From Happy, To Broken
[Painite pov]
Painite: (Where is she?)
Okay, so I'm playing another with Spinel and I've been looking for her for about 7 minutes now. Do you know are many times I searched this garden? Top to bottom?
Painite: (Seriously, there aren't that many places to hide.)
I feel like I've past her like twenty times, and every time she must've silently laughed to herself.
Painite: At this rate I'm never gonna-
I heard giggling from behind me.
Painite: Huh?! Who's-
I turned around to see nobody.
Painite: Wha-what? I could've sworn-
More giggling. I turned lighting fast, nobody.
Painite: ...Wait a sec....
I turned my head 180 degrees, I was met with Spinel's smiley face.
Spinel: *giggle* You finally found me!
Painite: ...You stood behind me...?
Spinel: Yep.
Painite: ...The whole time...?
Spinel: Yeperoo!
Painite: ...Without making a SINGLE sound?
Spinel nodded vigorously.
Painite: ...............How?!
I covered my mouth.
Painite: Sor- *ahem* sorry, I have trouble controlling that.
Spinel looked surprised.
Spinel: You didn't tell me you can do that!
Painite: Yeah, we can, don't know why though.
Spinel: Well, now that you found me, it's your turn to-
Pink Diamond warped in on the warp pad.
Pink Diamond: Hello you two.
Painite: My Diamond.
Spinel: Pinky!
Spinel wrapped her arms around Pink Diamond.
Pink Diamond hugged her back. Spinel stretched her arm out and pulled me into a hug.
Spinel: Group hug!
She hugged us for a while.
Painite: ...You can let go now.
Spinel: Just a little longer. Aaaaannnd.
She let us go.
Painite: You are really enthusiastic.
Pink Diamond: She is made for friendship, and she's perfect cut, and you
I chuckled at that last bit. Suddenly, we heard something turning on. We all looked to see a communication device turn on. I barely make it out, but it looked like Blue Diamond was on the screen.
Painite: Oh shoot!
Blue Diamond: Pink, are you there?
Pink Diamond: Yes, I'm here.
I stood behind Pink Diamond, trying my best to hide myself.
Blue Diamond: You look...nervous.
Pink Diamond: What? Me? Why would I be nervous?
Spinel: Yeah. There's nothing going on here!
They gave fake smiles.
Painite: (10/10 lying ladies.)
Blue Diamond: ...Very well.
Painite: (She bought that?!)
Blue Diamond: Me and the other Diamonds have been wondering, where did that Painite go?
Pink Diamond: He', at umm....
Blue Diamond: Are you ok?
Pink Diamond: Just having trouble remembering, hehe.
Spinel: He's not here that's for sure!
Blue Diamond: How do you know who I'm talking about?
I mentally facepalm.
Spinel: Uh, well Pinky and I are the only ones here so he can't be here.
Blue Diamond: ...I suppose that makes sense.
Pink Diamond: You know what? I just remembered, I didn't follow him to his destination.
Blue Diamond: Oh, well, sorry for disturbing you.
Pink Diamond: It's no big deal, really.
Blue Diamond smiled and weakly waved. The communication device went off and we all sighed in relieve.
Painite: That, was uncomfortably close.
Pink Diamond: It was, perhaps this place isn't as safe has I thought.
Painite: Maybe I should go somewhere else?
Spinel: No!
I jumped at her sudden shouting.
Spinel: I mean, is there anywhere else he can go?
Painite: I guess not.
Pink Diamond: I completely forgot about that device, hiding you will be harder than I thought.
Spinel: Do we have to hide him forever?
Painite: Now that you say that, I don't think I can be here forever.
Pink Diamond: I did not think that far ahead.
Spinel: Well, I'll keep him hidden forever.
Painite: (She seems really eager to keep me here.)
Pink Diamond: Well Spinel, you will have to, at least until we find him somewhere else to stay.
Painite: I don't want to get you in trouble my diamond.
Pink Diamond: Don't worry, just make yourself at home. I'll be back soon.
Pink Diamond went to the warp pad and left. I turned to Spinel.
Painite: You really want me to stay huh?
Spinel: Well, yeah. You are a great friend.
Painite: Thanks I guess.
I noticed she was squirming a lot.
Painite: Are you ok?
Spinel: Huh? Oh, yeah!
She gave me a wide smile.
Painite: If you say so.
Spinel: Let's play another game!
