Chapter 9


Tommy grumbled to himself as he shoveled out the Hoglin's feces from their pen, only halfway done as he flung more of the pieces of crap over the rickety nether brick fence.

If anyone thought he was starting to hate his job......well, they were half-correct.

The young lad was starting to dread completing his chores every single day, yet, of course, the blond-haired man-child would probably still die for those fuckin' hog-mammal-Nether-mob-shits if he had to.

But that doesn't mean that the Hoglins were his favorite mob colony. In fact, they were probably far down from his Top 10 rankings.

Back to the present, Tommy had just dumped out the last of the Hoglin poop outside the enclosure before he noticed a very odd scent that hovered in the air. It smelled of something that he had never scented before, but it gave him an uneasy feeling that churned in his stomach.

He let his shovel fall onto the side of the nether brick fence before he hopped out of the enclosure and trekked through the rather high-reaching grass before he stopped in front of a bush that blocked his path. Tommy pushed it aside, just to wish he hadn't followed the scent in the first place.

-TW for descriptive rotting corpse ahead-

There, straight ahead of him, lay a decaying corpse of a month-old wolf pup. A claw mark could be seen on the pup's upturned side, and clumps of rotting flesh were littered in small lumps around the tiny clearing, some on the ground, some on the bushes, and some even smeared onto the surrounding trees.

Flies swarmed the small body, some smothering the claw mark wound while some even went inside the pup's agape maw.

Tommy felt like throwing up, so he looked away and regurgitated all of his breakfast and then some onto the ground.

-TW over now ig-

His throat burned from the disgusting taste of stomach acid and digested food being pushed back up his esophagus and out through his mouth, but he forced himself to trudge away from the scene and walk all the way over to where Tubbo was doing his chores.

Seeing that Tubbo was currently tending to the enderman, he averted his eyes and pointed them to the ground in front of him before guesturing the brunette over to a more secluded spot to talk.

Once they were there, Tubbo looked at him with concern and worry evident in his gaze before asking, "What's wrong Big Man? You're lookin' all pale n' shit. Are you ok?"

"Tubbo, Tubs- I just saw something that I never, ever want to see or hear about again, ok? So-well, I was doing my chores, yeah? Shovelin' out all the hoglin's poop n' shit, when I smell this weird-ass scent coming from this small cluster of bushes, then I look behind it and-and there's this wolf pup laying there with this claw mark on it, it's decaying and everything and there's a bunch of flies around like it's been dead a while and-fuck, Tubs it was horrible an' I-" Tommy managed to stutter out, and Tubbo put a comforting hand on the younger's shoulder before pulling him into a hug.

Once Tommy managed to calm down, Tubbo released him from the hug before ushering him along with him. 

They arrived at Tubbo's house (of which still had a broken window at the front) and went inside, the older going off to get Tommy a glass of water after sitting the disgruntled blond down on his hide couch.

After coming back and giving the water to Tommy, he looked at his brother-like friend intently. "So, and you don't have to if you don't want to, but could you explain to me in more detail what exactly happened?"

And so Tommy did, and Tubbo hummed in thought after he had finished. "Well, it's definitely something that we've never seen or heard of happening before, because we both know that all the carnivorous mobs on this island would make it a clean kill if they went out hunting. But we will get to the bottom of this, alright?" Tubbo finished, and Tommy nodded at the shorter's question.

After they stayed at the house a bit longer for break purposes, the two went on their way to finish up their chores for the day, when Tubbo noticed movement out of the corner of his eye.

A flash of orange accompanied with bipedal-like legs. Well, Tubbo knew what that meant.

"Fox person? Is that you out there?" He shouted out into the assortment of different trees, slipping into his fox tongue while he called out, and a familiar face popped out from behind a Acacia Tree before hesitantly stepping out into the open.

Tubbo sighed, shaking his head as a warm smile graced his lips before he walked over to the fox person to greet him. "Hi there again fox man! Do ya need anything?" Fundy grunted in disdain at the nickname, but nodded his head at the question.

"I-..well, the people that I'm staying with and I have out of food? I'm sorry for having to ask for help so much, but we don't know where any food is, and-" Fundy was cut off when Tubbo waved his hand in the air dismissively.

