Chapter 4: Who is the Student Council president?
It was another nice day and we see Y/n along with the rest of the Students gathered at the gym hall for an important announcement. Y/n was standing with Brielle, Youko, Sophie, Sophia and Hatsu as Y/n can't help over hearing the students conversation about the student council president which they say different things about the students council president as Y/n asked the girls about it.
Y/n: (whisper) Say what's with the other students talking about this student council president?
Brielle: (whisper) Well no one doesn't know who is this years school's student council president. It's kinda weird but Kanade usually dose for the announcements for the president.
Y/n: (whisper) You don't say. So no one has no idea who or what this student council president looks like?
Brielle: (whisper) No one knows. Some say he or she is a first year but you can't be one while other say it's either one of the Sakurada children.
Y/n: (whisper) Well I know Akane can't be one otherwise she'll die of shyness, Shuu is maybe possible but he might have other things going in planned. Aoi and Kanade are possible two people that can be student council presidents.
Brielle: (whisper) Still those are rumours.
Sophie: (whisper) But it is fun.
Sophia: (whisper) Really fun indeed.
Y/n: (whisper) Guess so.
Then everyone quiet down when Kanade walk up on stage as she tells every student here.
Kanade: (smile) Hello everyone, today we're gonna have this years community services day. I suspect all of you to be your best behaviour for this day and enjoy the rrst of the day.
Y/n: (thought) Community Services day. Well that doesn't so bad, at least I'm helping this nation while not being as Spider-man.
We see Akane and Y/n carrying some math books to class when Y/n noticed Akane nervous about something so he ask her.
Y/n: You okay Akane? You look nervous?
Akane: It's just this community service day, I'm gonna be facing a lot of people while doing it.
Y/n: I see what you mean. But don't worry, I'm sure their won't be a lot of people out there having their eyes on you.
Akane: It's not just the people but other students as well. Your the only student here I feel comfortable with while I feel very shy with the rest of the students, especially the first year's.
Y/n: Oh I see. Well if you ever feel like that just stick with me or any of your siblings. We can help you as best we can.
Akane: (smile) Thanks Y/n. Your sweet.
Y/n smiles back at her and once they brought the books to the class Akane walks off while Y/n walks to a different way as he check at his phone to see any news when he heard.
???: Are you Y/n Parker?
He looks up from his phone to be met with a large male student as he looks at him.
Y/n: Um yes, i am? Is there a problem?
???: Our leader wants to see you.
Y/n: (thought) Leader huh? Either leader as in club president or something else. Well better see what's up.
He follow this student to a storage room that is kinda weird to have with two students out of the door as guards as they open the door and let Y/n inside.
Y/n walks inside to be met with other students who turn to him and Y/n find this very weird that there is some students here in this small storage room as one student from the appear walks over to him.
???: So you must be Y/n Parker if I am right?
Y/n: Um yes?
Y/n: (thought) This is either gonan turn out good or bad. How come by spidy senses didn't go off.
???: We saw you hanging around with the royal family especially Akane Sakurada.
Y/n: Yes?
???: Well then I have one thing to say to you.
There was a moment of silence as Y/n was suspected something bad but then all of them fell to their knees and cry out.
Male students: Be our leader and guide us to success!
Y/n:......Wh-What now?
Hajime: Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Hajime Fukushina and you sir are one of the luckiest person in the whole nation!
Y/n: Um thanks.....but what are you on about?
Hajime: (smirk) I guess you didn't know, I don't blame you since this is a secret club.
Y/n: Secret club?
Hajime: That is right! We are club members of the Akane Sakurada fan club! Knights that will protect her at all cost!
Akane fan club students: For Akane Sakurada!
Y/n: (thought) Okay i know that this nation likes the Sakurada family but is making a fan club of one of them is kinda weird. Actually know I think about there is q few Spider-Man fan clubs that just open up so this is less weird.
Y/n: Okay so what is all this have to do with me being your leader or something?
Hajime: Can you not see that Akane has a strong bound with you! No other students has ever succeed this achievement before. You must be one lucky student, please show us your ropes and be our leader!
There was a moment of silence as Y/n looks at all the students and doesn't really know what to do. So he try to do it simple by asking.
Y/n: So what is it do you want me to tell you?
Akane fan club student: First let's talk about this community service day. With a lot of people, Akane will be very upset.
Akane fan club student 2: Yeah we decision if we start a riot so we can have it shutdown.
Y/n: Wow Wow I know some students don't like it but starting a riot will be a bad idea.
Hajime: Then what is your idea?