She pokes my nose.
Spinel: Tag! You're it!
She ran away giggling.
Painite: (Ah frag, here we go again.)
~~~4 weeks later
I was lying on the ground, staring at the stars.
Painite: They're so beautiful.
Pink Diamond: Enjoying the view?
Pink Diamond sat next to me.
Painite: Yes, my diamond.
Pink Diamond: Please, call me Pink.
Painite: Ok Pink.
Spinel slid in next to me.
Spinel: What'cha doing?
Painite: Looking at the stars.
Spinel: Again?
Painite: I just like looking at them.
Pink Diamond: They are amazing to look at.
Spinel: Hey Painite?
Painite: Yeah?
Spinel: If you don't mind me asking, what was it like for you back at Homeworld?
Painite: ....
Spinel: If you don't wanna talk about it you-
Painite: It sucked.
Spinel: ...Why?
Painite: Well for starters, I didn't really fit in with the other gems, as cliche as that may sound. I guess it's because I'm the male gem, which I don't see why it's a big deal.
Pink Diamond: Well, it could because people thought you can I say this?
Painite: A mistake?
Pink Diamond: That's...yes.
Spinel: That's not very nice.
Painite: Yeah, but I didn't let it get to me, at first at least. It didn't really help that the other Painites made fun of me. And then, there was that one time.
Spinel: That one time?
Painite: ...Yeah.
I sat up.
Painite: There was a Sapphire, her leg was trapped under some debris, with some more about to fall on her. Her Ruby Guards were nowhere to be seen. I was supposed to save her, but I wasn't...good enough. The debris fell on her, thankfully, she wasn't shattered. But I still felt guilty, and it didn't help that everyone just l from insulting me to downright attacking me.
I curled up a bit.
Painite: I pretty much became an outcast.
Spinel: That sounds horrible.
Painite: It was, and then I had my outburst. I don't even remember having these.
Pink Diamond: And that's what made you, as much as it pains me to say it, so dangerous. You would attack gems, and you won't even remember doing it.
I just nodded.
Painite: It sucks really, I actually kinda liked it there.
I started to tear up.
Painite: But, I guess I wasn't good enough for them.
Tears were pouring at this point, I felt arms wrap around me.
Spinel: Your are good enough, at least for me. I don't care what anyone else says.
I hugged Spinel back.
Painite: Thanks Spinel.
Pink Diamond joined in on the hug.
Pink Diamond: If it were up to me, I would have let you stay.
Painite: Thank you My Di...I mean Pink.
We broke the hug Spinel blushing?
Pink Diamond: Well, I have duties to attend to. I'll see you two soon.
Pink Diamond left via warp pad. I had a sad look on my face.
Spinel: Is something wrong?
Painite: There was...another reason why I didn't like Homeworld that much.
Spinel: ...W-why?
Painite: All the bullying, all the hatred, it eventually got to me.
I looked down at the ground.
Spinel: What do you mean?
Painite: I...I thought that...if everyone wanted me gone, I'll fulfill their wishes.
Spinel: Fulfill their wishes?
I didn't answer her. That was all I wanted to say about...what I tried.
Spinel: ....No....
I looked away from Spinel slightly.
Spinel: No!
Spinel grabbed my shoulders.
Spinel: Please tell me you didn't try to shatter yourself!
Painite: ...It felt like a good idea at the time.
Spinel looked at me with horror.
Painite: It...just felt like the only option.
Spinel: ...Please...don't....
Painite: Huh?
I looked at Spinel, she was crying.
Spinel: Please don't shatter yourself.
Painite: Woah Spinel don't worry, I don't have those thoughts anymore.
Spinel pulled me into a tight hug.
Spinel: Don't you ever do that!
I hugged Spinel back.
Painite: Spinel, I won't.
Spinel: Promise me, I want you to promise me.
It was silent, expect for Spinel silently crying into my shoulder.
Painite: I promise.
~~~2 months later
[Third person pov]
Painite was leaning against a pillar. He was extremely bored. He would ask Spinel to cheer him up, but she's juggling for Pink right now. Pink Diamond clapped, but then got a sad look on her face. Painite took notice to this.
Painite: (I feel like she's been losing interest in Spinel lately.)
Spinel finished her juggling act.
Painite: Nice job Spinel.
Spinel blushed a bit.
Spinel: Thanks Painite.
