You just walked the prank

Finns POV

I got home from work, and got to Y/n and I's apartment. I hang up the keys, take my shoes and coat off, and search for my loving girlfriend. I listen for the shower, not going. I search through the kitchen and living room, nope. She must be in bed. I open our bedroom door, and peek inside. "Y/n, I'm home honey" I whisper yell. No response. I walk in and see she's asleep. I carefully get into bed with her, hoping to not wake her up. About 5 minutes of silence, I get the bright idea to prank her. I walk into the bathroom, grab some baby powder, and pour it in the hair dryer. I put the hair dryer away, and think of more ways to prank her. She likes to draw a lot. Like she is the best artist I've ever seen. I go to her work desk, find as many as utensils, and hide each one around the apartment. Now that I think I have done enough damage (tHatS a LoT uH dAmAGe)  I have to wake her up. I walk to the kitchen and grab a big pan and a metal spoon. I walk back into the bedroom and start clashing the objects together. I watch as y/n goes from peacefully sleeping, to now yelling at me to stop. "Finn! Stop! Please!" She yells. I stop clashing the pan and spoon together and set them down. I walk over to her and give her a big hug. "Hey baby" I say. She rests her head on my chest as I sway her back and fourth. "Mmmmmm" she just groans. Come on. I keep swaying and she lifts her head to look at me. We both lean in to a kiss and connect our lips together. We pull away and she looks at me and says, "Why'd you wake me up?" I reply with "because I missed you all day." Now I feel bad for pranking her.

The next morning——-


I wake up and see Finn on the other side of the bed, sleeping peacefully.  I kiss his cheek softly and get out of bed into the bathroom. I do my morning routine, and shower. I then get out of the shower and get ready to do my hair. I get the blow dryer and turn it's heat up. Then, I turn it on. Next thing I know, powder is everywhere. All on my wet face, my wet hair, just sticking to me. I hear laughing from a distance. Finn. "You got something on your face love" He says. I walk up to him, scrape the powder off my face, and smudge it all on his face. I start to laugh and run away. He chases after me, but I eventually get back into the bathroom and lock the door.  I get back in the shower, and get ready for the day. If it's good.  I go to my work area, ready to do a project for an upcoming event that I scheduled, but I can't find my utensils. Panic instantly rushes into my body, and I run to Finn asking if he had seen them. "Finn! Finn I can't find my utensils and the project with the rich guy is coming up in 3 weeks and if I don't have this painting done then IM DONE!" I speak swiftly.

Finn POV

"Woah woah woah. Calm down" I tell her. Now I feel really bad. "Where did you put them?" I ask. "I- I put them in the bin, with all my other paints, the canvas is still there, the paints are too, but if I don't have the brushes to paint the scenery then i can't finish the painting at all!"
Now she's on the verge of tears. I eventually give in and said that I hid them all. "Ok, where are they?"  She asks. "That's the thing. I scattered them all around the apartment. I'm so sorry love!" I apologized. "FINN (whatever his middle name is) WOLFHARD!" Now she's on the floor, back against the wall, and sobbing. "I'm sorry baby! Really I am!" I say comforting her. I end up calming her down and volunteered I help find them.

After hours of looking. We found them all. Let's just say she didn't talk to me the rest of the day, and the next.

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