Part 43

A/N: Please don't be mad at me. 

Alex let his parents settled in the guest room and Henry insisted for them to go and enjoy their day when they could while he stayed back and work. Even though he is miles away but his work never stops. Alex hated how Henry had to continue working although he is barely recovering and here he was on his phone while his hands moves rapidly over the laptop by the corner of Alex's living space. He had a corner side table with his computer on and Henry had made a home there drowning in his work.

"I hate to see Henry this busy." Ellen came to Alex side as he cleaned up their breakfast and he slightly jumped by her sudden appearance. "Yeah, he is kind of a billionaire right now mum. Means no break." Alex says and Ellen can't keep her eyes off Henry by the table with his eyes sets dead on the laptop before him.

Alex poured himself a coffee and took a sip while he stayed in the kitchen with his mother while his father is by the balcony enjoying his cigar although his mother hated him for smoking, but she can't help loving the way Oscar look holding on to the cigar in between his lips. Alex poured a glass of water before he headed to their bedroom and headed back into the living room and headed to Henry with the glass of water in his hand.

Ellen witnessed him handing Henry his glass of water from behind him and dropped a couple of pills on his palm before he took it and drank the water from the glass. Alex leaned to kiss Henry on his temple before Henry continued back on his work while Alex went back to the kitchen and joined his mother. "What is that for?" Ellen asks seeing Alex put back the pill bottle inside his pocket. "For his seizure. He has took take it every day for the rest of his life." Alex says taking a sipped on his coffee.

Ellen sighed next to him as they both seated by the kitchen table and Ellen placed her reassuring hand on her son's shoulder. "This is not what you had in mind isn't it?" She asks and Alex sighed smiling at her. "This is exactly what I dreamt off. Being here with you guys and Henry is safe and sound. I just wish June was still here." He whispered and Ellen sighed leaning her head against Alex's shoulder. "Me too hun. She would adore Henry." Alex smiles at her word and his thought went to Henry's sister Bea.

"Henry had a sister once. She killed herself too after being tortured by her husband. The same guy who raped him when he was just twelve." Alex noticed how fast his mother shot up and turned her eyes at him, "Jesus Alex! Why didn't you mentioned this before?" She asks him and he shrugged, "It's not my place plus after Henry's gone, I don't want to keep reminding myself what that bastard did to him, he is the reason why Henry left that night. Now I got him back but only pieces of him." Alex stares at Henry still on his laptop and his soft faces that he had made Alex loves him more.


"So? Wedding plans. How long do you guys think you're gonna get engaged?" Oscar finally asked them as they both had dinner in one of the famous rooftop restaurant thanks to Henry considering his treat to Alex's parents while they are in town. Henry turned to face Alex by his side and he stares back, "I don't know about you but we barely had time to talk about it yet." Henry says and Alex nods, "I'm fine with anything, honestly if I could, I would just get us married in city hall and be done with it." Henry smiled widely at him before he leaned to kiss Alex on his lips. "That's what I had in mind." He says and Alex smiled kissing him on his lips again.

"Are you both crazy?" Ellen yells breaking them apart from their kisses, "You had one chance to do this and I'm gonna make sure you do it right." Ellen suggest and Alex groaned next to Henry, "Mum! This is our wedding and we planned it however we intended too okay. Don't get in the middle of it." He told her and she flicked her wrist at him. "Oh hush! It's not everyday your kid marrying a billionaire." She says and Henry snorted in laughter. "Mum!" Alex screamed back and Henry is enjoying this banter between Alex and Ellen and he surely misses every single bits of it. Oscar on the other hand tried to tell Ellen not to get overboard with her plan but she dismissed him too.

"How about this weekend, I'm sure I can get us both married at the courthouse. Maybe then we can have small ceremony at the Regis, I know few people can pull it off for me." Henry suggested and Ellen smiled widely at her son, who now holds a death stare at his mother. "See, Henry gets it done." She says before she sips through her wine glass and Henry can't help seeing Alex's annoyed face next to him and he pressed his lips over his cheek.


Considering they had only few days left to plan for the wedding, Henry had his whole day on the phone with Shan and he helped him to plan this wedding all by himself. Alex can't help feeling helpless at this but he managed to get the application papers for them to sign later and he had one of his photographer friends to be there for their magical day moments.

Henry is holding on to his planner writing down everything that is important including the catering and the flowers arrangement for their ceremonial dinner with Ellen by his side running through her list for the wedding and everything she and Henry agrees with. He put down the phone after ended the call and his vision got blurred all of a sudden and Henry had his fingers pinched his nose bridge making Ellen worried about him. "Are you okay?" She asks and he nods with a smile. "Who knows planning a simple wedding can be this tiring." He says and Ellen offered him a seat by the desk and he accept it.

