S1E7: A battle or a feast
At the large open landscape that is outside of the Kingdom we see a large army of Knights ready for a incoming battle from the demon army. Y/n and his team are there to assist as Y/n stare at the veiw when Agent 6 came up next to him.
Agent 6: Not gonna lie. This is seriously another suicide mission.
Y/n: At this point you think everything is a suicide mission. Your afraid of dying them stay back where it is safe.
Agent 6: Whatever. Just saying cause that bald guy really hates our guts. Mostly your huts.
Vemon: Well I hate his guts! In fact, I want to eat his guts!
Y/n: Save your violence when the enemy comes.
Vemon: I like the sound of that.
Snow: So what is your plan?
Y/n: (turns around) The enemy will try to breach through and get to the Kingdom. Our objective is to stop that from happening so here is the plan. Team A and B will be our first wave of the attack. Their goal is to weaken the enemy forces as best they can. Team C are the archers, their objective is to provide support by firing arrows at the enemy from the distances. Use the hills as points. The enemy will not see it come it. Team D and E will be the second wave. I will give out the singal for them to advance and help out the first wave. The rest will stay behind and be the walls. Dined the enemies wat to the kingdom.
Snow: Play out carrs right and we might win.
Rose: Look!
They look over and they see a army of Demons marching towards them. They also Heine taking the lead along with a gaint rock like monster.
Agent 6: The hell is that?
Snow: That's a golem. Never knew they have one.
Y/n: Looks like they do now. Team A and B (change into Agent Vemon) With me. Archery Team, you know where to go.
Snow: What about us?
Agent Vemon: You wanted glory? Heine is all yours.
Snow: (smile) I like the sound of that!
Then she dashes off to Heine to battle her which Alice tells him.
Alice: You think she can beat her.
Agent Vemon: It doesn't matter if she is or can't. If Heine is in charge of the attack which means if she is occupied then her forces will have be lost without their commander.
Alice: Smart.
Agent Vemon: The rest of you will either join or stay. Either way....time for war.
Then Agent Vemon charges forward along with Team A zns B charging behind him. Soon Agent Vemon draws out both his assault rifle and SMG then fire at the demons army.
They drop to the ground then Agent Vemon jumps into the pile and begins blasting them while the Knights clash with him as they begin their attack.
Agent Vemon fire his weapons at the Demons. He quickly wave his rifle around, perfectly taking out the Demons. One launches towards him but His chest open to reveal a mouth and the demon was eating by vemon.
Vemon: Delicious!
Agent Y/n: Well there is more.
Vemon: This is going be a Delicious meal!
Agent Vemon continues killing the Demons with his weapons. Then they were knocked out of his hands as one demon was about to hit him with a mace when Agent Vemon turned his entire arm into a blade and then cut him in half.
He turn and cut off the other Demons then turns his other arm into a cannon and fires missiles at the Demons. He blows them away with his arm cannon while he cut down with his blade.
He turn to see one Knight on the ground and was about to be killed when Agent Vemon shoots a Web at the Knight and pulled him away.
Once saved Agent Vemon kept fighting as one demon gets hit by an arrow from the archery team. Once he sees they needed more Agent Vemon pulls out a flare gun and fires a flare.
A second wave came charging in and soon begins to overwhelm the enemy. Agent Vemon turn both his arms into miniguns, legs deploy missile pods and he begins to fire all of them.
It immediately torn apart the Demons army which amazed the Knights to see how powerful he is. Then he grabs one from the ground and picked him up upside-down. He beg for his life but he eats his head.
The demons body fell as Agent Vemon immediately catches a incoming fist from a golem. The Knights and Demons watch as the Golem struggle to crush him while Agent Vemon keep holding it with one arm.
He then breaks his fist into pieces then his arm becomes big, grabs the Golem then begins to slam him onto thr ground over and over. He kept going more and more as bits of rocks fly out and soon the Golem was nothing but rubble.
The Demons army sees how powerful he is in battle so they immediately retreated. They turn and make a run for it while the Knights all cheered after they see that they have won the battle.
