Dududu du
Dududu du du
Dududu du-
Damn, it's been a while since I've updated this book. Sorry about that, school, alongside many, many more interruptions have just been an ass to me. At least, now that this finishing chapter is published, we can both have the peace on our minds that the book that had been on an indefinite hiatus since like, June or something is finally completed oh my god-
In case there's any confusion:
Italics= Mob Language (and the voice thingy at the end of the chapter)
Normal= English/Witch Language
Bold= Author's Note (and the voice thingy at the end of the chapter)
Hope y'all are in for an emotional rollercoaster, this might be a tough one to handle :)
TW: Lots of Vulgar Language (it's Tommy, guys), Suicides, Major Character & Minor Character Deaths, Implications of Torture, Being Imprisoned, Abandonment By A Friend (though it's a bit unwilling), Mentions of Blood, Guns, and Gunshots
If any of these triggers make you uncomfortable or could possibly trigger you, I would recommend that you stop reading beyond this point. Reader's discretion is advised, and from now on you read only at your own risks.
Also this isn't beta read so that's also a warning-
"Tubbo! Hurry up, big man!" Tommy whispered loudly, gesturing wildly for his best friend to accompany him next to a pair of bushes he was hiding behind. The boy in question quickly went to their friend's side, and they both continued to peer over the top of the bushes to get a better look at the hunters on their island.
There seemed to be even more Mob Hunters than when Tubbo and Fundy had found out about them, and the number of cages already stockpiled together on the beach only enlarged their concerns about the hunters' intentions.
A rustling of leaves and branches beside the duo snapped them out of their spying, and they looked to the side to see what seemed to be a humanoid enderman standing next to them, gazing at the hunters with glowing, purple eyes filled with malice and anger.
Then, the hybrid noticed the two next to them, and promptly proceeded to flip out in surprise.
A loud, screech-like sound erupted from the hybrid's mouth, and Tommy and Tubbo immediately tackled said hybrid to the ground while making sure to cover their mouth so that they couldn't make any more noise. Their breathing stilled as they heard people shout in confusion and start walking in their direction.
After a very tense moment passed with them all holding their breath on the ground as a couple of hunters peered past the line of bushes and tried to find any possible intruders, they seemed to let out a quiet, collective sigh of relief once they heard the footsteps start to recede back to the shore of the beach.
Tubo then proceeded to whisper to the humanoid enderman in Enderian, hoping to clear up whatever misconception that had happened lest the same thing happen all over again. "Hey there, I'm Tubbo and this is Tommy. We are the caretakers of the island, and we mean you no harm." (I couldn't get an enchanting table translator bc they were all blocked, sorry guys)
The enderman hybrid, albeit confused to how a human knew his native language, warily replied to Tubbo's reassurances. " can I be so sure that your words are true? While I have seen you two around the island, I cannot help but be suspicious that you have only come to the island due to passage from the three human groups here."
Tubbo then looked to his friend for backup, and Tommy willingly provided. "Listen here, ender boy or whatever. I can promise you that Tubbo and I only speak the truth. We've probably been on this damn island longer than you have; it's been our only fuckin' home ever since we were toddlers."
"You've been here since you were toddlers!?" The humanoid enderman screeched quietly, and thankfully no one seemed to take notice of the odd sound this time. The duo looked at each other, seeming to exchange a silent conversation between their eyes before turning back to the enderman.
"Well, yeah." Tommy said, rolling his eyes in an exasperating motion. "How else did you think we became so acquainted with the mobs here?"
The hybrid was quiet at the blonde's response, before Tubbo decided to pipe in again. "So, what's your name? I don't think we ever go one from you."
"Oh! It's-uh, it's Ranboo." The newly dubbed 'Ranboo' replied, and Tubbo hummed in acknowledgement. The three then proceeded to peer back over the bushes, all continuing their spying on the Mob Hunters that now seemed to be focused on taking out long, metal-comprised items that looked oddly threatening and unnatural.
Then, Tommy looked over to Ranboo nervously.