Painite: (She's been blushing every time I've complemented her.)
Spinel: You look kinda down Painite.
Painite: I, I'm kinda bored.
Spinel: Aw, I wish there was something I could-handstand!
She did her signature handstand, which always made me smile.
Painite: Thanks.
Pink Diamond: I need to leave, I'll back with you two soon.
Pink Diamond went to the warp pad and left. Painite looked at Spinel.
Painite: Are you ok?
Spinel: Huh? What do you mean?
Painite: It just feels like you've been acting...different lately.
Spinel: I idea what you're talking about.
Painite: If you don't want to talk about it, I won't make you.
Painite felt like Spinel was hiding something from him, bit he was hiding something from her too. Painite had started to develop feelings for Spinel ever since he told her about his experience at Homeworld. He's played with her more, talked more personal matters with her, and she's always been there for him. Even at his worst, Spinel always made sure to br by his side.
Spinel: Hey Painite?
Painite: Eh?
Spinel: you want
Painite: I kinda forgot how to do the Hokey Pokey.
Spinel shook her head.
Spinel: No,, dance.
Painite realized what she meant.
Painite: Oh. Dance dance.
Spinel weakly nodded.
Painite: Well, do you know how?
Spinel: Kinda.
It was silent for a moment.
Painite: ...Yeah, sure, let's do it!
Spinel eyes sparkled.
Spinel: Really?!
Painite nodded.
Spinel: Ok, just, don't judge me.
Painite: I was going to say that.
Spinel chuckled at his joke. Painite and Spinel walked to each other, Painite bowed and Spinel bowed back. Painite held out his hand which Spinel happily took. Painite gently pulled Spinel towards him, twirling her as he did. Spinel let go of Painite's hand and continued to twirl stopping with a pose. Painite started to smirk a bit. Spinel gracefully walked back to Painite with a smile on her face. Their hands met again, and they began to walk with each other.
Painite: This is going well.
Spinel: Yeah, I like this, we should do this more often.
Painite lifted Spinel by her waist and held her up. He gently put her back down.
Spinel: You're really good at this.
Painite: Look who's talking.
Painite backed of a bit, doing a dance of his own giving Spinel a flirty look. Spinel twirled towards Painite and jumped, Painite caught her and dipped her. Spinel wrapped her arms around Painite, and looked at him with dreamy eyes. Painite returned the look, and the two stared at each other. Spinel slowly closed the gap between her and Painite.
Painite: (Wait, is she-)
Painite's thoughts were cut off by Spinel planting a kiss on his lips. Painite's eyes shot open, he completely taken back by this gesture. But rather than fight it, he returned the kiss.
Spinel: (He's...he's kissing me back!)
Painite and Spinel did not expect this from each other, but they weren't going to complain. Suddenly, they began to glow. They felt their bodies changing, buy they didn't know into what.
~~~In some viod
Spinel looked around, trying to find out where she was. Painite was doing the same thing, but in a different area. Painite spotted Spinel, and ran to her. He reached for her hand, Spinel saw Painite and held out hers, but they were both shocked when their hands combined. They both looked at each other, and slowly reached for their other hands. They combined as well, which still surprised the two. Spinel gave Painite a curious look, to which Painite just smiled. Painite put his foot out and motioned towards it. Spinel smiled and put her foot next to his. They slid them together and did the same with their other feet. They looked at each other and nodded, they slowly put their heads together. Then, there was a flash.
~~~Back in the garden
There was a bright light in the garden, what came out it, was a fusion. Said fusion had long black hair covering two out of four eyes. She also had four arms and red skin. Her visible top eye was bloodshot, while the bottom one was normal. There was a pink heart shaped gem on her chest, and a red rectangular gem on her forehead. (The clothes can look how you want.)
This fusion, is Tanzanite. She was touching herself all over.
Tanzanite: Woah, what?
A voice sounding similar to Spinel came out.
(Spinel): What did we just do?
(Painite): I...think we fused.
Tanzanite looked down at herself and smirked.
Tanzanite: I'm the total package.
Pink Diamond came in on the warp pad.
Pink Diamond: *sigh* Hello-
She was taking back the stranger in her garden.
Tanzanite: Hey Pinky! How ya' doin' darling?
Pink Diamond: Who are you?
Tanzanite: I'm the bomb baby!
She said that with some sass.
Pink Diamond: Where are Painite and Spinel?
