Chapter 8: Shido's other sister

Y/n and Kurumi were in the middle of their battle in the woods when suddenly a young women wearing what seems to be the same exo like suit to what the A.S.T wear as she stood in between the two as she look at both of them.

Y/n was not sure who she is but I thought she is apart of the A.S.T so he ready himself if she attacks him first but to his surprise, she turn sto Kurumi and battle her instead as the two girl battle while Y/n watched the go.

Y/n: (thought) Okay this is weird. Usually she'll try to attack both of us but I guess she's targeting Kurumi first. Just what the hell is going on?

The two continue to battle each other as Kurumi let's out some laughter while she fired a few bullets at the girl but she dodges it and swings her sword at her.

Kurumi dodges the swings and then leaps away from her and land on her feet as she smirk at them while she said.

Kurumi: (smirk) Now that was really fun but I think it's time for me to go. Catch you later Y/n~.

She wink at him as she disappeared within the darkness of the forest and once that the battle was over. Y/n changed back to his normal form while he looked over to the young girl which she turn to face him.

Y/n: Listen, I'm not like her okay, I'm not a threat.

???: Of course I know your not a threat. After all you did protect my big bro after all.

Y/n: Big bro? I'm sorry but who is your brother and who are you?

Mana: I'm Mana and I'm Shido's younger sister.

Y/n: (shocked) Wait what?! Your Shido's little sister?!

Mana: Yeah why, didn't he not tell you about me?

Y/n: Not really. You see there is other girl named Kotori who is Shido's younger sister.

Mana: (shocked) What?! You got to be kidding me! Since when?

Y/n: A long time ago, look how's about we heaf back to Shido's place and you explain everything to us.

Mana: Fine, I'll meet you at Shido's place then. Need to take this off anyways.

Y/n: Right.

(Sometime later)

We see Mana at their house and they were gathered at the living room as everyone was there as Mana tells everyone that Shido and her are related to which shocked everyone.

Yoshino: (surprised) Oh my, I didn't know Shido has another younger sister.

Yoshinon: Looks like he has two cute little sisters know.

Tokha: You didn't tell us you have another sister?

Shido: Same I didn't know I have another sister.

Mana: (anger) Whoa your a jerk, didn't tell anyone you have your real younger sister.

Shido: Sorry.

Y/n: Okay let's start from the beginning. Mana, how did you find Shido?

Mana: Well it's a long story. You see I have no memory of my past but I do hold a picture that shows my and Shido along with our parents since we were kids.

Y/n: Shido, do you remember having a younger sister?

Shido: Not really. The last memory I have from my parents was a long time ago. After their death I was adopted and that's how I met Kotori and soon you.

Mana: For s short while I worked within the A.S.T for a while until I left when I gotten word of Shido is here and see you protecting Shido in your god spirit form. That's the reason why I didn't attack you.

Y/n: Well at least that's good news. Still how come you and Shido don't remember of your past?

Shido: I think it was when our parents where killed possible a spacequake or something.

Mana: It doesn't matter now since I'm here now and we can be together like siblings again.

Kotori: Now hang on there! I lived here far more before you came here.

Mana: (anger) Excuse me? I'm Shido real sister, not you! Plus it's clear enough you bully Shido more often then anything else.

Kotori: (anger) Excuse me!

The two of them start to argue at each other while Shido try to calm them down while Y/n, Tohka and Yoshino watch this happen.

Y/n: (thought) This is gonna be a long afternoon.


Kotori lay on Y/n's bed, still upset about Mana being Shido's real sister while we see Y/n sat on the chair while Kotori telle Y/n.

Kotori: This is not fair. I've lived with shido and act the rule as a cheerful and childlike little sister when thid Mana girl shows up and completely replace me.

Y/n: (smile) Well at least Shido and Mana are reunited after soo long.

Kotori: Whatever.

Y/n: Still thought Shido and Mana had no memories of their past even before Shido met the two of us. If that is the case, is it possible Spacequake could have infect to those who are near it or something?

Kotori: I bet they were either too injured which cost theie memories to go black and make it hard to remember or maybe they were traumatised of the attack.

Y/n: Maybe. Still It's sad to have their parents to be killed and being separated without not having any memory and don't even know each other.

Kotori: Yeah. But enough of that, let's discuss about Kurumi.

Y/n: Well Kurumi is completely different to the others. She's not afraid to fight or kill humans. But for some odd reason I don't think she's a Dark spirit or anything.

Kotori: Still she is shown to be a threat and we need to find a way to stop her before she gose too far.

Y/n: Still she got away and it will take us a long while to find her.

Kotori: Well I'll keep a watch eye on that but for now, let's get some rest, I'm tired.

Y/n: Are you gonna take a sleep here?

Kotori: Yeah, why?

Y/n: Well....where I'm I gonna sleep?

Hours later we see Y/n sleeping in bed with Kotori as the two were laying in bed. Kotori was the first to fast asleep while Y/n is blushing a bit as he rolled his body over, facing up the ceiling as he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Kurumi is one dangerous Spirt but I hope she won't go too far and try to kill anyone just for my attention. I won't let that happen on my watch.

(Next day)

We see Y/n doing some shopping as we see him at the store and getting some food and other things. Usually it was suppose to be Shido's job but he wants him to get along with Mana more and hopefully Kotori and Mana may get along a bit.

