Alec and Magnus's New Beginning

Our story is about a city, a big city, and the people who live in the city. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other city's all over the world. . . Safe. . . Decent. . . Innocent. Get closer, though, and many people start seeing the shadows underneath the city. The name of the city is New York.

Many people though that New York City is a calm place where people live happily and not having any problems at all and have fun with their friends and family, and thought that everything and everyone are all normal, but in New York City, there are many demons and downworlders.

Not many people don't see any demons, but there were some people that can see them and they are known as shadowhunter's, special people who has angel blood and special powers to protect the people. And other special people with special powers and they are known to be as downworlders.

Downworlders are special people that are half human and half demons that have special powers to protect the humans, they are special downworlders that are from the Downworld, like werewolves, vampires, seelies, and warlock's. They may have demon blood, but they can be very loyal and vow to protect innocent people.

Many people can't see the shadowhunter's or the downworlders because they glamour themselves to look normal, but they always make sure that all the humans are protect from any danger and that no demons will never attach anyone.

That morning in a building at Brooklyn, inside a big bedroom, there were two man that are sleeping together peacefully with the covers over their bodies. The first man has dark brown spiked hair and has dark brown eyes even though their closed. His name is Magnus Bane and he is the High Warlock of Brooklyn in New York City.

The second men that is sleeping with Magnus is twenty-four years old, he has dark brown hair, has hazel eyes even though they are closed, and has some tattoo marks all over his body. His name is Alexander Gideon Lightwood, or Alec for short, he is a Shadowhunter, and Magnus's boyfriend.

Magnus and Alec were both sleeping together peacefully after a long night of having wonderful sex, Alec has his arms around Magnus and they were both happy to be with each other, and they couldn't be anymore happy to be together after what happen a year ago.

It's been many months since Valentine Morgenstern had been killed and had been brought to justice, it's been a year since the Circle Members have been stop and excited and the Downworld has been safe, and it has been a year since Alexander Gideon Lightwood has been reunited with his beautiful warlock boyfriend.

You see, many months ago when Valentine and the Circle Members were alive, Magnus and Alec had both been through a lot lately, you see a year ago, Magnus and Valentine have both swap bodies with each other by a greater demon name Azazel, and Valentine was roaming around in Magnus's body while Magnus was being tortured in Valentine's body with the agony rune.

Then after Valentine and Magnus have switch back, Valentine started to grow an unhealthy obsession over Magnus s d wanted him all to himself so he can rule the Shadow World, so he attacked the Institute and came after Clary and Izzy so he could get Magnus Bane. When that didn't work, he kidnap Alec and try to make a trade for Magnus.

When Valentine did that, Magnus was forced to sacrifice himself in order to protect the downworlders and his friends from him and the Circle Members. When Magnus was Valentine's sex slave, he was tortured by him if he ever disobey him, Valentine will do anything to Magnus so he can be happy, but the most worst thing that Valentine has ever done is that he had rape Magnus and took advantage of him.

Then Valentine took Magnus with him to Idris and raise the Angel Raziel so he can get rid of all the downworlders, but in the end, the angels look down upon Alec and Magnus, that they have gave their love a chance. Alec have found Magnus with the help of Clary, and we're about to bring him to Idris to heal him, but met Asmodeus and he taken them down to Edom to help them and heal Magnus.

Then they have return to New York City, and Alec and Magnus are both reunited after so many months being separated from each other, and their love is as strong as ever now that they together again.

Alec have never thought that he would be able to fall so hard for a man like Magnus, but he never really thought that he would be able to fall for a man. You see before, he never told his family or anyone that he was gay and was afraid of how will they react if he ever told them. He use to have a crush on Jace ever since his parents adopted him into the family.

At first Alec thought that he might be with Jace but he realized that he couldn't because he was straight and he couldn't be with him, but then when he met Magnus Bane, he started to develop feelings for him and Magnus help him with everything that he has been going through, and that's why he loved him, because he helps him choose for who he really is.

