Chapter 12: The rise of Mysterio (Part 2)

A blimp is seen flying over the the Sakurada castle as we see two dragons flying around the hot air balloon roaring and breathing fire while down below many people are panicking and running around trying to escape but the exit is blocked and there was no way to get out.

Little girl: Mummy! Mummy!

We see a little girl in the middle of the panic crowd as she is scared while a groupnof people accidentally knock over a statue near the little girl ad the statue start to fall and was about to crush her but Spider-man appear and grab the little girl and move the two out of the way as the statue crashed to the ground.

Spider-man: You okay? Best you find your parents. It's not safe here!

She node and rushes off while Spider-man's spidy sense came out and he dose several backflips as he dodges many grebe fire balls as Mysterio is seen flying towards Spider-man as Spider-man lands on his feet only to be grabbed by Mysterio by the neck before he was thrown and crashed onto a wall and fell onto the ground.

Mysterio: Why can't you just give up! I'm more powerful then you, you can't beat me!

Spider-man: That maybe so. But a hero will never give up.

Spider-man stood up and once he stood up and Mysterio flies towards him but Spider-man turns around and kicks him sending him flying and crashed onto some food stands.

Spider-man: No matter how strong heroes might be, I'll never guve up on the people I care for! With great powers, comes great responsibility and I'm going to use this power and Responsibility to protect the people I care for!

There was a green explosen as Mysterio slowly start to slow float up as he glare at Spider-man and tell him.

Mysterio: So be it then hero. Get ready because the only thing people will remember you will be you being burnt by my dragons!

Then his two dragons fly towards Spider-man which Spider-man was ready as he fire his webs and slingshot his way towards them and everyone watched as he gose through the first dragon while inside we see drones shooting out holograms of the dragon as Spider-man use his webs to stuck them together and they crash to each other.

The hologram of a dragon disappeared revealing to ne drones as Spider-man lands onto the wall of the castle snd tells everyone.

Spider-man: You don't have to worry everyone! Those dragons aren't real, their holograms that the drones are shooting out!

Everyone see this while Mysterio makes a fist as he turns off the hologram dragon from another group of drones as they deploy their weapons and fly after Spider-man and open fire at him.

Spider-man dose a backflip and webs around getting chased by the drones while Mysterio looks at a blimp flying over head so flies over and once here he knocks out the pilot and set the blimp towards the castle.

Mysterio: Let this be the day that the Sakurada family will die!

He throws away the pilot only he Spider-man to catch him and set him down at the baloney with the rest of the royal family.

Spider-man: He'll be fine and you might need a new pilot to fly that blimp.

Shuu: Father I can do it. Shiori come with me.

Shiori: Okay.

Souichirou: Be safe.

Akane: I'll go as well.

Spider-man sees the incoming drones so he web off while Shuu teleport him and Shiori inside the blimp while Akane fly over and hold the blimp while the rest of the family head inside as Spider-man still have drones on his tail as they open fire at him.

Spider-man: (thought) There has to be a way to get rid of them! That's it!

He swings over to the bridge while the drones follow as he gose around the top of the bridge while the drones open fire at him. The Spider-man was sent flying up in the air while bullets ripe some of his suit off but they didn't land a hit at his bullet as Spider-man falls and gose through the drones while he gose through them, he webs them all up and grabbing the webs as the drones start to crash to each other and even shooting each other as Spider-man gose through them while he webs them all.

Mysterio watch this happen as now he is in rage as Spider-man made it back down with drone blowing up above and then blowing up even more when they crash onto the bridge.

Spider-man: Okay drone done. Getting people oit is next.

He rushes over to the gate and fire both his webs and soon he get the gate open.

Spider-man: Gates open everyone! Get out here before things will get ugly.

Mysterio: I agree Spider-man.

He quickly turn only to be blasted away my Mysterio and crashed onto the wall while people are running around still in the panic as Spider-man fell onto the ground while Mysterio float over and grab Spider-man by the neck and lift him up in the air.

Mysterio: Your just weak Spider-man. Risking your life over and over again for pathetic people who isn't as powerful as I am. Now it's time for you to die!

He was about to shoot flames at Spider-man when suddenly the speakers turned on and Shuu is heard through the speakers.

Shuu: (speaker) Attention everyone. This is king Shuu of the royal family. You must stay calm and listen to me. We will do what ever we can to protect eveyeone here, we won't fail you and so dose Spider-man. Like Aoi I also have someone that I love and I want to give her all the smiles and joy to the world and Spider-man is doing the same not just for us but to all of you as well. Think about your love once and those you wanted to protect and the smiles you want to give them. Then allow us to do what we do best and allow Spider-man to do what he dose best. Make this nation filled with smiles and joy to the world!

