Livin' the crazy life
"Dude. That was insane." Cisco tells the two hero's after rescuing a couple from a car accident faster than ever. "Even I'm getting mad at you for dirtying up my suit." Cisco tells Barry as he's cleaning said suit.
"Okay, when are we going start considering it my suit?" Barry questions him as Peter's cleaning his suit.
"I'd be comfortable calling it our suit." Cisco states to Barry.
"Tonight was the fastest you've ever ran." Caitlin congratulates Barry.
"Yes, your training is paying off. That couple is alive tonight because of you two." Wells tells the heroes. "I'd say your fulfilled your save quota. Proper rest if what you need, as do we all."
"Better yet, what we all need is a proper drink." Cisco offers. "Who's up for a round?" He asks everyone.
"Sorry man, I've got dinner with my aunt tonight." Peter apologizes because he already made plans.
"I've got movie night with Joe, I can't either. But we'll see you busy tomorrow, all right?" Barry says and they leave.
"See you tomorrow, don't do something crazy without me." Peter warns them and leaves.
"Bye." Caitlin bids her friend farewell for the night.
"What about you?" Cisco asks Caitlin.
"I think I'll pass." She tells him while grabbing his tablet.
"Are you okay?" Cisco asks her.
"I was looking for my tablet at your workstation and I found this." Caitlin states and shows the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. paper Peter told her about. "I can explain. I know you said we should stop looking for Ronnie, even Peter told me we should stop, so...I didn't stop looking for Ronnie." Cisco admits.
"Why?" Caitlin asks him. "Hartley. He said he knew what happened to Ronnie." Cisco explains to her. "Oh, Hartley Rathaway, Who is currently locked up in our supervilliqb basement jail for going psycho with sound waves?" Caitlin clarifies with him.
"Yeah. He's made some poor choices. There's no argument there. But I looked into what he was saying, and.."
"Cisco. Ronnie gone, and it's time for me to move on with my life." Caitlin says and starts packing in for the night.
"Doesn't seem like it." Cisco replies since she hasn't been doing much moving on. "What's that supposed to mean?" She questions him.
"Look, I'm not an expert on love, but I think in order to move on from Ronnie, you need to move on." Cisco tells her and she leaves.
The next day, Barry gets called into Iron Heights to check on a breakout. "The security cameras in half of the prison are shut down." Joe tells him as he enters the cell Barry is checking out. "Then Clay Parker, according to this data log, who was still locked in his cell, somehow vanishes." Joe explains and Barry disagrees.
"Not completely." Barry tells him and holds a container filled with something . "What's that?" Joe asks. "It's some kind of organic particulate residual." Barry tells him. "I found it on the floor here, just outside the cell, out in the hall. Trail leads all the way to outside." Barry explains when he sees his father coming up with a guard to watch him.
"Dad." Barry states and walks over to him and holds his hand, revising in the ability to do so.
"So...word around here is, Parker pulled a Shawshank?" Henry asks his son.
"Yep, And none of the other prisoners heard or saw anything." Joe explains to him.
"Well, they wouldn't talk to you about it." Henry states.
"Which leaves us with not a lot to go on." Barry explains to his dad. "Well, if there's anyone who can figure out how Parker got out of here, it's you, son." Henry states and his time is up and is taken back after a quick goodbye.
"So, my dad just happened to come by?" Barry asks Joe after watching his dad be taken away.
"The guard owes me a favor." Joe explains to him and Barry packs up everything to get to S.T.A.R. Labs.
"I just wanna go on record and state I have no connection to this guy whatsoever." Peter states to them after Barry filled them in.
"Not even Barry's cells move this fast." Caitlin says looking over the residue Barry brought them. "I've never seen anything like it."
"So Clay Parker is a metahuman?" Joe asks them. "Not so fast." Wells interrupts. "The particulate residue Barry gathered at Iron Heights does contains his DNA, but also the DNA of a woman."
"Run her DNA against the CCPD criminal database. See if we can get a match." Barry suggests and they do just that and get one.
"Her names Shawna Baez. Mostly petty crimes, and this girl likes to party, apparently." Cisco states seeing the list of disorderly conducts at bars.
"So I'm guessing we find her, we find Clay Parker." Joe clarifies and they get to work.
"I'll be right with you guys." Cisco says and leaves to talk to Hartley so they can talk about Ronnie behind their backs.