He always thought that he would have to marry a woman or a man to please his parents and not embarrassed them or their family name, but apparently the angels have prove him wrong, because his love for Magnus was much stronger than anything else in the world, he loved Magnus Bane so much that he couldn't bare to be away from him.

Alec would always repeat his speech to himself almost every time he woke up next to Magnus and be with beautiful warlock boyfriend every single day. Then as Alec eyes begin to open, he started to look at his beautiful golden cat eyes warlock boyfriend and smile at him, his arms was wrap around Magnus, and he couldn't been more lucky.

Alec smile at his boyfriend as his arms are still wrap around him, Magnus has always look so peaceful in his sleep whenever they are in bed together and Alec knew that Magnus deserve that peace. He knew that a year ago, Magnus didn't get any sleep because of the agony rune.

But now that Magnus is sleeping in peace, Alec couldn't be more happy to be with the love of life, then Alec move forward and lightly kissed Magnus's cheek. Apparently Magnus was a very heavy sleeper, and he wouldn't be able to wake up to any stuff like one of Alec's loving kisses. But Magnus always be able to feel Alec's kisses, that his cheek starts to turn bright pink and he smiled widely while he still asleep.

Alec smile at how Magnus smile when he kissed him on the cheek, and then he started to rub his cheek with his hand as he push some of Magnus's hair out of his face and started to embrace his beautiful warlock boyfriend's beautiful face. Then as Alec's hand was stroking Magnus's face gently, Magnus's hand started to come out of the pillow and hold Alec's hand.

Alec smile at how Magnus is holding Alec's hand with his and Alec kissed Magnus's hand. Then as Alec smile at his beautiful warlock boyfriend, Magnus started to shift his head a bit and the star necklace started to fall a bit and Alec smile at how he has the same necklace that Magnus have him and the two necklace's are connected to their love and bond.

Then Alec have started to look at the star necklace that he has around his neck and smile at it as he use his other hand and rub it. Alec and Magnus both wear the necklaces every single day ever since Magnus gave him the necklace. Alec smile at their necklace and look at his beautiful warlock boyfriend.

When Magnus first give Alec the star necklace, Alec have never felt so much happiness, not since before when he and Jace first became parabatai's, and when Alec met Magnus, he was the first person that ever help him and that was the reason why Alec loves Magnus so much.

'I'm so very lucky that I have Magnus as my boyfriend, I'm really happy that he is safe in my arms.' Thought Alec as he smiles.' I will never let anything happen to him, now that Valentine and his Circle Members are gone, and that Magnus is safe.'

Then as Alec started to free his arms from Magnus, he started to sit up gently and look at his boyfriend one last time as he smile at him and kissed his cheek one last time, then he started to push the covers off him, and started to get out of the bed.

Then Alec started to walk out of their bedroom to go to the kitchen to make some breakfast, but he also left the door open so that Magnus won't feel so scared or alone. You see, Magnus have always hated being alone ever since he was being held as a slave by Valentine for months and was rape by him.

Since then, Magnus has always hated being alone and anytime he is alone, he always get these nightmares about Valentine torturing him or raping him. Alec have never wanted to leave Magnus all alone and that he understands why Magnus always have fears. But he knows that Magnus told him that he needed to get over his fear somehow.

So every single few days, Alec would just leave Magnus on his own for a few minutes so he could try to overcome his fears, at first Alec hated the idea about it, but he agreed that Magnus needed it so he could overcome his fear.

Then Alec started to walk into their kitchen, and not even caring that he was just in his boxers or that he doesn't care of he's wearing a shirt, and then Alec went into Magnus' kitchen and he open one of the cabinets to get some ingredients to make breakfast for him and Magnus.

Alec have always love Magnus with all his heart and how he will always give him everything to make him happy, and he didn't care that Magnus will spoil him almost every single day of his life. Alec wanted to take care of Magnus ever since they started dating.

Alec have always wanted to cook for Magnus, wanted to carry him in his arms, and he wanted to keep him safe from any danger. Alec wanted Magnus to be more than just his lover, he wanted Magnus to be his husband but he wanted to wait for the right moment.