Tanzanite: Your looking at em'.
Pink Diamond looked at her confused, then noticed she had two gems.
Pink Diamond: ...Wait, you two fused?
Tanzanite: Bingo darling.
Pink Diamond: I don't believe it. You two actually managed to-
She was cut of by the communication device turning on.
Tanzanite: Oh shoot!
Her body turned into light, and Spinel and Painite defused.
Painite: Shoot shoot shoot shoot!
Painite hid behind a pillar as Spinel and Pink Diamond went to the device.
Yellow Diamond: Hello? Pink?
Blue Diamond: Are you there?
Pink Diamond: Yes, is there something you want to tell me?
Blue Diamond: Yes! It's great news!
Yellow Diamond: You Pink, are getting your own colony!
Pink Diamond and Spinel gasped.
Spinel: Yay!
Pink Diamond: Oh my, this is great news!
Spinel jumped up and down.
Spinel: Wohoo!
Pink Diamond: Thank you fo-
Spinel: I'm so happy!
Pink Diamond: ...For this.
Spinel: Woop woop!
Pink Diamond looked at Spinel with a annoyed face, then gave her fellow diamonds a nervous smile.
Blue Diamond: Hmmm, well have a good day.
Blue and Yellow Diamond waved good bye to Pink Diamond, and the device turned off. Once Painite heard it turn off, he cane from behind the pillar.
Painite: So your own colony, nice.
Spinel: I'm so happy for you Pinky! When are we going?
Pink Diamond didn't say a word, she just left with a very annoyed face.
Painite: O....k.
Painite looked at Spinel, who blushed and looked away from him. Painite walked over to Spinel.
Painite: ...Soooooooo.
Spinel: Mm-hm?
Painite: Are we like...ya' know.
Spinel twiddled her fingers.
Spinel: I-if you want. I mean-
She was cut off by Painite giving her a quick kiss on the lips.
Painite: I'd love that.
Spinel blushed harder.
Spinel: Really?
Painite lightly blushed.
Painite: Y-yeah.
Spinel gave Painite a huge hug.
Spinel: Oh Painite! You just made me the happiest girl in the universe!
Painite hugged her back.
Painite: Same here.
Spinel: Nothing can ruin this.
Painite: You got that right.
[Painite pov]
We could've kept our mouths shut. But no we just had to say it. We just had to. Hehehehehe. We're idiots.
~~~5 days later
[Third person pov]
Painite was playing around with his chain, making a bunch of shapes. Spinel was watching him.
Spinel: Make Pink Diamond!
Painite: Alright.
Painite spun his whip wildly, and made into the shape of Pink Diamond. Spinel clapped happily.
Spinel: You've gotten so good at this!
Painite: Thanks.
Painite gave Spinel a quick kiss.
Spinel: No problem.
Pink Diamond walked past, and Spinel winked at Painite. Spinel walked behind Pink Diamond with a goofy walk. Pink Diamond turned around and held her hand up. She kept walking and Spinel still followed. Pink Diamond turned around with an annoyed face, and kept walking. Spinel stretched her arms out, grabbed Pink Diamond's hand, and pulled her back giving her a goofy smile. Pink Diamond annoyed face was replaced with a warm smile.
Pink Diamond: Let's play a game.
Pink Diamond crouched down to her level.
Pink Diamond: It's called the stand very still game. Stand still here in the garden, if I come back and you're still here, you win.
Spinel: This will be so much fun.
Painite: (...I have a bad feeling.)
Pink Diamond smiled, and left via warp pad. And Spinel stood there, waiting for her to return.
Painite: So, you're just going to stand there?
Spinel: Yep.
Painite just shrugged.
Painite: Looks like a boring game, but you do you. Probably won't take long.
~~~2 weeks later
Spinel was still standing there.
Painite: Spinel?
Spinel: Mhm?
Painite: I think you should stop now.
Spinel: No! This is how you play!
Painite: I mean, it's been two weeks.
Spinel: That's how dedicated I am.
Painite: I don't know, something feels wrong.
~~~9 months later
Spinel's hair was fuzzy, she was still standing there.
Painite: ...Spinel-
Spinel: I don't want to hear it.
Painite got up, went to Spinel, and kissed her cheek.
Painite: You can't stand her forever.
Spinel: Yes I can! Watch me! ...Or maybe I'm not doing it right....
