Chapter 29 pt.3
Bianca's POV:
"Huh? Me?" Adore asks with uncertainty in her voice. I nod my head with a smile. "Looking for you?" I nod again. "No." She keeps the same uncertainty throughout her responses. If I didn't already know what I know, I would still know she's lying; every time she lies, her voice would go up to a pitch. "Uh huh," I say loud enough so that she can hear how I'm not believing her. It's silent for a few moments, and there's an intense stare down between each other. And I guess she can't take it, because she breaks the tension and says, "You look really really good tonight." This causes me to take a look down at my outfit. It's ok, but nothing compared to hers. She looks so elegant and gorgeous, while I look average.
I look back up at her with doubt. "Thanks, but I'm not looking that great next to you. You look stunning tonight." I say, backing up to give her some room. She blushes with a surprised face, to which I return my sly grin. "Uh... um, th- thanks." She says, looking away. This isn't going to go anyway I'd wish by her being timid and shit, so I need to break her out of that right now.
"So, do you want to talk to me? Because I've been wanting to talk to you." I say, hoping for her to say no. She looks a bit skeptical. "Um, a dance, though? We're already yelling as it is right now." she says, inching closer. "Well, yeah, you may be right." I say convincingly.
Out of nowhere, I get bumped into by Darienne and Dela, even though they were somewhat 10 feet away when I last looked.
All of a sudden, Dela jumps onto me and squeezes me in a hug. I want to hug her back, but she's blocking my arms from moving. And as I'm trying to find the strength to breathe, I see Darienne and Adore hug and start talking. "I can't believe you're really here! You're gonna have so much fun," Dela says, then she gasps and looks at me fully. "You look so amazing! I love this look on you! So hot." She rambles out, and then she finally lets go of me. I take a quick breath and smile at her. "Thank you, you look beautiful in your own right." I say, then I give her a hug of my own, except mine is gentle and soft, ironically. I let go of her, and she starts talking again. "2 things: How are you feeling about about the dance so far?" "I guess it's going well. Although people kept asking me to dance with them, which was annoying." I say, looking around the room for no reason. "Well can you blame them? You look too good to pass up." she says. It's not unusual for Dela to compliment people, not when she's doing it this much. "Are you drunk?" I ask half playfully half seriously. She laughs and says, "No, but I did have a couple of drinks of beer before I came here. It'll wear off before I leave." "How did you get here?" "Damon drove me, only because he has a date tonight." Damon is her older brother. I just simply nod. "But, my other question is," she pulls me closer so her mouth is near my ear. "What were you two talking about before we came over?" I look over at Adore and Darienne, and they've stopped talking and staring at Dela and I very uncomfortably, but Dela can't see it. "We were talking about each other's looks. Granted I did try and talk to her about... everything, but we're at a dance with loud music, so..." I say, not taking my eyes off of either of them, and I know they can't here us. Dela pulls back. "Ugh, I'm so proud of you finally talking to her and squashing this." I smile at her and tell her that they're watching us. We both look at them and we awkwardly smile, and they awkwardly smile. "Okay okay, enough with the smiling, it's creeping me out." Darienne says, laughing at the end. All three of do as told and now we have regular expression on our faces. "So... who's up for dancing?" she asks, and I roll my eyes and put my resting bitch face on. In a whiny voice, Adore says, "I wanna, but my feet hurt." Dela says, "I'll dance, I wanna move around to get this out of my system." Then, all of their eyes were on me. "You know I don't dance," I say while shaking my head a little. At that point, Darienne gives me that "If you don't fucking dance, I'm going to end your existence. Point blank period." I don't believe her, but I give her that "please don't make me" face, which she returns with a "oh I'm making you bitch" face. Now, if anybody would give me an empty threat, I would do the opposite of that thing, just to see what they would do. But this time, I kinda want to listen, I don't know why.
I roll my eyes, signaling my giving in, and they all smile at me wide. "That's what I'm talking about. Come on!" Darienne exclaims, grabbing my wrists and pulling me father into the middle of the floor, Adore and Dela not far behind. I believe that somebody low key grabbed my ass but I'll play it off as if I didn't feel it.
The music is playing really loud, and it's everybody moving (including teachers) and nobody is sitting down. To me, it feels like I'm crowded and surrounded, but nobody is that close to me for me to move away. It's hard to explain.
I look over to my right and I see all three of them dancing freely and calmly, which is nice, and it's sort of my speed. So I hesitantly start moving like them, and they notice; they start cheering and smiling, to which I playfully role my eyes and smile. Eventually, I start dancing at normal speed, and I can honestly say that I'm having fun. I'm dancing, laughing, just overall having a good time.
Time skip: 9:48 pm.
The party is almost over, and I'm a little bummed, to be honest. I'm having a really good time, and this was a really fun first dance.