Then Alec started to pull out some eggs and bacon, flour, and sugar to make him and Magnus a special breakfast for the two of them, Alec wanted to make Magnus his favorite breakfast because he knows how much he loves bacon and eggs.

Then Alec started to grab a pan, a bowl, and some kitchen utensils to mix the ingredients. Then he started to put in the ingredients and mixing them for his beautiful warlock boyfriend, as he slowly started to mix the ingredients together and put them on the skillet. It have always warm Alec's heart so much when he saw how Magnus reacted to his cooking and how he always appreciated.

You see before, Alec wasn't the best cook in the Shadow World and doesn't know how his food taste like once he makes them. Sure Alex was no Gordon Ramsay or Martha Stewart, but he always tried his best to curve his beautiful warlock boyfriend hunger and just make him smile.

Alec cooked and then he brought out two plates for the breakfast to be served on and making sure that the food doesn't get burned. But as he was still cooking, Alec didn't even hear Magnus coming into the kitchen, apparently Magnus have already woken up, and then as he was about to go to Alec, he stood in the hallway and he watch as his boyfriend stacking pancakes on a plate for him.

Magnus started to smile at Alec's direction and he have loved how much attention he was given by Alec and how he is showing how much he loved him so much. Then Magnus started to walk over to Alec quietly so that Alec wouldn't turn over and ruin his surprise. The. Magnus wrap his arms around his waist and held Alec, it cause Alec to jump a bit, but he saw his hands and he knew that it was his beautiful warlock boyfriend.

"Good morning Magnus." Said Alec as he turn  over to face Magnus.

Then as Alec turn to Magnus, he started to embrace him and he started to ruffle his hair a bit. Alec have always thought that Magnus looked so beautiful with no makeup and no product in his hair, cause his face always make his heart melt whenever he see's his face.

"Good morning love." Said Magnus as he hug Alec.

Then Alec started to move forward and kissed Magnus on the lips. Alec never forgot to kiss Magnus, he did it every single day and he loved him so much that he never wanted to him to forgot how much he loved him, and then Magnus kissed him back and he rubbed his bare back, then he started to let go of the kiss and Alec started to speak.

"I made you some breakfast." Said Alec as he smiles. "I know how much you love my pancakes and eggs I made for you."

"Yes I certainly do, I also know how much you love to cook for me." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec." And apparently I know how much you love to kiss me every single day."

"I can't help myself Magnus, I mean your lips are so shiny, even without any lip gloss on." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus." And to be honest, I kinda like with make up on."

That got Magnus to blush at the compliment Alec has given him and Alec started to led him from the kitchen to their dining room. Right after Alec and Magnus have reunited with each other, Magnus ask him to move in with and he magic all of Alec belongings to the loft.

Now they both lived together, they slept together, they eat together, and did everything together, and Alec couldn't be more happy to be with Magnus. Then as Alec sat him down on one of the dining room chairs, he started to pick up the food he made, and he placed the plate in front of Magnus.

"Eat up sweetheart." Said Alec as he smiles.

Then as Magnus sits down at the table, Alec also started to sit down as well and they both started to eat, as Magnus was eating, he was really amazed at how amazing Alec have cook their breakfast.

"Wow Alexander, these pancakes are so delicious, at least you cook better than last time." Said Magnus as he sips on his orange juice.

"Hey, how many times I have to tell you that it was an accident, and nobody got hurt." Said Alec as he blush in embarrassment.

"No, but you almost burned my kitchen." Said Magnus as he rolled his eyes.

You see, the last time Alec was trying to cook for Magnus, he was really distracted by how Magnus is beautiful that the food started to be set on fire, and it almost set the whole kitchen on fire, if Magnus hadn't use his magic to stop the fire.

"Oh come on Magnus, it wasn't that bad, at least you put out the fire before we lost the apartment." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus.

"Whatever, but all in all, these pancakes are so delicious." Said Magnus as he smiles.

That got Alec to smile at Magnus at how he have appreciate his cooking, then as they kept on eating their breakfast, Magnus's cat Chairman Meow started to come in the dining room and then the cat started to go to Alec and jump to his lap, which have got Alec's attention and look at the cat.

