"Are you guys ready to go?" Lance called as he waited downstairs for the rest of his brothers. Ceres was already at the school and expecting them to be there soon.
"Yeah, we're ready. Ares was taking forever with his hair for whatever reason" Lucas said as he walked over to the two with Ares following behind him.
"I think I need a hair cut..." Ares commented as he looked at the stray hairs that were starting to get in the way of his eyes.
"Hair cut? Someone your age should feel lucky they still have hair to cut. It's gonna stop growing after a while, y'know?" Max said and Ares glared at the younger male.
"Little fucking brat, quit acting like I'm 40 and balding!!" Ares exclaimed but Max just snickered and walked out the door.
The four of them got in the car and headed off towards the open house. Upon arrival, the brothers could already see a bunch of middle schoolers running around and checking out all the things the school had planned for them.
Some of the middle schoolers were even harassing a couple of the upperclassmen into giving them free things as well.
"Ugh...I don't miss this shit hole" Max muttered while looking around the school. He had been forced to be apart of the art committee whenever it came to the open house and while he enjoyed the aspect of designing, he hated the people he had to do it with.
Kade and Roman had met up with them a couple minutes later and the guys started to make their way towards Ceres' class with Max as their guide.
"...'Onesie Cafe?'" Lucas read aloud.
The concept was exactly like Lucas had read. The staff of the café were all dressed in different onesies while taking orders from customers and serving them.
"It's like a pajama party" Ares said with a chuckle.
"Hi! Welcome to the onesie café! A table for six?" A boy wearing a unicorn onesie had approached the group and Lance nodded towards him.
After he had led the group to their table (which was just a bunch of desks pushed together), he informed them that their server would be with them in a short while.
"This place is lively" Roman commented as he looked around.
"Ah, it reminds me of my high school days" Ares sighed as a sense of nostalgia washed over him.
"The days of you fooling around and being a brat? Yeah, I remember them too" Lance said and Ares just stuck his tongue out childishly.
"Hey you guys" Ceres said waving as she came up to her brothers. The girl was wearing a new turtle onesie and in her hand was a notepad and pen.
"You're so adorable!! I swear I might die" Kade cried as he snapped a few photos for his family album.
"Nasty..." Max muttered.
"It seems like you're not the only one who thinks that" Lucas said as he nudged his head at two boys at another table who were staring at Ceres in awe. Lucas could already tell that they were also captured by the oblivious girl's beauty. Like Kade once said, Ceres did happen to be a dude magnet at times.
Kade's head turned in their direction so fast his brothers swore that he would do a 360° if possible.
"What the fuck are you staring at?" Kade asked with a glare and he made sure that each of his words were laced with just the right amount of malice. His threatening words worked almost immediately as the two boys turned their heads back to their menus.
"Kade, please don't scare our customers" Ceres said with a sigh.
"I didn't scare them!" Kade said as he turned back to his family with a pout on his face.
"We seriously need to get you checked out" Lance muttered.
"Rude!" Kade huffed.
"How long do you have to do this for?" Max asked and Ceres looked at her watch.
"Sorry, I think I'll be helping around for quite a while. However, Ross wants you guys to check out his class' booth. It's right down the hall and to the left" Ceres said.
The brothers thanked her before heading over to Ross' booth.
"Why would he want us to check out his crappy booth?" Kade muttered as they walked.
"No idea, you know that boy isn't right in the head...but then again, neither are you" Lance said and muttered the last part to himself.
"What did you say my kind and sweet big brother?" Kade asked with a smile but his eyes were not smiling one bit.
"Ah, nothing" Lance said while giving a faux smile of his own in return.
When the group had arrived, the first thing that caught their attention was 'Haunted House' painted in red on a white paper hanging on the door.
"No way...that guy wants us to go in there and possibly die?" Max asked with a pale face. Being in a haunted house was the last thing he wanted to do right now.
"Hey, we're here for a good time not a long time" Ares said with a chuckle.
"It's okay, Maxi, we can hold hands~" Kade said while extending his hand and Max glared at it.
"I'd rather die" he said stubbornly.
"Oh, you guys are here!" Ross, dressed in ripped clothing, approached the brothers with Fred who was dressed similarly behind him.
"That makeup is hor—mmph?!" Ares tried to speak but Lucas had covered his mouth and glared at the man.
"If you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the hell up" he gritted out and Ares rolled his eyes but nonetheless nodded his head.
"Now that you guys are here, you get to check out our haunted house. Don't let the outside fool you, it's pretty scary in there" Ross said with a grin.
"We're using a buddy system to control how many people go in and out so if you guys could pair up that would be great" Fred said politely. He was still being formal as he wasn't really familiar with Ceres' family too much.
"Dibs on Lucas!" Ares said as he grabbed Lucas' arm and said man looked at him in distaste. Lucas hardly thought going in a haunted house would be any fun since he couldn't stand how fake and unrealistic they were.
"I don't understand why I have to go in as well..." Lucas muttered.
