Sabriel (heh. soz)
"Sorry about being so weird in school
I was trying to hide my feelings..." Sam whinned with a blush on his face.
"It's okay Sammy."
"I want to take that offer from the first day of school, one day." Sam winked. 'I will littetally suck your dick if you don't stop spouting rules at me'
Littering is against the rules..."
"Ouch. You're serious?"
"You can't show affection in class.
You have to wear a shirt on school property. Can't show me your dick in public. Can't murder someone with an ax."
Gabriel unbuttoned Sam's pants.
"You're not allowd to swim in the fountain at the zoo. Not allowed to abuse your significant other." Gabriel fell to his knees and bit his lip.
"Not legally allowed to have sex untill both people are 16, where im from anyways."
"My fake ID says im 22."
"Dammit. Im still only 15! Am I allowd to break the rules, bad boy?"
"If you want." Gabriel hooked his fingers in Sam's belt loops.
"I'm scared. I've just never felt like this before. I don't want to mess anything up."
"Don't do any thing you're not confortable with Sammy. I'm not gonna pressure you into this."
"I'm comfortable with you Gabe. I just feel like a failure. I don't want to disappoint you. Like i disappoint everyone else." Sam frowned.
"Sam Winchester, a disappointment? That could never happen." Gabe tried to reassure him. "And we don't have to do this right now. If you don't want to."
"I do though. We can do this, if you want to. Don't let dean find out." He chuckled.
"Oh hell no im so telling him. I'm gonna brag so hard."
Sam laughed and put his hands on Gabriel's shoulders. "Jerk."
Samuel blushed as he felt Gabriel's hands sliding his pants and boxers down. His stomach dropped when he felt the sudden feeling pleasure.
"Sam, that was perfect. You're perfect."
"You think so?" Sam helped him up. "Because you are magical tricky."
"Yeah i im just annoyed..."
He looked confused. "Why?"
"Didn't taste like suckers!"
"Oh my god." Sam laughed and zipped his pants back up.
"Can i ask that we take this slow Sammich? I might tease about it or say it in school, but im not sure yet."
"I feel the same way Gaybey!"
"I love you," Gabriel said with passion in his voice.
"I think i love you..."
Gabriel smiled.
"Can i kiss you again?" Sam asked softly.
"You can do anything!"
"My feelings are confusing me." He lightly pressed thier lips together.
"Okay tall guy, we can figure this out." He smiled sweetly. He really did not want to loose Sam. Not because of sex, but because he felt safe. He felt the world around him melt when he was with Samuel Winchester.
"I'll figure it out and tell you. But I am just an awkward moose that has no experience. I'm not exactly what your call boyfriend material either..."
"Why not? You're smart, funny, hot, you can reach the top shelf!" Gabriel chuckled. "Sounds like boyfreind material to me."
"If you say so shorty."
"Your kinda, really awesome Sammy."
"You're awesome-er mr videogamer." Sam nudges his arm and stared deep into his eyes.
"You haven't seen anything!" Gabriel smirked.
"I haven't?" He scrunched up his nose. "You must be super crazy amazing then."
"Wait till the competition."
"Dang!I bet you beat all of them. Can't you win the bestest in the universe award or something?"
"You sound like a child. I dont know, but thanks dork."
"No problem shorty. If you think im a dork, wait till you see my swimming trunks."
"What? Is it a speedo?"
"You wish."
Gabe answered truthfully. "I do!"
"They are uh...It's Star Wars. Oh, and i hope you dont care if i keep my flashlight on tonight.... I brough the only thing that makes me fall asleep..."
"What is it?" Gabriel asked confused.
"A book."
"DORK!" He shouted and laughed.
"Hey!" Sam pressed. "The last chapter of the Raft it precise and perfect."
"Really?" He pretended to care.
"It's when she figures out that the dude isn't real and that ... Well shes going insane. Gets me all teary eyed." He pretended to sob gently and was suprised when actual tears started comming.
"It's okay, i got you cutie."
Sam motined to his body, "you can't handle all of this."
"I'd love to try," he gave Sam a cheeky wink.
"I feel like a bad boy now." Sam flexed his muscles
"For your ingormation, i looked up the angels! No angel named sammich. And there is an archangel named Gabriel. I was named after him! Boom!"
"I already know that."
"Because I'm looking at him." Sam smiled as his cheeks grew to a deep shade of red.
"Well my dear moose... Thank you..." Gabriel bit his lip. Sam blushed and looked at his shoes. Gabe discretely pressed a button, and ice water poured down Sam's back.
"YOU LITTLE UGHHHH. Trickster b**ch."
Gabriel fell to the ground laughing. "Too cold moose?"
"Shhhhhhhhh. You'reeee sooo meaaann. I'm colddddd." Sam whinned.
