Chapter 49

[Monoceros Keep General Hospital's Isolation Ward, Second Floor: 5th of After Witching, 8:00 AM]

Walking around the hallway with his stretcher, Chirox Friedrich and his wife Angela curiously turned to their attention to the police which they were heavily guarding a criminal and patient in the isolation room. Just then, they noticed Inspector Tier Sauveterre finished talking to his subordinates and approached them.

" Bonjour, Herr Inspektor, " the Chergarian man held a stretcher and asked. " May we know what's going on? "

" Kasius Tucker has been apprehended but we believe he's possessed by an Umbral god, " Tier answered Chirox.

" Was?! (What?!) " the blonde lady gasped in shock.

" Das ist schlecht...(This is bad...) " Chirox sadly muttered and sighed. " I know what it's like to be inflicted of that Umbral branding. But being possessed by those mad gods, It's even the worst thing that one can suffer the most. " Then, he turned to Tier, " Herr Inspektor, are the visitors or fellow patients allowed to come into the isolation room? "

" Until Tucker is stabled and not considered a danger to anyone. Only doctors and law enforcement can visit him, " Tier sadly said.

" Nous comprenons. (We understand.) " Chirox nodded in agreement. " As a former criminal and Umbral cult member, I really wish to help him, but I guess I have to wait until he gets better. "

" Chi, you will have your full body skin surgery soon. Once you have successfully gone through with it, you can still visit everybody here, " Angela suggested.

" Ja, wünderbar, mein Liebling! " he happily said and turned to Tier. " Thank you, Herr Inspektor. My wife and I will go to the cafeteria for breakfast. Please tell Herr Tucker to get well soon. "

" I will, " Tier nodded at Chirox.

" Au revoir! Auf Wiedersehen! " Chirox greeted.

" We'll see you soon, Herr Inspektor, " Angela added.

" Enjoy your breakfast." Tier smiled.

The Chergarian spouses smiled back and waved at the phooka police inspector as they headed off. Suddenly, the Montmartres arrived and stood behind Tier.

" Surely, Monsieur Friedrich is on his way to his full recovery very soon, " Amnon commented looking at the Friedrichs from a distance.

" Very soon, he and his wife will reunite with their kids in the Dread Wolves Tribe Village, " Glenda added.

" Oui, " Tier nodded before moving his attention toward the Montmartres. " How's Tucker doing? "

" He's still resting, " Amnon answered. " Just last night, Glenda and I made a check-up on him. We both found out that he's hypertensive aside from having high fever of 39.9° Celsius. "

" His vitals are within beyond the normal range, " Glenda added. " His condition reminds me of Amnon's uncle, but this one is even worse than Uncle Blokk has. "

" That's why we have taken his blood sample to be taken to the lab for further analysis. We might be needing some collaboration with the hematologist and cardiologist. We theorised that the Umbral Antibody within his bloodsteam have weakened his immunity and caused some plaque within the arteries and veins blocking the flow of the red blood cells. It reaches the heart. I'm afraid Tucker may experience a cardiac arrest which it could be fatal. "

" You believe Xiven possessed him? " Tier asked.

" We still need to confim with them before our diagnosis matches with our assumptions. Another thing to consider here is his psychological trauma. It could be an Umbral influenced psychosis. I just found out that Tucker had some lucid intervals last night, " Glenda explained. " We also ask Dr. Lestrade's help for this suspect turned patient. We understood Tucker has committed a breach since our days in Odyssea Academy, but we really need to find what drives him to commit a grave criminal offense. "

" Could it be an Umbral god that influenced Kasius' speech and actions? " Tier theorized.

" As much as we know it could be a possibility for his psychosis, " Amnon answered. " Going back to his physical side, Just like Hilden Kastronov, he will die instantly as an Umbral takes over his body. "

" If an Umbral did possess Tucker, why isn't he dead? Did the massive amount of resistance prevented him from being killed? " Tier asked with confusion.

" Tucker made experiments to keep himself alive, but never realized it could lead him to his slow painful death. "

" We still need to find the location of the people Tucker captured, " Tier said before he heavily sighed. "But we can't ask him until he's stabilized."

Just then, Annika Mercier the Leanan Sidhe nurse walked over to the physician spouses and the phooka police inspector. She heavily sighed and looked tired.

" Annika, are you okay? " Glenda asked her with a concern.

" It's so hard to drain that mana, " she seriously spoke and approached to them. " There's something in him that can be both fatal and controlling. I may have a bad feeling that he can instantly die from that ' thing' inside him. "

" We think it's an Umbral god controlling him, " Tier said to Annika.

" Oui, monsieur Inspecteur, " the Leanan Sidhe nurse nodded. " I'm afriad he won't live that too long..."

" So, our pre-diagnosis has been right, " Glenda turned to her husband and surmised.

" Almost close. Torsten handles the blood sample analysis for the mean time until Descartes and Severin will talk to us about it, " Amnon replied and looked at the patient from the window as he was slowly waking up from his longest sleep.

Kasius ended up seeing himself on a respiration tube attached to his nose and noticed a tall metallic green oxygen tank beside him. He curiously looked at his intravenous tube attached on his left hand. Then, he saw a heart monitor just beside him. He had no idea why he was confined here.

" Should he be sedated again? " Tier asked with concern.

" No wait... " Amnon said and turned to the patient.

" W-Where am I? " Kasius asked and became disoriented. " Why am I here? "

" Bonjour, monsieur Tucker, " the Akrovian-Foranean doctor calmly spoke and sighed. " We have a word with you. I'm afraid you will not like this. You may not live that longer. "

" W-What do you mean? Am I going to die? "

Amnon instantly nodded and remained in his very grave face. Then, he continued, " Aside from me and my wife, a hematologist, a cardiologist, and a psychiatrist will be coming to see you in the coming days. You are heavily guarded by the police since you are considered as an arrested individual. "

" S-So, you all just come here and run some tests on me? "

" I'll be very transparent to you. My wife and I recorded your vital signs and they're beyond the normal range. You're hypertensive, tachycardic, and tend to hyperventilate. You have an increased body temperature. Your immunity is not that too strong. If you remain with your routine, unfortunately you may end up six feet under or inside the urn. We need to rule further about your condition. "

" N-no...That can't be p-possible! I t-thought my works c-can improve a-anyone! "

" You never listened to me in the first place, Tucker. You're living and suffering from the consequences of your grave mistakes. "

Kasius started to hyperventilate and held his chest. He felt a strong stabbing pain and moaned. Amnon, Glenda, and Annika quickly rushed inside the isolation room as they started to check on him and gave him an immediate treatment for a pre-cardiac arrest. Tier stayed silent and sadly sighed at what happening to Tucker. Kasius was stabilised as he got injected with a high dosage of Naloxone. Then, his oxygen levels were increased. He was inhaling from his nasal respiration tube and looking at Tier.