"What do you mean you've been asking around?" Barry asks his dad in their seats through the phone at Iron Heights with Joe.
"Do you know a Marcus Stockheimer?" Henry asks them. "Sure, he's some mid-level gangster. Works mainly on the south side." Joe answers.
"Well, word is Clay Parker was a runner for Marcus. When clay got pinched, Marcus lost a lot of money. Apparently Marcus doesn't like loosing money." Henry explains what he found out himself inside prison.
"So, what? Parker can't leave the city until he's paid off his debt?" Barry asks him. "From what I'm told, if you're a member of the Stockheimer crew, you get out, first thing you do is pay him a visit or suffer the consequences." Henrry explains to him.
"Okay. No more playing cop. Propose me." Barry asks his dad not wanting him to be hurt.
At S.T.A.R. Labs, Peter and Caitlin are looking over the samples. "So, I was analyzing the particulates that Clay Parker And Shawna Baez left behind, and I found something very interesting." Caitlin tells Peter and he moves to see what she found. "When Clay's cells come into contact with Shawna's, they adopt her properties." She tells him.
"So, if she touches someone, they experience her powers with her." Peter recaps and sees her staring out and biting her lip. "Hey, you doing okay, Cait?" He asks her.
"Why would you ask that?" She asks back at him. "Because you're doing that hitting lower lip thing you've always done when something bothers you." Peter explains to her. "You've done it about maybe a dozen times since I've known you." He explains to her, being highly observant.
"I'm fine." She states and Peter giver her a look basically telling her he doesn't believe her. "Okay fine, Cisco says I don't have a life." She explains to him and crosses her arms.
"To be fair, you really don't." Peter tells her. "I do!" Caitlin defends. "I cook, and I eat, and I read, and I hang out with you sometimes." She lists everything.
"So if you were to eliminate me, you don't have much of a life?" Peter asks her and she just smiles and laughs at that. "You don't have to be rude about it." She states to him. "Hey, it's still better than my life. I'm either swinging around the city in tights, working in the labs, or hanging with either my aunt or you. And the occasional nights of resting after a beating." Peter reassures her and she smiles.
"We are quite the pair, dr. Parker." Caitlin states to her friend.
"We are indeed, dr. Snow." Peter replies when their computers go off.
"There's an armed robbery in progress." Caitlin tells him. "Two suspects, male and female in their 20s. Sounds like our metahuman Bonnie and Clyde are at it again."
"Well, at least they have a worse social life than us." Peter quips and grabs his mask. "Call Barry, tell him to meet me there." He tells her while leaving.
Clay and Shawna are robbing the truck around a construction site as Peter swings in and sees Clay is holding two guards hostage. "Just a few bags, baby, is enough to pay back Marcus." Clay tells her as she grabs a few bags from the car. "These things are heavier than they look." Shawna states and vanishes. Peter senses her and sees their car and leaps down just in time for Barry to join them.
"Oh, Spider-Man and the new guy. The Flash, right?" Shawna asks Barry. "I've heard you're real fast. Let's see if it's true." She says before vanishing and reappearing. "Catch me if you can."
Barry starts speeding to catch her and Peter just watches. "You've gotta be kidding." Peter states when she teleports behind him and grabs Peter and brings him into the air and drops him.
Back on the ground, Shawna gets to her car, but Barry speeds in to stop her when a shot goes off and a bulletproof almost penetrates his suit. Shawna gets runninga en grabs Clay before vanishing. Barry looks and sees Peter coming in hot, but before he hit the ground, he used the surrounding equipment to catch himself and sees Barry on the floor.
"I'm just gonna say it. I hate teleportation." Peter states to Barry and he agrees.
They make it to S.T.A.R Labs and Caitlin checks on them. "This is a bullet wound, you're lucky it just barley broke the skin." She tells Barry and looks to Peter. "You've just got some windburn during that free fall. With your healing, it should be gone in about an hour or two." She tells him.
"That's a relief. After all these years of swinging, I experience windburn because I was thrown into airplane distance." Peter replies happily as Wells joins them.
"Shawna Bias. She can teleport." Barry informs Wells.
"As in, beam me up, Shawna?" Caitlin asks them and Peter is surprised she knows that reference.