Y/n: (thought) I hope Mana is getting along with everyone else back home, I don't want to come back home to see Kotori and Mana killing each other.

He let out a sigh and reach over to grab a bag of sugar when a female hand reach over so he turn and he locked eyes with Ryouko as the two stare at each other for a short while as Y/n quickly thinks to herself.

Y/n: (thought) Crap, that's the A.S.T commander! Crap, does she know where I am and came to kill me?

Ryouko: (smile) Oh hey there! I think I've seen you at the spar place a while back remember?

Y/n:......Um yeah I think I do. We cross paths each other I think.

Ryouko: (smile) Well its good to see you here, what are you doing?

Y/n: Oh you know just some shopping that's all. Yourself?

Ryouko: (smile) Same. Say I never get your name.

Y/n: It's Y/n, you must be?

Ryouko: (smile) Ryouko, nice to meet you.

Y/n: (thought) She seem friendly, let's just hope she doesn't realise I'm a Spirt god.

After they pay the two heaf out as they walked together while the two talk as Y/n tells her what school he gose to.

Ryouko: (smile) Nice, you enjoy well in school?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it's good and I got a fee friends as well. What about you, what do you do?

Ryouko: Oh just this annoying and stressful job. I swear I might blow up if something bad would happen.

Y/n: I see.

Ryouko: Still disbite that they pay well. Still you might join if your interested with it.

Y/n: No thanks, I'm good.

Ryouko: Say who are you living with? I can tell your not gonna eat all of that aren't you?

Y/n: (smile) No, I'm living with a roommate. We got new roommates so gonna get more food.

Ryouko: (smile) Sounds nice. Bet they are nice.

Y/n: (smile) Guess you could say that. What about you?

Ryouko: Oh I live alone but I do invite a few friends to stay and hang out.

Y/n: (smile) Sounds nice to hear.

Soon they spot by a build board to see news reports of more spacequake activity happening in a huge city in a different country ad the two look at the news and then Ryouko said.

Ryouko: These poor people, they must be suffering because of those spacequakes.

Y/n: Yeah, it's a wonder where those spacequakes came from you know.

Ryouko: Yeah. Some did say it was a military experiment gone wrong, other say it was some religion prophecy while some believe Spacequake isn't real and it was a cover up act by the government, how stupid is that last theory.

Y/n: Yeah, way stupid.

Ryouko: Yeah........say what do you do in your free time?

They start walking as Y/n tells her.

Y/n: Well I usually draw some art with my drawing book.

Ryouko: (smile) That's pretty good. You gonna show me some if we ever come across each other.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah i will someday.

Ryouko: (smile) You know, I'm glad we met. Your such a sweet and kind boy.

Y/n: (little blush) Th-Thanks Ryouko.

Ryouko: (smile) No problem.

Ryouko: (thought) He's soo cute when he's all blushed.

Y/n: So what about yourself, what do you do in your free time?

Ryouko: Oh drinking my stress away. After a hard day of work you really need a drink.

Y/n: Well I hope you be careful to not drink too much.

Ryouko: Oh I was fine......Well there was this one tike I gotten too drunk I accidentally grab my friends breast, thinking they were pillows, or that one time I accidentally crash my car to a post box, or that other time I lock myself in my office and thrown the key somewhere which took me a day to find them.

Y/n: (thought) Jeez she sure drinks a lot!

Ryouko: (smile) but besides that I was fine.....sort off but hey, I am alive right?

Y/n: (nervous smile) Guess so.

The two continue to talk and after anile Y/n arrived home as Ryouko stood at the front as she handed him hee phone number and tells him.

Ryouko: (smile) It was a nice chat with you Y/n, well see you later.

She then walked off whioe Y/n watch her leave and smile a bit. Maybe she can change her mind about Spirts being evil but foe now he had inside and shuts the door behind him.


We see Kurumi skipping along the woods and just mining hee own business when she stop in her tracks and let out a smirk as she call out.

Kurumi: (smirk) I know your there.

Then both Emica and Jun came out of the darkness behind Kurumi as she turn to face them.

Emica: (smirk) Looks like we got one Jun.

Jun: I can see that.

Kurumi: (smirk) Oh its just you two. How is things?

Emica: Cut the chat Kurumi, why are you here? We spotted both you and Y/n together so how come your not with him now?

Kurumi: (smirk) Well I like to have some fun and Y/n is really fun to play around, especially him being a hero and all that, oh I love how he acts like a knight of justice, it makes my heart rush and skip a beat.

Emica: Right? But still, since you don't mind killing humans and hamring others.

Jun: How's about you join us and together we can have even more fun with Y/n and his friends.

Kurumi: Hhhhmmmm should I team up with two dark spirits or kill both of you amd go out of my own.

Emica: (smirk) We can lower Y/n to you and you can have fun with his all you like.

Kurumi: (smirk) Oh hell yeah I'm in! But where should we start?

Emica: (smirk) We know how to gain Y/n's attention.

Kurumi: Really? Where?

Then the two turn as he signal Kurumi to follow to which she does as the trio leave while Emica said with a evil smirk on his face.

Emica: (smirk) Next stop, Raizen High school! We're gonna have so much fun with Y/n classmates. (Evil chuckle)

To be continued...............................................

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