"You want a hug, Sammy?"
Gabriel opened his arms for a hug. Sam pouted and accepted. Gabriel rested his head against Sam's wet torso. Then all of a sudden, Sam picked him up, and he squirmed. His feet were over a foot off the ground.
"Haha i gotcha' now!" That's just when Gabe's 6 year old brother walkes in. He whispered to Sam. 'He doesn't know im gay.' Sam nodded, understanding.
"Hey Cassie."
"You must be Castiel!" Sam sounded excited.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Sam. Gabe's... Uh...friend. I just moved here from Kansas."
"Oh. Hey Gabey? Wait! so... What are yall doing? Why you in 'Sam's' arms?????"
"Oh Sam likes working out, and i bet him 69 dollars and a bagel he couldn't lift me." Gabriel smirked at Sam.
"Kool. And my friend dosent believe that you are a famous gamer."
"A friend! Its none of your bis!"
"Okay okay. Just have him come over and I'll show off."
Gabe turned to Sam. "Tell me about your brother, uh, Dean?"
"He goes to the local college, hes a player. I don't think he's straight either.."
"Cassie is in kindergarten. Mabye they can be friends." Gabe chuckled and then looked down at the ground. "But how do i tell Cassie that im gay.?"
"Gabe, you don't have to if your not ready."
"Not every one is accepting as my parents." Gabriel protested.
"Excuse me for a second Sammy." Gabriel ran off the bathroom to collect himself. He shortly returned to his future husband in the other room.
"You need another hug!"
"Need or want."
"Probably both."
"Correct." He wrapped his skinny arms around Sam. Sam then picked him up like a baby, still soken wet.
"Gabriel novak? Will you do me the honor and wait for me to make up my mind about us? I cant loose you, even if its just as the best friend I've ever had..."
"Im not a sick f**k that forces someone into a relationship. But yes i will Sammy boy."
"I'm just asking babyyy!" Sam kissed his nose.
"" Gabriel blushed.
"I-uh..Sorry. I mean Gabey."
Gabriel lost all hope and confidence. "Oh yeah.."
"Uhm... Yeah.."
Gabriel smiled "It's okay, it was just a frueidian slip."
"Look at you using big words again!" Sam chuckled.
"Megladon. Cucumber. Martial. Intoxication. Branding. Marshmellow. Mayonnaise." Gabriel ruffled Sam's hair.
"Fornicate. Superior. Uhh..."
"Impressionnant mon amour...
I picked up a bit of french hehe..." Translation: impressive my love.
"Impressive my love!"
Sam blushed.
"Yeah, i know french too, you moose. And pig latin."
Sam laughed. "You're so amazing Gabriel!"
"How?" Gabriel looked confused.
"Because you're Gabriel Novak! Cute, funny, amazing personality."
"Thanks.. Sam, can you uh put me down..."
"Oh yeah.." Sam put him down, but still held his hand.
"Thanks big boy."
Yeah. What time is it??
Sam yawned. "Alright. I gotta text Dean before i go to bed."
Sam: hey. I'm all good. Goodnight.
Dean: how's your butt hole?
Sam: I hate you.
Dean: Did it hurt?
Sam: We didn't do anything. So shut up!
Dean: Sure... Okay.
Sam: Bye jerk.
Dean: Night b**ch.
Sam turned his phone off and got changed out of his wet clothes. He stood there in his undergarments.
Gabriel couldn't help but stare. "Heeey. Staphhh."
"No. You're gorgeous." Sam groaned. "Is Sammie sleepy? Is that why you're so grumpy?"
"You want to snuggle with daddy in bed, or do you have a sleeping bag."
"1) I will not call you Daddy! 2)I get cold easily, so i want to snuggle."
"Okay okay!" Gabriel held his hands up in surrender.
"Can i put on my dogie pjs now?"
"You have dog pyjamas!?!"
"Dork. I already know." Sam huffed and blew the piece of hair that had fell on his face.
"How old are you? 8?"
"I'M 15!!"
Gabriel rolled his eyes and Sam stuck his tongue out.
"Come on. Turn off the light." He pulled back the blue and green comforter. Sam turned the light off and climbed in beside him. Gabriel fell asleep with his back to Sam.
Sam sighed. The house was a lovely place, but he always had trouble sleeping if it wasn't at his own home. He pulled out a novel and began to read. He fell asleep with his face in the book. Gabriel's laughter woke him up the next morning.
"Wow. I have a crush on a nerd."
Sam sat up and threw his book and flashlight onto the floor. He rolled over and draped an arm over Gabriel's chest. "Morning."
"How did you sleep?" Gabriel spoke softly. Just the touch of Sam's hand on his chest made him shudder.