"Yes, of course. Quantum entanglement." Wells states. "The ability to manipulate interconnected particles over an infinite distance. Or, as Einstein put it, "spooky action at a distance"."
"Every time either of us got close, she'd disappear." Barry states to them.
"Except for when she grabbed me and sent me to sky high." Peter interrupts. "It was almost like playing a game of-"
"Peekaboo." Caitlin interrupts him and they look to her. "Comeon, can't I name one?" She asks them.
"I like it." Peter agrees. "How are we supposed to catch her if we don't know where she's gonna be?" Barry asks.
"Everyone has limits, now we know her powers, we'll focus on those limits." Wells tells them and starts leaving.
"I'm gonna change. I gotta go help Iris." Barry tells them and leaves to find her.
"I could use a drink after today." Peter states and stands up to leave. "You wanna join me?" Peter asks Caitlin and he sees she's thinking about it.
"Sure. Remember that place where you and Ronnie showed me?" Caitlin asks him.
"The place with karaoke night?" Peter asks her. "I'll meet you there in 30." She tells him and leaves and leaves Peter as he goes to get ready himself.
Peter makes it there five minutes early and decides to wait for her and listens to someone singing Working for the weekend. His senses go off and he looks to the door and sees Caitlin and he is shocked to see her in a nice black dress.
"What?" She asks seeing his face.
"Nothing. It's look nice." Peter tells her and she smiles at the compliment and sits next to him. "You know I don't always dress like a high school principal." Caitlin informs him.
"Yeah, it's just you haven't looked like this since Ronnie." Peter explains.
"Well, since I'm trying to have more of a life, I'm changing some things up." Caitlin explains.
"I hope not too much about you, I like you as you are, Cait." Peter tells her.
"Well, maybe while we're out we can throw ourselves back out there." Caitlin states.
"Please, you're talking to the guy who can't hold a relationship because he has to hide a secret for why he's always gone and when he comes back, he has bruises or unconscious." Peter lists the problems remembering his brief relationships with Harleen Quinzel in college, even though since last he heard, she went crazy, he might've dodged a bullet.
Kitty Pride in high school that ended because of Spider-Man, and his most recent date he went on with Laurel Lance when he visited Starlight City a while back. "It Just seems I'm destined to be a lone avenger." Peter states to her.
"At least you're not lining for someone who bursts into flames and wants nothing to do with you." Caitlin tells him with a smile.
"I mean, what is wrong with us? We're in our 20s, we should be having fun, things we regret later on. But my moral compass likes to keep me from doing so." Peter states realizing why he doesn't take many risks in life.
"That compass is what so many people love about you." Caitlin says and grabs her drink. "Here's to liquid courage." She states and starts drinking it down and Peter can't remember when she actually drank more than a sip of anything like that.
"Wow. That's...seriously fast for you, dr. Snow." Peter says and she finishes the glass. "You actually drank it all." Peter states and sees she's taking risks now.
"Excuse me?" She calls a bartender. "I would like to start a tab." She tells her and Peter is surprised at her.
"I'm in the twilight zone or you are actually serious." Peter jokes and she laughs at him and Peter loves how he knows how to make her laugh so easily.
At the prescient, Cisco is using Barry's lab to figure out what happened to Ronnie. "CCPD confiscated everything from S.T.A.R. Labs after the explosion." Hartley tells Cisco as he's searching the footage. "Video, audio, traffic cam footage."
"Okay, so?" Cisco asks Hartley not seeing the point in this.
"I saw Martin Stein the night S.T.A.R. Labs went boom. He walked right past me." Hartley explains to the engineer. "You see, Stein specialized in transmutation. Molecular transmogrify. Quantum splicing. Taking two things and making them one." He expains to Cisco.
"Let's go to the videotape, shall we?" Hartley states and Cisco pulls up the footage and zooms in on Martian stein who's holding a box that's glowing and slowed the video down to see something strange.
"His eyes." Cisco realizes. "They turned white, just like Ronnie's." He states remembering how Ronnie looked when they found him. He then keeps going frame by frame and sees a face in the mist of energy from the accelerator. Ronnie's face.
"The dark matter merged Stein and Ronnie together." Cisco realizes.
"Explains why ronnie hasn't seemed like himself lately." Hartley tells Cisco while removing the devices from his ears Cisco put in and uses them on Cisco and he hold his ears as the frequency drives him crazy.