"Wait, what did you mean by 'three human groups'?"
"Well, I meant that there were three human groups on this island, it's pretty self-explanatory." Ranboo responded, giving the blonde an odd look that conveyed his confusion to their possible obliviousness. Tommy and Tubbo froze up at the hybrid's words, and Ranboo's expression started to crease with worry and concern.
"Where is it!?" They seemed to whisper-shout at the same time, and the humanoid enderman backed up a bit at their frenzied tone.
Gulping nervously at the instantaneous change of demeanor from the two, Ranboo hesitantly pointed in the direction of the Savannah. "It's...over there? On the coastline?"
"Shit, shit, shit." Tommy mumbled to himself, refusing to slip back into English for the time being. "That means that there was another fucking hunter base here and we didn't even know about it! And then that leads to us having lower chances of defeating these pricks, because they'll just have some fuckin' reinforcements to back them up!"
Ranboo gazed at the two worriedly as they started panicking, unsure of how to deal with this situation. Thankfully, before anything could get out of hand a familiar, orange face popped out of the foliage behind them and spoke in their fox dialect. "Hey there Tommy and Tub-oh, who's this?"
The caretaker duo was startled out of their panicking due to the new voice, and they whipped around to face the recognizable face of Fundy, who seemed to have probably followed them to the Mob Hunter beach for some odd reason.
Tubbo was the first of the two to regain himself and reply to the fox in their language. "Oh, hey Fundy. This is Ranboo, and he's gonna help us take down those Mob Hunters over there."
"What!? I never agreed to that!"
"Well, it sure did look like you were gonna do that in the first place, Ranboob."
"That's not my-oh my Ender, you two are going to be the death of me and we haven't even known each other for 20 minutes." The enderman hybrid groaned, and the said duo high-fived each other at Ranboo's misery before settling back down.
Then, Tommy turned to Fundy, who had seated himself next to the blonde while the trio was bickering and had been watching them in amusement. "So, are you gonna help us with taking down those fucks?"
"Sure. Got nothin' better to do anyways." The fox hybrid responded, shrugging nonchalantly, and Tommy gave him a big grin in return before turning back to Tubbo, who still seemed to be bantering with Ranboo. "Oi, big man, Fundy's gonna help us!"
"Figured as much." The pacifist caretaker said, before stating, "But we might want to rally up all the mobs that can fight so that we can finally get this plan activated."
Tommy nodded, before racing off back into the trees. Tubbo looked at his friend's retreating form for a while, before looking at the two hybrids next to him and translating his thoughts in both languages. "I better go real quick, gotta rally up my side as well, y'know? You guys just stay here for a bit, Tommy and I'll be back soon."
The two mob hybrids nodded in affirmation and watched as the caretaker shot back into the foliage after Tommy, before continuing to spy on the Mob Hunters for any weaknesses that they could possibly exploit in battle.
The caretaker duo return minutes later with a horde of mobs, passive, passive-aggressive, and aggressive alike. They all knew better than to attack each other at this time, for they all only shared one common goal: get rid of the humans who were currently threatening them and their island.
Helping Fundy and Ranboo off the ground, the four all took a deep breath, looked each other in the eyes with mutual reassurances for one another, and then the caretaker duo's voices rang across the entire island with one, single command.
Even if some of the mobs couldn't understand what the duo specifically commanded, they knew what to do by the tone of their voices. The group of four ran alongside their fellow mobs and instantly singled out some enemies successfully taking most of them by surprise.
The clash between the two sides was violent; while the mob did have the advantage of surprise, the first gunshot that rang out across the small battlefield instantly stilled the fight for a moment before it began again.
Many of the mobs were still frozen from the shot, therefore giving their opponents the edge in battle. The leading group of the mob charge was still fighting valiantly even though their fellow mob comrades were dropping dead like flies all around them.
Fundy had busied himself with scratching his enemies to death with his long, sharp claws.
Ranboo would teleport behind his opponents and hit from behind, effectively dodging any attacks that came his way.