" Amnon, Glenda, what are the policemen doing here? " he weakingly asked. " Why are they here? "

" You're placed under hospital arrest since last night. If you get fully recovered, you will be transferred into prison, " Glenda replied and then looked at Tier as she gestured him to enter.

Tier entered the room and walk toward Kasius to ask his question. " Where are the people you captured being held at? "

" We still occupy Doctor Teridax Moreau's property in Place Loggen. If you enter that house, there's a secret passageway leading into the underground tunnel. If you go within, the underground bunker leads to an abandoned Ouranist church, " Kasius explained and then inhaled from his nasal tube.

" Who were your benefactors and the one who aided you after being expelled from Odyssea Academy? " Tier asked.

" A mutated Akrovian spy for the Chergarian Empire and an Umbral Cultist...Ehlek Sorge. He's friends with Dr. Mutran Günther. Sorge and Günther received funds from those Chergarian sympathizers in Foranea, " Kasius replied. " They introduced me to worship Lord Xiven. "

" Who funded your activities? " Amnon asked.

" Senator Carolus Le Roy, a colleague of Neforie."

" You supported those men who killed my late father! " the Akrovian-Foranean doctor sternly stressed. " Do you even know that?! "

Kasius deeply inhaled from his nasal respirator and weakly spoke, " Amnon....I am so sorry...I never realised this was getting complicated for the rest of us...You're right. I am now suffering from what...I have done...If my father and my siblings will see the future...I'd rather be cremated and placed in an urn..."

" What are they planning? Does it have to deal with the rumored invasion of Foranea? " Tier asked Kasius.

Amnon heavily sighed as his wife gently patted his back. Then, Kasius slowly nodded and admitted, " Lord Xiven showed me the future as I learned everything from him. The Chergarians invaded Robania as it was fulfilled. The Hettic forces lost from the Syrvanians. Chergaria wants to bounce back from that loss of their allies. I work for the Chergarian Umbral cultists and collaborate with them to improve people into powerful weapons of war. Whatever Lord Xiven tells me, I comply and fulfill that work of art. "

" What else do you know? " Tier curiously asked.

" I am also a weapon of war...Amnon's right...This gift of power and forbidden knowledge can kill me...I am ready to die and offer this body to Lord Xiven's agents..."

" Kasius, why? " Amnon sadly spoke.

" I thought I could help people to improve their quality...of life....but there's a setback on my end....I told you before I would fix it, but it seems like there's nothing I can do to change them back...I'm now facing the consequences of my actions...I should have listened to you....instead of listening to Professor Ramsay....or Ehlek Sorge....I'm so sorry...."

" It isn't too late to do some good to make amends for what you done to those countless of innocent people, " Tier said to Kasius.

" But I could die anytime...You saw me I had a heart attack...Amnon and Glenda can help...I don't know...if everyone will forgive me..."

"Your family maybe disappointed at what you did. But they still want you alive and well." Tier told the Elandris patient.

" I believe Mr. Friedrich wants to visit you, " Glenda reminded.

" That former assassin from Moreau's faction? " Kasius curiously asked and inhaled. " How?! "

" Monsieur Friedrich regretted what he did and redeemed himself. Now he's reunited with his wife and children, " Tier explained.

" He'll be having his full skin grafting surgery one of these days since he's a recipient of my deceased med school professor Dr. Jean Phillippe Baudin. " Amnon replied.

" I didn't know the late Doctor Baudin will be donating his skin to him, " Glenda curiously tilted her head.

" He has donated most of his organs along with his wife. If Kasius needs a new heart, bone marrow, or even blood, he could be a possible recipient. "

" Me...having a new heart and blood?! " Kasius raised his voice. " How is that possible?! "

" That depends from the results on how we can diagnose you. If you will be suffering from a severe heart condition and some serious blood borne illnesses, you will be a recipient soon enough. "

" I don't know what to say..."

" Focus on resting, getting better, and redeeming yourself. Do this for your father. Mr. Friedrich will talk to you soon." Tier said to Kasius.

" Wait, Monsieur Friedrich, the one who got burned in prison? " Kasius curiously asked.

" Oui, " Tier nodded at Kasius.

" Merci beaucoup..." he sincerely smiled and inhaled from his respirator.

" De rien, " Tier said and smiled.

" We still need to finalise your diagnosis before any further treatment, " Amnon reminded.

[Monoceros Keep General Hospital's Laboratory and Extraction Area, Ground Floor: 5th of After Witching, 4:00 PM]

Torsten busied finishing some blood and urine analysis from the patient in the isolation room. He found excessive traces of a dark foreign antibody serum which it's the same as Hilden Kastronov and Blokk Danilovsky. Somehow, Kasius Tucker's samples were very dire to write of his blood count and urinalysis results. He needed to speak to a hematologist as well as the other attending physicians.

Torsten stood up and picked up the paperworks, heading to the hospital lobby. He just saw Doctors Amnon and Glenda Montmartre along with Doctors Albert Severin and Michel Dèscartes as they were heading to the laboratory area.

" Torsten, how's the lab results from Monsieur Tucker? " Amnon asked.

" It isn't great at all. Tucker has massive amounts of dark foreign antibody serum. Which is similar to Hilden Kastronov and Blokk Danilovsky, " Torsten explained to Amnon.

" Mind if we could see it? "

" Ja, " Torsten said as he handed Amnon the lab results.

Amnon turned to his wife and colleagues as they were reading the results. The cardiologist Dr. Severin and the hematologist Dr. Dèscartes looked anxious and exchanged glances among their other fellows.