"You can't say I didn't keep my end of the bargain." Hartley admits and crushes the remote and leaves Cisco.
Back at the bar, Barry's trying to get the bartenders attention and nothing seems to be working. "Mr. Peter Parker!" His name fills the air and he turns to see Caitlin on the stage and he regrets turning his back.
"Come on down! Or is it up?" She asks and Peter sees she's drunk out of her skull. "Come up here with me." She says and Peter doesn't know what to do now.
"Oh, come show 'em what you've got. Come on." She insists while Peter knows he can't just abandon her since anyone could take advantage of her, but at the same time he's not a singer, but that doesn't stop Caitlin from getting everyone chanting for him and thinks if he has to be embarrassed, it's better than the alternative and goes to the stage.
"Yay!" Caitlin cheers as he comes up to the stage. "You know I'm not a singer, Cait. And now I know you're not a drinker." Peter informs his friend while becoming nervous.
"We are gonna being this place down." Caitlin states to him and a song states playing and Peter sees what she chose.
(Sorry for interrupting, just read this fast for this part; this text is for Peter, this text is Caitlin. This is for both of them)
"She's into superstitions, black cats and voodoo dolls. I feel a premonition that girl's gonna make me fall." Peter starts off and Caitlin takes the next part.
"She's into new sensations, new kicks and candlelight. She's got a new addiction for every day and night." Caitlin sings.
"She'll make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain. She'll make you live her crazy life."
"But she'll take away your pain. Like a bullet to your brain."
"Upside inside out. Livin la Vida loca. She'll push and pull you down. Livin la Vida loca."
"Her lips are devil red. And her skin's the color mocha. She will wear you out. Livin la Vida loca. Livin la Vida loca. Livin la Vida loca."
"I woke up in New York City in a funky cheap hotel. She took my heart and she took my money. She must have slipped me a sleeping pill. She never drinks the water and makes you order French champagne. And once you've had a taste of her you'll never be the same. She'll make you go insane."
"Upside inside out. Livin la Vida loca. She'll push and pull you down. Livin la Vida loca. Her lips are devil red. And her skin's the color mocha. She will wear you out. Livin la Vida loca. Livin la Vida loca. Livin la Vida loca."
"Upside inside out. Livin la Vida loca."
"She'll push and pull you down."
"Livin la Vida loca. Livin la vida loca."
"She'll push and pull you down."
"Livin la vida loca"
"Her lips are devil red. And her skin's the of color mocha. She will wear you out."
"Livin la Vida loca. Livin la Vida loca. Livin la Vida loca. Livin la Vida loca." They finish the song and learn they sound well together and get a thunderous applause from the audience.
"You're strong, super flexible and a bunch of other super things and you can sing?" Caitlin asks him as they go back to the bar. "Is there anything you can't do?" She asks him as she takes another drink.
"Stop you from taking more drinks than you can obviously handle, apparently." Peter tells her. "I'm not even sure that was mine." Caitlin realizes and heads towards the bathroom and Peter hopes she can make it there on her own. He then gets a call and sees it's his aunt.
"Hey, aunt May." Peter says answering it while staying where he can keep an every out for Caitlin. "Hey, just wanted to check in, see what you're doing." May explains to him and Peter love how much she cares. "Not much, I'm just out with Caitlin." He tells her.
"Is that so?" May asks and Peter realizes what he just said.
"No, just as friends. Nothing more than that, she sees me as a friend and I'm okay with that." Peter tells her.
"Whatever you say, Peter. Tell her I said hi." May says before hanging up and Caitlin comes back to him.
"Peter, I don't feel so good." She tells him and he helps her out of the Armand quickly uses his web shooters to forge a quick bag made out of webbing and she throws up into it.
"You okay?" Peter asks her while holding her hair back. "No." She answers him and Peter knows think she shouldn't be driving and decides to swing her hoping she has the stomach for it.
Barry swings Caitlin across the city and Peter drops her outside her window and opens it and helps her inside. "Are we still swinging?" Caitlin asks him as he laughs at her. "No, we've made it. We're here now." Peter assures her and helps her to her bedroom, while closing her window behind them.
"Vodka and swinging, not a good combination." Caitlin tells Peter and he's glad that he can't get wasted like she is or he wouldn't have been able to stomach swinging.