Y/n: Well instead of shutting it down how about helping Akane Iver coming her shyness around people. I mean she only wants to help people right and she can't do it due to her shyness so how about we help her overcome her shyness.
Hajime: YES! HOW COME WE NEVER THINK OF THAT! Your one of the wise student we have ever met! Yes, A PURE STUDENT WE HAVE EVER SEEN!
They all cheered while Y/n stand there even more confused as ever by all of this and hopes this ends so he can leave.
(Short while later)
Y/n returns back to his class as he lay his head onto his table and breath in a sigh while Shuu ask him.
Shuu: Seems like you've been busy with something.
Y/n: You have no idea. Let's just say I was met with a group of students that weirded me out.
Shuu: You mean the Akane fan club?
Y/n: (surprised) Huh?! You know that club?!
Shuu: Sure eveyrone knows that club, well apart of Akane of course. They're students who liked Akane due to her cuteness and shyness.
Y/n: Wait Wait Wait Wait! But they said it's a secret club and no other students doesn't know about them?!
Shuu: Oh their bad at keeping that secret. They don't realise everyone knows but we keep our mouths shut since their not doing anything to harm people.
Y/n: Well at least that's a good thing at least. Say Shuu I wanna ask you something.
Shuu: Sure what is it?
Y/n: Akane Said that you can only date Hana once you win the royal election and you can't wait to see Kanade beaten?
There was silence for a bit as Shuu looks away a bit while he tells Y/n.
Shuu: Never worry about that, I was just joking about that but it is true about the election. I can date her but after the election I can ask to be my girlfriend.
Y/n: Oh guess that make sense.
Shuu: Well gonna go, see you later.
Y/n: (smile) Same.
Shuu walks off while Y/n watch him leave and then he thinks about what Shuu said.
Y/n: (thought) I don't know why but I think there is some rivalry between both Kanade and Shuu. Still if was lying aboit wanted to beat Kanade then why dose he want to see her beaten? So much mystery around the Sakurada family. (Sigh) Can this day get even more weirder.
???: Hey there, glad we finally meet.
He looks over to see a female student who maybe from a different class.
Y/n: Oh hey, you must be....?
Karen: (smile) Karen Ayugase, Akane's childhood friend. I've was told that you were here from Akane and I just wanna say thanks for being with her during this community service day.
Y/n: Oh sure no problem. So you and Akane have been friends ever since you were kids.
Karen: (smile) Yep and you'll be surprised that Akane didn't always be this shy person.
Y/n: Really?
Karen: (smile) Yeah. She was this childlike girl who loves being a super hero and always get herself into trouble. Here take a look.
She then pull out her phone and show Y/n some pictures of her and Akane having fun together and they are pretty cute to look.
Y/n: (smile) Whoa you two been through a lot together. Say if Akane wasn't shy in the past then what happened to her that made her shy?
Karen: Oh it's best I'll tell you another time. Anyways take care and hope I see you again during the community service day.
She then leaves the class room while Y/n has more questions then answers as he thinks about it.
Y/n: (thought) Okay now I have more questions. What happened to Akane that cost her to be this shy person and what made her change? Still I gonna pull these questions aside now and focus on this community service day.
We see all the students at the park picking up trash for the community service as they throw the trash into bags they were holding on one hand as they pick up trash using claws they were holding to pick them up. Y/n is working hard doing it as he looks over to see Hajime and his Akane fan club cheering for Akane to encourage her.
Y/n: (thought) Well as long they don't cost a riot, I think things will be fine.
We see Brielle and Uzuki who is actually the student council president looking at all the students while their eyes were on Y/n.
Uzuki: (smile) Look at that student, he's working pretty hard.
Brielle: That's Y/n Parker. Apart of my Research and history club.
Uzuki: (smile) What a cute name. Your lucky to have him as your club member.
Brielle: Yeah he's not that bad. He's pretty nice, smart, funny and....kinda cute.
Brielle blushes a bit when she said that out loud while Uzuki smiles and agree so as well. Then Y/n's spidy senses go off and at the same time the sound of motorcycle engines are heard.
Soon motorcycles bikes appears and ride around the students as trash and everything blow away from them as the motorcycles gang stop and got out with their gang leader step up and look at all the students that are here.
Y/n: (thought) This doesn't look good. Looks like it's the time for Spider-Man to make his appearance.
He leaves to get changed to his suit without eveyrone knowing as the motorcycles gang leader named Tombstone tells everyone.
Tombstone: Alright listen up kids. This is Tombstone territory now and outsiders aren't allowed. Any outsiders is punishable by beat down. Get them boys.