"I'm not going in there without you" Ares said firmly and Fred looked at him surprised.
Ares didn't seem like he was the type of guy to get spooked by a silly haunted house. If anything, he looked like someone who laughed in the face of fear.
Noticing Fred's shocked look, Roman gave a small laugh.
"Ah, not what you were expecting huh?" He said and Fred shook his head.
"Yeah, he looks tough but he really is just a big baby" Kade said in agreement.
"Don't talk about me as if I'm not right here!" Ares barked.
"The rest of us still haven't chosen partners" Lance stated.
"Oh, right. Hey, Maxi, wanna— huh?! Why are you choosing Roman?!" Kade said as he watched Max shuffle over to Roman's side to claim his partner.
"Oh just shut up and let's go" Lance said as he grabbed Kade by the scruff of his shirt and dragged him into the haunted house.
~ first up Lance & Kade ~
"Oh my, I haven't been in one of these in a long time" Kade said as he looked around. Well, it wasn't as if he could see much anyways with how dark it is.
With what he could make out was just a bunch of paper covered objects and paper spider webs on the walls.
Kade realized Lance was being pretty quiet so he turned his head only to see Lance looking around with an uneasy look on his face.
"Lancey...your face is pale, are you scared?" Kade asked.
"Shut up, you can't even see my face...and don't call me that" Lance said gruffly.
"I may not be able to see it, but a brother's intuition is everything" Kade huffed and Lance just rolled his eyes.
"Shouldn't you be the one that's afraid? You don't like blood and stuff" Lance commented as he tried to watch his step as they walked.
"Yeah, but I know when it's real and when it's fake so this doesn't really bother me. Besides, getting scared causes stress and stress means wrinkles. Therefore, I cannot afford to get scared when I don't have to be" Kade explained and by the end of his explanation, Lance had wished he'd stopped listening.
"...you really think about these things too much" Lance muttered.
"When I'm 50 still looking 25, you'll wish you acted the way I did" Kade said triumphantly.
"Delusional..." Lance grumbled.
It was just then that Lance heard something moving in the corner and his eyes flickered over only to see someone running towards him with their hand held high and something in their hand.
It was pure instinct for Lance to push Kade behind him but he soon realized he was doing it for nothing when the boy ran right by them.
'It was just a student trying to scare us...' Lance thought as he let out a sigh of relief.
"You know, you should have let me protect you since you're the one who got scared" Kade said with a teasing look and Lance glared.
"Just who is the older one here?!" He exclaimed frustratedly and Kade simply smiled at his frustration.
"Are you saying your old heart can't take it? There, there, we'll be out of here soon" Kade said while patting Lance's shoulder and the man let out a groan.
"Can this be over already?" Lance said while shrugging off Kade's hand.
Suddenly, from the shadows, a student popped out on the two.
"Ahhhhh!" Kade screeched in a fright. Lance chuckled at Kade and looked at him with a cheeky grin.
"You finally got scared, huh?" He said and Kade nodded rapidly.
"Anyone would be terrified of a pimple that huge!!" He exclaimed while pointing at the student's forehead. The student frowned and covered his forehead before running out of there.
"Goodness let's get out of here before another acne covered teen pops out" Kade said and began to lead the way out with Lance trailing behind him.
~ next Max & Roman ~
The two hadn't been walking for long but from the very beginning, Max had a pretty much death grip on Roman's arm.
'He's shaking and nothing has even happened' Roman thought while looking down at Max who would turn his head every now and often, scoping out the dark place.
"Max..." Roman said as he felt his arm begin to become dead weight.
"Shut up" Max said and Roman sighed.
"You're cutting off my circulation" Roman said while trying to wiggle his arm out of Max's grip.
"You'll get it back later" Max concluded.
'At this rate I'll have to get it amputated...' Roman thought.
"What the—?!" Max nearly jumped when something fell out towards him but stopped before it touched him.
"It's just a scarecrow" Roman said and Max began to grumble profanities under his breath.
"Stupid fucking nasty ass scarecrow..."
Roman just sighed at Max's irritated mood and wondered just how much longer he would have to put up with it.
"I can't be the only one put off by this" Max said. Roman hummed in half response.
"I don't really believe in this kind of stuff, besides, knowing it's all fake makes it less scary" he said but just then a loud bang filled his ears followed by what sounded like a witch's laughter.
"Now whose the one getting scared?" Max said as he noticed Roman now holding onto his arm.
To sum it up, the both of them were pretty spooked and were trying to hold on to each other for support.
"Max we have to move forward" Roman said as he tried to tug his younger brother but said boy stayed put in fear of what was up ahead.
"Don't wanna..." Max muttered.
"Look, the exit is right there" Roman said pointing in a random direction not really knowing if there was an exit in that direction.
"Still..." Max said while looking at the dark unknown that lied ahead of them.
"Come on, the faster we do this the faster we can get out of here" Roman said and thankfully Max started to move.
At the expense of his arm being gripped tighter and officially going numb.