" Monsieur Tucker is suspected to have sickle cell anemia due to Umbral Antibody infection, " Dèscartes remarked.

" I'm afraid that branding has reached the heart and it will hinder pumping blood, " Severin added. " His circulation and immunity can no longer function with a severe illness from the Umbral condition. "

" So, you might consider blood transfusion, bone marrow transplant, and a new heart? " Amnon asked.

" We are thinking the late Doctor Jean Philippe Baudin and his wife could be Kasius's donor if possible? " Glenda added.

" Oui. "the two physicians nodded.

" Well, Docteur Jean Philippe's skin is reserved for Monsieur Friedrich's new skin, " her husband replied. " I'm also concerned for his kidneys as well, since he has several traces of blood and umbral antibody on his results. "

" Let's see if their organs are still available for Monsieur Tucker, " Severin answered. " But the blood transfusion needs to be from an immediate family member of the same blood type."

" Tucker needs be freed from the Umbral Branding. Otherwise his new bone marrow and heart will be damaged as well, " Torsten said with concern.

" Unless, if we can give him a higher dosage of the Photis's Blessing, " Amnon replied.

" Does he have an immediate family member? " Dèscartes asked.

" His father Gideon Tucker. "

" My other patient, I presume, " the middle aged cardiologist surmised. " I don't think he could be a blood donor to the recipient. Knowing that he's also hypertensive. "

" You mean family history? " Glenda curiously chimed in.

" Most likely, the son inherited his father's illness, but combined with an Umbral branding. I'm afraid the younger will die earlier than his father. "

" What should we do then? " Torsten asked with concern.

" Well, I'll try to increase his dosage levels of the Photis's Blessing to him, " Amnon answered. " Then, he would be needing a blood donor after this. "

" You mean detoxification before further procecure? " Dèscartes asked.

" It might help, Michèl, " Glenda added.

" Is there anymore tests you want to look at for your patient? " Torsten asked.

" Stool, Saliva, or sputum test, " Amnon answered. " We need to make sure if Tucker has some other underlying illness aside from the cardiovascular and secretion system. "

Torsten nodded at Amnon, " I'll examine these tests right away."

" Torsten, merci, " the general practitioner nodded.

" De rien, " Torsten said to Amnon.

[Dread Wolves Tribe Village: 5th of After Witching, Year 427, 8:20 PM]

A Hettic elven man around more than 200 years old arrived home after his successful job application as an emergency nurse and a paramedic at Monoceros Keep General Hospital. He was about to say to his new friends and neighbors at the village, however he heard a rustling sound from the bushes. He became apprehensive recalling those days of the Skolgva incident back in his Hettic Army involvemment. Instead, he was taking deep breaths and going to the direction towards the bushes.

The former Hettic Army soldier curiously looked at the ginger and greyish haired pale elderly man with dark bluish purple eyes who happened to be wounded and weakened. He seemed to be he had never eaten in days. Ivan continued to observe the elderly man to make sure he ain't dangerous.

" Hilf mir bitte... (Help me...please...) " he weakingly spoke in Chergari and coughed. " Helfen.... (Help....) "

Ivan without hesitation rushed toward the elderly Chergarian man and began to treat his wounds, " What's your name? Can you tell me happened? "

" My" he coughed and panted. " Samuel Jakob Fischer....I have been....hiding and running away....from...Mutran Günther....Spiriah Reinhart....They wanted to me to kill....more....innocent...Foraneans. "

" Stay with me! You'll get through this, " Ivan anxiously said before handing Samuel gauze. "Put pressure on your wound and don't let go. I'm going to get more people to assist in treating your injuries."

" Danke...Junge..." Samuel weakingky smiled and followed what the elven nurse instructed.

The Hettic elven nurse rushed towards everyone as he noticed Byleth Knightfall. She looked at him and grew concerned.

" Is there something wrong? " Byleth curiously asked.

" A man is severely injured near the village. Come quick, " Ivan anxiously said.

" Right, " Byleth nodded and followed Ivan going to the bushes.

The green haired elven woman noticed Samuel was lying beside the rock. She gasped in shock and noticed he looked uncanny to Ivo except for his bluish-purple eyes and normal human ear.

" We need to save this man. Help me treat his wounds, " Ivan replied.

" We need some healing leaves or perhaps a potion, " she said.

" Do you have any of that on you now? " Ivan anxiously asked.

" We'll bring her to Merrill. She knows how to heal him. "

Ivan nodded in agreement. "Help me get him up."

Byleth nodded back as she and Ivan carefully carried the elderly Chergarian man. They were walking to the village when they headed to Merrill's tent. The raven tribe elder and leader stepped out of the tent and looked concerned at the weakened male senior citizen.

" He's been severely injured. We need your help, " Ivan said to Merrill.

" Let's see what I can do, " she answered and intently looked at Samuel. " You look uncanny to your son except for his slightly elongated ear and pair of green irises in his eyes. "

" Ja, Danke mein frau. " Samuel nodded. " Have you met my son, Ivo? "

" Yes, he works at Arthas's workshop and part of the Dread Wolves Tribe. "

" Thank goodness, he's in the better hands now with all of you including his maternal distant relatives, the Montmartres, " the elderly man answered. " There's something I wished to tell him which Marina and I would have done many years ago. Ivo's part elven through my wife's ancestors. "

" You'll be able to talk to your son soon. But right now, we need to treat your injuries, " Ivan said to Samuel.

" Danke..." Samuel nodded and smiled at the elven nurse as Merrill also treated the elderly man's wounds and let him drink her created Vitality Serum. The elven tribe elder sensed something to the Chergarian man as she heavily sighed.

" What's wrong? " Ivan asked Merrill with concern.

" I'm afraid he is terminally ill, " she seriously spoke.

" How long does he have? " Ivan sadly asked.

" A few months to live. "

" Damn, " Ivan heavily sighed. " I don't know how we can relay this news to Ivo."

" Perhaps, through his brother, Doctor Amnon Montmartre. "

Ivan nodded at Merrill, " We should have Dr. Amnon Montmatre look at him then."

" Montmartre, you say? " Samuel curiously mused.

" Yes..." Merrill nodded.

" Thank goodness, I wish to talk to Jean Meir about Ivo. I have some letters from me and my wife kept for him and my son..."

