Meet The Family

~With Aleki; March 19th, 2018~

Well, it's been a long time coming and it's the day that I've been nervous about for quite a while: I was going to meet Hana's family, meaning her brother Arata, her stepfather Isao, and her mother, Kyoko Kimura her-fucking-self.

And all of this was happening on her birthday.

The last time I met Arata, on March 9th, the same day Hana made her US TV debut, he was skeptical of me on how I was treating her. He had every right to be and I don't blame him one bit, but I'm sure that when I finally get to know him and him getting to know me, we'll become best friends.

And the last time I met Kyoko, she was wanting to kill me and asking if I ever ENJOYED Hana and had sex with her.

Well, from basic understanding and virtues, the answer is clearly "no", I wouldn't fuck her if anyone paid me a billion fucking dollars and turn her into an JAV star of all things.

(A/N: I did promise myself that I wouldn't sexualize her, but I just don't understand why people would take the time to tarnish her image and treat her like a fleshlight.)

Anyway, Hana and I got dressed for Kyoko's birthday and looked to leave.

How did I dress? I just kept it simple:

I wanted to keep it light and not overdressed as this is my usual outfit whenever I'm going outside.

It's not because of body shaming, it's more so to hide the tattoos I have on me. Japan is known for frowning upon tattoos, so this is my way of covering them up the best I can.

After I picked up Hana, I drove us over to her parents house and I was still nervous about it all.

Luckily, Hana's friends were going to be there as it was going to be a party so that way everything can go smoothly and it could actually work out very well for everyone else.

When we arrived, Hana noticed my apprehension and was wondering what was wrong.

I didn't want to tell her about my nervousness of meeting her entire family, because I wanted her to be happy and keep that smile on her face, and God I love that smile.

Hana: アレキちゃん、どうしたの? (Aleki-chan, what's wrong?)

Me: あなたの家族に会うのが不安なの。あなたのお母さんと弟が私たちの関係を知った後、彼らが私を受け入れてくれるかどうかわからないの。私があなたと一緒にいるというだけで、彼らは私を拒否するだろうという予感がするの。 (I'm just nervous about meeting your family. I just don't know if they'll accept me, after your mom and brother found out about our relationship. I just have a feeling that they'll turn me away, just because I'm with you.)

Hana: アレキちゃん、みんなあなたを好きになるわ。保証してあげる。あなたは私を尊敬と愛情で扱ってくれるから、私はあなたにふさわしくないと感じてしまうの。あなたを彼氏にするために何をしたのか分からないけど、あなたは私が今まで出会った中で最高の男性よ。私のために頑張って。いい?お願い。頑張って。 (Aleki-chan, they'll like you. I can guarantee it. You treat me with respect and love to where you made me feel like I never deserved you. I don't know what I did to have you as my boyfriend, but you're the best man I've ever met. Just try for me, okay? Please. Just try.)

Me: 頑張ります。 (I'll try my best.)

Hana: ありがとう、アレキちゃん。 (I appreciate it, Aleki-chan.)

We kissed and got out of the car, holding hands, and walked up towards the door. When she rang the doorbell, out came a guy who looks like to be her older brother.

Arata: 花くん! (Hana-kun!)

Hana: こんにちは、アラタさん! (Hi Arata-san!)

They hugged until he saw me, but I smiled to be respectful.

Arata: アレキちゃん。また会えて嬉しいよ。 (Aleki-chan. Nice to see you again.)

Me: 同じく。 (Likewise.)

We both shook hands and I was surprised to see him smile as we walked in, but I know that something was wrong, so Hana had to hold my hand as we looked to walk up the little steps into the house.

Hana: きっと収まるよ。信じて。 (It'll blow over. Trust me.)

Me: 私はあなたを信頼します。 (I trust you.)

We went inside, took off our shoes, and walked up the steps to enter the house and when we did, everyone cheered and many of Hana's friends were here, happy for the two of us.

However, I saw her mother Kyoko standing right next to her stepfather Isao, and I know for a fact that shit's about to go down.

Hana: こんにちはお母さん!こんにちはお父さん! (Hi mom! Hi dad!)

Kyoko: ねえ、花くん! (Hey, Hana-kun!)

They both hugged as she looked at me with a stink eye, but she soon turned it into a smile.

I can tell that she really doesn't want to approve of me being her daughter's boyfriend, but she seems apologetic about the first time we met, so I'm willing to give her a chance.

When Kyoko was done hugging her daughter, she looked at me until she held her hand up.