"I'll make you some tea." She says and Henry thanked her. Alex came by his side later seeing Henry had his hand over his temple and his eyes are closed. Alex came from behind wrapping his fingers over Henry's shoulder and he flinched at the contact. "It's okay, it's me. Is it the headache?" He asks and Henry leaned back against the chair with Alex by his side, "Just, a bit, that's all." He says and Alex had a worried look on his face seeing Henry in pain and he wished he could make it better.

Alex didn't say anything else but his eyes caught the table arrangement Henry had for their ceremonial dinner after the wedding and can't help feeling sad about Henry side of the family. He took the iPad in his hand and noticed only a few people would be joining them both that night and Henry pulls him on his lap before their eyes met again. "Hey, everything okay?" He asks and Alex finally looked up to Henry's eyes.

"You know when we were a kid, June and I had this game where we pretended to plan for our future wedding. She always wanted a beach wedding and I wanted a forest theme." Henry chuckled next to him wrapping his arm around Alex's waist. "But I imagined my guest would be at least more than ten people. Also that my partner has his side of his family that loves me the way my family loves him." Henry eyes lowered to Alex's hand gripping on the iPad and noticed what he meant by then.

"I'm so sorry babe." Alex whispered and Henry pressed his lips over Alex's arm and smiled. Their eyes met and Henry's eyes are red holding on to his tears, "I will have my family there, I'm sure they are looking down on us. I don't need anyone else but you Alex. It's more than enough for me." Henry replies and Alex exhaled wrapped his arm over Henry's neck and he kissed him on his forehead. "I love you." He whispered and Henry smiles leaning into Alex's lips and they kissed softly, "I love you." He whispered back.


"Right so Henry will stay here with me and Alex you go to the hotel with your father." Ellen suggested the night before their wedding and Alex had his eyebrow crooked at his mother's weird obsession over superstitious wedding tradition. "Mum! Nonsense, we will be going to the courthouse together tomorrow and I am not staying in a hotel!" Alex protest and they can see how it annoys Ellen. "I have a list of how badly this things can go you wanna hear it?" She asks him sarcastically and he groaned.

"I'll stay at the hotel alone, you both stay here to keep an eye on him and I'll met you guys there tomorrow morning, okay?" Henry offers and Alex retorts not wanting to go through with this plan at all. "What? No! I'm not doing this stupid tradition just because we are getting married. You're staying here." He pulls Henry's arm back on the couch and Henry chuckled. "One night babe. Just one night and we both be together after for as long as I live." Henry cupped Alex's cheek in his hand and he pouted at him in protest but Henry couldn't help finding it too cute so he kissed him instead.

"I'll see you tomorrow love." He says and Alex saw him got up to grab his suits that they both had picked and Oscar offers him a ride but he declined considering he had his Uber waited downstairs for him. "Don't be late, text me when you wake up." Alex says from behind the couch and Henry smirked. "Nope. No text, no call, I'll meet you there." He says and Alex jumped from behind the couch for him. "What? Why?" He asks innocently and Henry smiled wider. "For fun. I'll make a dramatic entrance for you." He winked at Alex and he smirked at him. Alex wrapped his arm over Henry's neck and his eyes are staring deep into Henry's that had smirk formed on the corner of his lips.

"What are you planning on Mr Fox?" He asks him and Henry shook his head at him softly, "Nothing. Just waiting the last hours to mess around with you before making you mine." He says and Alex is not amused. "It's not funny, you better don't be late tomorrow or I'll send a whole New York police to escort you." Henry chuckled in Alex's arm and Alex laughs as well, "My dramatic king." He leaned to kiss Alex on his lips and Alex exhaled feeling the sudden longing for Henry to stay. But in his mind, he just keep reminding himself that it's just for one night and he will have Henry back in his arm for as long as he wanted him too.

The morning light came the next morning and Ellen is already up and on her feet waking Alex up yelling at his ass for getting ready. "Mum! Please tell me you're leaving Austin tonight cause I can't have my wedding night with you guys in the next room." Alex asks and Oscar laughs at him considering his wife had her murderous look on her face. "And you think we both wanted to listen to you both fuck around? We are coming back here and you go back to the hotel with Henry. Considered it our wedding gift." She says and Alex smirked, "What is it?" He asks and Ellen shrugged, "You'll see it tonight." She says and Alex jumped in happiness before he decides to get ready.

It was around ten in the morning by the time Alex reached the courthouse and he was greeted with Nora and Sophia side by side with a smile on their face. "I thought I will see you guys at the ceremonial dinner tonight." He asks and Nora shrugs her shoulder, "We can't let you get married without us by your side, don't you?" Sophia says and Alex smiled staring at her face. "Is that mean you forgave Henry and ready to accept him?" He asks her and she rolled her eyes at him. "I have my reasons but I think Henry had his too. And I know how much he loves you, otherwise we won't be here today anyway." Sophia told him and Alex smiled before he wrapped his arm around her and Nora altogether.