Agent Vemon stood there for a moment as he watch the Demons army running away. Only flashes of a destroyed city, dead hero's and a mask appear in front of him. Agent Vemon grab his head while he shake his head.
Vemon: Looks like we won. They even left their fallen for us to eat.
Agent Vemon: Right. Everyone return to the castle. We'll stay here and clear up the mess.
With that they return to the Kingdom while Agent Vemon "cleans up" the battle zone.
(Sometime later)
Night came as Y/n return to the Kingdom with Vemon satisfied of his meal. Y/n walks through the kingdom when he is getting cheered by the citizens of the kingdom.
Y/n just ignore this and soon arrive at a restaurant. He looks in to see everyone celebrating their battle being a victory. Even Agent 6 ans his team are enjoying it.
Vemon: So....should we join in?
Y/n:.......I don't feel like socially anyone right now.
He begins to walk away as he gets even more flashes of people screaming and people running away from him. Made him gasp and stumble as he catch himself by grabbing on the wall as he take deep breaths while he cover his face with his hand.
He begins to sweat with his hand shaking as he stood there while he can only hear the ringing as he close his eyes.
Snow: Hey?
He open his eyes and turn to his shoulder to see Snow who looks concerned.
Snow: Just saw you outside then you left. Are you feeling okay? You look scared.
Y/n was about to say but he couldn't. Snow noticed this then the two sat down against the wall.
Snow: Is its about the battle? Did something happen?
Y/n: No. The battle was alright. Its just........it reminds me of something in my past.
Snow: Oh.....was it bad.
Snow looks at him then Y/n gets up while he tells her.
Y/n: I gonna go.
Snow: No wait. Maybe I can help. I know what I feels like being traumatised. Maybe I can-
Y/n: You can't!
Snow stop for a moment while Y/n calms down a little then tells her.
Y/n: You can't. Just please.....leave me be for now.
Then he begins to walk away while Snow watch him go. She is concerned for him so she decided to follow him to his room where she can talk to him.
Y/n arrive at his room where he sees Agent 6 drunk, laying on the bed while Alice sat on her own bed across from Agent 6. She turn to him and ask him.
Alice: You good?
Y/n: I'm fine.
Alice: Well just to remind you two our objective is to set up a teleporter for our organisation so we can invade this planet.
Vemon: I sometimes forget about that plan. Cause all the killing and eating made me forget things.
Agent 6: Hey no need to rush! We just keep helping this Kingdom and then we can build up our teleporter.
Alice: Where genius. (Turn to Y/n) You seem quiet. Something on your mind?
Y/n:.....Can I ask you something Alice?
Alice: Is it important?
Y/n: Important to me.
Alice:......Make it quick.
Y/n: Your a robot but if you were giving an opportunity to choose what you want to be. What would it be?
Alice: Hard to say. I am program only to assist you two on missions in order to take over the world.
Y/n: But would you rather be free.....or be use as a weapon.
Agent 6: Hey! Do you think once we take over the planet I might get my own castle?
Alice: Highly doubt that.
Vemon: If anyone should get a castle it should be us! We are going to be Kings and everyone will kneel under our feet! In fact, we can just go over to tye King and eat him.
Y/n: NO!
Everyone turn to Y/n after he let out a yell and before anyone can ask, the door open and Snow stood at the door with a serious look on her face.
Snow: So.......you are spies.
Agent 6: Oh crap.
Y/n: Snow......its.....its no what it looks like.
Snow: No. I can see what it really looks like. Best you pack up and leave. I won't report this to the King but if you three don't leave.....then I will.
Y/n had a disappointed look on his face but Alice gets up and says.
Alice: So much for our cover. Come on you two, let's go.
Agent 6: This sucks!
They leave the room and Y/n was the last. He turn to Snow and wants to try ans say something but she just ignore him. He stare at her for a moment then he turn and walked away.
Y/n: (thought) I'm sorry Snow.
To be continued..................................................
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