Instead of leaving her hanging, we shook hands as I did the same with Isao as he introduced himself to me.

Kyoko: 初めて会った時のことをお詫びします。私は娘を守りたかったのです。 (I want to apologize for the time we first met. I was protective of my daughter.)

Me: わかります。母熊は子熊を守らなければなりません。 (I understand. A mother bear has to protect her cubs.)

Kyoko: 自己紹介を再開します。私は彼女の母、木村京子です。 (Let's restart our introductions, I'm Kyoko Kimura, her mother.)

Me: アレキ・アノアイです。初めまして、奥様。 (Aleki Anoa'i. Nice to meet you, ma'am.)

We both shook hands as Isao and Hana walked over and he seemed friendly enough.

Isao: ということは、アレキくんは花くんの彼氏ですか? (So you must be Aleki-kun, Hana-kun's boyfriend?)

Me: はい。お会いできて光栄です。 (Yes. Nice to meet you, sir.)

We both shook hands and he seems to like me already, but we'll have to see.

Isao: あなたが私たちに対してどれほど敬意を払ってくださっているかがよくわかりますし、そのことに感謝しています。 (I can definitely tell how respectful you are towards us, and I can appreciate that.)

Hana: そして、一番いいところは、お父さん?彼は女性の前で悪態をつかないことです。 (And the best part, dad? He doesn't curse around women.)

Kyoko: 待って、本当ですか? (Wait, really?!)

Isao: 何? (What?)

Me: 女性の周りにいるときに、私が最も不快に感じたことは一度もありません。私は敬意を表して、バカにならないために、サモア語でしか話さないんです。 (It's something that I never felt the most uncomfortable about whenever I'm around women. I only speak it in Samoan, out of respect and not be an idiot, you know?)

Kyoko: それはいいですね。あなたが他の人のことをどれだけ気にかけているのかがよくわかります。 (I like that. That really shows how much you care about other people.)

Me: ともあれ、京子さん、お誕生日おめでとうございます。 (Anyway, happy birthday, Kyoko-san.)

Kyoko: ありがとう、アレキ君。さあ、座って話しましょう。 (Thank you, Aleki-kun. Come, let's sit down and talk.)

We all sat down at the table as I now was going to be given the task of giving them my background and asking me how I got into wrestling, but most importantly, how I met their daughter and how I'm treating her.

I also have to talk about my own family and what they're like, but I don't think they would mind if I told them that my own family blacklisted me from visiting them.

It's gonna be easy, but also tough because I just met them and they just met me so they want to know more about me.

Kyoko: それで、まず最初に、お二人はどうやって出会ったのですか? (So, for starters, how did you two first meet?)

Me: 花ちゃん? (Hana-chan?)

Hana: もちろんです。試合の入場を終えようとしていたとき、この珍しい生き物をここで見かけたんです。 (Of course. I was finishing up my entrance for a match, and then I saw this unusual creature right here.)

"Unusual creature"? I never heard Hana call me that before, but it's a nice way to see me as that.

Hana: 試合に戻らなければならなくなる前に、私たちはしばらく目を合わせました。試合後の交流会で私たちは話をし、お互いの近況を報告し合い、ショーで会うことを続けました。そして、ショーの後に彼が私をマクドナルドに誘ってくれたのがきっかけで、その後も何度か会って、今に至ります。 (We locked eyes for a moment before I had to get back into the match. At the meet and greet afterwards, we talked, gave each other's socials, kept meeting up at our shows, and that's when he asked me out for McDonald's after a show, we met up a few more times and here we are.)

Isao: あなたたち二人は何かしたんですか? (Did you two ever do anything—)

Hana: 父親!!! (FATHER!!!)

Kyoko: 功さん! (Isao-san!)

She slapped her husband in the back of his head as he held onto it, making me almost burst out laughing, but I held back to stay respectful.

Isao: 痛い! (Ow!)

Kyoko: バカなことしないで! (Don't be an idiot!)

Isao: 何ですか?それが事実かどうか知りたいだけです。 (What? I just need to know if that's the case.)

Kyoko: ごめんなさい、アレキくん。彼がそんなことを言うとは思わなかったわ。 (I'm so sorry, Aleki-kun. I didn't think he would bring it up.)

Me: 大丈夫、わかってるよ。イサオさん、私たちはそんなことは絶対にしてないって約束できる。それに、あなたの娘さんはそんなことをするタイプじゃないから、私は我慢した。私は彼女を利用するようなことはしなかった。だって、それは私じゃないから。 (It's okay, I understand. Isao-san, I can promise you, we never did anything like that at all. Plus, your daughter doesn't look like the kinda girl to do that kinda stuff, so I held back. I never took advantage of her because that's not me.)