Tommy and Tubbo would fight alongside each other, their attacks terrifyingly in sync and always conjoined with one another, allowing them to easily defeat anyone who dared to challenge their strength.
Yet, even with all that the mobs and their leaders were doing to defeat the other side, nothing was ever fair with war. As soon as the last mob had dropped to the ground or had ran off into the trees from terror, Fundy, Tubbo, and Tommy were quickly shoved to the ground and restrained.
"Ranboo! Help us! Teleport us away, we can defeat them the next time!" Tubbo screeched desperately in Enderian as his hands were bound with rough links of rope, his expression portraying the massive quantities of fear that he was feeling at the moment. Yet, as Ranboo gazed at his friends with a somber look in his eyes, the enderman hybrid could only shake his head and teleport away as the three were dragged away to the ship.
Fresh, salty tears streamed down all three's faces as they were thrown into different cells. Fundy and Tommy ended up with cells next to each other, but Tubbo was not as lucky, for he was shut in a cell deeper in the ship.
It took a moment for the realization to settle in, for it all seemed to of happened too fast. One moment they were all battling courageously with most of the island's population, and with just a couple of gunshots all the mobs had either run away or were lying on the sandy ground, their lives given up for their island only for their deaths to be in vain.
And then-...and then they had been captured. Taken hostage by the people who would have instantly killed them all on sight if it weren't for the fact that they could be sold instead for large amounts of money for being able to speak the language of the mobs.
And, out of all that had happened, the one thing that stuck out was Ranboo abandoning them.
Why had he abandoned them?
Tubbo was sat in the corner of his stone cell, the oncoming tears never pausing in their flow as small hiccups racked his throat. The gentle rock of the ship only made him nauseous; it only served the purpose of constantly reminding him of his pathetic situation.
Tommy and Fundy weren't faring much better than Tubbo was, despite being able to communicate with each other through the thin, stone walls. Loud sobs were the only sound that could be heard within the cells, and the entire lower part of the ship practically screamed misery.
They all just hoped that someone would come save them before it became too late.
"Hey, have you guys seen Fundy anywhere? I've been looking for him all morning." Wilbur questioned, and the entire camp shook their heads as he walked around and asked about. With a large sigh as he came up empty-handed, he sat down in his tent, staring at the rippling waves of the ocean when a flash of brown caught his left eye.
Standing back up and pressing a hand above his eyes to shield his vision from the sun's blaring light, he recognized an old-looking ship alongside some more modern-looking sailboats that were sailing away from the island.
Then, he gasped in horror as a realization slammed into his head like a truck.
He had overheard Fundy mumbling to himself about some Mob Hunters invading the island with boats; what if Fundy had gotten taken prisoner on one of those ships?
Rushing over to one of the engine-powered rafts that they had used to arrive at the island in the first place, he reached to start it up despite knowing that there was only a tiny amount of fuel left when a hand stopped him.
Whipping his head to the left, he saw Philza looking at him with concern, his hand still holding onto Wilbur's arm to prevent him from starting up the raft.
"What're you doing, mate? You know that raft's got almost nothing left in it." Philza asked softly, before noticing that Wilbur's harried gaze was set on the fleet of boats that were slowly making their way from the island. The avian's eyes darkened, and he nodded in understanding
"Mob Hunters. Of course." Phil growled, before looking back at Wilbur. "I'll go see if Fundy's on there. It's possible they could have also gotten those two kids Fundy keeps talking about. Go tell the rest of the camp what I'm heading off to do, and...if I don't make it out alive, just remember that I love you and Technoblade with all my heart."
With that, the avian spread his crow-like wings and shot into the sky, quickly closing the distance between him and the small fleet of ships. This, of course, gained the attention of all the other camp members, who hurriedly asked the brunette what was going on.
As he explained the situation to them, Wilbur couldn't help but notice the bad feeling that churned in his gut.