I decide to go to the bathroom-- for real this time-- because I've been holding it in. So, I break away from the group and head over to it. I walk in, handle my business, and walk out of the stall over to the last sink. I look in the mirror, but I'm startled to see Adore in the background looking timid in the corner of bathroom. I look down and chuckle a little and start to wash my hands. "Can I help you?" I ask after a moment of silence. I look at her through the mirror, and I can see her looking straight at me with her arms folded across her chest.
"Why are you here?" Adore asks. I would have called that disrespect, but I know what she's trying to ask... I'm still gonna be a smartass, though. "Because... I paid for a ticket?" I respond. "Stop bullshitting me, Bea. You never come to school dances and parties, so why this one? An-- and, and why do choose to start to start talking to me now, of all times, when I wasn't even expecting you here! Let alone for you to talk to me. And the way you snuck up on me wasn't cool. And and and..." she stops rambling for a minute to catch her breath. Throughout Adore's whole rant, I washed my hands and dried them.
After her excessive amounts of breaths, she looks up at me with worry in her eyes. Now I'm facing her, and I say, "Are you done?" She nods lightly. "Okay, I came because Darienne forced me to, seeing as this is our 'last year together'; I came to this party because of my first reason; I started talking to you tonight because I felt like I've been petty enough to both you and Courtney for long enough for a while, but tonight just happened to be my luck; and while I did sneak up on you, you were kinda tracking me, so we're both even." I smile a sinister smile. Her eyebrows furrow a little. "What do you mean 'your luck'? And I wasn't tracking you." "I was thinking about talking to you earlier, but I was thinking that you may have like not talking. But, when I heard your conversation with Laganja," I see her eyes go wide, but I continue. "It was crystal clear you missed talking to me as I did you. And you were stalking me-- I saw you looking for me when you were walking into the crowd from the table." I finish, and she has this slight, cute blush, even through the makeup.
She shifts uncomfortably on her heels and she turns her face away from me as she asks, "How much... did you hear?" "All of it. My favorite part was probably 'I mean, should I talk to him? Dance with him? Dance on him?'" My smile never fades, and neither does her embarrassment. In fact, both grew. "Oh, God." she covers her face. As much as this is amusing me, and this really amusing me, I don't want her to feel like this.
So, I walk over to her and take her wrists into my hands and I pull them down so she can look at me. "I'm done torturing you for now." I say as she rolls her eyes. "But why don't you come with Darienne and I afterwards to get something to eat. That way we can have that talk from earlier." I finish, and I let go of her wrists.
I expected the head nod she gave, but what I didn't expect was her grabbing MY wrists and pin me to the wall. Oh well; typical us, always getting touchy, whether we're single or together. I'm not complaining, though
She kicks her heels off so she's down to my height, but she's still taller. Then she kisses me very passionately, and it doesn't take long for me to kiss back. She eventually let's go of my wrists and cups my face, giving me the opportunity the grab her ass. Then she starts kissing my neck, lightly biting. I gasp, but I quickly cover my mouth, as I remember where I am, but that doesn't stop Adore. In fact, it encourages her to sink her teeth even more into my neck, pulling an actual moan from my lips. And it felt too good to hide.
Finally, after what feels like many hickeys on both sides of my neck, Adore pulls away and looks at it, then opens her eyes wide, to which she slowly steps back. "I'm so sorry." she says, trying not to smile. This makes really scared to just how many she actually left. "Adore...what are you sorry for?" is the only thing I can say, because I'm really nervous right now. I don't wanna go home like this, waking up in the morning and seeing my mom downstairs and she questions me, and then we start to have "the talk". I've avoided the topic for 17 years, and I'm not trying to stop anytime soon. I may be overthinking this, but I wouldn't put it past for this scenario to happen.
Suddenly, there are snaps in front of my face and I come back into reality. "Are you okay?" Adore asks reluctantly. I ignore her question and walk to the mirror to look at my neck. To be completely honest, I've had, and done, worse before. Yes, it looks bad, but it's nothing that makeup can't cover.
"I'm sorry." I hear her say behind me. I turn to her and say that it was nothing to be sorry about and that I've been through worse. Weirdly enough, she starts snickering. I thought she was laughing at all the redness on my neck, until she states, "I'm not sorry because of that," she points at my neck and inches closer me, backing me up against the sink. "I was talking about... this." I feel her grab my dick, which I didn't know was hard until now. I had to press my lips together to make myself keep in my groan. I look right in her eyes and all I can see is pure lust.
She eventually let's go of... me, and she steps back. Now, anybody with eyes could've seen that she would've gone down on me, but I had to stop her, no matter how much I didn't want to. "Ah ah ah. Not here. Not now." I say as seriously as I could be right now. She pouts and says, "Why not?" as if she was a child. "1:I don't do blowjobs in bathrooms.
2:Anybody could walk in at any time.