" Unfortunately, the Senator had already passed away a few years ago. His physician son is the right person for you to speak. "

Samuel had a let out a deep and depressing sigh, deeply thought, and calmly said, " I will express my sincerest condolences to him and his family once I meet him. "

" We'll need to stabilize you before being taken to the hospital, " Ivan said.

" Danke, " Samuel nodded.

" You're welcome, " Ivan smiled at Samuel. " I'm Ivan Dimitrov. Apologies for not introducing myself."

" My name's Byleth Knightfall, " the elven woman also introduced herself and the village elder. " This is also Lady Merrill Anaedaere. You're now in the Dread Wolves Tribe Village.

" Also, it's nice to meet you, all. Thank you for letting me stay and get healed here, " Samuel answered.

[Moreau's Underground Bunker, 5th of After Witching 3:30 AM]

Doctor Mütran Gunther looked after for his victims including the recent ones which he and Kasius have done recently. Gabriela, Aurelio, Sinara, and the other mutated people were silently watching him. Neil and Sophia were exchanging glances as they thought of escaping before they would be mutated. The mad Chergarian scientist evilly grinned at them.

" So, that Elandric dummkopf has left you all in the dark, ja? " he taunted and loudly laughed. " I don't need his help anyway. So, I will just continue his works and enhanced them with my own method. Who needs him anyway? "

" In the end of this, he only served a purpose of far exceeding our plans." Spirah replied, and crossed his arms behind his back.

" Mein Oberst Reinhart, Güten morgen! " Mutran evilly grinned and saluted the Chergarian army colonel in greeting. " It's good to see you again. What brings you here in Foranea? Perhaps, Herr Neforie just called you, ja? "

" At ease Mutran, I haven't come on anyone's orders besides my curiosity of your next creations." Spirah replied, with seeing the next test subjects for his fellow Makuta's incredible work.

" Ja, mein Oberst, I have some people who were mutated as well, " the mad scientist pointed at Sinara Tucker who happened to be a cat-human hybrid, Gabriela Herrera, a woman with strange looking tendrils from Oscar Saddler, Aurelio Aligheri, an anthromorphic wolf, and other mutated people in the containment. " They are all ready of your war. " Then, he continued, " The others were missing and escaped including Herr Samuel Jakob Fischer, the traitor's father. "

" Figures they'd retained a sense of their former selves." Spirah then smirked with a cackle coming after." The freedom they've thought they reached will be quickly taken away once we've rounded them up."

" Well, that's what Herr Tucker just idealised to become a better versions of themselves, " Mutran replied. " Speaking of which, Herr Tucker made another experiment from your side. I believe he's one of your footsoldiers. "

" He's taking a worthy step on becoming a valued cog into our war machine, and with his dedication to my regiment, " Spiran inspected the results from Mutran's notes." A scourge that'll turn the tide for us."

" I'm supposed to have the Foranean circus boy turned dragon man, Charlemagne Le Rizard, but I'm afraid he has escaped among the others, " Mutran replied and gestured him to a crimson furred Chergarian werewolf inside the containment. " Here's Soldat Vultraz Klaus Schulz. "

" One problem can be fixed, with a Wolf's sense of smell and tracking, " Spirah replied." Which prompts our first field testing for your successful mutant. Mutran."

" Let's see what he can do, mein Oberst. " Mutran smiled and released the werewolf from his containment cell.

The other experimented mutants were afraid of his fierce, sinister, and ravenous disposition. Neil and Sophia remained non-speaking in fear since they were witnessing this man turned monster. Vultraz growled at them and then smelled the two men for his confrontation. Then, he stood up straight and saluted the colonel and scientist in military fashion.

" Vultraz Klaus Schulz meldet sich zum Dienst, meine Herren! (Vultraz Klaus Schulz, reporting for duty, sirs!) " he proudly exclaimed.

Spirah saluted the soldier back in acknowledging him, and replied, " Impeccable timing, Soldier, and what do you have to report for our next batch for soon to be experiments? "

" Ja, mein Oberst, I was the first Chergarian to be part of the experimentation, " Vultraz answered. " Most of them are Foraneans and other nationalities who were abducted. They will be also joining us. Herr Doktor Günther is waiting for my fellow troops to be experimented. Those Tallish terrorists were nothing, but a bunch of dummkopfen und nutlozen, even the first werewolf, Herr Samuel Fischer. Rest assured, I will be hunting down those escapees and the civilians. Soon enough, I will follow your orders for the new regiment, meine Herren. "

" What do you think of him then? " Mutran asked.

" He'll suffice in completing his tasks with one hundred success, and I've read a great deal of his past successes." Spirah replied." He's an improvement from the failures of Nidhiki and Roodaka."

" My fellow soldiers back in the Heer, they are nothing, but a bunch of nutlozen und dummkopfen, " Vultraz darkly chuckled and grinned. " I have heard Hethiss, Adder, and Weber are in prison. Those two traitors, Fischer and Friedrich are still out there and returning to their 'normal' lives. Malter is still with us. Would you like me to hunt down Fischer and Friedrich while we invade this country? "

" Chirox has chosen his inevitable fate, the sniveling traitor has allied himself with the Blue Knight," Spirah informed the assassin." You can include the minor of the objectives of either freeing our former comrades, or cutting a threat and cut them loose from our grand vision."

" Ja, ich habe es verstanden. Dies gilt auch für den Erdbändiger Fischer. Wir haben immer noch seinen Elfenschatz, der noch nicht mutiert ist. Mal sehen, ob es ihm das Herz bricht, wenn er sieht, wie sein geliebter Schatz wie wir mutiert! (Yes, I have understood. This also applies to the earthbender, Fischer. We still have his elven sweetheart who hasn't mutated yet. Let's see if he will break his heart in seeing his cherished sweetheart becoming mutated like us! ) " he answered and pointed at Sophia. Then, he turned to the colonel, " Aber ich würde es vorziehen, diesen Verrätern ihren Untergang zu drohen und unsere Kameraden im Gefängnis zu befreien. Ich würde auch gerne den Blauen Ritter treffen. (But I would prefer to threaten those traitors into their doom and free our comrades in prison. I would like to meet the Blue Knight as well.) "

" Luring them with precious sweetheart, can be the catalyst of bating them all here, " Spirah mockingly pointed over at the test subjects, a whole reunion of former friends can be all captured together, or have their lives extinguished."