~ lastly Lucas & Ares ~
"Would you quit yelling? This is the fifth time you've done that" Lucas complained while rubbing his ear that was ringing.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it! Did you see that spider web on the wall?! What if there's a giant fucking spider in here?!" Ares cried.
"You idiot it was made of paper!" Lucas said and Ares stubbornly ignored his refute.
Ares only had the chance to take a few more steps forward when all of a sudden he felt his foot step on something.
He looked down and his eyes widened while his whole body went rigid.
"W-w-w-what is t-t-that on the f-floor...??!" Ares stuttered out as he backed off of what it was and hid behind Lucas.
"Hm?" Lucas said absentmindedly. He looked at the ground and upon a closer look, he saw that it was a student pretending to be dead.
"Oh, it's a body" Lucas said plainly but his small statement sent Ares into a frightened frenzy.
"Holy fucking shit! We gotta call the cops" Ares exclaimed while taking out his phone.
"Ares—" Lucas tried to stop Ares but the man was too preoccupied with trying to call the police.
"Oh shit, my phone is dead! Why now of all times?!" Ares exclaimed.
"Ares" Lucas called again but once again his voice fell upon a deaf ear as Ares continued to ramble.
"Its times likes these that I wish I had listened to Lance!" Ares said suddenly and Lucas raised a brow.
"Why? What did he tell you?" He asked and Ares ruffled his hair in frustration.
"I don't fucking know I didn't listen!" He whined and Lucas' eyebrow began to twitch in severe annoyance.
"Dude, I'm fine" the student on the floor said as he sat up and looked at Ares who screeched and jumped away.
"You're supposed to be dead!" Ares said while pointing a shaking finger at the 'dead' student.
"That's enough out of you" Lucas grumbled as he tugged Ares further into the haunted house.
"You know, if it weren't for the fact that you're my brother, I'd leave you in here" Lucas said randomly and Ares gaped at his brother in disbelief.
"So cruel! How could you ever think of doing such a thing to your big bro?!" He said and Lucas shrugged.
"It's not that hard" he said and just then, there was a bright light which told the two that they were getting closer to the exit.
"Oh sweet sunlight!" Ares cried as he ran out of the haunted house and towards the rest of his brothers who were waiting for him on the outside.
"So, how was it?" Ross asked with a smile as he approached the shaken up group.
"You guys did a good job" Kade complimented.
"Yes, I thought my life was over in there" Ares said dramatically.
"I guess you aren't a big fan of haunted houses?" Fred said as he looked at Max who was for some reason still holding onto Roman's arm. Roman had pretty much already accepted the fact that his arm was no longer his arm.
"Damn...I wish I could have gone in with you guys to see the looks on your faces!" Ross said while letting out a laugh.
"I've had enough of haunted pimpl—I mean, houses for the rest of my life. Let's go back to the cute onesie cafe" Kade said as he started to make his way back to Ceres' section of the open house.
"No time for that. The bon fire is about to start" Ross said and ushered the men in the direction of the bon fire.
~ in the school courtyard ~
Everyone had come out to gather around courtyard where a huge rectangular box made of wood was in the center, ready to be lit for the bon fire.
Ceres had since changed out of her onesie and in to regular clothing. She was searching for a familiar face in the sea of students but unfortunately couldn't find any.
"Hey" Ceres turned and saw Hayden walking over to her. She smiled and met him halfway.
"Hey. Aren't you supposed to be supervising the booths?" Ceres asked.
"Well, yes and no. The booths are starting to get cleaned up but the other guys said I could have some free time since I've been doing stuff since early this morning" Hayden explained and Ceres hummed in understanding.
A breeze of wind passed by and Ceres rubbed at her arms. It was starting to get a little more chilly as October ended and they would soon enter November.
"Are you cold?" Hayden asked and Ceres shook her head.
"No I'm fine" Ceres said but it was easy for her to see that Hayden didn't believe her one bit.
"That's not very honest of you" Hayden commented and Ceres let out a small laugh.
"Here" Hayden muttered as he took his jacket and put it around Ceres before stepping closer and wrapped his arms around her.
He knew she was worried that he would just give her his jacket and leave his self with nothing so he decided to do something that could satisfy them both.
"This good?" He asked and Ceres nodded.
"Oh look, they're starting the fire" Hayden said and the two watched as the rectangle box of wood was lit on fire.
Ceres' eyes watched in awe as she took in the sight of the orange flames dancing against the darkened sky, it was a sight she felt that she'd never forget. She had been to the school's bon fire a few times before but for some reason this time it was different.
Maybe it was because of the comforting warmth that surrounded her, and knowing that it belonged to Hayden made her feel even happier. It was their first time watching something like this together as a couple.
Ceres looked up and when she saw Hayden was already looking at her she blushed.
"Can I...kiss you?" Hayden asked, a tint of red dusting his own cheeks. Ceres nodded and Hayden gave her a small smile before leaning down and placing his lips on hers.
Ceres couldn't really think about much as the sweet kiss continued but the one thing she did manage to think of was that she didn't want this night to end.
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