Kyoko seemed to be moved by what I said, and I still meant it. Hana is priceless and after all the shit she's gotten through in her childhood, and how she wants to give out love to everyone instead of trying to be loved, I knew how much of an angel this girl is.

I knew I had someone special to love and care for in the coming future. Hana's the one for me and I'm really happy to be with her, but Isao, her stepfather had to ask this...

Isao: では、私の継娘についてはどう説明しますか? (Then how would you describe my stepdaughter?)

Me: 彼女はとても美しく、とても優しく、とても賢く、とても愛情深いです。つまり、花ちゃんがいなかったら、私はレスリングのキャリア3年と日本でのこれまでの人生で、これほど成功することはなかったでしょう。彼女は、あなたと京子さんが付き合う前の生い立ちについても話してくれました。そして、今言えるのは、花ちゃんは彼女自身としてかけがえのない存在であり、私以上に、この世のすべての良いものを受けるに値するということです。 (She's very beautiful, very sweet, very smart, and very loving. I mean, if it weren't for Hana-chan, I would've been less successful in the three years of my career in wrestling and my life in Japan so far. She even told me about her upbringings before you and Miss Kyoko got together, and I can tell you right now that Hana-chan is priceless as the girl she is, and she deserves all the good in the world, more so than me.)

He smiled and I think he knows I'm being genuine here and I'm really glad he is, same with Kyoko. Hana seemed very touched by what I said and held my hand, but underneath the table, out of her parents sight.

I still mean it when I call her priceless. It wouldn't be right to say that she isn't.

Isao: あなたの正直さと質問に対する答え方を尊敬します。それはあなたが彼女を愛しているという本当の証です。 (I can respect your honesty and how you responded to the question. That is a true sign that you love her.)

Kyoko: あなたの家族はどうですか? (What about your family?)

Me: 私はたまたまサモアのレスリング一族、アノアイ家の出身です。 (I happen to come from the Samoan dynasty in wrestling, the Anoa'i family.)

Kyoko: 待って、そうなの? (Wait, are you?)

Me: そうです。ワイルド・サモアンズとして知られる伝説のタッグチームの片割れ、シカ・アノアイの4代目、末っ子です。 (I am. Fourth generation, youngest child of Sika Anoa'i, one half of the legendary tag team known as the Wild Samoans.)

(A/N: Rest in peace to both Afa and Sika!)

Kyoko: あなたがその家族の出身だとは知りませんでした。 (I never knew you were from that family.)

Me: 問題は、兄のジョーが私よりもずっと贔屓されているので、その状態を維持したいということです。だから私は日本に来たのです。家族が間違っていることを証明するためです。私は間違いではなく、レスリングのために育てられたのだと。そして、あなたのことを話しても構いませんか? (Thing is, I want to keep it that way because my older brother, Joe, he's been favored more heavily than I am. And that's why I came to Japan to prove my family wrong, that I wasn't a mistake and I was bred for wrestling. And— you don't mind if I talk about you?)

Hana: いいえ、どうぞ。 (No, go ahead.)

Me: ありがとう。 (Thank you.)

I proceeded to talk as I mentioned how my relationship with their daughter happened to make my experience and life in Japan much better when I first came to the country to learn more.

Me: そして、もしプロレスリング・ノアがなかったら、そしてあなたの娘である花ちゃんがいなかったら、私の日本での人生とキャリアは成功していなかったでしょう。 (And if it wasn't for Pro Wrestling NOAH, and if it wasn't for Hana-chan, your daughter, then my life and career in Japan wouldn't have succeeded.)

Kyoko: それはどういう意味ですか? (What do you mean by that?)

Me: 私が初めて日本に来たときは、知り合いもいなくて、外国で見知らぬ人でしたが、数人の友達に助けてもらいながらなんとか道場でやっていけましたが、それでも孤独を感じていました。その後、ハナちゃんに会ったとき、私の人生は変わったと分かりました。その時、コミュニケーションが取れて、日本語を上達させる手助けをしてくれる人がいることに気づいたのです。 (When I first arrived in Japan, I didn't know anybody and I was a stranger in a foreign country, but I managed to make it in the dojo by having a few friends to help me, but I still felt alone. Then, when I met Hana-chan, I knew my life changed and that was when I realized I have someone I can communicate with and help improve my Japanese, as you can tell.)