" Let's see what we can do, but I prefer to have a new location, mein Oberst. What do you think? " Mutran asked.

" The Pale mother of rot, she's your past creation?, why not signal on her rlease and set the Hospital to ablaze with her tormenting the patients there, and that's going to drive them in." Spirah said.

" It's Die Dummkopf Moreau's obsession and enhanced creation, " he nonchalantly spoke and shrugged. " But I have plans to unleash that creature soon. "

" So, you were once working with that unlicensed doctor, ja? " Vultraz asked.

" Nein! " Mutran instantly spoke and angrily clenched his fists. " I don't like his erotic obssessions for women and feeding them to the Pale Mother regardless if I took over his property! Herr Neforie just asked me here to live in his place! "

" The creature is stationary?, she cann't be moved from any other means? " the Commander said, and wondered." Has it been held there for so long? It's practically fused to the floor?"

" Ja, it has been stationary as Fraulein La Violette once told me. It normally feeds the deceased persons upto her growth. "

" Demolition can fix the situation, once we destroyed the ground floor leading into her chamber, she can pull on through and cause devastation." Spirah suggested.

" Perhaps, we can ask Malter's help for demolition, " Mutran spoke.

" All our charges are in his safe keeping, although we can imbue them with a certain ingredient..." Spirah said." A special mixure to enforce a mutation for the pale mother."

" Wunderbar! " Mutran smirked. " I do have that formulation, mein Oberst! Herr Tucker doesn't know of this! "

" Herr Tucker won't be provided any knowledge of our dealings, and this shall be the farthest peak of crumbling his reputation, and the respect of my rise to power! " Spirah proclaimed.

" Tucker's methods and procedures may be more useful than Moreau's works, " Mutran grinned. " He has betrayed us because of those dummkopfen!"

" None of them had your expertise, and lacked the imagination of going broader with their schemes, " Spirah replied." And with Moreau gone, there's a little of a power vacuum to fill the place he once held."

" I shall inform this to Herr Neforie, mein Oberst. "

" Vultraz, I know you'll keep our little meeting a secret, and inform none of this to anyone else, besides Herr Neforie, for the next steps of our grand scheme." Spirah told to his subordinate.

" Ja wohl. "

" Moreau's legacy is nothing more than a shrouded memory." Spirah continued on getting too prideful." My own legacy will wash over his, and begin a new age for the Umbra's."

" Ja, I'm with you on this one. "

" Unbeknownst to the rest of our allies, the Pale Mother wasn't utilized on releasing until we've reached a certain point, How amusing though. The point has arrived for my, I mean our benefit of rupturing the feeble dust."

" Perhaps, we shall scout the hospital, mein Oberst, " Vultraz replied.

" Our operative before, Cheshire is already fooling around and keeping tabs on the Doctor's and their patients, though her work is nothing compared to a Jester..." Spirah shook his head in annoyance." Who placed her in such an important assignment?."

" I believe Moreau did, " Mutran replied.

" Her assignment can continue, under one condition that she's now getting monitored by Vultraz, when he's completed his other tasks." Spirah said.

" Ja wohl. I have mutated Fraulein La Violette to be an agent of the Pale Mother. She's responsible for abducting Fraulein Aurand a few days ago. "

" So, this elven fraulein, " Vultraz flirtingly grinned at Sophia and approached towards her containment cell. " I'd rather ditch that Erdbändiger Fischer and make her mine! She will be more attractive and beautiful when she becomes mutated! "

Sophia furiously glared at the Chergarian werewolf and angrily clenched her fists. Then, she sternly remarked, " I will never fall into your foolish traps! Absolutely, I will wait for my geomancer to rescue me! "

Vultraz seductively grinned and winked at her. The elven nurse dimmed her eyes and became uncomfortable to confront him, giving the mutated Chergarian with her stabbing looks.

" Non, reste loin de moi, espèce de fou! (No, stay away from me, you lunatic!) " she heatedly spat.

" Und auch sehr lebhaft! (And very feisty too!) " he chuckled and taunted her. " Wie süß, dass du böse auf mich bist, mein liebes Fräulein! (How cute that you get angry with me, my dear lovely fraulein!) "

" Va-t-en, idiot! (Go away, you idiot!) "

The Chergarian werewolf loudly laughed and flirtingly grinned at her, ignoring her furious remarks in Franken.

Spirah thought of another hassle, " There's one common occurrence that's a thorn on my side, a reptile that's been cutting down on my shipments and supplies, and like any rodent, he's needing to be cut down."

" Who is it, mein Oberst? " Mutran asked.

Snarling lightly at thinking of the name of the rodent." A meddlesome petty thief, Obsidian Gladescale, he has eluded capture more times than one...and has extinguished the lives of five of my top soldiers, when they tried on getting him." Spirah crosses his arms." A second attempt, is something you'll be going on later, Vultraz."

" I believe, he's one of my experiments before, ja oder nein? "

" He's become defiant on trying to resist us? And from how long has this rodent been avoiding capture? " The Commander asked.

" I believe it's more than a month ago as Herr Tucker and I deemed him a nuisance experimentee, " Mutran replied.

" His usefulness is never going to be, and I'll label him a permanent loss, " Spirah accounted with a huff." We'll cut his existence and use what's left for the worms to have."

" Let's if you can hunt down this foolish Aldernian Lizard, man, ja? "Mutran turned to Vultraz.

" Ja wohl, mein Herren..." the mutated werewolf evilly grinned.

[Monoceros Keep General Hospital's Isolation Ward, Second Floor: 6th of After Witching, 8:12 AM]

Kasius was finished eating your breakfast and taken his medication. Yet, he was wondering if how the lab findings would be since he was warned of his complication by his attending physician. He heavily sighed and turned to the heart monitor, seeing some spikes flashing from the screen. Just then, the Leanan Sidhe nurse, Annika Mercier gently knocked on the door and entered his room, opening it.

" Bonjour, monsieur Tucker. Un autre patient en convalescence souhaite vous rendre visite entre-temps. Aimeriez-vous le voir?(Bonjour, monsieur Tucker. Another recovering patient wants to visit you at the meantime. Would you like to see him?) " she politely asked.