"It's alright, Fox Person! Truly. We have so much food around here that we've just kinda stockpiled it all up for so long that if we ever needed to use it, it'd probably last the entire island's population about 3-4 more years." Tubbo mused, and Fundy's face lit up at that notation.

They were about to set off to the food house that Tubbo was talking about, when the sudden faint noise of a large splash of water made them both stop in their tracks and turn around, before nodding to each other and going off to investigate the source of the sound.

After they made it to another natural biome border inbetween the diverse forest and another small, sandy shore, they both peered through the leaves of the bushes and trees they were hiding behind to see a large yacht-like boat with at least 16 men, or, in Tubbo's words, very odd-looking mobs on board it.

They seemed to be unloading boxes upon boxes out of the belly of the ship, but when a couple of the crates opened, Fundy's eyes widened in realization.

"Cages. They're bringing cages to the island." Fundy murmured, and Tubbo looked at him, confused.

"Why in the world would they be bringing cages here? Tommy and I only use cages for punishing the mobs for a couple hours if they did something really bad, or if a mob has gone mad or something, and we really don't like using them anyways. Also, those mobs look kinda like you and your friends. Are you guys related?" The pacifist animal caretaker questioned, and Fundy quickly shook his head.

"No! No, we-we are not related. You ever heard of different family chains?" Tubbo nodded, before 'oh'-ing softly in realization and apologizing for assuming of such. "As for your first question, I have absolutely no idea. Those people look like guys that come from one of my village's neighbors, a village that's known for.........hunting mobs.....Tubbo, we've gotta go now." Fundy said, and he grabbed Tubbo's wrist and pulled him away from the line of leafage that separated them from the other humans' "awareness radius".

"Fundy, why are running? Who were those mobs?" The brunette asked as he was hastily pulled along by Fundy, who was racing back towards the clearing that they had came from.

"Ok-listen, Tubbo. There are 4 types of humans, ok? Humans are the mobs that you saw earlier, and they are perfectly capable of living on their own and creating sustainable colonies that either hate or are allies with each other."

"The first type of humans are the 'Good Humans'. They like and appreciate mobs for who they are, and some even worship some of them (though the extent of what their religion can and will do is kinda bad)."

"The second type of humans are the 'Neutral Humans'. They just live alongside mobs and only kill to survive."

"The third type of humans are the 'Hybrids'. Hybrids are basically humans, but they also either have some other mob features on them when they're born, or they're genetically half mob. I am actually a hybrid myself, a fox hybrid in fact, but onto the last type."

"The last type of humans are the 'Mob Hunters', or you could also technically call them 'Bad Humans'. They are the humans who hunt and kill mobs and/or hybrids for fun, or for selling stuff that they get from them for money. They are evil, and are never to be trusted, ok?" Tubbo quickly nodded once Fundy finished explaining, when a question popped up into his mind.

"Then what type are your.....'Human' friends? Are they bad?" At that, Fundy quickly shook his head side to side.

"No! Not at all! Some of them may be just neutral, but a lot of them are good, not bad. A couple of them are actually hybrids too, for example, Philza, who's a raven hybrid, Technoblade, who's a piglin hybrid, and Bad, who's somehow part demon." The hybrid explained, and Tubbo nodded once again.

"So, what does all of this have to do with those mo-Humans that we saw earlier?"

"Well- those humans are what you would call the 'Bad Humans'." Tubbo gasped when he said that. "Which is why I needed us to run away so that in case they saw us, they wouldn't kill you or me, because they could of quite easily mistaken you for some sort of hiding hybrid, while I am actually a hybrid. I thank you for your offer of food earlier Tubbo, and I'll make sure to come back and retrieve some food, but I've gotta go warn the others that there are some Mob Hunters on the island now. I would suggest that you find Tommy and explain everything to him too so that he knows what's going on." Fundy told him, before waving a quick goodbye and shooting off into the direction of where his camp was situated.

Standing there for a couple moments to process everything that had just went into his noggin, he sighed heavily before returning back to the chores that he was doing earlier.

He'll just talk to Tommy about it once they finish fixing up his window.


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