8. With A Pocketknife

Let me know what you think of this chapter! Hope you enjoy!

Day 4

Unknown - Tony

Tony woke up in what looked like a hospital bed. Looking around, he saw several IVs hooked up to his arm. His eyes widened as memories rushed back to him.

No. Not more drugs. Please, no more drugs. He couldn't. The pain. He couldn't. He began to struggle against the restraints that he really should have noticed before now.

Rubrem walked in, causing his panic level to rise. "Please Mr Stark, there is nothing to worry. Our experimentation is done for now. This is to help you heal. Look at your arm. You see? Healing already!" Tony may not have trusted the Ruby Rubik's cube, but he sounded sincere.

Tony looked down at his arm. The deep cuts that had been there only a few hours ago, were now almost fully healed. "But how...?" he mumbled.

"As you have learned, Hydra is quite advanced in its medicine and drug use."

The inventor could accept that, but why? What possible reason could they have to put him through that and then heal him? "But why?"

"We couldn't have the good Captain seeing you in that state, now could we?" an evil smirk turning his features.

Was that his game then? Hurt Steve and not him? Well, at least not in anyway that the super soldier could see. What would that accomplish? Before he could figure anything out, he began to feel inexplicably drowsy.

"Goodnight Mr Stark."


The Cell - Steve

Tony had been gone a long time. Too long. Had he messed everything up? Was this another form of punishment? Maybe Tony wasn't coming back. Maybe they were afraid he would kill Stark. But wasn't that what they wanted? Steve couldn't figure it out.

The cell opened and his guards walked in.

"Where's Tony?" The words left him before he had time to think about it. The guards laughed and one of them answered,

"We thought he might want a break from his worthless cellmate. Mr Stark is much too important to be bothered by someone like you. He's meeting with Herr Rubrem as we speak." Another laugh, and they were pulling him to his feet.

Steve wouldn't believe it. He couldn't believe it. Tony would never... would he? His brain was so jumbled he couldn't figure anything out. And he was so tired. He didn't even put up a fight when they dragged him away.


The Truth Room-Steve

When he was shoved into his chair he made no attempts to escape. The clamps took more time than usual to restrain him, but he didn't even try to move away from them. He just couldn't. There was no motivation. Even when the thought crossed his mind all he could think of was cold. So much cold. Freezing. Ice. Water. Dying. Cold.

He shivered and tried to regain control of his breathing, only then realizing

"Ah, hello Captain," he said choosing his weapon. "I believe we should simply get down to business."

Steve hadn't seen it coming and therefore only managed to bite off the last half of his yelp. A small knife was implanted into his left shoulder. Rubrem squatted down in front of him, intently watching his prisoner's eyes. Taking deep breaths, the man stared down his captor.

Steve shook away the odd feeling of submission, and Captain America took over. Hydra wouldn't have him. Hydra wouldn't have his mind.

"Ah, regaining composure are we? Don't think I didn't notice your submission. Or the fact that you were shivering in a room that is over eighty degrees Fahrenheit."Steve didn't respond. He fought another cry as the blade was removed from his shoulder.

"Hydra's not going to come at you with a pocket knife," the German said, plunging the already bloody knife into Cap's right shoulder.

Steve's head was buzzing. Those words. He knew those words. Someone had told him. Someone, a long time ago.

"Howard?" he mumbled quietly.

A smirk lightened Mori's face, "Ah, so you remember! "All the better for me." He pulled out the knife and dropped it onto a small tray.

"You know Captain, I just hate keeping secrets, so I'm going to let you in on one now." He leaned forward, whispering in Steve's ear, "He was working for us the whole time."

Cap's brain tried to connect the dots. He? which he? Surely not... No... Howard was his friend.

"Yes, Captain I'm referring to Howard Stark." Rubrem pulled away, picking up the blade and cleaning the blood off on what was left of Steve's dirty blue uniform. "It was quite helpful having someone on the inside: someone to let us know what was going on. Someone to tell us when you were to board a certain train." He leaned forward again, "Someone to ensure the capture of one James Barnes."

As Rubrem said this he began to slowly cut away the skin around Steve's upper arm. It hurt. It definitely hurt. But not as much as the words. Howard couldn't have been working for Hydra. Howard had made him his shield. Howard was his friend.

His mind was becoming repetitive. Playing the same defiant words over and over again. Howard was their friend. Bucky included, right? He would never hurt them. Hurt Bucky. Hurt him.

"We're still trying to find out if it's true about Tony."

Cap hadn't even noticed when the blade stopped tearing away his flesh. His eyes snapped to his captor. Fear and confusion lacing his every feature.

"We're getting closer though. He is awfully suspicious, but that doesn't mean he's not secretly working for us. You know what they say, 'Like father, like son.'"

This he wouldn't believe. There was no way Tony worked for Hydra. If he was, he would have given them this Project they talked about so much. Unless of course he just liked to see him suffer... NO! Tony was his friend. Tony wouldn't hurt him.

But he had hurt Tony, almost killed him. What if that was why he was punished? Was he punished because Tony worked for Hydra?

The pain came back, this time in his other arm. It seemed to him like Rubrem was skinning his arm, but Steve couldn't even focus enough to tell whether or not he was screaming.