Kaisus nodded at Annika, " Sure. "

" He's talking to the police on duty right now. I'll let him in. For now, I'll take out those empty dishes. "

" Bonjour! Güten Morgen! " the burn survivor cheerfully greeted him in Franken and Chergari.

" I didn't thought I'll see you again, " Kasius said to Chirox.

" Kasius, I heard what happened from Herr und Frau Doktor Montmartre. They allowed me to see you, " Chirox calmly answered and sat on a chair near his bedside. " I'm sorry that you have endured this prolonged illness. Like I know it's like to be deceived for power, but you'll end up suffering. It really devastates you and makes you think of killing yourself which I was in that phase. "

" I failed to stop the Umbra from influence me. They manipulated me with my former goals and made me pursue it again. No one will forgive me for the damage and suffering I caused." Kasius sadly said.

" Same here, mein freund. Almost a decade that I have been working as an assassin, Itna and the others controlled and forced me to worship the god of Damocles, Xiven, Polyphemus, and the others. I ended up becoming just like you. I kidnapped and murdered people. Then, I will be receiving and wearing my victim's skin for good. "

" I've had it worse than you. When Xiven started to control me, I tried to resist but I always failed. The Umbral god controlled my speech and actions. It brought even more of my dark side back when I did those heinous rituals in Odyssea Academy, " Kasius explains with sadness.

" That leads to your prolonged illness, I presume, " Chirox answered and recalled. " I remembered that day when Ivo and Herr Doktor Montmartre visited me in prison. They had put sense to me and thought of putting myself into the shoes of my family. I knew you were too anxious of what some people would think of you, but I had left all of these and decided to redeem myself for my family and everyone else who generously accepted me. Eventhough we were marked as criminals, we do have a chance to live a better life and future. Sigurd is now in prison as my wife is visiting him before she will meet our children in the Dread Wolves Tribe Village and return to the hospital. After the surgery, I will be reuniting with them and continuing my works in fighting for justice. "

Then, he recalled reading some quotes from a book which he read when he was younger. He sincerely looked at the bedridden Elandric man and quoted, " Wenn es Ärger gibt, ist es deine Familie, die dich unterstützt. Sie müssen Ihre Ehre verteidigen. Und Ihre Familie. (When trouble comes, it's your family that supports you. You have to defend your honor. And your family.) "

" But what I've done to my sister, mutating her under Xiven's influence, " Kasius heavily sighed. "I don't think she'll forgive neither will my father."

" Can I ask you a question? I'm sorry if this triggers you personally, " Chirox said. " Who do you miss the most in your family? "

" I miss my whole entire family. When Glenda sang that song it made me think about my father, " Kasius answered.

" I can see what you are coming from, Kasius. I'm also a father and I missed seeing my wife and children. Of course, you would feel the same way, " he replied and held his chin, recalling his sessions with Doctor Lestrade. " Can we do a roleplay? I'll pretend that I'm your father visiting you right now. Can you think of what would you like to say to him? We're doing this so you could express everything. "

" Father. I'm sorry for abandoning you and the rest of my family and for the horrible things I've done to those innocent people. I'll do my best to redeem myself, " Kasius sadly said.

The Chergarian burn survivor listened and studied his fellow patient's words. Before he could speak up, he thought of his words. As a father, he decided to forgive another young person.

" Dir ist vergeben, mein lieber Sohn. Ich habe dich auch vermisst und gehofft, die Dinge, die du verpasst hast, nachholen zu können. Wir sind immer für Sie da. (You are forgiven, my dear son. I missed you as well and hoped to catch up the things you missed. We're always here for you.) " Chirox replied in Chergari and sincerely smiled. "Aber Sie müssen sich Ihren Konsequenzen stellen und daraus lernen. Das ist Ihr neues Leben, bitte schätzen Sie es. Verstehen? (But you need to face your consequences and learn from them. This is your new life, please value it. Understand?) "

Kaisus sincerely nodded, " Ich verstehe (I understand)."

" Danke, " he nodded back. " How is it? "

" I felt relieved like my confidence is back, " Kasius answered.

" Well, you still have a long way to regain everything, mein freund. " Chirox smiled and remarked.

Suddenly, a gentle knock on the door was heard. Chirox and Kasius exchanged glances. The burn survivor stood up from his seat and slowly stepped using his walking stretcher. Reaching the door, the two men noticed, Doctor Amnon Montmartre who just came from a short meeting with the hematologist, internal medicine specialist, and cardiologist. He looked at Kasius with concern and slightly smiled at them.

" Bonjour, Herr Doktor Montmartre, " Chirox warmly greeted at the attending physician and smiled back. " I guess it's your call to speak to my fellow in-patient here. I made to put sense to him just like you and Ivo did to me back in prison. "

" Bonjour. Merci beaucoup, Chirox, " Amnon replied. " It's nice to hear you took some initiative in helping another fellow patient. "

" Dè rien. D'accord, " he turned to the Elandric bedridden patient. " He seems to get it. Rest assured, he will be fine with Mama Photis's help. "

Amnon nodded and heavily sighed as he took another chair and sat down. He held the lab results folder, opened it, and deeply thought of how he could deliver the diagnosis from him and his fellows. Chirox thought of leaving the room, but he noticed Kasius's uneasiness, implying him to stay a little longer. He gave his fellow patient a glass of water for him to drink and sat down from where he was seated earlier.

" What's the results? " Kasius nervously asked.

" Your red and white blood cells and platelet count are below the normal range. Your urine and stool sample are also affected with the long term Umbral antibody plasma inside your system. Most likely, it has spread widely through your bloodstream upto the different organ systems. It has been slowly damaging your entire body like cancer cells," Amnon explained. " To put this way, Xiven has turned you into a ticking time bomb for several years. We have estimated you have three months to live if you're untreated. I'm sorry for this one. You have severe aplastic anemia due to a prolonged and an invasive umbral antibody. "

Chirox sadly sighed and gently patted the Elandric patient's shoulder to comfort him after hearing the diagnosis.

" Is there a treatment for my condition? " Kasius sadly asked as he lost for words.

