Chapter 14: Welcome to Glenwood Prep
It was another nice day at Y/n's school as we see many students entering the school building and getting into their classes while we see Y/n at his club as he, Sophie, Sophia, Hatsu and Youko were reading some history books as Y/n gets more and more understanding about this nations history while Brielle is also reading at her desk as she looks at her club members and finds it very peaceful and quiet just like she wanted it to be.
Soon the school bell rang ad they pack their backs to head to their next class when the door knocked and Nick came into the class room.
Nick: My apologies if I disturb anything club President.
Brielle: (smile) Not at all sir. We were just heading off to our next class. Is there anything we can do?
Nick: (smile) I'm here because the principle just got a interesting call from Y/n's father.
Y/n: (surprised) My dad? Really, what is it about?
Nick: (smile) Perhaps you go and see the Principle and he'll tell you what the call is. It may shock you.
Y/n: Sure thing, I head there after class.
Nick nodes and left the class room including everyone else as they head to their classes with Y/n head to his and sat down on his desk. A few students greeted Y/n but mostly the girls as they whisper each about how cute he is and how lucky he is to go on dates with the Princess of the Sakurada family.
Y/n just nervous lend out a chuckle while other guys were also whispering about how lucky he is and how lucky to go on dates with more girls which also made Y/n nervous chuckle a bit.
Y/n: (thought) This kinda reminds me of Hajime and his club members celebrated about me and Akane involving relationship and how they will defend them as knights. This whole nation really do get excited when one of the Sakurada family has a girlfriend or boyfriend. No wonder Hana told me a few people greeted her more and they even congrat her as Shuu's girlfriend. Guess I need to keep watch on that as well.
Once class ends he head to the principles office and once there he enter his office and sat down as the principal named Paxton as he turn his chair around to Y/n and tell him with a smile.
Paxton: (smile) So how is your time being here?
Y/n: (smile) Pretty good sir. I've met with a lot of people and they treat me well.
Paxton: (smile) Yeah and those students respect you even more when I heard your going on dates with the Sakurada daughters. I gonna say your one lucky boy.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks I've got that a lot from all students that walk pass me.
Paxton: (smile) Anyways let's talk about your father and this interesting news.
Y/n: Is he okay?
Paxton: (smile) Oh he's fine. In fcat he is here right now at this nation.
Y/n: (surprised) Really, why is that?
Paxton: Well you see. Your father invited you to this private school but not the private school you know of.
Y/n: Huh?
Paxton: I can't say it here bit I can do is write you the address of it and you can head there. I'm telling you this private school isn't your normal school and you might find it very interesting once you arrive there.
He write up an address and once done he handed to Y/n which he takes and looks at the address.
Paxton: (smile) Glad to have you here and I hope we can talk more later on.
Y/n: (smile) Same, thank you sir.
He left his office while he looks at the address and decided to check out this school tomorrow and see what make this school interesting and different to all schools.
(Next day)
Y/n and Akane arrived to this private school and once there they stand in front of a private school called "Glenwood Prep" which looks normal to them as they make their way to the entrance.
Y/n: (smile) Hey thanks for coming with me Akane.
Akane: (smile) It's no problem. I just can't wait to see your father working as a teacher here.
Y/n: Yeah but do you know about this school?
Akane: No I don't think so.
Y/n: Well there is one way to find out.
They head inside and once they step inside they were a bit surprised to see students and teachers wearing animal like appears around their bodies like rabbit ears, cat like claws and more. They walk around the halls looking at the students as Akane asked.
Akane: Is there something going on here?
Y/n: Maybe a animal dress up day? Don't know, but I think it's pretty cool.
???: Um excuse me but what brings you two here.
They turn to see a male teacher with a ducks beak as he walks over as Akane and Y/n try to hold their laugh which they did as Y/n clear his throat and tells him.
Y/n: My name is Y/n Parker and I've got invited to this school by my father.
Ludwig: Ah you must be the son of Professor Peter Parker, forgive my rudeness you both. My name is Mrs Ludwig, I am a teacher of this school. Please if you follow me I can show you to your father.
Y/n nodes as the trio walk through the halls. Akane stay close to Y/n because of her shyness around new people while Y/n can't help himself but ask.
Y/n: So what's with the students wearing animal like appears? Is there some sort a celebrated or something else?
Ludwig: I see your both are wondering about that. Well allow me to explain, these aren't costumes or something you may think. They are actual animal like appears.
Y/n: (surprised) Wait what?
Akane: So that beak is real?