Phil soared through the clear sky with ease, before divebombing to gain more speed. He was confident in himself that he could just complete the task at hand and get out of there, maybe even blow up the entire fleet if he felt like it.
Yet unfortunately, his confidence would be the death of him. He hadn't the knowledge that the people guarding the deck would have guns that could pierce straight through the strong hide that made up the avian's wings, so when he landed with a massive 'thud' on the creaky, wooden floorboards that made up the deck of the ship, it wasn't because he had did it to instantly engage the fight.
It was because he had been shot out of the sky like a bird with a stone.
Back at the island, the camp was silent with shock as Wilbur cried out with despair. The mighty Philza, the Angel of Death, the presumed right hand man of the Goddess of Death, had been killed whilst airborne from the new technology that the people had been developing over the past few years.
It almost didn't seem real; someone as powerful as Phil couldn't have just died just like that!
Yet, life is never fair to us, now is it?
Some truths are simply meant to be accepted the hard way.
It had been months since Fundy, Tubbo and him had been captured by the Mob Hunters.
Approximately 3 months, 6 days, 197 minutes, and 24 seconds.
And counting.
Tommy sighed heavily. Fundy and him hadn't spoken in a long while, probably 3 days at the most.
It wasn't because they had gotten into a fight, the fox hybrid had just completely lost his voice from the lack of water, the strain crying had put on his vocal cords, and the fact that they rarely ever used their voice to communicate for long since their guards would get so annoyed by it, they'd slam their fists against the bars and demand they shut their traps.
They had known better than to disobey; it's what had gotten Tubbo killed in the first place.
See, since they basically no longer had the will to live knowing that whatever would happen to them after they got off the ship would probably be worse than death, they made a plan.
There was a grate at the very top of the wall that separated their cells. Since Fundy had found a piece of stone that was sharp enough to cut through skin with ease a couple of days ago, after slicing his own neck he would pass the shard through the grate, which would allow Tommy to do the same.
Soon, nighttime came, and the guards had all left their posts to go sleep (a luxury that the prisoners of the ship would never have). As Fundy smiled weakly through the grate as he passed the shard to Tommy, the blonde smiled back gratefully before watching as Fundy's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to the floor, passed out from blood loss.
Sitting back down on the cold, stone floor, Tommy gazed at the stone shard with an unreadable expression.
Did he really want to do this?
Yes, you do.
By the time the sun had risen from the ocean below, Tommy's and Fundy's corpses had grown cold.
Wilbur and the others, grief-ridden due to the loss of their fellow friends and family, finally finish making the oil needed to fuel their rafts before setting off back to their homeland, never wanting to see the island again.
Any leftover mobs that had either ran from the earlier fight or that were still on the island soon found a way to move to a more habitable place, for all carnivores dwindled the herbivore population too much and was forced to choose a better place to live. Ranboo, however, stayed out of guilt, knowing that he could've helped his friends but instead had chosen to save his own hide. He dies on the island, alone, just like Tubbo had on the ship.
The island dies out after a long drought hits, and with no more pollinators around, the island is a barren wasteland of what it used to be.
It's presence is untold of (even from the Mob Hunters, who wanted to keep the place a secret in case there were any more animal-speaking humans left there. Little did they know...), and the island slowly starts to deteriorate over the surface until it is completely submerged underneath the ocean.
Some of the most beautiful things sometimes just aren't meant to be.
I'm sorry for torturing you guys like that haha
Anyways, the final votes for the poll were:
1: 13
2: 19
3: 20
So close to the bittersweet ending :)
Anyways, that was it!
That was the entire main storyline.
Damn, this thing has taken way longer to finish than it should have.
I've had so many memories over the expanse of writing this fanfiction; many were negative, but some were positive as well.
It's amazing to see how much my own writing style has changed and developed over the many months I've spent working on and procrastinating this story :D
As I had said at the end of the poll chapter (the chapter before this one), I will publish the other two endings, but probably a couple of days after this chapter has been finalized and published.