"So, who were you talking to?" Caitlin asks Peter. "Oh, that was just May checking in on me, you know how much she cares." Peter explains to her. "She said hi by the way." He tells her while looking away as she gets changed.
"She seriously cares about you." Caitlin states while trying to get out of her dress. "My mom didn't care much as to call just to talk, let alone check up on me." She states and Peter remembers how her dad died when she was little and she doesn't talk to her mother often, or at all.
"A little help, please." Caitlin asks him and Peter sees she's having trouble with her dress.
"Oh boy." Peter says uncomfortable but quickly gets her into pajamas first and removes the dress the best he could without looking.
"There you go again, saving me from that evil dress." Caitlin tells him and Peter finds it funny how this is the same woman who tells him off when he gets a paper cut because she cares.
"Just get in the bed." Peter tells her and helps her into her bed. "Did you sneak a peek? At my goods?" Caitlin asks him and Peter is glad she might be wasted enough that she won't remember anything from tonight.
"I wouldn't be much of a friend if I did, now would I?" Peter asks her as he tucks her into bed.
"Yeah, But it's okay if you did. You don't have enough danger in your life Peter Parker." She tells him and Peter finds it funny.
"Oh, I just swing from building to building, fight super powered people, with a chance of death. Not enough danger for you?" Peter asks and sees she's trying to think.
"You don't take many risks." Caitlin rephrased her statement and Peter laughs at how hard she's trying. "Same question." Peter replies. "Now, I'm gonna bring you something that helped Ronnie when he got hangovers and you're definitely going to have one in the morning. Remember to drink plenty of water." Peter tells her as she gets comfortable.
"Thank you for tonight. I sang." She says, whispering that last part.
"Any time, Cait." Peter states and starts leaving. "Hey, Peter? Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" Caitlin asks and Peter knows on any regular day, she could handle herself but he sees now she needs a helping hand l
"Of course." Peter says and gets comfortable as she drifts to sleep.
The next day Caitlin shows up in the elevator with glasses, a scarf and a jacket with a cup of coffee. "Hi." Peter greets her and she stops to see him.
"You're so loud." Caitlin states and causing Peter to laugh.
"Sorry, just wanted to see that you're okay." Peter says as they walk together to the cortex.
"Let's just say that I envy your metabolism. I don't remember much after leaving last night." Caitlin states to him.
"Yeah, that's probably for the best." Peter tells her and decides to mess with her a little. "Livin la Vida loca." He says quoting the lyrics to the song and she looks away from him.
"Oh, god. That I do remember." Caitlin states causing Peter to laugh at her as they enter the cortex and see Barry and Wells looking towards Cisco.
"Hey, what's going on here?" Peter asks them.
"Cisco...has something he needs to tell us." Wells explains and they look to Cisco.
"Hartley's gone." Cisco tells them and they're confused.
"Wait, what? How did he escape from the pipeline?" Peter asks confused.
"He didn't escape. I let him out." Cisco explains and they can't tell how Caitlin feels wth his she looks. "Are you mad? I can't tell with those glasses on." Cisco states.
"I'd like to yell and wave my arms, but I'm afraid I'd throw up." Caitlin tells him and they hear by her voice, she's angry.
"Why? What were you thinking?" Barry asks surprised at his friend. "You know how dangerous he is."
"Hartley said he knew what happened to Ronnie." Cisco explains his actions.
"I thought we agreed to let that go, man." Peter states remembering their talk.
"I thought I also asked you to let it go and stop looking into it." Caitlin states remembering talking few nights ago.
"I wasn't doing for you, I..." Cisco stops and thinks about what to say.
"Look, Cisco, I wish I could take back what happened that night. I closed Ronnie inside the accelerator, but it was his choice. He made he promise to wait until closing it, and he didn't make it back. He made his choice, if I could've taken his place I would. I lost my best friend that night because he thought Spider-Man was more important and if I died, Spider-Man died with me." Peter states regretting ever shutting the doors.
"What happened that night wasn't anyone's fault." Caitlin states to her friends. "Now, come on. Don't we have a teleporter to catch?" She asks them and Wells weighs in.
"We do have a teleporter to catch and fortunately, we do have a promising theory." Wells explains and pulls up Shawna's cells again. "This is the normal behavior of the particulate that Shawna left behind. Watch what happens when we remove light." Wells shows and the particulates stop moving.