Ludwig: That is correct.
Akane: (surprised) Wow I never known that! My dad never told us about this school.
Ludwig: Indeed and your must be Akane Sakurada of the Sakurada family. I've see many news about your family, especially one news that your.....Well i can't say it here.
Akane realised what he was aboit to say and blushed and hide behind Y/n while Y/n have no clue what they are talking about. Still they arrive to a lab which they enter and see one scientist doing some experiments as Ludwig, Y/n and Akane walk over as Ludwig said to him.
Ludwig: Professor Parker, I believe you have guest here for you.
He turn to them and they see him wearing goggles but he pulls them up and his eyes widen to see Y/n.
Peter: (smile) Y/n! It's great to see you my son!
He hugs Y/n which Y/n smile and hugs him by.
Y/n: (smile) Same here dad.
They stop hugging and Peter looks over to Akane and asked.
Peter: If I recall your Akane Sakurada right?
Akane: (smile) Yep. I'm Y/n's girlfriend, it's nice to meet you.
Peter: (surprised) Wow my boy is dating a princess! Y/n I'm so proud of you.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks dad.
Peter: Now then, I guess you want some questions about this school and students have animal like....appears.
Y/n: Um yeah I mean, is Ludwig telling the truth about them having real animal like appears or is he kidding.
Peter: (smile) To be honest with you at first I thought this was a joke but what this schools principle told me is true.
Both Akane and Y/n were shocked as Peter gose on to explain.
Peter: You see, this school is for students who were given animal appears based on what they did in the test. The goal is to make the next generation of humanity by combining both animal DNA and human DNA. Not only they have animal like appears, some have abilities like animals as well. I decided to work here because not only I like science but I also like to help the principle of this school so this is reason why I am here and the reason I invited you here as well. So what do you think?
Y/n: (surprised) I think it's amazing!
Akane: (smile) Yeah this will help a lot of people a lot.
Peter: (smile) Indeed. Hey since this is the students day off, how about you get to know with some of the students here. I've already texted one student and she'll be here soon.
Y/n: (smile) Cool so how do we know if she arriv-
Suddenly a door behind them smashed pieces fell onto the ground as they turn to see a female students with bull like horns burst into the class and calls out.
Akane shakes in fear while hiding behind Y/n while Ludwig and Peter sigh and slowly shake their heads.
Peter: Um th-this is Raven, our school guide, Ravens this is Y/n and Akane. I want you to tag them along with your friends and answer as much questions from these two.
Raven: (sigh) Fine. You both come with me, we're going shopping and don't slow me done!
Raven walks out with Y/n and Akane just slowly but quickly follow her while Y/n chuckles a little and lend back from his desk.
Ludwig: (smile) Your son is just like you.
Peter: (smile) Yeah and I'm very proud of him. Very proud of them indeed.
The trio arrived to the location as Y/n and Akane follow Raven and they agree to not ask Raven some questions in fear she might yell even more. It wasn't that much to find Ravens friends since they see four students have animal like appears as they talk to each other until they look over and see them.
???: (smile) Hey Raven glad you came!
Raven: Like I have a choice. Anyways this is Y/n and Akane, they're gonna be tagging along if this bothers you all.
Taylen: (smile) Not at all. Nice to meet you both. The names Taylen and this is the our crew.
Fin: (smile) Yo you can call me Fin.
Will: (smile) Hey names Will.
Zach: (smile) And I'm Zach.
Akane was kinda nervous as she grab hold of Y/n while Y/n tells them.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you all. Oh don't mind Akane, she's kinda shy but she'll get around.
Taylen: (smile) Not at all but glad to have you two here. So shall we get started?
Y/n: (smile) Sure let's get this shopping started!
And so they head off to different shops and and buy some stuff while Akane and Y/n get to know about the group and as they tell them who they get to Glenwood Prep while Zach told them his mutation and how he got increased wolf powers and have two tails. This was interesting to Y/n and ask more about their powers which they did.
While the boys talked Taylen talk with Akane which at first she was shy which Taylen find it very cute but she start to warm up and told them that she is royalty and she also have powers which she can float which she float which surprised Taylen while Raven just looks away.
Soon they were split up with Zach and his group ho to one clothes store while Y/n and Akane ho to the next across of it as Akane try out some clothes and show it to Y/n. Now she was wearing a fancy red dress as she looks up at Y/n while she asked.
Akane: (little blush) So what do you think?
Y/n: (smile) You look very cute wearing that Akane.