"Okay, it was a bit different."
"I don't know," Sam lied. At home there was never any noise to distract him. Now it was everywhere. "But i do know one thing! You're adorable. My mind says that i like you. Like reeaalllyyyy likeeee youuuu. Unlike I've ever liked anyone else before."
"Sammy i like you alot. And i want to be in a relation ship with you.But before that Samuel, we need to be even and what i did was..nice, but you need to return the favor..." Gabriel smirked.
"What do i need to do?" Sam bit his lip.
"One of three options... Fingers, hands, or mouth..."
"Alright. Lets do this!"
"Hey sammy later why don't we all..." He yawned. "Go out for breakfast?"
"Sounds good."
"I'm sleepy!" Gabriel complained.
"Did i ware you out?" Sam chuckled.
"Yeah! Aren't you tired?"
"A bit."
"Wake me up at 8:30 so i can shower before Cassie gets up."
"Okaayyy Gabey." Gabriel adorably fell asleep and Sam watched the clock.
"Wakeuppp Sleeping Beauty!!" Sam shook Gabriel awake.
"Morning." Gabriel kissed his cheek. "I'm gonna go shower so I don't smell like moose."
Sam stuck his tongue out after Gabriel climbed over him and out of bed. "Okay." Gabriel smiled, looking at the boy of his dreams. But he hid the pain of knowing he could never have Sammy. His heart almost skipped a beat as Sam smiled back. Sam whispered,"bye" as Gabe was about to leave. But he stopped.
"Was that as good for you as it was for me?" Gabriel questioned.
"Yes Gabey. Thank you for this morning."
"I should be thanking you..." Gabriel smirked.
Sam blushed, "go take a shower."
"See ya magic tongue!"
Sam hid his red face in a pillow and started screaming. After a while, he found his clothes and got dressed. Thats when there was a knock on the door.
Sam opened to see little Cassie. "Hey."
"Where's Gabwiel? He usually makes breakfast and im hungry!"
"He's in the bathroom, and said he wanted to go out."
"Oh okay. Sal?"
"Isn't that your name?"
"It's Sam," he chuckled softly.
"Oh yeah... "
Sam sat back on the bed, and sighed, thats when Gabriel walked in. "There's my boys!"
"IM HUNGRRYYYY!" Cas complained. Sam nodded in agreement.
"I could eat."
"Okay lets go." Gabriel swished his hips as he walked. Sam couldn't help staring. "Are you coming moose?"
"Uhhhh. Yeah."
Gabriel drove, Sam got shotgun and Cas took the back. Sam, being socially awkward, looked out the window most of the time.
"Why so quiet? Just talkkk or something!"
"I'm talking nowww." Sam flailed his arms and sunk in the seat. The car was tiny he was about to hit his head on the roof.
"I can't say what i wanna say around certian people Gabe."
"Say it, in French!"
"Tu es trop mignon." Translation: you're cute.
"What?" Gabriel looked a bit confused and remembered that Sam was already in AP French classes.
"J'ai un jouet de garçon mignon." Translation: I have a cute boy toy.
Gabriel used his brain to figure out what Sam was saying, and used his quick wit to respond. "Je suise juste une salope qui a eu la chance." Translation: I'm just a slut who got lucky.
"Wow Gabe. Really?"
"Yes indeed Sammy!"
Cas stomped his feet. "What's hapening?" He yelled. The 4 year old was becoming aggravated.
"It's French." Gabriel explained, at he turned into Dunkin Donuts. Cassie ordered a pink donut with sprinkles whilst Sam ordered just some coffee. Gabriel was about to get a burrito when his phone went ding! He looked at his phone and screamed."SAINT MERDE HOMME CHAUVE-SOURIS!" Translation: holy f**k batman.
"You alright?" Sam asked, worried. Gabriel squeaked and squealed.
"Calm urself hun." Sam put a hand on his shoulder.
"I can't!" Gabriel jumped up and down. Gabriel tried to calm himself, but couldn't, and he kissed Sam. Castiel stood there dumbfounded and watched them. Sam kissed back but broke away when he realized that Cas saw. "$hit," Gabriel whisperd and backed away. He didn't even order and walked outside.
Cas didn't know what to do or say, so he grabbed Sam's hand and followed them out the door. They rode home in almost silence, Gabriel hummed nervously. The awkward silence filled the air again, but Sam was there to tell Gabriel that it was okay.
Castiel ran inside and sat at the marble table. Sam and Gabriel sat across from him and interlaced their fingers under the table.
"Hey Cassie," Gabriel started, but was cut off.
"Wha' happened?"
"I'm g-gay..." Gabriel felt a sudden weight lift off of his chest.
"What does that mean?" Innocent and clueless Cas was confused.