"Shawna can only become entangled with something she can see." Peter realizes. "Correct, take away her ability to see, she can't teleport." Wells finishes.
"So we just have to get her into a dark space." Caitlin clarifies. "How do we do that?" She asks when Barry's phone goes off and he's told his dad was stabbed at Iron Heights.
During the talk, Barry learns some intel and needs to get some answers and calls on Peter for some interrogation.
Barry speeds into the cell and brings Julius, one of Marcus' boys, out for the interrogation.
"Evening, Julius." Barry says and sees Peter's drone flying behind Julius to keep him where he is.
"How'd I get out here?" Julius asks them.
"You escaped." Peter answers and Julius sees him and Peter activated interrogation mode. "Remember me, Julius?" Peter asks remembering when he threw him behind bars.
"You. If they catch me trying to escape, they're gonna add five years to my sentence." Julius tells them.
"Ten, actually." Barry corrects him. "Then I suggest you start talking." Peter informs him. "Tell us where Marcus Stockheimer's next job is happening." They hear the alarms going off and they learned he escaped.
"Oh! Guards will be here any second." Barry warns him. "I'd start blaming if I were you."
"Okay! It's a TDK and money transfer truck coming from the federal reserve bank in St. Louis. Supposed to be millions." Julius tells them. "It's supposed to be happening around eight."
Peter activated his clock inside his mask while turning off his lie detector and sees it's 8:03 and they better hurry. "That's all I know. I swear." Julius promises and Barry looks to Peter.
"He's telling the truth. And it's happening now." Peter warns Barry turning off enhance interrogation mode and Barry grabs Peter then speeds off leaving Julius.
"Hey! What about me?!" He asks the heroes as the guards approach him.
Barry and Peter are making their way and see an armed car and a car behind them and they go into a tunnel. Barry speeds ahead of them and drops Peter.
"Remember, She can't see, she can't teleport." Peter reminds Barry as Shawna appears in front of them.
"Why the hell do you two care what we do?" She asks them. "Are you cops or something?"
"More something than cop. I mean you think cops would wanna show their faces wearing these outfits?" Peter quips as she starts teleporting, but Peter can sense where she's going to be and counter attacks every time. She eventually gives up on him and looks for Barry and can't find him.
As they were fighting, Barry was running down the tunnel and is breaking all of the lights and the lights on the car. Shawna tries teleporting and she can't, so Peter takes the opportunity to web her hands to stop her from running off.
Barry speeds to the car to get Clay and he's gone. "He's not here." Barry tells Peter.
"Well, we got half." Peter replies looking at the positives and sees it's gonna be a challenge to get her to S.T.A.R. Labs.
They put her into the pipeline by webbing her eyes shut for a while and this time she isn't going anywhere.
"Is there anyway she could teleport out of that?" Barry asks them.
"Impossible. It's one way glass, mirrored on the other side. No one dangerous is ever getting out of here again." Cisco promises them learning from Hartley.
"Shawna. Clay left you." Barry tells he through the microphone. "He's out there, and you're in here."
"You know what the crazy thing is?" She asks them. "I still love him." She states and they close the pipeline and she joins the other metas.
"Crazy is right." Caitlin tells Peter as Barry and Cisco leave ahead of them.
"Well, there are some people in this world worth being crazy for." Peter replies as they continue walking through the halls together.
"Sorry if I acted like a drunken mess last night." Caitlin apologies but Peter doesn't mind. "Actually, It reminded me of old times. Before the explosion, before everything. It was quite fun." Peter informs her and she laughs.
"Okay, Yeah it kinda was." Caitlin agrees from what she could remember, she did had fun. "You know what?" Peter asks her. "I think both of us have been hung up about throwing ourselves out there for too long." Peter states to her.
"I mean, I believe I'm destined to have to either choose between Spider-Man and a normal life, you think everyone that cares about you eventually leaves." Peter explains to her.
"If what Cisco says is true, that Ronnie merged with Martin Stein, then he's not alive anymore." Caitlin tells him and Peter is sad that his best friend is truly gone. "It's time for me to move on. Find someone new to be crazy about." She states and Peter is happy for her.
"All right, well, I'll see you later." Peter tells her and begins leaving and doesn't think Caitlin might be talking about him.
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