The other gangs approached the students with Melee weapons as the students were scared by this when webs stuck onto each melee weapons and they were pulled away as Spider-man make his appearance landing in front of the students and tell Tombstone and his gang.
Spider-man: Hate to break it to you big guy, but no motorcycles gangs allowed at this park. I'll kindly ask you to hop back to your bikes and make your leave.
Tombstone: Spider-man, here to ruin our fun are we?
Spider-man: You know it. So how's about you all lay down your weapons and surrender peaceful.
Tombstone: Get him.
His gang charge at Spider-man and try to swing at him but Spider-man dodges a swing and stuck a Web at the first gang and kicked him which sent him flying and dodge another swing and shoot a Webs at two gang members and trap them in webs.
He rolled to the ground and fire more webs and stuck a few more motorcycles gang members and soon they were stuck as Spider-man turns to the students and said.
Spider-man: No reason to be feared people, because I I here-
Then he gets punched by Tombstone and was sent flying across the park and he crashed at the parked garbage truck and onto the floor.
Spider-man: Ow, that hurts so much.
He leaps up and turn only to dodge a punch from Tombstone and Spider-man land a punch at his face it didn't phase him but Spider-man feel like he has broken his fist as he jumps around while holding his hurt hand.
Spider-man: Jeez man what are you made out of? Tombstone or something?
Tombstone: That is the point Spider-man.
He try to blow a punch at him but Spider-man dodges and he punches tge garbage truck instead as he fire a Web and swing around and land on the wall of the park ad he thinks of a plan while Tombstone try to free his arm.
Spider-man: (thought) Alright Spidy think, how can I beat a guy who is basically made of stone? Maybe if i throw at him with something hard.
He looks around and see a empty trash bin that looks like it can do so Spider-man shoots a Web at it and pulled the bin to him and catch it. Once Tombstone free his arm and turns to look up, Spider-man slams at him with a bin a few times and them slams the bin onto his head which he stumble back and then Spider-man fires two webs on the floor as he step back while Tombstone pulls out the bin and sees Spider-man as he let's go and he gose flying towards him.
Spider-man: Incoming!!!
Tombstone: Oh cr-
Tombstone stumble back and then fell at the back of the garbage truck as Spider-man flip the switch as the truck start to close while Tombstone is inside and once that Tombstone is stuck in there until the police would arrive.
Spider-man swings off to check with the students and once there he lands on top of a lamp post while the other students were surprised to see Spider-man in person.
Spider-man: Everyone all good?
Uzuki: We are. Thank you so much Spider-man.
Spider-man: Hey I'm not the only hero here. You students are the real hero's keeping the streets clan while crime is everywhere. Keep up the good work everyone, see ya.
He fire a Web and swings off while the other students were still surprised of seeing Spider-man here and they go one to talk about it while they continue their clan up until the police arrived to take Tombstone snd his gang away.
At the Sakurada House we see Akane and the rest of her siblings watching the news about what gone down at the park and how Spider-man came to save the day.
Misaki: Wow looks like your school got to see Spider-man in person.
Hikari: Aw man so lucky. Wish he'll appear at my school.
Aoi: (smile) The important thing is eveyrone is safe and no one has gotten hurt.
Male News: (TV) We are glad that this little nation have it's own super hero but many people still wonder on who is this masked hero?
Female news: (TV) That is right. Everyone have many questions about the wall clawer and one of them involves around his identity. Who is he? What is underneath the mask and can we get to see what is underneath the mask? We keep you updating on the news ahead.
Shuu: Huh people are talking about what is underneath his mask?
Teru: (smirk) I bet he is this really cool and awesome crime fighter! Maybe I can get to be his sidekick.
Kanade: I think you'll be too young to be his sidekick.
Shuu: Maybe he's one of our students?
Kanade: Maybe, I mean he sounded ans acts like a teenager rather then a man.
Aoi: (smile) It's still a mystery.
They all agree that there is no way to know his identity while Akane looks at the screen shots of Spider-man and blushes a bit and kinda wants to know who Spider-man really is. While this is happening we see a drone who is invisible watching them as we cut to the mysterious man watching them through his laptop as he grind his teeth and slammed his fist onto his table.
???: I knew that stupid Tombstone didn't get the job done.
He close down his and looks over at the darkness like someone is there as he tells the person.
???: It's clear that Spider-man is the main threat to our plan. I want you to destroy Spider-man with any means necessary. Can you do that for me?
Then footsteps is heard as a figure approach closely to his clients desk as we see the villain named Beetle standing in front of his dask as he tells him.
Beetle: No worries sir. The Spider-man will be dealt with by my hands.
To be continued...............
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