Chapter 9 - When Lightning comes to welcome you

The classes ran smooth and Jason came to his class on their lunch time as they both went to the cafeteria together. The ate together and Andrew came to know Jason wasn't a shy or a quiet boy, he was very talkative. The cafeteria seemed alive and he noticed, all those students who never came to the place because of Chad and his friends' terror, they all gathered here and were chatting freely.

"Man! This feels like heaven!" Jason said as he blissfully poured the hot dog in his mouth. "School without Chad and those jocks seems peaceful."

Andrew chomped on his bread as Jason asked, "But I am still surprised at how they got caught?"

Andrew shrugged.

"Also, who did this impossible task?"

"Who knows?"

Jason said with a serious tone, "I swear I would worship him till death do apart us."

Andrew halted. No thanks, he didn't want that kind of vows especially from a boy. "You don't have to go that far."

Jason laughed at his own joke as Andrew sighed. People seemed very cheerful now that their bullies weren't here anymore.

Jason looked outside of the cafeteria windows and saw the sky had darkened with rocks of clouds as they brought a transitory shade to the surrounding. It felt gloomy and calm as the spongy clouds filled the whole sky above. It was going to rain...

His mind went to the devil as he wasn't sure if she stayed in his room right now. Did she have a house?

Come to think of it, she didn't have money, nor did she have any clothes because he had been seeing her in that same dress everyday. He had a doubt if she had a home. But then when he tells her to go out, she had always went away. Where had she been going?

The rest of the day went rather slowly but it was very peaceful. While the last bell rang, he went for his cycle.

He looked at the sky and the darkness of it promised a heavy rainfall. He needed to go back quickly then he recalled something.

For a moment, he contemplated if he should go or return to his home. His eyes washed over the sky as he let out a frustrated sigh.

He would just ride faster.

He paddled as his cycle led him toward the food parlor where he had given a treat to the devil. He saw all the shops were closing in a hurry.

He entered the shop and asked, "Can you give me four pieces of the cinnamon rolls, please?"

The owner looked at him and said, "Lad, you should go now. The weather forecast said there is a cyclone coming. Not a good one."

"Okay. Then give me ten of them." Andrew said as the owner gave him a look.

If a cyclone was coming, then it was a fat chance that it would stay only a few hours. It could be days. And it would be better if he had more cinnamon rolls to feed Avaloth...

Wait! Why did it sound like he was feeding his cat?

And why the hell he was even buying those for that devil?

The owner quickly packed the rolls as he said, "Now, go. Hurry."

Andrew was about to bring out his purse when the man said, "Give me those after you survive the wind, boy! Go now!"

"Thanks, I will pay for them, I promise." Andrew said as he took the packet and put it in his bag. He quickly went toward his cycle and felt the rushing wind against his skin.

His phone rang and he knew it was his mom but he had no time to answer it as he speeded his cycle.

The ringtone went off immediately after the first lightning hit the ground with a roar. The wind ran as if it had been restrained for time out of mind and it was determined to outrun any chaser. The sound of it was a strange song, as if howling yearned for a melody, as the trees joined in the unfolding scene.

Andrew could barely open his eyes as it felt like sands hitting them but he had to cross the long road where the forest guarded it.

He paddled as fast as his heart beat pumped and then a large branch of a tree came running toward him. His eyes went wide because he knew he could not avoid it but he put his breaks. The wheel screeched against the pitch of the road but his balance stumbled as a gush of wind swept through him. He fell on the ground with his cycle and the branch was about to collide with his head.

But suddenly it missed its direction and went flying against the wind, breaking the laws of physics. He looked at it for a moment and realised only one person can outrun physics.

His eyes moved around and finally spotted Avaloth just a few metres away from him. She was running toward him as her eyes had turned hollowed and her tail staight. It was a sign she was concerned or worried.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Andrew asked with a rage filled voice but he was glad that she came at the right time. He stood up taking his cycle with him.

"I sensed danger." She said as she reached him.

He eyed her for a moment and asked, "Did you teleport here?"

She nodded.

"Can you do it again taking both of us?" He asked as she shook her head.

"I am sorry. I don't have that much power to teleport both of us." She looked dejected as she said, "I can't even do that again now. It would take me another day to do that."

Andrew knew that already and he got a hunch that her powers came from cultivating her energy by human emotions or souls but that was impossible at the moment. He didn't know why hadn't she cultivated when she was a devil. He expected her to be a powerful one but it was the opposite.

"Alright. Just sit back and hold me tightly." He said as he was about to hop on his cycle but another thunder cracked the sky with tearing roar.

"Shit!" He took Avaloth's hands as he pushed both of them on the ground, his heart pumping in his ears. He started to count the seconds.

He knew it wasn't safe to go inside the forest and there was no safe shelter nearby which left just one option to crouch down in a ball-like position.

He pushed his cycle away from them as the metal could attract the electric field and he took out his phone turning it to flight mood.

"Avaloth, do what I am doing." He said he tucked his head and his hands over his ears. Avaloth blinked at him but did it anyways. Now they were down low with minimal contact with the ground but they were still in the danger zone.

Andrew tried to think but the winds had gotten harsher and he was afraid that large trees would fall on them.

"Err... Andrew McAllen...?" Avaloth asked as she peeked at him, "Are you sleepy? This is some weird position to sleep, by the day."

"Shut up!" He hissed, "We have to avoid the lightning. The air has been charged around us so it is not safe to walk now because we are a good conductor of electricity."

Avaloth blinked.

Another thunder roared. 25 seconds.

"Shit! It's not far. Just 5 miles..." Andrew started to count again as heavy rain poured down with its needle like stung. He wore his hoodie but it was futile because of the wind.

They were in a dire position because they could not run back to school nor they could run to his locality. Running itself was dangerous now. They were in the middle of the forest road although it wasn't far if they cycled.

The thunder striked again but this time it was only 23 seconds.

"Fuck! It is nearing!" Andrew sat up and saw if they hurried maybe, just maybe they would go out of this unsafe road where large trees stood surrounding them.

He took Avaloth's hand and dragged her to his cycle. But another gush of win came and slapped away his cycle to the forest before smashing it to a tree. The cycle bent in a weird way as Andrew eyed it for a moment.

"Great! Just great!" Andrew said in a frustrated voice.

Now there was only one option. Either run or die.

And he chose what a smart person in his position would choose. He looked at Avaloth and shouted, "Run!"

Although it was more dangerous to run in the storm but there could be 0.002 percent chance they might miss it.

They both started to run as if their tails caught fire--or lightning. Andrew didn't look back as he still held Avaloth's hand in a tight grip. The sky howled hinting them of another thunder but it was only 9 seconds!

He knew another lightning would hit but they almost reached the end of the the road where their locality started.

"Err... Andrew McAllen...?" Avaloth called.

He asked breathlessly as his lungs hurt as well as his feet, "What?!"

"My hair is acting strange." She said as Andrew halted, his eyes turning wide as he turned his head to the devil. Her hairs stood straight to the end as well as her tail. He felt the salty taste in his mouth as his ears and head tingled and he knew they just screwed.

"No, Shit!"

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