Painite: We can go somewhere else, we-
Spinel: You can go! I'm...I'm staying!
Painite looked at Spinel with a concerned face. The he put his hand in hers.
Painite: I'm not leaving you here alone, I'll stand with you.
Spinel smiled at Painite and teared up a bit.
Spinel: Thank you.
Painite: Yeah, I'm sure it's not that long now. It's not like she'll leave us here for thousands of years.
Spinel: Heh, yeah, that would be just evil.
~~~6 0 0 0 years later
Spinel and Painite were still in the garden, still holding hands, waiting for Pink. It didn't help that Painite was slowly going insane.
Painite: She...she has to come right. She, she won't just leave us here for 6000 years right? This, hehehe, this gotta be some elaborate joke!
Spinel: She'll be back...she has to come back.
Just then, the communication device turned one. Spinel and Painite looked at it. On screen was White Diamond.
Painite: ...My Diamond?
White Diamond: And now gems everywhere, I'm pleased to announce that Steven is finally ready to take his place, on Pink Diamond's throne!
Painite: Her throne?
The camera panned to a kid with curly hair and a pink jacket.
???: How's it going everybody?
The name Steven Universe appeared on screen.
Spinel: Who's Steven Universe?
Steven: I know you all might be thinking of me as the new Pink Diamond, but you don't have to put me on a throne.
Spinel: Wait, new?
Steven: I already have a rightful place, and it's on Earth!
Painite: ...Wait a second.
Steven: It's a beach house where I live with my friends, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl.
Spinel: ...Pinky's Pearl?
Steven: As much as I loved dismantling the empire and saving all your planets, I can't wait to get home and spend some quality time with my friends.
The camera panned back up to White Diamond.
White Diamond: ...Cut the feed.
Spinel's and Painite's eyes went wide. Spinel let go and Painite's hand, and broke free from the vines holding her in place. She ran to the communication device with teary eyes. Painite just stood there in complete shock. Just before Spinel got to it, it turned off. Spinel dropped her knees.
Spinel: ...She left us....
Painite put his back on a pillar and slid down it.
Painite: She...she left us here.
A huge smile spread across his face.
Painite: Of course! Of course she did. Hehehehe! Why would I think, that the same person who banished me, would want me? Wait, maybe she had a good reason. What reason would she have to leave you here? I...I don't know I-Face it! She didn't want Spinel! She definitely didn't want you! I...I....
Spinel wrapped her arms around Painite. She silently cried in his chest. Painite lifted her chin up so she can look at him. He to was crying.
Spinel: I should've listened to you. I-
She was cutoff by Painite giving her a kiss.
Painite: Don't, just don't.
The two embraced each other again.
Painite: Huh?
They looked up to see the pillar start to fall over them. They clung to each other as the pillar crushed them.
[Painite pov]
Painite: (...She left us...why? Why would she leave us? Did we do something wrong?)
Pink Diamond's words echoed through my head.
Pink Diamond: You were a mistake.
Painite: (She thought I was a mistake, she thought I was a monster. A good for nothing monster! ...Hehe, if I am a monster, Then I'll embrace it.
[Third person pov]
Their was a glow under the rubble, then a hamd shot out. Painite slowly crawled his way out. The rubble had poofed him and Spinel. He reformed himself, but added a few adjustments. For one, his skin is a much darker grey, and two, his eyes were much more bloodshot. Another glow came from the rubble, and a hand stretched out, and pulled the rest of the body with it. Spinel had freed herself from the rubble.
Spinel: What do you think?
Painite got a smile in his face.
Painite: Your still beautiful.
Spinel: Oh stop, you're gonna make me blush.
Painite got up.
Painite: So...what now?
Spinel: Why don't we meet Pink's, other friends?
Painite: ...Hehehehe...Hehehehe
Spinel: Hehehehe, heheheehehe
Painite+Spinel: HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Painite: Ready or not, here we come!
[A/n pov]
This should not have taken this long. This is the last chapter before the actual movie, sorry if this felt too fast. This won't be the last time Painite and Spinel fuse, they'll fuse again after the movie. Also, the way songs will work in this is if the song isn't really affected by Painite, I'll just do a video of the song. If it Painite does affect it, or sings in it, I'll make a chapter saying what he will say and do, and leave the songs instrumental(Like I did with other friends). I will have an after story, so if you to give suggestions, just comment. Kay, lataaaaa.
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