Eveyrone calms down while Mysterio sees this and looks over to Hana and smirks.

Mysterio: In that case, I wonder what will happen if he loses his lovely girlfriend.

Spider-man forms a fist and grab his hands and kicks him in the helmet as his glass helmet cracks while Spider-man yell out.


Mysterio stumble back and seeing his glass helmet is cracked while Spider-man land on his feet as Mysterio forms a fist of anger.

Mysterio: So you wanna play rought huh Spider-man? Well, you got one!

He fired his green flames at Spider-man which he dodge and he gose towards him and lands a kick and some blows to him while the rest of the Sakurada children get eveyrone out of here while Spider-man holf on Mysterio as long as he can. Mysterio land some blows to Spider-man as he throws some punches at him and he even throw him away and he crashed onto a wall.

He slowly gets up only to quickly fire his webs to dodge a incoming table that Mysterio thrown that crashed at the wall as Spider-man lands on top of the walls of the castle while Mysterio teleport himself to there and the two battle while a large net appear by the lake as the blimp make it's crash to the lake with the help Teru who use his strength power to grab the rope from the blimp in order to slow it down.

Still Spider-man get some blows to Mysterio as Mysterio guve powerful punches to Spider-man as bits of his suit get ripped and torn as Mysterio punch Spider-man in the face once more which made Spider-man stumble back.

Spider-man was breathing heavily while he looks up at Mysterio and he rushes over as he fire both of his webs and double kicks him, following by some punches as more and more cracks appear on his helmet but he catch Spider-man's arm and he tossed him off the wall and flies over and appear over Spider-man as he slams his two fist down and he was sent flying down and crashed hard onto the river in front of blimp where Shuu, Shiori and Akane are at and even everyone else.

Spider-man try to get up but he fell back down qs Mysterio lands far in front of Spider-man and see him laying qs he laugh.


Everyone sees Spider-man laying there not moving worrying that he might be dead. Akane see this and remember the times he spend with Spider-man as Scarlet Bloom as she form a fist and calls out.

Akane: Get up Spider-man! You can do it! Don't give up!

Shuu sees Akane trying to wake him up so he join in.

Shuu: Come on Spider-man you can do this! Get up!

Shiori: Please Mister Spider-man, don't give up. Win this.

Teru: Come on! Your a hero, don't give up!

Misaki: Don't let him win Spider-man! Get up!

Kanade: You've been through many difficult situations Spider-man! Don't give up now!

Hikari: Yeah your the best!

Aoi: Please don't give up! We need you!

Soon everyone join in calling out to Spider-man not give up and keep on fighting. Spider-man can hear them. Shuu, Shiori, Akane, Teru, Aoi, Misaki, Haruka, Hana, Hikari, Brielle, Sophie, Sophia, Hatsu, Youko, Hajime and everyone cheering for Spider-man to get up.

Soon Spider-man's hand formed to a fist and he slowly gets back up as eveyrone stop to see Spider-man struggling to get up and to him, it hurts but he must do not give up. He must NEVER give up and soon he stood up straight and staring at Mysterio qs everyone bursted into cheers as Spider-man stare at Mysterio and tell him.

Spider-man: It's over Mysterio. Give up!

Mysterio: Fine, you want me Spider-man.....then come and get me.

He summon a few drones as they shot out holograms and now Spider-man was back on the black void as Spider-man takes a deep breath in and out.

Spider-man: Alright.....let's do this.

He then runs as he flips and crushes a drone then more drones open fire which Spider-man can't see but he can sense them as he crushes every drone that comes by him and shooting his webs at them while Mysterio was shocked by this as Spider-man took down the last drone and throws one at Mysterio which hits him as his armor was damaged as Spider-man charge and throws a powerful punch at Mysterio that shattered his glass helmet revealing Soma behind the mask.

Eveyrone was shocked by this as Spider-man turns back around and shoot out a Web at his chest and he pulled him towards Spider-man as he forms a fist and straight it back and thrust it forward as Spider-man lands a final punch at Mysterio in the face that sent him flying back and crash onto the blimp and lands hard on the ground.

He was on the floor trying to get up but Spider-man webs him up as Spider-man walks up to him and he tells him.

Spider-man: No matter what happens.....this nation will need a hero to keep everybody safe......and that person is their friendly neighbourhood Spider-man and you sir....just got webbed.

Soma sighs and falls unconscious while everyone burst into cheers to see Spider-man successfully defeated Mysterio as he smile underneath his mask while he sat down onto the lake and breath in a sigh for a job well done.

(Sometime later)

Soma was arrested for many crimes and his company was shut down and Spider-man show the proof and evidence to the police who took him away while the election still continues with many people voting to see who will be their new king or queen while Spider-man swings off somewhere to get change.

