Chapter 6

                                                        Fundy's POV

(Please don't kill me if I make it seem like Fundy is out of character, I don't really know him the best, so-)

It had been a few days since we had arrived at this island, and to be honest, it's kind of really unnerving to see mobs constantly walking around our campsite, seeming as if they were watching us. There was actually a time when Dream tried to go into the jungle, and came out a second later being chased by an Enderman.

So, all we've been able to do so far is sit around in discomfort and try to strike up a conversation, just for them to end in an awkward silence.

I know that we would run out of food soon, and if we weren't lucky enough to nab a little bit of fruit or something from the jungle while the mobs that were surrounding our campsite weren't looking, we would die of starvation, and that was something that I was not looking for.

So, as night soon came around, I waited until everyone was asleep, before I sneaked out of the tent that I shared with the rest of my family and slinked into the jungle, trying to make as little noise as possible before going out into a full-out dash through the jungle.

Suddenly, the jungle's biome came to a stop, and entered into a forest with all types of trees inside it.

That of course confused me, but the thought of food drove me foward, until I reached a clearing that had a small house in it, and the lights were on.

I slowly crept up towards the window and peeked inside, to see two teens talking to each other across a table with serious looks on their faces. I knew that since the inhabjtants of the house were still awake, there was was no way I would be able to get food, and I was about to start running back to the campsite, when I turned around to be met with the angry face of an Enderman.

I accidentally yelped in suprise, and started trying to run to avoid getting caught by the lanky mob, when I felt something pin me down and prevent me from escaping. I assumed it was some sort of large wolf, but that wasn't the top priority of my thoughts right now.

I flinched when I heard the door open and slam close to the house I was originally peeking into, and the weight was suddenly lifted from my back, just to allow me to back myself into a corner between a small, close group of trees.

The two teens that I had seen earlier talking inside the house were now slowly creeping up to me, and I closed my eyes, thinking that I was going to get hit for being found spying, when I heard the boys start to make an arrange of strange noises that sounded similar to the many mobs of this world, when suddenly, they spoke a language that I could understand, which was the Fox Language. I didn't know how or why they knew it, but I shook the question off for the moment and tried to focus on what they were trying to say.

"Hello? Who are you and why are you out here?" The male with the short brown hair asked, and I took a sexond to calm down a bit before answering back.

"Uh, I'm, uh, Fundy. I'm here, because I was searching for food so that the people that I had traveled with, and me, wouldn't start to starve to death. We were starting to run low on food, so-" Right as I was in the middle of my explanation, the boy that had asked me the questions gasped in concern(Are you even able to do that?).

"You were about to run out of food!? You would've started STARVING TO DEATH!? TOMMY, WHY DIDN'T THE ENDERMAN TELL US THIS!?" The boy practically screeched, causing the other boy with the floofy hair to cover his ears until the boy was done. 

The other boy, or who was called "Tommy", sighed and simply shrugged, not seeming to show as much concern as the other male was.

Suddenly, the male that had expressed concern started dragging me over to the house, and after getting Tommy and I in, grabbed a basket that was conveniently sitting on a random counter that was right next to the door and raced off to what I presume was the kitchen, and a lot of noise was heard before Tubbo, of who's name was told when the other male groaned, face-palmed and shook his head, ran back to us and shoved a basket full of water and food into my arms.

"There! And make sure to tell me if you start to run low again!" Tubbo exclaimed, before the brunette caught the look that Tommy was giving him, and started to chuckle out of embarrassment."Hehe, sorry about that. I just get really concerned what things like that happens."

I just nodded, not able to form words at the moment due to my suprise and shock, when the blonde besides me decided to break the silence that was starting to form.

"So, anyways, I guess we'll be saving the questions for tomorrow then? It is getting pretty late." Tommy asked, and Tubbo nodded in response before turning back to me.

"Come on! We'll walk you back." Tubbo said, and I nodded again and watched as Tubbo opened the door before motioning for us to be back outside.

The walk back to the campsite was sort of awkward, but at least I knew that they weren't going to kill us. I was still wary about the Enderman and the other nocturnal mobs that watched us from be shadows, but it wasn't long before the edge of the jungle came into view.

After thanking the two boys for giving me the food (and for not killing me), I stepped through the lush and dense border of the jungle just to realize that the sun was already starting to rise, and everyone was already awake and looking rather anxious.

Dad was the first to realize my presence, and rushed over to me and wrapped me into a tight hug, before noticing the basket of edible foods and liquids in my arms.

"My son! I thought that something had taken you! Why didn't you alert us that you had left!? And how did you get that basket?" Dad asked, and I just decided to tiredly smile up at him and walk past before setting the basket in the middle of the campsite, before going back to Dad and hugging him back and soon passing out from being too tired to stay awake.

Here's your chapter. I'm gonna go play some Minecraft now. I hope I got Fundy's personality correct. So anyways, Hope you enjoyed, Thanks for reading, and Fox Out!


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