3:The party is almost over
4, most importantly:We're not together!!” I respond. I didn't mean to say the last one so mean, but it obviously didn't affect her that much. "That's not my fault, Bianca. You know how much I want us together again. I've told and shown you numerous times that I want you and nobody else. If you asked me right now to take you back, I wouldn't hesitate to say yes." "It's not the fact that I don't want to get back together with you, Adore." I try to stay as calm as possible, because I can feel myself getting a little heated, and that's the last thing I need to be. "Well then what is it, Bianca? Tell me so I can do better!" I hear the plead and sincerity in her voice, which makes me calm down a bit. Side note, I can feel my hard on go down, making this less awkward.
"It's the fact that I don't know if can trust you. When we first broke up, I thought you cheated on me, and that broke my heart. Then, come to find out you were lying to me because you didn't feel like you wanted to be together anymore.That hurt me more. What happens if we do get back together and something happens between us and another type of situation like what happened between Laganja, you, and I. I'm not trying to go through that type of heartache again, Adore. I just mentally can't do it again." It feels good to let out how I feel, but at the same time, it's making me want to cry. This is the truth I never wanted to say out loud.
"Bea, I'm sorry. Sorry for all the heartache I put you through. I understand what you're saying, and if you feel like not being together is what's best for you, then I understand, because I never want to see unhappy." she says defeated. I don't want her to think this way, it's not true. "You make me happy, Adore. Don't question that." She doesn't say anything, so I continue, but finish up the conversation. "I don't want to give up completely on us, but I do need time. Give me until we get back from break." I ask. She nods, but she also says, "I can't wait forever." Then it's my turn to nod. I start stepping closer to her for a hug, but she pulls her in and kisses me, but no force was behind. It was simple yet extraordinary. She pulls away, but looks down with disappointment. Adore has always held a special place in my heart, and nobody will never know the lengths that I would go for her. It's always painful to see her hurt, and even more to hear that I'm the reason. But, what about me? What about the pain she put me through? I can't ignore that, either. I have to get an outside opinion about this later.
"Let's go. Darienne and Dela might be worrying." I say. That's enough for her to get her heels, put them on, and walk out, me by her side. While she walks towards the center of the room, I go over to the table to grab my jacket to cover up my sore neck. After that, I just feel like sitting until Darienne is ready to go.
All of sudden, there's giant spotlight over near the DJ, and Dela next to him with a microphone in her hand. "Hi guys! It's now time to crown the Wonderland Princess and/or from each grade." she says energetically. I roll my eyes and start to walk over to Darienne. I reach her and tell her to give me the keys. "They're in my coat pocket, why?" she asks. "I don't want to have to hear about how somebody who won because the begged for it around school rather than somebody who truly deserves it." I say, and I don't believe I'm wrong "I'll come with you." she replies. Just then, Dela calls out Farrah Moan
, a 9th grade queen who really didn't doesn't deserve it, unlike somebody like Nina or Sasha or whoever.
We walk back over to the table and we start to get bundled up in our coats and stuff. Once we're ready we start to walk out of the cafeteria, out of the building, and into the car. We get in and Darienne turns the car on, allowing us to start to get warm. I take my phone out and text Adore, because I forgot all about her.
Me: we're outside in the car. You still coming with us?
I laugh at the name I gave her after our breakup and never changed. I see that Darienne is looking over my shoulder to try and catch a peek, and she somewhat succeeds, and she asks, "She's coming with us?" "At first she was, but I don't know now." "Why what happened?" I told her everything... well not everything.
"So... what's stopping you?" she asks. "I told you, I don't want my heartbroken again." I say. "Okay." Is all she says, and she says it like she doesn't believe me. Oh well. She believe what she wants. Suddenly my phone dings, a message from Adore.
That bitch💔💔🖕🖕: Yeah sure, I'm waiting for Dela though. Oh and there's a surprise for for you.
Me: What is it? I immediately reply.
That bitch💔💔🖕🖕: It's a really big surprise😁😁😁. I'll see you when we come out.
I don't reply, as I start to feel annoyed. She knows I'm not a fan of surprises, but I'm anxious to find out.
"So did you ever talk to her about what happened that night at the bar and things that happened since?" Darienne asks while on her phone. "No. I was going to do it tonight." "What are you going to tell her?" "About?" "About what where you were..." I know what she's hinting at. "Honestly I don't know. I was thinking about it, but I might. We'll see."
Just then, the rear car doors fly open and Adore and Dela. Dela puts a big box in the middle of them as they fasten up. "Took you long enough. We were freezing out here." Darienne complains. "Oh shut up. It's a toaster in here." Dela says. I just simply chuckle as Darienne starts driving, but where is this bitch driving to? "Darienne?" I speak up. She just hums as a response. "Where are we going?" "You'll see when we get there." she says with a smirk. I just sit back and we start making conversation while driving.
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