Akane: (little blush) Thanks. You know this has been a awesome time and I wish this lasted forever.
Y/n: (smile) Same here.
He walks over to Akane and they share a kiss. Soon they buy some clothes and exit out of store but as soon they did Y/n's spidy senses kicked in and looks over to see four men wearing black clothes with weapons as they enter the clothes store where Zach and the rest are at.
Y/n rushes over and as soon as the last robber come in, he shut the door and lock it as Y/n arrived too late and looks through the window to see Taylen get hit and falls unconscious while the rest have their hands up in the air.
Y/n step back while Akane is confused until Y/n rushes to her and tell her.
Y/n: Akane those robbers have Zach and the rest as hostages!
Akane: (shocked) That's not good! What should we do?
Y/n: Stay at the store and wait for me. I'll be back with some help.
Akane agrees and heads back inside while rushes off and calls for the police which he answer and after telling them the situation, they told him that they will arrive in 10 minutes. He hang up while he tells to himself.
Y/n: 10 minutes sounds long. But not for Spider-man.
He take off his clothes ad underneath it was his Spider-man suit as he pulls down hid mask and fire his web-Shooter and swings off to the clothes stood. Once there he lands on the roof of the clothes store as he ripe open a vent and crawl inside. He make his way through the vent making sure not to make too much noise as he find is exit and climb down.
He leap to the ceiling and crawl through when he hear shouting and soon he peaks over to see Raven standing up with Will having a rifle and aiming at another robber who is aiming it at him.
Male robber 3: Drop it now!
Zach: Look we can work this out, no one doesn't have to get hurt.
Raven: Will don't put it down!
Fin: (tears) Will just put it down please!
Will: Alright everyone just shut up! Sir please drop your weapons first, please.
Male robber 3: And why do I do that.
Male robber 4: I have enough! Let's kill them all, starting with thsi wing freak right here!
He aim his pistol at Will and was about to fire at his when a Web string stuck onto his pistol and was pulled out of his hand before Spider-man came out and kicked the guy to the wall and webbed him.
They turn to seehim as Spider-man said while he turns to him.
Spider-man: You guys are robbing a clothes store? Please, from all places that has a lot of money you decided to steal this clothes store?
Male robber 1: It's Spider-man! Open fire!
The robbers who have guns open fire at him which he dodge the bullets before he fire a Webs which hits their face as they rip off thw webs as Spider-man gose to the first robber and punch him in the face before he kick him up to the wall above the entrance before he webs him.
He then dodges a round of bullets behind him as he gose around dodging the bullets as the robbers try to kill him.
Male robber 2: Just hold still you son of a-
Spider-man webs his mouth before he strike a punch at him in the face before the last robber try to fire at him but he ran out of bullets as Spider-man webs two clothes hange racks behind the robber and he pulled them towards the robber as the robber gets piled up by the clothes racks as Spider-man bend down to him and looks at him a bit until he said.
Spider-man: Yep that will suit you for your wedding Mister.
The robber just falls unconscious while Zach and the rest were shocked as Spider-man turns to them.
Spider-man: Yo you kids okay?
Zach: (surprised) Um y-yes sir. Thank you for the save.
Spider-man: No problem. Just doing my job.
Soon the police arrive and they see Spider-man took care the robbers as one officer walks up to Spider-man and pat him on a shoulder.
Police officer: (smile) Nice work Spider-man. We can take things from here.
Spider-man: No problem officer. Glad I can help.
He nodes and walks off while Spider-man make his leave before he turn back to Zach and the rest and tell them.
Spider-man: Take care and don't you worry, your friendly neighbourhood Spider-man is always here to help.
He fire his webs and swings off to find a place to get change back to his normal clothes and meet up with Akane as Y/n to see if she is alright.
It was the middle of the night as we see Peter at his lab and watching the news about Spider-man saving a group of kids from a robbery as he drinks his coffee while he smiles.
Peter: (thought) Well done son. I knew you can take the mental of Spider-man one day.
Behind him we see a glass case that has a hole in it along with a open window next to it as we see something crawling through the grass and making it's way to the Male dormitories as it climbs onto a wall and to a open windows.
Through the open window we see Zach laying in bed getting some sleep while it enter his room and make it's way to him as it climb up to his bed and we can a large black liquid or slime rising from the bed and looks over Zach sleeping as he can sense his frustration, anger and his small rage about his animal appears as it sense that he havebeen through a rough time whioe being in this school.
???: Do not worry. We will make them all pay.....soon. (Evil deep laughter)
To be continued....................
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