Chapter one
——Six years later——
"Percy" the mother called from the kitchen and the child, Percy, quickly got up from the couch and was over at the kitchen door in a second looking at his mother with patience as she called for him again and then finally looked around.
She jumped when she saw him standing at the door, just staring at her in expectancy. He was quieter than anything she's ever known, even her old self when she was on stealth missions.
"I keep forgetting how quiet you are" she said as she steadied herself with he hands on the counter "will you set the table for dinner real quick, and then you can go back to listening to the radio"
She never understood why he listened to the radio all of the time, it was like he was trying to find something, but couldn't as he turned off the radio every half hour of listening to it at exactly ten o' clock in the morning and afternoon.
He set the table for dinner while he listened to the radio and then it came on, the thing that he had been listening for, the time and date of the next blue carnival. He quickly set the rest of the table, he grabbed the radio, and plugged it back in in the kitchen outlet and his mother listened intently as the person on the radio told everyone how important this occasion was, what it meant to people, and when and where it was. They lived on the outskirts of New York, just on the line between it and the next stat under New York. Purposefully too, it made it harder for people to track them if they lived in two states at once, their mailbox was customized, and three miles away from where they lived. Strange, yeah, but safe.
Just as dinner was being put in the table the father came home, bloody and tired. His arms were sore and his body was covered in cuts from his capture, and torture from three weeks ago.
"Told you I'll be back before dinner kiddo" he said ruffling Percy's hair and taking off his shoes before going to the bathroom. He stopped by the kitchen door and lent on it with his hand on the wall.
"It's time Sally" he said looking at Percy "he's ready"
"No he isn't" she said defensive of the things that they were going to be teaching and doing to their child. It was going to be hard for both of them, but deep down she knew that this was going to happen sooner or later.
"He's not ready yet" Sally said and the man huffed and looked at Percy who was listening to them intently, looking directly at the man's eyes.
"He's ready enough and you know it" he said and he took a step towards the hallway to go and take a shower "this was going to come, whether it was one of our former agencies, or some other place...he'll maybe even on his own, but he's born for this, and I know that it's do you" he said and Sally sighed in defeat as the man took his shower and Percy came to the kitchen door.
"He aren't starting today Percy" she said "so eat as much as you can and get lots of sleep tonight because tomorrow and the years ahead are going to be tough work" Percy just walked off in silence and waited at the table. The father had gotten out of the shower twenty minutes later and they ate in silence for dinner. Then Percy was ordered to his room to sleep and the next morning was the horrible wake-up call.
The father came into the room with a straight, determined face and he dragged Percy out of bed and outside into the water. It was cold but it woke Percy up and gave him the energy that he needed to wake up and stand up.
The father made him to a thousand push-ups every morning, run three miles, practice with weapons—a different one every week, and different close-combat skills. The mother had him practice archery, practice being silent on even the loudest materials, disregard hot and cold by making him stand in buckets of ice-water while he did squats, or on hot coals—getting his feet toughened, as well as his emotions as he stood in either hot coals, ice-water, or windy conditions as he learned to keep his balance in any condition, shoot anything perfectly in cold or heat.
This went on for two years and then they had Percy fight a rainstorm. The fought for hours, Percy getting hits in on both his father and his mother, his energy and strength never ceased as he fought in his element. Unbeknownst to him it was what was making him so strong, and after a couple hours more he had gotten them both into killed situations where they couldn't escape, nor fight back or kill him somehow.
"Good job Percy" Sally said as she helped her husband up "Paul what do you think, move into the next stage"
"Yes" he said looking at Percy proudly "he's excelled in stealth, weaponry, fighting skill, strength, and silence. We don't need to try any interrogation techniques because he can't speak, or feel pain anymore, but there is that one last thing that he haven't gotten to"
Percy tilted his head in curiosity and the father came over and help his son by his shoulders.
"This next one me and your mother found out a little while ago and it surprised us" he said "other than your senses being heightened and your skill to pinpoint and shoot anything without needing sight, which is incredible. Me and your mother didn't think that it was possible, but you proved us wrong"
"We know how you can see, and there are new things that we must teach you" she said and Percy 'looked' at her in confusion.
"We found out that your real father is a Greek god, Poseidon, and that's why you love the color blue, can't eat fish, are attracted to the water as it is you, and why you get strength from the water" Paul said "have you felt something strange in your gut begging to be released" Percy nodded and the couple smiled.
"Good" Sally said "now I want you to focus on hat feeling and harness it" Paul's hands left Percy's shoulders as Percy concentrated "this is something that you have to learn on your own, and we can teach you to use it with the training and skills that you already have, but we can't teach you how to use it, we can only help you" he said as he went over to Sally's side.
"Now first it want you to feel the water particles in the air, control them, make them do things that they shouldn't naturally do on their own" he said and the child closed his eyes and opened his mind and felt, well saw all of the particles of water in their air for miles. The ocean was calling to him helping him by lending its strength, all of the creatures in the ocean told Percy what to do as he listened and did exactly what they told him.
He forced the particles of water in the air closer together and he could see. His face lit up as he saw, actually saw his mother and father as they stood side-by-side watching their child as he ran into their arms. They shed a few tears but the moment didn't last as they told him to do something else. The creatures felt what he wanted to do and they helped him create a ball of water abound them, their house, and their boat and them evaporate it.
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