"Oh good morning Chairman Meow, I see that you have already woken up." Said Alec as he smiles at the cat and pets its head.

"I see that my precious little kitty is awake and it seems that you are hungry now." Said Magnus as he smiles at his cat.

Then Magnus have started to use his magic, and then he started to make a red bowl appear with milk, then when Chairman Meow saw the bowl of milk, that cat started to get off of Alec's lap and run towards it.

"I spoil him, I can't help it, it's the only way to win my cat over." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"Well I don't blame you Magnus, the cat is really cute, I can see that you were really a cat person, because of your beautiful cat eyes." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus.

"Aw, why thank you for the compliment Alec." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec.

That got Alec to smile at Magnus as the two boyfriends continue to enjoy their breakfast together. As Alec and Magnus are both continued eating their breakfast, Alec's phone have began to ring, which have caused Alec to sight and roll his eyes angrily when he was trying to enjoy a good morning breakfast with his beautiful warlock boyfriend.

"One moment baby, I need to take this phone call." Said Alec as he goes to the kitchen and answer his phone.

Alec: Hello?

Jace: Hey Alec, I'm sorry that if I'm disturbing you and Magnus, but I needed to call you, we kinda have some reports with some Rouge demons, and we kinda need you here.

Alec: What, you mean right now?

Jace: Yeah now, the reports are here and we really need you.

Alec: Come on Jace, can't you, Izzy, or maybe Clary can do it, I'm trying to enjoy my morning with Magnus.

Jace: I can't because I'm doing something important, Izzy can't cause she is looking over some information about our weapons, and Clary is working on an art project.

Alec: Seriously Jace, isn't there anyone else who could do it?

Jace: Look Alec, I was trying to find somebody to do it, but some of the shadowhunter's here can't, they are all busy, and on top of that, I even bother to ask Raj, but he was getting on my nerves.

Alec: Alright, I'll be there in a minute Jace.

Jace: Okay, I'll see you at the Institute.

Then after Alec have finished his phone call with Jace, he started to get really annoyed that he had to go to the New York Institute and leave his beautiful warlock boyfriend all alone again, then he started to go back to the dining room to see Magnus.

"I need to go now Magnus, apparently Jace have called me, and said that he needs me with some reports about the Rouge demons we had recently." Said Alec as he look at Magnus." I am so sorry, I really didn't want to leave you now."

"It's okay Alexander, I totally understand." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec." Job's make us do things, just like me since I'm the High Warlock of Brooklyn."

"I'll be back soon Magnus." Said Alec as he look at Magnus." I still want to spend time with you so we could make up for those months we were apart."

"Of course Alexander." Said Magnus as he smiles." I wouldn't miss spending time with you."

Then Magnus started to snap his fingers and his magic mace Alec's hunting gear and clothes appear on his body. Alec is now wearing a dark green shirt on, has a black leather jacket on, has black pants on, and has black leather boots on. He also has his bow and arrows on his back.

"I really like it when you do that Magnus, it always make you look magical." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus." I'll see you later baby, I love you."

"I love you too Alexander." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec.

Then Alec started to go to Magnus and kiss him on the lips, then Alec took his phone and he started to walk out of the door. Magnus smiled at how much Alec loves him with a his heart, and then he continue to eat the breakfast that his beautiful shadowhunter boyfriend had prepared for him.

Magnus felt like his life with Alec is so perfect and that he hoped that it will stay perfect, but little did Alec and Magnus both know is that someone might come and tried to force Magnus to sacrifice himself again like what happen with Valentine but it will prove how strong his and Alec's love is.

Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform


So this is my second Malec Story ever, I have been watching the show Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instrument and I really like the couple Malec (Magnus and Alec), and thought that they are the cutest couple ever, next to Clace (Clary and Jace) and Sizzy (Simon and Izzy). This is also the sequel to my "Obsession Pure Heart || Shadowhunter (Malec) Story", it's really better like the first story, and I really hope that you all enjoy my story.

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