Also, Happy New Years everyone! I truly did not intend for this book to end on New Years (originally, I had planned to actually start working on the final chapter back in the middle of December lmao), but I would say that this was a better time to end off this book's storyline.
And, with that all out of the way, I now will grant you the knowledge of what all the numbers meant.
1: Perfect Ending
Tommy and Tubbo, alongside their newfound friends and an odd ally, manage to take down the Mob Hunters before they can do much, or any damage at all. The group of travelling humans end up staying with the two human children instead of heading back home, for they all mutually agree that there must be some other sort of human supervision on the island. They all live a happy life afterwards.
2: Bittersweet Ending
Tommy and Tubbo fight against the Mob Hunters with the assistance of a confused Ranboo and their fellow mobs, though for some reason Fundy would be the only person from Wilbur's group to partake in helping to defend the island. Yet, even as they manage to drive the hunters away from their island, some of those humans jump onto rafts instead and sneakily paddle back to the island.
The group of humans at the beach, albeit unaware of the massive chaos happening elsewhere on the island, immediately take a defensive stance against the Mob Hunters. Yet, they are deterred by the sweet-talker of the Mob hunting group, and are fooled into thinking that they also are simply lost travelers that had found themselves in a similar position to Wilbur's group.
The hunters are then able to creep up behind the celebrating duo of Tommy and Tubbo after they make their way past the other human group on the island, and they impale Tubbo straight through the chest before running off again. The Mob Hunters cause some more havoc afterwards by killing off a great quantity of the residing mobs at the island before they, themselves, are inevitably it down.
The other human group decide to comfort Tommy with his loss, but the blonde-haired gremlin was never the same afterwards. Soon, with the support of his newly-found human friends, Tommy learns to move on from his best friend's death, and he continues to help the island prosper with the help of Wilbur's group. From there, they all live a bittersweet, happily-ever-after ending.
3: Horrible Ending
Tommy, Tubbo, a slightly-confused Ranboo, the Island's mobs, and Fundy all work together to fend off the Mob Hunters that were docked on one of the Island's many beaches. Unfortunately, due to the hunters' more modern weaponry and technology, the opposing human side easily overtakes the mob side.
Most of the mobs had been shot on sight during the battle, and the rest ended up in cages to be shipped off to who-knows-where. Ranboo teleports away in an instant (though his apologetic expression is enough to show that he is gravely sorry for having to abandon them in their greatest time of need), and Fundy, Tommy and Tubbo are taken as hostages onto the Mob Hunter's ship. Wilbur's group sees the ship depart from the island, and has Philza go after it in an attempt to stop it in its tracks.
Philza, however, is shot straight out of the sky despite his efforts to dodge and shield himself from the incoming bullets (the sudden pick-up in wind movement not helping in the slightest), and is dead the moment he falls from the sky and hits the water below.
Tubbo ends up dying during the ship ride back since one of the guards assigned to guarding their cell gets annoyed by his constant complaining eventually snaps and shoots the kid straight through the head. Tommy and Fundy are not informed of this until later in the ship ride, and when they are, that's when they decide to end their lives instead of allowing the Mob Hunters to continue to torture them just for their sick entertainment.
The Island is quickly abandoned soon after, with Wilbur's group having already packed their stuff and left after seeing their fellow friend plummet from the skies and into the ocean below. Any possible remaining mobs left on the island find a way to evacuate from there, and the rest is history.
So, yeah, in other words, the lot of y'all kinda got screwed over with the traditional numbering system in the poll (1, 2, 3)
Don't worry though, for as I had said before, I will post the other alternative endings.
Anyways, thank you ALL for reading this, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll be seein' y'all around!
(P.S. I may or may not be starting another fanfic soon even though I have so many unfinished works already published. It's gonna be mostly Tommy-centered but Wilbur's also kind of a main protagonist, it's in the superhero-villain-vigilante world and I'm really excited to release the first chapter I'm probably releasing it today please go read it I'd thank you eternally aaaaaaa-)
Also, look at this.
4243 words
I must be going insane.
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