Soon Y/n rushes back to the castle and arrive just in time to see that Shuu is crown ruler of the nation and he swear to protect the Kingdom with truth and justice as eveyrone clips and so dose Y/n.

After that we see Shuu now wearing the royal outfit as Y/n walks over to him.

Y/n: (smile) Congratulations Shuu, or your majesty.

Shuu: (chuckle) Shuu is fine but thanks.

He stand next to Shuu as they stare at the veiw of the nation as Shuu said.

Shuu: What a yeah huh. We get attacked by villains only for a Spider-man to came by and save the day.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. I mean I just came here and all of a sudden, all this happen.

Shuu: (smile) Yeah agree. Hey, thanks.

Y/n: For what?

Shuu: (smile) For being with us. Even though we been targeted by crazy villains that what our powers, you never abandoned us.

Y/n: (smile) No matter what happens Shuu, I'm always with you and your family.

Shuu: (smile) I respect that man.

Shuu reach out his hand to him which he takes it and the two shake hands. Once that he left Shuu be as Hana walk away him and congrat him and he can't help but turn to see the two kissing which he smile, knowing these two will be a great couple together.

Akane: Hey Y/n!

He turn to see Akane, Aoi, Hikari and Misaki as all four girls walk over to Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Oh hey girls. You all look nice with your fancy dresses.

Akane: (smile) Thanks, glad you came just in time.

Y/n: Yeah sorry traffic was bad.

Akane: (smile) you don't say.

Y/n: So what's happening?

Aoi: Well to start off, I just wanna thank you for comfort me about my true powers and being so nice to not just me but to all of us.

Y/n: (smile) No problem. Just glad you all are happy.

Kanade: (smile) Yeah and we want to offer you in return.

Y/n: Oh you don't have to do anything i was only-

Kanade: (smile) We want you as our boyfriend.

Y/n:...............Wait say what now?

Akane: (blush) Since we have the same feeling towards you. We thought we be your girlfriend including the girls form the history and research club as well to be your girlfriend.

Y/n: (blush) Y-Y-You girls are serious right?

To proof they are serious Kanade walks over and lend over and kissed Y/n on the lip which made Y/n blush qs Kanade pull back with a blush on her face while she said.

Kanade: (smile) Yep~!

Hikari: (anger) Hey you said I go first!

Kanade: (smile) I change my mind. He's cute when he blushes like that.

Hikari: (anger) No way I wanna kiss him!

Misaki: (smile) Don't forget about me!

Aoi: (smile) Same.

Y/n: (blush) Wait! Hang on girls! Wait!

(Hours later)

We see Y/n arrived home with kiss marks on his face qs he wipes them off his face. He can't believe he has what any anime people call it a harem now. Still if they are happy to be his harem, he's happy. Still he was now thinking out fixing his suit when he sees a box on his table and a letter on top of it.

He walks over to it and grab the letter and open it up. It said "Dear Spider-man: Thank you for saving not only me and my family but also everyone in the nation as well. I've seen you have damaged your suit while you battle against Mysterio. Please accept this as a thank you gift and good luck. From: Your trustful friend."

Y/n was a bit surprised by this and looks at the box and open it up and looks inside.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow! Looks awesome!

Then his phone deeps meaning crime is going on so he looks at the suit and takes it. He then puts it on and after a while he looks at his new suit through the mirror.

Spider-man: Now this is a new upgrade for me!

We then see Souichirou have a cup of coffee on his hand as he takes a drink while he sees Spider-man swinging off as Souichirou smiles.

Souichirou: (thought) Thank you Y/n. Continue your heroic work as our friendly neighbourhood Spider-man.

Spider-man swings through the city as sirens of police is heard in the distance as Spider-man loves his new suit as he swings off to contu his days as......Spider-man.


We see Soma at his holding cell wearing his orange jumpsuit as he is sitting down looking down at the floor just frustration on his fail mission and will get his revenge somehow.

Suddenly alarms start to go off outside of his cell as he looks up at his cell door and stood up and walk close to it and try to figure out what's going on.

Suddenly there was a green blast that blow up his cell door and sent Soma flying back and slammed onto the wall. He shake his head while a green glow lights up around his cell as a female voice asked.

???: Are you Soma Baba?

Soma: Yes, what is it to you?

Then she throw some towards Soma which looked like a blueprint as he looks at her and the blueprint and picks it up and open it.

???: He will make you a new suit if you work with us. So what do you say, you wanna help us?

Soma looks at the blueprints in surprised but soon he smirks follow by laughter as Soma looks at her and she reach out her hand to him which he takes as she help him up whike he looks at the blueprints once more and look at her and said.

Soma: (smirk) Of course. Let's take over the world. (Evil laughter)

To be continued.......................

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