"It means that i like boys instead of girls, and that's okay.."
"Could i be gay?" Cas clutched the bottom of his shirt.
"You could be. It doesn't matter right now."
"Can gay pweople do the same things?"
"Yeah Cassie! The only difference is that i like girls and not boys, but Sammy likes both."
"Oh okay... Are you and Sa-mmy togethare?"
"Awwww." Cas pulled his donut out of the bag it was in and took a small bite, staring into his brothers eyes. "I wanna go watch t.v." Castiel got off the chair and skiped into the living room. It was finally Sam's turn to speak.
"Why were you so happy?"
"Nebula team just got a huge sponsor ship deal and were gonna be on tv."
"YES!" Gabriel got out of his seat and jumped up and down again. "Were advertising. Some headphones. 6k for the team! Were gonna donate 3, and put the rest to our gaming funds."
"You're amazing. Don't you feel better? Cas accepts you and you got sponsored! I'm such a proud boyfriend! You're an amazing gamer!"
"Thanks. Yeah... Have you ever played hell light Sammy?"
"Have you ever heard of it?"
"Mabye once. Please explain."
"So you have 2 teams of 6. And each player chooses a character to battle as. You got a laptop on you?"
"In my bookbag. Don't go anywhere without it, it's like my son." Sam put a hand over his heart.
"Wanna make an account? I'll teach you."
"Do you play many video games do you know your style?"
"Meh. Call of duty? Minecraft? I'm more into books. Ive never really played."
"Its fine if you haven't. I haven't read any books! But lets play!" Gabriel shot a smile at Sam. Sam let out an airy laugh and stood up from the table. Gabriel casually walked up to his room, but the 5 year old trapped in Sammy skipped clumisly up the stairs. He pushed the door open and jumped on Gabriels bed, landing with a thump. He grabbed his laptop and sat with it in front of him. Gabriel decides to jump into Sam's lap, facing him. "Hey." Gabriel pressed their lips together, and Sam kissed back lighty, grippig at his hips. Gabe shot his tongue into Sam's mouth, but pulled away quickly.
"Stop teasing!"
Gabriel turned around, still in Sam's lap and grabbed Sam's laptop. Gabriel found the link pretty quickly and dow loaded the game. He typed in Sam's user name MooseMan183, and went to character selection.
"Nice boner by the way," Gabriel smirked as Sam cluelesly watched him type.
"Not looking. I'm feeling. Anyways...." Gabriel shifted on Sam's lap. "I play Evos the Vigilant. That golden angel guy. Find someone who stands out.
"Okay. But im not good at deciding. But I'll be your good boy." Gabriel turned around slightly and kissed him with passion never before seen. "Thanks for trying Sammy!"
"I love you Gabriel Novak." Gabriel smiled, thinking about how lucky he is. "I like that demon guy boo. He looks rad!"
"Baalhaan the Deatroyer. He has 4 swords and a fire breath. And is fun to play!"
"Yes you are, dork." Gabriel created a new loby, and Sam joined the game. "New rules when I play with sammy boy. Looser removes an item of clothing."
"Oh you're on!"
Gabriel started the game with a smirk on his face. He laughed every now and then as Sam needes help with the controls.
"Hmm. Fine." Gabriel paused the game and showed Sam the controls.
"No prob." Gabriel focused in on his computer and used the mouse to run to the center of the map. Sam followed and tried to sneak up on him.
"I'm gonna get youuu!"
"Really?" Sam's character was almost insta killed when Gabriel soptted him. "That your shirt."
Sam took his shirt off, growling.
In the next round, Sam hid and suprise killed him. Gabriel gladly took his shirt off. Sam stared once again and bit his lip. Gabriel flexed, "Sammy your a natural at this game."
"I got skilz!"
"Keep playing, you could join nebula."
"Seriously? I'm really not that good."
"Yeah. Should i stop going easy on you?"
Sam gasped, "You went easy on me?"
"Of course. But you're in for it if you don't want me to go easy."
"Oh god what have i gotten myself into!?"
Gabriel started the next one and killed Sam, again, in a matter of seconds. "That! Pants..." Sam whinned and took off his pants. "What's wrong big boy?"
"I can't kill you!" Sam pouted.
Sam desperately tried in this round but miserable failed. His cheeks became flushed once he died, realizing what he had to do next.
"You owe my your undies! I killed you. I won!" Sam took off his undies. Gabriel looked him up and down and grabbed his butt. "Firm, sire."
"I work out." Sam flexed with a smirk on his face.
"Mhmm. I can tell." Gabriel ran his fingers down Sam's chest, admiring his beautiful body.
((Ik it's not destiel, but I had it in my phone and didn't know where to put it! Hope you enjoyed!"))
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