It was two hours later and they are all waiting for Henry by the courthouse before Alex was greeted with Shan panting in his breath, "I'm so sorry I'm late." He says shaking Alex's hand in his, "You're not, because we haven't start, we're still waiting on Henry." He says and Shan crooked his eyebrow at him in concern. "Henry isn't here yet?" He asks and Alex shook his head with his phone pressed over his ears, "I tried to call him but he didn't answer, I'm waiting for the car to fetch me and sent me to the hotel Henry's staying." Alex told Shan and he shook his head at him. "No. You stay here, they need at least one groom to be here or they'll cancelled your wedding today. I'll go check on him. I call you once I got a hold on him." Shan told Alex and he wanted to protest at first but Shan is right, he can't go anywhere otherwise they thought he bailed and they will give his slot to someone else.

He went back inside to join his parents and his best friends and they all had a concerned look on their face, "Anything from Henry?" Ellen asks and Alex shook his head, "Shan is heading there to check on him. Do you think Henry bails?" He asks them and they all shared a same look considering this isn't the first time Henry took off. "No mijo, Henry will not do that to you again, I know he loves you more than anything. We'll just wait for Shan to tell us anything okay?" Oscar says and Alex sighed feeling the tightness in his stomach grew.

Shan told the driver to hurry as they rushed through New York's traffic headed to the hotel where Henry had stayed and immediately went to the reception counter, "Hai, I need an extra key for Henry Fox suite." Shan told the concierge and she shook her head signing it's not possible, "I'm sorry sir but it's not allowed. May I know what this is about?" She asks and Shan is feeling the rage building up in him but he held it professionally.

"Listen, I'm sure someone called here earlier asking to check on Mr Fox well being considering he was supposed to be at the courthouse by now and getting married but he isn't, so unless you want me to get the NYFD to come and break your door down and had it fixed on your term, you better give me that fucking key and called an ambulance to come right fucking now!" He can see the concierge's hand in shakiness calling an ambulance and handed him the extra set of card key and before Shan left she asks him what should she tell them for the nature of the emergency, "Just tell them you have a sick guest and unsure of the nature." She nods before she continued on calling the operator.

Shan sprinted to the elevator and found Henry's room by the end of the hallway and immediately put the card to use. He went inside and rushed to find the room Henry had slept in considering the suite is damn big and it can fit a whole family here.

"Henry?!" He yells out his name but the suite is quiet, almost feel like it was empty. "Henry?" He calls again and found the room with the door closed and he walked inside. As he stepped further he found Henry fast asleep on bed. "Henry. You're late!" He screamed as he opened the curtain of the window and it shines the light into the room but Henry is still asleep. Shan went to his side and pulls away the blanket to wake him up but Henry didn't.

"Henry?" He called and Henry didn't even flicked a finger, he was just lying there, not moving, not responding. "Henry!" Shan yells louder and got on the bed before he pressed his finger over Henry's neck, "Henry! Wake up!" He felt the faint pulse on his neck but unsure why didn't Henry wake up. He tapped on his cheek repeatedly to wake him but Henry didn't even budge.

"Henry wake up! WAKE UP! HENRY!" Shan screamed louder pressing his knuckles over Henry's chest and hoped he would but he didn't. Minutes later the paramedics came and Shan is glad for them as they pushed their stretcher in and immediately went to Henry side to check on him. "Sir, any medical issue for him?" The medic asks and Shan nods frantic. "He has seizure disorder and chronic migraine." He replies and they all checked on Henry vitals still couldn't get him to wake up.

They tried the smelling salt and they tried shooting up glucose thinking it was low but Henry still didn't wake up. "Sir, we're bringing him to the County hospital. Would you like to follow us?" The medic asks and Shan shook his head, "I'll meet you there." Shan watches as Henry being wheeled into the ambulance while he ask the driver to drove him back to Alex and he couldn't talk to Alex about this over a phone. He couldn't, this would break him and he worried how Alex might react.

By the time he arrived at the courthouse, he can see Alex sitting by the steps and the moment he saw Shan arrived opening the car door, his eyes glistened for Henry coming out from behind him but the only one did was Shan. "Where is he?" He asks and his parents stood behind him with Nora and Sophia.

"Alex, I need you to calm down and listen to me." Shan starts and Alex saw his hand tried to hold him but he pulls back with a confused look on his face. "What the fuck is going on?! Where is Henry?!" He asks and Shan took a sharp breath before he continued. "We need to get you to the hospital, Henry is being transported there as we speak." Shan told him and he can see the dropped on his face after he heard him. "What happened?" Alex asks and his voice is almost a whispered with his parent holding on to his arm to support him.

"He didn't wake up. I don't know why but Henry didn't wake up." The word came down like bricks hitting Alex over and over and he can feel his heart is breaking into pieces on the inside. Shan pulls him towards the car followed by his parents and Nora and Sophia told them to meet at the hospital. They all headed to the hospital in hoping that everything is alright with Henry and the whole ride, Alex can't help praying over Henry's life. 

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