George's contact and my fingers started typing.
Phillip:Hey. Can we meet somewhere? I wanna talk to you.
Eacker:Sure. Everything alright? Never mind, Starbucks in 10?
I threw my phone down and squealed. I'm actually asking him out. I changed and threw on a sweatshirt before running into my parent's room.
"Dad, Pops. I'm going to meet a friend." My Pops looked up at me from my dad's lap. He closed his book.
"Take your phone, don't get hurt." They smiled at me and nodded.
"Thanks." I grabbed my metro card and ran to the subway station. Thankfully there was train leaving in five minutes.
I was shaking the entire ride. Why am I nervous now? The worst that could happen is he rejects me. Ugh, calm yourself Phillip, you'll be fine. I watched the door open to the subway and I stepped out. The coffee shop was only a street away and when I made it there, George was already sitting at a table sipping a latte.
"H-hey." I stuttered as I sat down across from him. He turned his head at me and smiled.
"Hey. You look nice today." I blushed and looked at my outfit choice, it was just something casual.
"Th-thanks. So do you."
"What did you want to talk about?" He asked before taking another sip of his coffee.
"I'm just gonna say it, George, I like you. Like, like-like you. I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore." Silence. "I should go." I began to stand up but he grabbed my hand. He placed his lips on my cheek and let them linger for a moment.
"You're cute," he laughed. "I like you too. So, wanna go out?"
"Yes!" I jumped into his arms and hugged him. Angie was wrong, Eacker isn't bad, or so I thought.
Hey y'all! I finally finished this goddamn chapter after what felt like an eternity. Anyways, I've been stressed with being at a state convention last week but I get to go to Nationals so that's good! I sang Burn and got second place. Enough about my life, au revoir my beautiful turtles.❤🐢
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