" Well, we are considering to have a bone marrow transplant and blood transfusion, " the Akrovian-Foranean general practitioner answered. " If it's a blood transfusion, we prefer to have an immediate family member with the same blood type of A positive as your recipient. Secondly, we found your donor for bone marrow transplant which happened to be my previous med school professor. Third, you will be having a continuous detoxification treatment before your surgery and transfusion will take place. "

" But if Xiven still have control over my body. Wouldn't this be all for nothing? There has to be a way to remove that foul Umbral, " Kasius sadly said.

" I still need to perform that detoxification procedure for you, " Amnon replied.

" When can you perform the procedure? " Kasius asked.

" Da, Right, now. Here. "

" Herr Doktor, do you think he can recover before his surgery and transfusion? " Chirox asked with concern.

" For detoxification, let's say 90 to 100% chance of recovery, " Amnon answered and held a bottle of Photis's blessing, a syringe, and an Akrovian rebuke gem.

The blonde Akrovian-Foranean general practitioner donned his rubber gloves and prepared his two new syringes of 20ml, carefully pouring the Photis's Blessing and gently tapping the first syringe.

" Now, hold still...." he replied and injected at Kasius's left upper arm, through 90° position.

Kasius flinched in pain at the syringe poking him and took a deep breath and exhale before speaking, " How long will the detoxication start working? "

" Expect a fever above 37°Celsius and frequent urination within the day, you will be also starting to vomit or experience diarrhea, " he answered and injected the second needle with the 20ml of Photis's Blessing.

" I know it will be a hassle for you, mein freund. I have experienced it when it's my first time to be treated for this one, " Chirox reminded.

" I only wish to rid my body of Xiven's influence. Then I can focus on my path to redemption, " Kasius said to Chirox.

" Ja, you are getting there, " the burn survivor assured and sincerely smiled.

Amnon gently poured out a drop of Ouranist Holy Water to the rebuke gem and casted Amp-Up. The Dragotsenny or rebuke gem's radiance turned bluish-white light. Chirox and Kasius noticed the bright electrical energy emitting from the doctor and transmitting it to the gem.

" Kasius, j'ai besoin que tu touches ça s'il te plaît. Ce sont les 25 volts de mes sorts bioélectriques et le rayonnement de la gemme de réprimande. Cela augmentera vos chances de guérison. (Kasius, I need you to touch this please. It's 25 volts of my bioelectric spells and radiance from the rebuke gem. This will increase your chance of recovery.) " he reminded. " Pas de soucis, c'est sûr. (No worries, it's safe.) "

Kasius nodded at Amnon as he went to touch the rebuke gem slowly. Then, he held and touched the sparking rebuke gem. At first, he felt a sudden warmth and electric shock rushing into your body. The raven haired Elandric patient was sweating profusedly as the Umbral essence was gradually disappearing from his body. Chirox witnessed the dark mana or energy was totally vanishing. The forbidden Umbral magic was now expelled into his system. Suddenly, a bright radiance from the enhanced rebuke gem gave him a glow from the Elandric patient's body. Finally, he was already free from the prolonged curse and illness from Xiven. Kasius sighed in relief as he was feeling better and freed from the influence of Xiven.

" How is it, mein freund? " Chirox curiously asked.

" Relieving. I feel my strength and energy returning! " Kasius happily said.

" I know you can recover, Kasius, " Amnon sincerely smiled at him. " You will take the next step for your full recovery; bone marrow transplant surgery and blood transfusion, but we need your consent and talk to your family members. "

" You have my consent, but Sinara is still not freed," Kasius reminded.

" Kasius, remember about that ' phone conversation' two nights ago? " Amnon nervously asked and wryly grinned. " I need you a favor for this. It's really a secret you know. "

" What is it? "

Chirox looked at the doctor and understood him. Then, he lowly chuckled and turned to Kasius, placing his right index finger on his mouth.

" How to say this..." he curiously muttered and whispered into his ear, reminding him of the conversation of how Kasius blurted out his secret identity over the phone. " Compris? (Understood?) "

Kasius nodded at Amnon, " Compris. "

" Merci, Spasibo, " he sighed in relief and assured. " I'll try my best to save your sister from them as the Blue Knight. "

" Thank you. Please make sure, Sinara is safe and sound, " Kasius gratefully said.

" Dè rien. Pozhaluysta. I will. For now, you need to recover and meet your father or other siblings in relation to your next procedure. This is the only way to get them informed with your condition and possibly your criminal case to be settled. Now, me and Monsieur Friedrich are your credible witness for that removal of that Umbral essence. We need a psychiatrist to check your mental condition. "

" I'll accept any procedure if it'll lead to getting better. I'm also willing to see a psychiatrist as part of my journey of redemption." Kasius said in agreement.

" Très bien. (Very well.) " Amnon sincerely smiled and nodded, turning to Chirox and then to him." I recommend you to meet Docteur Gregorius Lestrade. He's an Aldernian psychiatrist who lives in this country for years. He could assess your mental condition. Let's see if he could give you any treatment. "

" Thank you, " Kasius nodded at Amnon.

" Dè rien, mon ami, (You're welcome, friend.) "

[Senator Valfor Neforie's Residence, 6th of After Witching 6:28 PM]

Oberst Spiriah Reinhart and Dr. Mutran Günther had arrived to the mansion as the skaven maidservant let them enter within the premises. They noticed that there were Foranean officials visiting him and as well as his campaign managers, Tsirhc and Lamprey Itna. The two of you were invited at the affair before Neforie would declare himself as the new president of the country.

" Mein Oberst, we shall talk to him before he declares himself as the new president, " Mutran reminded.

" Setting up our control across this entire nation, and letting loose our new weapon. Everything is falling into play, Mutran." Spirah said.

The upcoming Foranean President warmly smiled at the two Chergarian men and greeted, " Ah, Bonjour, messieurs! I am expecting you two to talk to you before my inaguration at 7:00 pm. Oui? "

" Ja. " the scientist replied and noticed the elderly statesman in dark business suit talking to another official.

" Several topics on the manner, of his fruiteries plan becoming a true success, and other minor things. Our talk should be done before several minutes before his step into the seat, " Spirah replied.