Kyoko: はい、あなたの日本語はとても上手ですね。よく勉強しましたね。 (Yeah, your Japanese is very good. You learned it well.)

Me: ありがとう。それからレスリングを通じて友情や人間関係を築き始めたけど、個人的に付き合える女の子はハナちゃんだけ。優しくて、優しくて、とてもきれいで、彼女と出会えて大正解だったと思う。 (Thank you. And that was when I started to form friendships and relationships within wrestling, but Hana-chan is the only girl I'll have a personal relationship with. She's sweet, she's kind, very pretty, and I feel like I hit the jackpot with her.)

I knew I offended them with that, but I quickly apologized.

Me: ちょっと自慢しすぎたかもしれません。そんなつもりはなかったんです。 (I'm sorry if I bragged a little bit. It wasn't my intention.)

Kyoko: 私たちはそれを許すことができます。なぜなら、あなたが自分の話をしてくれただけで十分だからです。あなたはとても正直で、日本の礼儀作法や文化をよく理解しており、私たちはそれに感謝します。 (We can forgive that, because you telling your story is just enough. You're very honest and very aware of our etiquette and culture in Japan, and we appreciate that.)

Me: ありがとう。 (Thank you.)

Kyoko: 花くん、ケーキ出すの手伝ってくれない? (Hana-kun, want to help me in bringing out the cake?)

Hana: はい、お母さん!すぐ戻ってきます。 (Yes mom! I'll be right back.)

Me: わかった。 (Okay.)

She didn't kiss my cheek because her dad was still in front of me as Hana and Kyoko were spending time together, bringing out the cake while Isao and I were talking.

I really felt uncomfortable talking to him, face to face, but he soon warmed up to me after the talk we just had.

Isao: あなたがハナを愛し、敬意を持って接していることが本当によくわかります。彼女とはもう何年も知り合いですが、私は彼女を自分の娘だと思っています。彼女を幸せにしてください。そうしないと、まあ... (I can really tell that you love Hana and how you treat her with respect. I may have known her for a few years now, but I consider her my little girl. Keep her happy because if you don't, well...)

Me: 功さん、私のことは心配しなくていいですよ。彼女があなたにとってどれほど大切な存在であるかは私にはわかります。彼女を幸せに、安全に、そして愛し続けることを約束します。 (Isao-san, you don't have to worry about me. I can tell how much she means to you, and I promise I can keep her happy, I can keep her safe, and I can keep her loved.)

When I said that, it basically told him that he can trust me because I really don't want him to feel like he doesn't.

Instead of frowning, Isao smiled and said this to me...

Isao: あなたがどんな形であれ花くんを幸せにできるなら、私はその関係を応援します。 (If you can keep Hana-kun happy however you can, then I support the relationship.)

I smiled and nodded, but I can tell that he was getting serious.

Isao: あなたは私たちの質問にすべて正直に答えてくれました。あなたは私が今まで会った外国人の中で最も礼儀正しい人の一人で、本当にすべての恩恵を受けるに値します。でも、ハナくんは自分で決断できる年齢かもしれませんが、それでも私の小さな娘だということを知っておいてください。覚えてますか? (You answered truthfully to all of our questions and you are one of the most respectful foreigners I've ever met and you really deserve everything going for you, but just know that Hana-kun may be old enough to make her own decisions, but she's still my little girl. You remember that, you understand?)

Me: はい、わかりました。 (Yes sir.)

We shook hands as we soon joined up with Hana, Kyoko, and her older brother Arata.

He soon came around to me and we managed to become best friends after getting to know each other over some dominos.

I never knew he liked playing dominos outside of baseball, so this was a first for me, and overall, I managed to get along with Hana's family and they took me in.

Kyoko, she's a sweet woman, and I really think she started to take a liking to me as her daughter's boyfriend. It's really a blessing because she literally looks like a woman who would love a child outside the ring but she looks she would kill one inside it.

Overall, Hana's family and myself managed to form a really tight bond, and thanks to Hana helping me fit in with her family, it was now my turn, where I invite her to New Orleans, where Wrestlemania 34 was taking place.

I even called up Jon and Josh if they were interested in meeting up with Hana and I, and they were for sure going to meet up with us, and I thought why not go around Bourbon Street?

I mean, it's one of the most exciting tourist destinations in the world and there's a bar I want us to go to called Spirits On Bourbon, but I'll talk more about that later.

For now, I'm just happy to be welcomed into the Kimura family.

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