His head hurt and he couldn't think anymore. Despite the serum, despite the pain, despite the fact that he should be crying out because he was literally being tortured, one thought kept ringing in his mind as he slipped into unconsciousness. "Hydra's not going to come at you with a pocket knife.", Howard had said. But they had.


The Cell - Tony

He was completely healed when they brought him back to the cell. Even his sprained wrist had miraculously healed. When he was unceremoniously shoved into the oh-so-inviting, Cap was there with his back against the wall, staring at him. More like glaring. Yep, definitely glaring.

"Where have you been all day?"" he growled. Captain America growled. Tony knew something was very, very wrong.

Tony gave what he hoped was a disarming smile, "You know, typical bad guy 'give me what I want or else' places. You?"

He should have known better than to ask. The lost, dejected, almost broken look on Steve's face should have clued him in not to go there. For a genius, sometimes he could be stupid.

"Where do you think?" came the low response. Tony approached carefully. Something was definitely wrong.

Tony didn't miss the flinch that accompanied his sitting down. It wasn't so much fear in his captain's eyes as uncertainty. He looked Cap over for the first time, noticing the blood soaking through the white t-shirt. His eyes scanned down where the blood was dripping off the shirt and saw that large chunks of skin were missing around his upper arm.

The billionaire couldn't stop the gasp, "Steve, what...?" He couldn't continue. He was in such shock. Both arms seemed to be in roughly the same condition. Stab wound in the shoulder, cut away skin in patches down to his elbow. It looked horrendous.

His body was already regenerating the lost tissue, making it looked even worse. If that was possible. He reached up to see if he could stem the bleeding, but Cap grabbed his hand.

"Forget it Stark, I'm fine." Shaking his head slightly he whispered, "It'll heal."

Tony stared back at him in disbelief. "So," he started instead, "about this morning."

"What about it." Steve had closed his eyes. His voice wasn't as dark, but it wasn't his usual serious yet reassuring voice either. He continued to eye his injured friend. His own, now fully healed injuries completely forgotten. "You were dead."

"Well, I'm obviously not," he said with no emotion.

"Well not now!" Tony exclaimed.

Cap opened his eyes, "Look, Tony, I'm not dead, obviously. So if I appeared dead this morning, I'm sorry. You're a scientist. You should know that a body will often appear dead in a frozen state. I mean, people thought I was dead for seventy years."

Tony opened his mouth to rebut, but the thugs busting through the door interrupted him. Steve sighed and stood up unsteadily. The men grabbed him and lead him outside before either of Steve or Tony could even protest.

Great. Just great.


About an hour later Steve dropped back into the cell. The guard looked at Tony, "Do not-"

"Go near him or try to wake him until he wakes up on his own. If I do, there will be consequences." He rolled his eyes. "I know the drill." The guard nodded and left.

Sitting there quietly, Stark looked over the Captain as best he could from a distance. The bleeding had stopped and his skin was almost back to normal. The only thing new from this trip were the weird bruises on his face. They were always there after this almost daily trip. Cap never said anything about it and Tony was starting to get curious.

Very slowly, Steve opened his eyes and looked at Tony. Stark decided to jump right in. "What did they do to you?"

"I thought we already had this conversation. I told you, they'll heal. In fact, they've already started.

"No, I mean just now," Tony clarified.

Cap shook his head, "I've been here the entire time."

"No, they just brought you back."

"Honestly Tony, I think I would remember if I left. I haven't. We've both been here the entire time." He closed his eyes again.

"Come on, Cap-"

"Listen, Tony, " Steve pulled himself into a sitting position. "I haven't been anywhere, okay? I've been in this cell the entire time. Now I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop running your mouth for once and just be quiet!"

The Captain slumped back down and seemed to fall asleep. Tony stared, slack-jawed. That was so very unlike Cap. Then there was the fact that he didn't remember leaving. He had just left. Every day he left. Maybe the reason he never talked about it, never mentioned it, was that he didn't remember himself.

What could they be doing to him that caused him to completely forget an hour of his life? Running his fingers through his hair, Tony lay down on the cold floor and fell asleep.


The Cell - Steve

He was looking out of a train. Bucky was screaming. Screaming and falling. He tried to reach out, tried to save his best friend, his brother, but he couldn't. He was so small, so scrawny. Even if he had caught his hand it wouldn't have made any difference.

"No Bucky to save you now!" the tall muscular boy said, sneering. "Just little Steve."

Then he was falling alongside Bucky. Their screams intermixed. He saw Howard standing and watching them fall. He called out to him. Begging Howard to save them. Instead, Stark picked up a small pocket knife and threw it. The blade landed deep in Bucky's chest.

"No!" he screamed, sitting straight up. Tony was staring at him, wide-eyed. Cap tried to calm his ragged breathing. It was all lies. All lies. They had to be.

Laying back down, he cast a quick glance to Tony, who still hadn't moved from his shocked position.

They were all lies.

He couldn't take it if they were true.

So, this is a chapter I've been very excited about writing. What's true? What's not? Originally this was supposed to be canon, but it almost immediately became an AU.

So yeah, Howard. Do you think he really worked for Hydra? Or was that just to get Steve to doubt Tony. I mean we all know that Tony isn't working for Hydra. Right? Am I really that sneaky? Probably not.

And what about Cap's memory loss?

Let me know what you think!

Don't forget to vote and comment telling me what day you want this updated.

Until then

God bless,

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