Suddenly, a brunette female tiefling secretary with her thirties in appearance approached her superior and said, " Excusez-moi monsieur. Monsieur Itna a décidé de prononcer un discours d'inauguration plus tôt et vous pourrez ensuite parler à vos invités. Il s'occupera de vos autres affaires en votre nom. (Excuse me, sir. Monsieur Itna has decided to make an earlier inagurational speech and then you can talk to your guests. He will handle your other affairs on your behalf.) "

" Est-ce ainsi? Eh bien, nous pouvons alors commencer plus tôt! (Is that so? Well, we can start ahead then!) " Neforie grinned and gestured his two Chergarian guests.

In the enormously wide living room, Everyone was ready and anticipating for the new self-proclaimed head of state. The orc man supreme court judge stood beside him. The media people were covering a live radio broadcast. Some were preparing for their newspaper and magazine cover and article.

Neforie took a deep breath and turned to the judge, letting him read the script. His son, Anakin anticipated for his father's speech along with the Itnas, Doctor Günther, Colonel Reinhart, and the rest of the crowd. He cleared his throat and raised his right hand as the judge instructed him.

" Je, Valfor Neforie, jure et affirme solennellement que je soutiendrai et défendrai la Constitution de la République de Foranea contre tous les ennemis, étrangers et nationaux ; que je lui porterai une véritable foi et allégeance ; que j'assume cette obligation librement, sans aucune réserve mentale. ou un but d'évasion ; et que je m'acquitterai correctement et fidèlement des devoirs de la fonction dans laquelle je suis sur le point d'entrer : Aidez-moi donc, mes Dieux ombraux. (I, Valfor Neforie, do solemnly swear and affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of Republic of Foranea against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me my Umbral Gods.) "

" Je me déclare comme le nouveau Président de la République de Foranea. (I declare myself as the new President of Republic of Foranea.) "

The rest of the crowd applauded, cheered, and whistled for their new president. Doctor Günther and Colonel Reinhart exchanged glances and intently grinned at the newly self proclaimed Head of State. Neforie headed to his Chergarian guests as the new vice president made his turn for the inauguration and warmly smiled, waving at his supporters.

" Vive le Président Neforie! Vive la Foranea! (Long live, President Neforie! Long live, Foranea!) " they joyfully chanted.

" The storm rages on, with the dismantling of the nation's freedom for a new age." Spirah whispered." A storm to flatten and engulf all our enemies."

" Oui, D'accord, " Neforie smirked. " I'm just doing this according to plan which Madame Sheeva and I have agreed while we worshipped Damocles and the other gods. Of course, your Immortal Emperor and your higher-ups are expecting results for taking over Foranea as another conquest. "

" Widening our grip to the other surrounding territories, it's only a manner of time before they befall to you, Herr Neforie, " Spirah proclaimed.

" Well, of course, " The Foranean President agreed and asked. " So, how can I help you, messieurs? "

" Concerning about our hidden asset, I'm thinking the time has arrived on letting it loose, Sir." Spirah replied.

" Ah, oui...La mère pâle! (The Pale Mother!) " Neforie nodded and exclaimed. " I am planning not to support any institutions which pertains to welfare, health care, education, and other sectors. Besides, that hospital will be in my target list for removal and you may requisition it. "

" A fortress that's best suited for your loyalists, will be rewarding for our great successes to dismantling the old pathetic world." Spirah proudly smiled." The Blue Knight shall not interfere."

" Je peux certainement être d'accord avec ça! (I can definitely agree with that!) " Neforie grinned and took his seat, raising his left hand in interjection. " As a living descendant of Kings Frankia and Deimos de Montmorency, I will prove to those losers how Foranea will rise again along with the Chergarians and the Umbral Cultists for great power. "

" You mean dictatorship along with our control, mein Herr. Ja? " Mutran asked.

" Oui. I wish to have those artifacts from my ancestors before the Divine War which could help me to become more empowered than the puny Blue Knight. But I will grant your people control and terror for those who try to resist against us. "

Suddenly, a knock on the door was heard as Mutran opened it. It revealed to be a short and stout bearded man in his mid-fifties. He had a slick medium length crimson and greying locks with a pair of icy blue irises in his eyes. The man was holding a glass of champagne on his left hand and a cigar on his right hand. President Neforie, Colonel Reinhart, and Doctor Günther grinned at him in greeting.

" Bonsoir, messieurs, " the politician greeted. " I have heard some interesting plans for the near future, oui? I believe you all need some ' financial resources'. "

" Formulating an entire scheme of destroying our enemies, it'll be done in one swift motion, with the creatures of Mutran's creations." Spirah replied." They'll never know what's going to be unleashed upon the inconceivable resistance."

" Ah! You want my funding then! " Senator Carolus Le Roy gave a loud and hardy laugh and puffed from his cigar." How about if I invest at 10 million Creds. 10 percent from my own expense and 90 percent from those futile taxpayers' money. How's that sound, messieurs? Will you take a bet? "

" I like it! " Mutran happily exclaimed and also laughed. " It's also you're selling Foranea to us, Chergarians or should I say the Umbral Cultists like us, ja? "

" More like, I would like to see it happening, messieurs, " Neforie remarked.

" Indeed, meine Herren, for everyday will spruce up a breakage into the Resistance, and their allies are going to understand the futility of their actions." Spirah said." Money's worth spent on weaponizing our soldiers, with a few new modifications, those results will be extraordinary."

" D'accord! " Le Roy smiled and turned to the new President, holding a glass of champagne and proposing a toast to the three men. " Un toast pour le nouveau chapitre de Foranea! (A toast for the new chapter of Foranea!) "

" To shattering the dreams of freedom, and replacing the new foundation in the shadow of our supremacy, mein Führer! " Spirah raised his glass towards the President.

" Danke schön, meine Herren, " Neforie replied in Chergari, smiled, and toasted his glass to them.

Just behind the door, his young adopted son, Anakin peeked from the doorway of his father's office and saw him talking to the three men. He listened and widened his eyes in fear. He quickly moved away from being noticed and thought of not to tell this to anyone. Anakin was too afraid of sharing in what he had heard from them.

(RP with BjornGamR27 and Knightfall077 and their characters.)

(Valfor Neforie belongs to BrandonToy)

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